an application for windows that allows for your eyes to act as your computers mouse.
- Machine Vision - eye detection and monitoring
- Application for windows that has permissions of a mouse.
- eye to screen translation. need to calculate distance between person and screen. and camera to screen corner
Creating a script that retrieves eyes, face, and mouse click locations
making model that predicts locations for click
make topics for communicating
need to incorporate former position of mouse to make mouse movement fluid
need better open and close eye identifier (current not performing well)
detect eyes using openCV.
single eye closed detection based on previous eye locations.
returns state of eyes with 1 (open) or 0 (closed)
potentially learn where a person is looking based on real-time training
- random dot generator and look at the dot and hit a button
- train the model with location of dot and eye imageS
- calibration angle of eyes with respect to corner in x and y axis?
- eye and face images class
- getting mouse click location