Hi there!
I am Lautaro, an animal that breathes code and spits out video games
I love creating videogames and learning about engineering in general, if life were perfect and the human body allowed me to do so I would dedicate the first 12 hours of the day to make videogames and the other 12 to create all kinds of artifacts, from steam engines to rockets and robots
At this stage of my life I don't spend time contributing to Open Source, my most interesting repositories are private so in the public ones there is not much interesting code to read, they are public because I want to keep my old code and I don't consider them special enough to make them private
Later in my life I will contribute to Open Source, when I'm older and have most of my life already solved, when I know so much about Game Development that I don't worry about spending my time doing other things like having a capybaras farm