Sphinx extension to build Confluence storage format files and optionally publish them to a Confluence instance.
If publishing:
- Confluence Cloud or Server 6.6+
The recommended method to installing this extension is using pip:
pip install sphinxcontrib-confluencebuilder
python -m pip install sphinxcontrib-confluencebuilder
For a more in-depth installation information, see also:
Atlassian Confluence Builder for Sphinx - Installation
- Register the extension
in the project's configuration script (conf.py
extensions = ['sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder']
- Run sphinx-build with the builder
sphinx-build -b confluence . _build/confluence -E -a
python -m sphinx -b confluence . _build/confluence -E -a
For more information on the usage of this extension, see also:
Atlassian Confluence Builder for Sphinx - Tutorial
The following is an example of a simple configuration for Confluence generation and publishing:
extensions = ['sphinxcontrib.confluencebuilder']
confluence_publish = True
confluence_space_name = 'TEST'
confluence_parent_page = 'Documentation'
confluence_server_url = 'https://intranet-wiki.example.com'
confluence_server_user = 'username'
confluence_server_pass = 'password'
For a complete list of configuration options, see also:
Atlassian Confluence Builder for Sphinx - Configuration
For a complete list of directives supported by this extension, please consult:
Atlassian Confluence Builder for Sphinx - Directives
The set of example documents used to assist in validation/testing can be found here:
Atlassian Confluence Builder for Sphinx - Validation Set
The active and older versions of published validation documents can be found here:
Atlassian Confluence Builder for Sphinx - Online Demo on Confluence Cloud
For a complete list of supported markup, consult the following:
Atlassian Confluence Builder for Sphinx - Markup