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3) Protocols

Jean-Marc Louviaux edited this page Feb 17, 2023 · 3 revisions

yourprotocol.php (This script is called as much as possible)

  • $CMD_POOLING The command that request your com. app.
    You should use the ${'ADR'.$invt_num} variable as inverter adress (IP or RS-485), ${'PORT'.$invt_num} variable as /dev port and ${'COMOPTION'.$invt_num} as parameter options.
    Those $invt_num variables are taken from the config/config_invtX.php generated files (X inverter number)

  • $CMD_RETURN The return string. Always initialize to allow the 'Communication Error' test

  • $IxV, $IxA, $IxP are strings values. Voltage, Amperage and Power. (x range 4)

  • $GxV, $GxA, $GxP For grid phase x values (x range 3)

  • $FRQ Grid frequency

  • $EFF Inverter efficiency

  • $INVT, $BOOT Inverter temperature, booster (dc/dc) temperature

  • $KWHT is the total counter (a Wh precision is needed)

  • $RET should equal 'OK' only if the dataset is complete

yourprotocol_startup.php (Called once a day few minutes after daily start-up)

  • $CMD_INFO Command that generate a info text file
  • $CMD_SYNC Command that sync inverter's time

yourprotocol_check.php (Called each x minutes defined by the admin)

  • $STATE Command that return inverter's status

  • $ALARM Command that return inverter's 'alarms'

  • $MESSAGE Command that return inverter's 'messages'

  • $ILEAK Return the ileak value in mA

  • $RISO Insulation in Mohm

  • $PPEAK Return the peak power of all time in W

  • $PPEAKOTD Peak power of the day

  • $RET should equal 'OK' if all correct


  • $SR irradiation sensor value W/m²