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# hexo-deployer-git
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Git deployer plugin for [Hexo].
## Notice: Fatal HttpRequestException Error on pushing to GitHub?
Update [Git for Windows](https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/releases) to the latest version. ([Details](https://github.com/Microsoft/Git-Credential-Manager-for-Windows#notice-experiencing-github-pushfetch-problems))
## Installation
``` bash
$ npm install hexo-deployer-git --save
## Options
You can configure this plugin in `_config.yml`.
``` yaml
# You can use this:
type: git
repo: <repository url>
branch: [branch]
token: ''
message: [message]
name: [git user]
email: [git email]
extend_dirs: [extend directory]
ignore_hidden: false # default is true
ignore_pattern: regexp # whatever file that matches the regexp will be ignored when deploying
# or this:
type: git
message: [message]
repo: <repository url>[,branch]
- [extend directory]
- [another extend directory]
public: false
[extend directory]: true
[another extend directory]: false
[folder]: regexp # or you could specify the ignore_pattern under a certain directory
# Multiple repositories
# Either syntax is supported
[repo_name]: <repository url>[,branch]
url: <repository url>
branch: [branch]
- **repo**: Repository settings, or plain url of your repo
- **url**: Url of your repositury to pull from and push to.
- **branch**: Optional git branch to deploy the static site to.
- Defaults to `gh-pages` on GitHub.
- Defaults to `coding-pages` on Coding.net.
- Otherwise defaults to `master`.
- **token**: Optional token value to authenticate with the repo. Prefix with `$` to read token from environment variable (recommended). Repo must be a http(s) url. [More details](#deploy-with-token).
- **repo_name**: Unique name when deploying to multiple repositories.
* Example:
``` yaml
# Either syntax is supported
github: https://github.com/user/project.git,branch
url: https://gitee.com/user/project.git
branch: branch_name
- **branch**: Git branch to deploy the static site to. Branch name specified in `repo:` takes priority.
- **message**: Commit message. Defaults to `Site updated: {{ now("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") }}`.
- **name** and **email**: User info for committing the change, overrides global config. This info is independent of git login.
- **extend_dirs**: Additional directories to publish. e.g `demo`, `examples`
- **ignore_hidden** (Boolean|Object): whether ignore hidden files to publish. GitHub requires the `.nojekyll` in root.
* Boolean: for all dirs.
* Object: for public dir and extend dir:
* `public`: the public dir defaults.
* [extend directory]
- **ignore_pattern** (Object|RegExp): Choose the ignore pattern when deploying
* RegExp: for all dirs.
* Object: specify the ignore pattern under certain directory. For example, if you want to push the source files and generated files at the same time to two different branches. The option should be like
# _config.yaml
- type: git
repo: git@github.com:<username>/<username>.github.io.git
branch: master
- type: git
repo: git@github.com:<username>/<username>.github.io.git
branch: src
extend_dirs: /
ignore_hidden: false
public: .
### Deploy with token
While this plugin can parse authentication token from the config, only use this method if you are sure the config will not be committed, including to a private repo. A more secure approach is to add it to the CI as an environment variable, then simply add the name of the environment variable to this plugin's config (e.g. `$GITHUB_TOKEN`).
Additional guides:
- Create a GitHub Personal Access Token. [[Link]](https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-personal-access-token-for-the-command-line)
- Add authentication token to Travis CI. [[Link]](https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/environment-variables/#defining-variables-in-repository-settings)
## How it works
`hexo-deployer-git` works by generating the site in `.deploy_git` and *force pushing* to the repo(es) in config.
If `.deploy_git` does not exist, a repo will initialized (`git init`).
Otherwise the curent repo (with its commit history) will be used.
Users can clone the deployed repo to `.deploy_git` to keep the commit history.
git clone <gh-pages repo> .deploy_git
## Reset
Remove `.deploy_git` folder.
``` bash
$ rm -rf .deploy_git
## License
[Hexo]: https://hexo.io/