[DEPRECATED] patchKintrSynctex NOTE: Active Development for this function has moved to the patchSynctex package (CRAN) at Emmanuel Charpentiers Repository
You will however still find here an much faster but undocumented c++ version of the function.
code to patch the Synctex file for use with knitr (similar to patchDVI
for sweave)
Save patchKnitrSynctex.R
anywhere on your PC.
in every R Session.
Use patchKnitrSynctex("pathto/yourmaintexfile.tex")
to patch the yourmaintexfile.synctex[.gz] after compilation.
Enjoy forward and reverse search with your favourite pdf viewer/Latex/Knitr Editor!
For example using StatET with eclipse add a external build configuration (Sweave document Processing) and use 'Run commands in active R Console' with...
opts_knit$set(concordance = TRUE);
texfile <- knit("${resource_loc:${source_file_path}}", encoding="UTF-8")
...in the sweave tab and...
syntex <- if (opts_knit$get('concordance'))"-synctex=1" else "-synctex=0";
command=paste("latexmk -pdf", syntex, "-interaction=nonstopmode", shQuote(texfile));
print(paste("Command ",command,"...\n"));
print(shell(command),intern = TRUE);
if (opts_knit$get('concordance')){
source("C:/Users/Jan/Documents/New folder/patchKnitrSynctex/patchKnitrSynctex.R", echo=FALSE, encoding="UTF-8");
print(paste0(substr(texfile,1, nchar(texfile)-3), "pdf"))
...in the Latex tab.
This will break the Byte offsets in the sy This R implementation is not optimal. If you are compiling books this may slow down your compile process noticeable.
Code was inspired by patchDVI, RStudio and Synctex code. I am not affiliated with StatET, Eclipse, Knitr, RStudio, Synctex or patchDVI. They did all the work !