Fingertip Pulse Oximeter SP001 is a low cost bluetooth low energy (BLE) device to get data about SpO2 (% oxigen saturation), PR (pulse rate, beats per minute (BPM) of heart) and PI (% perfusion index).
- Develop custom software for Pulse Oximeter SP001
- First software: Android App with minimal permissions
- Publish first version
- Android app developed in Kodular ✔️
- Scan bluetooth devices ✔️
- Get mac address and verify device ✔️
- Get battery info ✔️
- Get data sensors info ✔️
- Record to database ✔️
- Export data to CSV ✔️
- Multi-language (english, spanish and catalan) ✔️
- Color recommendations
- Filter by date
- Multi-user data, for each person define: name, photo, sex, photo, age, Height (cm), Weight (kg)
- Graphics
- Product info Pulse Oximeter SP001
- The MIT App Inventor Library: Documentation & Support
- App Inventor Tips & Tricks
- Kodular Docs
- Material Design Icons
- App Inventor + IoT: Basic Bluetooth Connection Setup
- BluetoothLE extension doc
- Bluetooth LE packet capture on Android
- SQLite Cheat Sheet
- Datatypes In SQLite Version 3
- Wearfit BO - Manufacturer Android App