Pytorch workspace for classification projects. Few model options available, including a standard CNN Classifier, Pre-trained AlexNet, Pre-trained ResNet50, and other standard architectures.
Code is ready for cpu or gpu training.
Automatic launch of tensorboard (deleting old logs everytime we run train)
First decide classes (Model/
classes = ["class1", "class2", "class3" ...., "class20"]
This code opens camera stream. Click space bar to take image, and append to labels.csv
For example, if we would like to collect data for label = 2
python -m Data.collect -c 2
code will name the images label_#perclass.jpg
Select model and loss
For example:
model = LastLayer_Alexnet()
loss = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss().to(device)
Test your model.
python -m Live_inference.live_inference
if no model given as argument, newest model in Model/saved_models is used (optional) Prediction default to running majority of a window_size.