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jin-jae Header

👋   Hello    Visitor

Hello, my name is Jinjae Kim. Nice to meet you :)

I am a student studying to become an AI developer. I am expected to graduate from Kookmin University in February, 2025. I have experience studying Time Series and writing papers related to the field.

Currently, I am also studying Natural Language Processing (NLP). I maintain a broad range of interests related to AI and consistently seek to expand my knowledge.


Duration School Status
2018.03 ~ 국민대학교 (수료) 경영학전공 / 소프트웨어전공
2014.03 ~ 2017.02 대원외국어고등학교 (졸업) 중국어과


Duration Name Result
2024.09 ~ AI반도체 기술인재 선발대회 sLLM/sLM 분야 본선진출
2024.08 ~ GDG on Campus, Kookmin Organizer
2024.08 ~ 네이버 AI Tech 부스트캠프 7기 NLP Track 수강
2024.05 ~ 제3회 ETRI 휴먼이해 인공지능 논문경진대회 최우수상 (과기부장관상)
2023.12 ~ 2024.01 학부 동계 연구 인턴십 Time Series
2023.08 ~ 2024.07 GDSC Kookmin University University Lead
2023.05 ~ 2023.10 2023 장애인 분야 해커톤 대회 본선 입선상
2023.01 ~ 2023.06 2023 KMUCS 다학제간캡스톤디자인 장려상
2023.01 ~ 2023.04 2023 GDSC Solution Challenge
2022.08 ~ 2023.07 GDSC Kookmin University Core Member
2022.01 ~ 2022.01 42 Seoul 6기 La Piscine

More experiences can be found in my CV.

💻   Skills    Backjoon Badge


C Badge C++ Badge JAVA Badge Python Badge


NumPy Badge pandas Badge scikit-learn Badge Tensorflow Badge PyTorch Badge


HTML5 Badge CSS3 Badge JavaScript Badge TypeScript React Badge React Native Badge


MySQL Badge Spring Badge


Docker Badge AWS Badge Google Cloud Platform Badge


Notion Badge Git Badge Figma Badge Adobe XD Badge

📊   Stats

Stats Top Languages Usage github contribution grid snake animation

Pinned Loading

  1. ETRI-Paper-Contest ETRI-Paper-Contest Public

    [Contest] Human Understanding AI Paper Challenge 2024

    Jupyter Notebook 16 3

  2. kookmin-sw/capstone-2023-22 kookmin-sw/capstone-2023-22 Public

    세상의 소소한 문화행복 생활을 즐기다, 세소행

    TypeScript 6 1

  3. sesohaeng/sesohaeng_frontend sesohaeng/sesohaeng_frontend Public archive

    SeSoHaeng frontend repository

    TypeScript 1

  4. face-gram/facegram-frontend face-gram/facegram-frontend Public

    Frontend code for facegram (based on React Native Expo)


  5. BO-DA/boda_android BO-DA/boda_android Public

    [BODA] Hackerthon Project Android Application Repository


  6. BO-DA/boda_ops BO-DA/boda_ops Public

    [BODA] Hackerthon Project Ops Repository

    Python 1