The objective of ArkExplorer's is to visit archeological sites in arcade style (1st/3rd person shooter) with the option to use as a game map and in addition with archaeological functions and contribution editor. Please Note: Left Click the mouse on the cross to enable movements via keyboard W,A,S,D and look around by moving mouse, space to jump
- Valley of the Kings (KV1 - KV62)
- Valley of the Queens (QV1 - QV?)
- Giza Plato
- Titanic (Suggested x 2)
- Info/Zoom/Detail/Inspect - (e.g. wikipedia)
- 3rd Person (JetPack see Duke Nukem + god mode)
- Upload Images,etc
- Comments
- Torch
- Translate
- History - TimeLine, story, rulers, etc. [Contribute]
- Engine - Web GL Engine (
- Maps - Sketcup (skp)->.stl->Blender->.map->NetRadiant->.map(quake3)
- Prtotype on LumberYard, Unity, Unreal first
- User Registration
- Id Software
- Sketchup & Artists.
- Blender
- Radiant(s)
- quake_webgl
- Minimize "Loading..." time - need portals!
- Change default keys to cursor
- Landscape
- Add artifacts
- Fix getting stuck,etc
- Fix leaks
- Add portals (Map jumping)
- Add selection Code
- Map Changes -- Complete Grand Gallary