Spring 2019 - Professor Trinkle
// Video coming soon //
Learned algorithms and techniques used in the field of mobile robotics for perception, planning, and control. The topics include: representation of position and orientation, trajectory generation, ROS (Robot Operating System), motion control, obstacle avoidance, the “bug” algorithms, simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), and basic motion planning.
- "pa" = Programming Assignment
- Each folder has a PDF explaining assignment
- *indicates assignment is shown in video
- **Indicates to use keyboard to control robot manually:
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard.py cmd_vel:=robot0/input_vel
folder | assignment summary | how to run |
pa4 | Autonomous search and rescue using SLAM, motion planning algorithms | *Part 1: localization using dead reckoning, Kalman filters. Static and dynamic occupancy grids.roslaunch pa4_student section_1_demo_1.launch (noiseless)roslaunch pa4_student section_1_demo_2.launch (with noisy controls and lidar) |
*Part 2: Motion planning using Probabalistic Roadmap method, Dijkstra's algorithmroslaunch pa4_student navigation.launch map:=<simple_rooms, hospital_section, sparse_obstacles> x:=<start x location> y:=<start y location> theta:=<start theta> |
*Part 3: Search and Rescue (combine localization and motion planning to find victims in a disaster)roslaunch pa4_student search_rescue_task1.launch roslaunch pa4_student search_rescue_task2.launch roslaunch pa4_student search_rescue_demo.launch |
pa3 | occupancy grid construction w/ Bresenham's line algorithm, Gaussian noise, pose-to-pose control | Part 1: Pose-to-Pose motion controlroslaunch pa3_student turtlejectory.launch Optional: add noise to with argument use_noise:=true |
*Part 2: Creating occupancy gridroslaunch pa3_student r2d2_mapping.launch Optional: add noise to with argument use_noise:=true |
pa2 | bike model and diff drive | roslaunch pa2_student turtlejectory.launch |
pa1 | Intro to ROS | roscore rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node python pubvel.py |
pa0 | RoboRally - code up the board game RoboRally | Python only (no ROS or GUI)python roborally_test.py python roborally_test_2.py |