To begin development on the static site, open ./Site/index.html
in your browser and IDE and begin development.
To begin development on the serverless functions, open ./Functions/index.js
in your IDE and begin development. You will want to use firebase emulators:start
to leverage Firebase Local Emulator Suite for debugging. Be sure that you have sure to have Node.js v16.x.x installed.
- Create a Pull Request to merge a new feature branch into the Main branch.
- Firebase Hosting GitHub Action will build and deploy the new changes to a Preview Channel on Firebase Hosting.
- After testing the features at the Preview Channel URL, merge the Pull Request into the Main branch.
- Firebase Hosting GitHub Action will build and deploy the new changes to the Live Channel on Firebase Hosting.
$Date = Get-Date -Format "dddd-MM-dd-yyyy-HH-mm-ss"
$Channel = "Preview-" + $Date
firebase hosting:channel:deploy $Channel --expires 7d --project starstruck-github-app-bee1b
Date=$(date +'%A-%m-%d-%Y-%H-%M-%S')
firebase hosting:channel:deploy $Channel --expires 7d --project starstruck-github-app-bee1b
Windows / Linx
firebase deploy --only hosting --project starstruck-github-app-bee1b
Not yet implemented.
- Create a Pull Request to merge a new feature branch into the Main branch.
- Merge the Pull Request into the Main branch.
- GitHub Actions will build and deploy the new changes to Firebase Functions.
Windows / Linx
firebase deploy --only functions --project starstruck-github-app-bee1b
This static site was created using the "One Page Portfolio Website Template" from Designmodo.