WP Command line tool to generate Advanced Custom Fields data based on ACF JSON. Package uses fakerphp/faker to generate content for your Advanced Custom Fields. This package requires you to have an acf-json folder in your theme.
Installing this package requires WP-CLI v2.4.0 or greater. Update to the latest stable release with wp cli update
You can install this package with following command.
wp package install [email protected]:jeh5256/acffaker.git
You will also need to navigate to the ~/.wp-cli/packages/vendor/jeh5256/acffaker and run composer install
wp acffake fillAll
This will search through all ACF JSON files and generate faker data for every field
wp acffake fillPosts
This will fill posts by post id, post type, or by a post id with a post type
Post ID
Post type (ex page, post, custom post type)
Running this tool will overwrite any current ACF data already entered. There are plans in the future for this not to be the case.