Nothing important.
Install dependencies
npm install
- app
----- controllers/
---------- articles.js <!-- the article controller to set up CRUD -->
---------- users.js <!-- the user controller to set up CRUD -->
----- helpers/
---------- token.js <!-- the token helpers for check token -->
---------- validator.js <!-- the validator helper to validate datas to handle CRUD -->
---------- view.js <!-- the view helper -->
----- models/
---------- Articles.js <!-- the nerd model to handle CRUD -->
---------- Users.js <!-- the nerd model to handle CRUD -->
----- routes/
---------- index.js <!-- the router for seperate article's to user's path -->
---------- Articles.js <!-- the article route -->
---------- Users.js <!-- the user route -->
- config
----- config.js
- node_modules <!-- created by npm install -->
- public <!-- all frontend and angular stuff -->
----- src
----- index.html
---------- app.js <!-- angular application -->
--------------- routing.module.js <!-- angular routes -->
--------------- article <!-- article files -->
--------------- user <!-- user files -->
--------------- model
- .gitignore <!-- ignored files by git -->
- mongod <!-- shortcut to setup database -->
- mongodRepair <!-- shortcut to repair database -->
- .bowerrc <!-- tells bower where to put files (public/libs) -->
- bower.json <!-- tells bower which files we need -->
- package.json <!-- tells npm which packages we need -->
- server.js <!-- set up our node application -->
Run mongodb-server
sudo mongod --storageEngine wiredTiger --dbpath data/db
or exec mongod file
sudo ./mongod
A simple command to set DEV-env & run server.
npm start
A simple command to set DEV-env & run server.
cd public && npm i && ng serve
For demo, you can visit this link.
We use Git for versioning. For the versions available, see the this repository.
- Laurent Martinez - Kiloumap - [email protected]
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details