A wrapper for Supercollider synths to reduce MIDI boilerplate
heres a synth i definitely did not steal from an eli fieldsteel video
SynthDef.new(\tone, {
arg freq=440, amp=0.2, vibamp=0.3, gate=0, out=0;
var sig, env, vib;
vib = SinOsc.kr(7).bipolar(vibamp);
vib = vib.midiratio;
sig = SinOsc.ar(freq * vib, 0, amp!2);
env = EnvGen.kr(
Env.adsr(releaseTime: 1),
sig = sig * env;
Out.ar(out, sig);
initialize ccArgs is an array of "tuples":
cc number,
arg to be updated,
min (the value of the arg at midi value 0),
max (the value of the arg at midi value 127)
TODO: Currently the scaling is only linear, other scalings to be supported
a = MIDIWrapper.init(\tone, ccArgs: [[4, \vibamp, 0, 8]]);
update 1+ cc scaling(s) [ arg, [ min, max ], arg, [ min, max ] ...]
a.updateCC([\vibamp, [2, 5]]);
remove cc scaling without removing association
a.updateCC([\vibamp, [0, 0]]);
remove cc association without necessarily removing scaling
add new scaling
a.addCC([4, \vibamp, 0, 8]);