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Release Creation

DaGeRe edited this page Nov 27, 2024 · 7 revisions


In the remaining document the version number is represented by $VERSION and the previous version with $PREVIOUS.


1. Prepare unit tests

Check if the generated unit tests are available for all records of previous release. This task is normally done at the end of a release and integrated into the master branch.

  • If this is not the case
    • Check out previous release branch $PREVIOUS
    • Run Eclipse function to scan record API and generate test classes
    • Run tests
    • On errors determine cause and create tickets
    • Commit and push changes, and merge them in the current master
    • Switch to master HEAD
  • Run tests
  • If errors occur trigger tickets to fix those issues. Only on success proceed.

2. Initialize release branch

  • Fetch everything from the remote repository: git fetch
  • Checkout stable: git checkout stable
  • Ensure that the stable branch is up to date: git rebase origin/stable
  • Create a branch for the release: git checkout -b $VERSION-RC
  • Set the final release version number
    • In the file: kiekerVersion = $VERSION
    • In bin/dev/ (and the other shell files in the same folder)
  • Manually modify the following files: CITATION.cff, codemeta.json
  • Update the copyright year tags in the source files by
    • Adjusting the year in the updateLicenseHeaderYear task
    • ./gradlew updateLicenseHeaderYear
  • Modify the HISTORY file
  • Modify the documentation/quick-start-guide.rst file: Update the version number
  • Execute a build to update version strings etc.: ./gradlew clean distribute -x check -x test
  • Commit the changes
  • Push the branch: git push -u origin $VERSION

3. Download all release files

Save the files downloaded from the Jenkins job. An all-in-one zip can be obtained from<version>/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/*zip*/
Copy HISTORY to root dir as README unzip && cp kieker-*/HISTORY README && rm -rf kieker-1.11/
Compute MD5 sums for all files
    Linux: md5sum * > md5sums.txt
    Mac md5 * > md5sums.txt
Compare MD5 sums with the files on Jenkins!

4. Publish release files on GitHub

  • Create a release
  • Select to create a new tag and select the branch
  • Release name is "Kieker "
  • Upload files: HISTORY, binaries, javadoc,

5. Upload to Maven repository

  • The artifacts should be uploaded to Sonatype in the staging area (check whether the last Jenkins job was successful)
  • Login to (with Sonatype JIRA credentials)
  • Go to the staging repositories and check whether everything is alright (the process can still be stopped here; if you release it, that irreversible)
  • Close the repository, wait for a few minutes, and afterwards release the repository

6. Announce Release

8. Post Release

  • Create a tag for $VERSION (for instance, git tag $VERSION && git push origin $VERSION)
  • Create a branch from the release branch to merge the changes back to main: git checkout -b $VERSION-back-to-main
  • Update version number in the file (remember to include -SNAPSHOT!)
  • Execute ./gradlew clean build -x check -x test to update version strings
  • Update version number in the Eclipse settings (@since tag) .settings/org.eclipse.jdt.ui.prefs
  • Commit the changes and push
  • git commit -am "merging release branch back to main"
  • git push origin $VERSION-back-to-main
  • Create a pull request on GitHub to the main branch
  • Wait for the checks of the pull request to be successful
  • Delete local and remote branch $VERSION
       git branch -d 1.9
       git push origin --delete 1.9

9. Initial Actions for Next Version

  • Create ticket to remove artifacts marked with @deprecated (to be removed in X.YZ) iff the next release is a major release