- IaC Custom rules
- Snyk IaC scan of Terraform code (static) and Terraform plan
- Drift detection
This repository contains:
- env_1 - Terraform code to spin up AWS S3 Bucket
- env_1_custom_rules_fixed - Terraform code to spin up AWS S3 Bucket with resource tagging
- env_2 - Terraform code to spin up AWS VPC (this is just to show that Snyk IaC can scan multiple tfstate files)
- iac_custom_rules - Contains custom rules bundle and Rego rules
Scanning of the Terraform code (env_1/main.tf) would not include modules and variables:
➜ snyk iac test env_1/main.tf
Testing env_1/main.tf...
Infrastructure as code issues:
✗ Non-encrypted S3 Bucket [Medium Severity] [SNYK-CC-TF-4] in S3
introduced by input > resource > aws_s3_bucket[jj-s3-bucket-iac-demo]
✗ S3 bucket MFA delete control disabled [Low Severity] [SNYK-CC-TF-127] in S3
introduced by resource > aws_s3_bucket[jj-s3-bucket-iac-demo] > versioning > mfa_delete
✗ S3 bucket versioning disabled [Low Severity] [SNYK-CC-TF-124] in S3
introduced by resource > aws_s3_bucket[jj-s3-bucket-iac-demo] > versioning > enabled
✗ S3 server access logging is disabled [Low Severity] [SNYK-CC-TF-45] in S3
introduced by input > resource > aws_s3_bucket[jj-s3-bucket-iac-demo] > logging
Organization: jj.ng
Type: Terraform
Target file: env_1/main.tf
Project name: env_1
Open source: no
Project path: env_1/main.tf
Tested env_1/main.tf for known issues, found 4 issues
Now, create a Terraform plan file by doing the follow:
➜ cd env_1
➜ terraform plan -out=tfplan.binary
➜ terraform show -json tfplan.binary > tf-plan.json
Scanning of the created Terraform Plan would show the ACL variable (public_read_write):
➜ snyk iac test tf-plan.json --scan=planned-values
Testing tf-plan.json...
Infrastructure as code issues:
✗ S3 Bucket is publicly readable and writable [High Severity] [SNYK-CC-TF-19] in S3
introduced by input > resource > aws_s3_bucket[jj-s3-bucket-iac-demo] > acl
✗ Non-encrypted S3 Bucket [Medium Severity] [SNYK-CC-TF-4] in S3
introduced by input > resource > aws_s3_bucket[jj-s3-bucket-iac-demo]
✗ S3 bucket MFA delete control disabled [Low Severity] [SNYK-CC-TF-127] in S3
introduced by resource > aws_s3_bucket[jj-s3-bucket-iac-demo] > versioning > mfa_delete
✗ S3 bucket versioning disabled [Low Severity] [SNYK-CC-TF-124] in S3
introduced by resource > aws_s3_bucket[jj-s3-bucket-iac-demo] > versioning > enabled
✗ S3 server access logging is disabled [Low Severity] [SNYK-CC-TF-45] in S3
introduced by input > resource > aws_s3_bucket[jj-s3-bucket-iac-demo] > logging
Organization: jj.ng
Type: Terraform
Target file: tf-plan.json
Project name: env_1
Open source: no
Project path: tf-plan.json
Tested tf-plan.json for known issues, found 5 issues
iac_custom_rules contains a custom rule which requires users to tag the resource that they are provisioning.
Scanning of env_1/main.tf against the custom rule would flag out the following issue:
✗ Missing an owner from tag [Medium Severity] [MY_RULE_1]
introduced by input > resource > aws_s3_bucket[jj-s3-bucket-iac-demo] > tags
Here is the scanned output:
➜ snyk iac test env_1/main.tf --rules=iac_custom_rules/bundle.tar.gz
Using custom rules to generate misconfigurations.
Testing env_1/main.tf...
Infrastructure as code issues:
✗ Non-encrypted S3 Bucket [Medium Severity] [SNYK-CC-TF-4] in S3
introduced by input > resource > aws_s3_bucket[jj-s3-bucket-iac-demo]
✗ Missing an owner from tag [Medium Severity] [MY_RULE_1]
introduced by input > resource > aws_s3_bucket[jj-s3-bucket-iac-demo] > tags
✗ S3 bucket MFA delete control disabled [Low Severity] [SNYK-CC-TF-127] in S3
introduced by resource > aws_s3_bucket[jj-s3-bucket-iac-demo] > versioning > mfa_delete
✗ S3 bucket versioning disabled [Low Severity] [SNYK-CC-TF-124] in S3
introduced by resource > aws_s3_bucket[jj-s3-bucket-iac-demo] > versioning > enabled
✗ S3 server access logging is disabled [Low Severity] [SNYK-CC-TF-45] in S3
introduced by input > resource > aws_s3_bucket[jj-s3-bucket-iac-demo] > logging
Organization: jj.ng
Type: Terraform
Target file: env_1/main.tf
Project name: env_1
Open source: no
Project path: env_1/main.tf
Tested env_1/main.tf for known issues, found 5 issues
The fix is to have a resource tagging. The main.tf in env_1_custom_rules_fixed has the resource tagging in placed which would not trigger the custom rule:
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "jj-s3-demo"{
bucket = "jjdata"
acl = var.s3_acl
tags {
owner = JJ
Provision the AWS S3 Bucket service in env_1. Note that my region is in 'ap-southeast-1'.
Head over to your AWS console and add a new tag to the jj-terraform-s3-goof-bucket e.g owner=jj
Run the following command to detect the drift in configurations:
snyk iac describe --only-managed
Scanned states (1)
Scan duration: 2m43s
Provider version used to scan: 4.24.0. Use --tf-provider-version to use another version.
Snyk Scanning Infrastructure As Code Discrepancies...
Info: Resources under IaC, but different to terraform states.
Resolve: Reapply IaC resources or update into terraform.
Changed resources: 1
State: tfstate://terraform.tfstate [ Changed Resources: 1 ]
Resource Type: aws_s3_bucket
ID: jj-terraform-s3-goof-bucket
- grant: [{"id":"","permissions":["READ","WRITE"],"type":"Group","uri":"http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/global/AllUsers"},{"id":"14885a40519d92132132132143242543trret435","permissions":["FULL_CONTROL"],"type":"CanonicalUser","uri":""}]
+ tags: null => {"owner":"jj"}
Test Summary
Managed Resources: 1
Changed Resources: 1
IaC Coverage: 100%
Info: To reach full coverage, remove resources or move it to Terraform.
Tip: Run --help to find out about commands and flags.
Scanned with aws provider version 4.24.0. Use --tf-provider-version to update.
you will see that it detects the managed resources by comparing with the tfstate file.