ForgeRock has now closed off the unauthenticated downloads from this means that the script would have to violate the ForgeRocks EULA/terms and conditons if it where to auto-download.
A workaround is in progress, but until further notice identity-stack-dockerized will not work.
Place your binaries in bin/zip/ (like bin/zip/ or in folders like bin/openam (the extracted zip file), bin/opendj, bin/openidm
The update also fetches some new config files into separate folders for OpenIDM and PostgreSQL, which you might need if the default database schema has changed.
$ docker-compose up
"If you are using Docker Machine on Mac or Windows, your Docker daemon has only limited access to your OS X or Windows filesystem." So make sure you use a path starting with /Users/ or /c/Users/ for OS X and Windows.
$ docker create --name repo -v $(pwd):/opt/repo debian:jessie /bin/true
$ docker run -d --name opendj --volumes-from repo kimdane/opendj-nightly
$ docker run -d --link opendj --name openam-svc-a --volumes-from repo kimdane/openam-nightly
$ docker run -d --link opendj --name openam-svc-b --volumes-from repo kimdane/openam-nightly
$ docker run -d --name postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=openidm -e POSTGRES_USER=openidm -v $(pwd)/postgres:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d postgres
$ docker run -d --link opendj --link postgres --name openidm --volumes-from repo kimdane/openidm-nightly
$ docker run -d -p 443:443 -p 80:80 -p 636:636 -p 389:389 --restart=always --link opendj --link openam-svc-a --link openam-svc-b --link openidm --name kimdane/haproxy-iam
$ docker run --rm --link openam-svc-a --link openam-svc-b --link opendj --name ssoconfig --volumes-from repo kimdane/ssoconfig-nightly
(You might need to run the last container twice if configuration fails first time.)
$ mkdir $(pwd)/pgdata
-e PGDATA=/usr/local/postgresql/data/pgdata -v $(pwd)/pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata
$ mkdir -p $(pwd)/logs/openidm
-v $(pwd)/logs/openidm:/opt/openidm/logs
$ mkdir -p $(pwd)/logs/openam-svc-a/log
-v $(pwd)/logs/openam-svc-a/log:/root/openam/openam/debug
$ mkdir -p $(pwd)/logs/openam-svc-a/debug
-v $(pwd)/logs/openam-svc-a/debug:/root/openam/openam/debug
Update /etc/hosts with the IP of your docker host and as an alias
$ sudo -Es 'echo $(echo $DOCKER_HOST | egrep -o "\b(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}\b") >> /etc/hosts'
(The HaProxy is also set up with TLS for HTTPS and LDAPS)
By default, the containers do not include peristence and data in openAM and openDJ will be lost if the containers are destoyed.
Scripts are provided to help make it easy to enable and disable peristence.
$ ./
will modify the docker-compose file in place to add support for persistence and $ ./
will remove it as well as delete the persistnece folders that have been created.