Regognition of Game states in Ludo including items, tokens and events intrinsic to the game.
I think you know it but if this is not the case look – description.
“Each player rolls a die; the highest roller begins the game. Players alternate turns in a clockwise direction. To enter a token into play from its yard to its starting square, a player must roll a six. Players can draw a token from home every time they get a six unless home is empty or move a piece six times. The start box has two own tokens (is doubled). If the player has no tokens yet in play and rolls other than a six, the turn passes to the next player.” - Wikipedia
Bord ( wit different kinds of cells: Start Base, Home and Normal cells)
Tokens/Pieces (Pionki)
Entering Start Base/ Token being killed
Exiting Start Base
Rolling dice
Rolling 6 – double dice roll
Moving pieces/tokens
Entering Home