Releases: kevinhng86/Java-host.fai.lib.faiNumber - Version 1.0.0.f
This is the first release version of Currently, there are 10 official binary builds for this version to ensure long term compatibility of this library.
Each jar file is released with a SHA256 checksum file and a PGP signature file. Use to verify the PGP signature. is provided for Linux user to quickly validate the SHA256 checksum. Future released may include a checksum validator for Windows.
fainumber, where "number" is none capitalized, are Maven built releases.
faiNumber, where "Number" is capitalized, are manually built releases.
fainumber-1.#.#.f -> Support JDK 7+. Built with a version of JDK 11+ compiler.
fainumber-1.#.#.f-(n) -> Support JDK n+. Built with a version of JDK (n) compiler.
(The smallest of n is 8).
Note that for this document, a version of could be of any minor version of the major
version. For example a version of JDK 11 compiler could be JDK 11.0.0, JDK 11.0.1
, or similars.