install node 18 from here:
setup for windows:
- android:
- ios: you can not run on windows
setup for mac:
- android:
- ios:
Install npm packages: npm i
(Only on mac) Install pods for iOS: npx pod-install
Start only the metro server: npm run start
- use this the node_modules didn't change and the application is already installed on the test device
Android: npm run android
(Only on mac) iOS: npm run ios
We can use this package to create components with predefined styles
More information:
For all reusable thing, like buttons, headers, texts
The navigation logic, if we would have a registration flow, we should have to create a new navigator for that - that would be here
One screen of the application, the screens render/contain the components
The types, interfaces for example an API call
The actual API calls
If we need to store some data, which we using on multiple screen, the we should create a store for it, so we can access to that data from everywhere.
Helper things, like regex checks, so we can use those in several screens/components