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Jos Wilson edited this page Apr 11, 2018 · 30 revisions

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The current Graphics Engine Setup

  • I'm currently running the map under the Quake 3 Arena Engine (, since this is just an excellent open source game graphics engine.
  • For the purposes of Go Pyramid you only need the binaries, Quake 3 Arena can be obtained from a lot of places on the internet legally without any cost. I downloaded mine from (Note: Select the setup inside Quake 3 folder not the one in the root, think this worked on older platforms). This was the original release of Quake 3 Arena and it will still ask u for a CD-Key.
  • Next step is to download the Quake 3 Arena Point Release v 1.32 and install this on top of the original version installed in the previous step (I got mine it from

Blog refs : .....

Conversion of Maps from .skp (Sketcup) to .Stl to .Map Files

#Create BSP files for the Map

  • The file u created is now a direct translation from the sketcup file, but note that sketchup store it graphics in vertexes (collection of 3 points in space, while game graphics engines prefer brushes collection of 4 points in space, thus to be more block orientated to enhance the game play.
  • To Create this game play file u will need a Radiant tool of some sort to compile it into BSP format, I recommend any of the following, I used NetRadiant 1.5.. , but u can use any of the following
    • Q3Radiant (Original Quake 3 Editor)
    • GtkRadiant (Mostly recommended)
    • NetRadiant 1.5.0n (Note all the Radiants are different GUI's on the Q3Radiant Engine - the Quake 3 Editor Engine)
    • Trenchbroom (Awesome!)

Net Radiant comes with a BSP exporter, but also registers your component in quake via Q3Map2(...) which is handy, it creates a Pyramid.pk3 file, which the Quake 3 engine uses. [Need details on Q3Map2 here!] Open the file in NetRadiant Build Types: *Full Build = Single Bsp + Single Viz + Single light where : *Bsp contains the structure (also file extension but viz and light gets added to Pyramid.bsp as well) *Viz only render what I can see. *Light renders the Lights

Do all 3 to get full game ready in Pyramid.bsp file.

Note u will get tons of MAP LEAK errors if it is a new map, due to the conversion. The Point is to Explore (Play) while u fix these errors, so for now just bypass them and build a Hollow box in GtkRadiant or copy it from the example map, then put your map inside this box. U can then get your map going in Quake 3 and fix these errors as u design.

Remember to also add lights if u do the single Light build, else its pretty dark when u play, also add a Player_info_start entity, else the map won't start.

(If your map from Sketch up is to big, you'll have to straighten out the map and fix all map leaks first, else it will probably use to much memory - [Details!!!]

#Upload Map files into the Graphics Engine Once u got your bsp file u need to add it to the game engine, u could just copy it to the baseq3 folder and it should work, but we need to do setups for these [Details!!!]. Where skipping these for now and just call make .pk3 via Build Menu in NetRadiant.

(Note this should auto add the map to quake,It could fail if QMap32 generated command points to game directory, instead of base, if u get some texture issue,make sure ...Radiant links to the game directory C:\Program Files\Quake III Arena - u can config Quake 3 under Quake 2 in netradiant options))

#Setup, Edit and Start of Map in Quake 3 Desktop

Run Quake Desktop:

  • Escape when asked for CD Key then press ` (tilda key), this brings up command window:
  • type /map Pyramid
  • It should connect to your map and u can explore - check [Troubleshooting] if not.
  • Note u need to crouch in some places going down the well.

#Web Host Your Map

  • U need to have a editor for this I use Visual studio Code :

  • Go to GitHub project and complete, register your map [Details!!!]

[Page that explains how to add textures - WADS] ['Weapons' in Archaeology mode: 1.Info 2.Translate 3.Authenticate, 4.Existing, 5.Bookmark, 6.Upload, 7....]


  • Id Software
  • Sketchup
  • Blender
  • Radiants
  • QuakeJs
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