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Jos Wilson edited this page Apr 11, 2018 · 30 revisions

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The current Graphics Engine Setup

  • I'm currently running the map under the Quake 3 Arena Engine (, since this is just an excellent open source game graphics engine.
  • For the purposes of Go Pyramid you only need the binaries, Quake 3 Arena can be obtained from a lot of places on the internet legally without any cost. I downloaded mine from (Note: Select the setup inside Quake 3 folder not the one in the root, think this worked on older platforms). This was the original release of Quake 3 Arena and it will still ask u for a CD-Key.
  • Next step is to download the Quake 3 Arena Point Release v 1.32 and install this on top of the original version installed in the previous step (I got mine it from

Blog refs : .....

Conversion of Maps from .skp (Sketcup) to .Stl to .Map Files

Create BSP files for the Map

  • The file u created is now a direct translation from the sketcup file, but note that sketchup store it graphics in vertexes (collection of 3 points in space, while game graphics engines prefer brushes collection of 4 points in space, thus to be more block orientated to enhance the game play.
  • To Create this game play file u will need a Radiant tool of some sort to compile it into BSP format, I recommend any of the following, I used NetRadiant 1.5.
    • Q3Radiant (Original Quake 3 Editor)
    • GtkRadiant (Mostly recommended)
    • NetRadiant 1.5.0n (Note all the Radiants are different GUI's on the Q3Radiant Engine - the Quake 3 Editor Engine)
    • Trenchbroom 2.0.2

Net Radiant comes with a BSP exporter, but also registers your component in quake via Q3Map2(...) which is handy, it creates a Pyramid.pk3 file, which the Quake 3 engine uses. [Need details on Q3Map2 here!] Open the file in NetRadiant Build Types: *Full Build = Single Bsp + Single Viz + Single light where : *Bsp contains the structure (also file extension but viz and light gets added to Pyramid.bsp as well) *Viz only render what I can see. *Light renders the Lights

  • Do all 3 to get full game ready in Pyramid.bsp file.

  • Note u will get tons of MAP LEAK errors if it is a new map, due to the conversion. The Point is to Explore (Play) while u fix these errors, so for now just bypass them and build a Hollow box in GtkRadiant or copy it from the example map, then put your map inside this box. U can then get your map going in Quake 3 and fix these errors as u design.

  • Remember to also add lights if u do the single Light build, else its pretty dark when u play, also add a Player_info_start entity, else the map won't start.

  • (If your map from Sketch up is to big, you'll have to straighten out the map and fix all map leaks first, else it will probably use to much memory - [Details!!!]

Upload Map files into the Graphics Engine

  • Once u got your bsp file u need to add it to the game engine, u could just copy it to the baseq3 folder and it should work, but we need to do setups for these [Details!!!]. Where skipping these for now and just call make .pk3 via Build Menu in NetRadiant.

  • (Note this should auto add the map to quake,It could fail if QMap32 generated command points to game directory, instead of base, if u get some texture issue,make sure ...Radiant links to the game directory C:\Program Files\Quake III Arena - u can config Quake 3 under Quake 2 in netradiant options))

Run Quake Desktop:

  • Escape when asked for CD Key then press ` (tilda key), this brings up command window:
  • type /map Pyramid
  • It should connect to your map and u can explore - check [Troubleshooting] if not.
  • Note u need to crouch in some places going down the well.

Web Host Your Map

  • U need to have a editor for this I use Visual studio Code :

  • Go to GitHub project and complete, register your map [Details!!!]

[Page that explains how to add textures - WADS] ['Weapons' in Archaeology mode: 1.Info 2.Translate 3.Authenticate, 4.Existing, 5.Bookmark, 6.Upload, 7....]


  • Id Software
  • Sketchup
  • Blender
  • Radiants
  • QuakeJs

[Focus on Archaeology]

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