$ python install.py path-to-aer-tars/ aer
$ python createModel.py
$ python readTAPE5lblrtm.py models/maunakea/TAPE5_lblrtm
$ python plotSpectrum.py models/maunakea/TAPE30_maunakea
$ python install.py AER-tars-dir source-dir build-dir, or
$ python install.py AER-tars-dir source-and-build-dir
- where AER-tars-dir contains aer_lblrtm_v12.X_lnfl_v3.X.tar.gz and aer_v_3.X.tar.gz
- request AER tars from http://rtweb.aer.com/lblrtm_code.html
$ python run.py --lblrtm model-dir, run only LBLRTM to produce model
$ python run.py --lnfl model-dir, run only LNFL to produce linefile for LBLRTM
- makeTAPE5lblrtm.py, cannot be run from command line
- makeTAPE5lnfl.py, cannot be run from command line
$ python readTAPE5lblrtm.py path-to/TAPE5_lblrtm
- edit main function to enter parameters
- algorithms are NOT polished
$ python fitter.py algorithm-int-0-to-3 path-to/input-spectrum-file
- edit main function to enter parameters
$ python createModel.py
$ python plot.py path-to/TAPE30-or-29-28-27