A Docker base image which adds NGINX in a PHP image container then use supervisord as the process manager to run both services.
This image can be used for any php app but it has some php and nginx confd templates which can be initialized in the app image extending this one.
Here is a pseudo multi-stage Dockerfile
which describes how you can use this image to build an image containing your codes. Ideally your php app code dependencies should be managed by composer.
ARG build_environment=prod
ARG code_dir=./codebase
# This image tag
ARG base_image_tag=latest
ARG composer_version=1.9.3
# Stage 1: PHP Dependencies
FROM composer:${composer_version} as composer-build
ARG code_dir
ARG build_environment
# Run composer install here with all the needed flags.
# You can also use build_environment to add a --no-dev flag
# when building for production deployment
COPY ${code_dir}/composer.json ${code_dir}/composer.lock ./
RUN set -eux; \
flags="--no-suggest --prefer-dist --no-interaction --ignore-platform-reqs"; \
if [ "$build_environment" == "prod" ]; then \
flags="${flags} --no-dev"; \
fi; \
composer install $flags
# Stage 2: Any node related dependencies can be build here. e.g. any css preprocessor build for a theme.
FROM node:${node_version}
ARG code_dir
ARG build_environment
# Stage 3: The base app/drupal
FROM <this-image-name>:${base_image_tag} as base
# Copy the needed artifacts from stage 1 and 2 in this stage
# Stage 4: The production setup
FROM base AS prod
# Using the production php.ini
RUN mv ${PHP_INI_DIR}/php.ini-production ${PHP_INI_DIR}/php.ini
# Stage 5: The dev setup
FROM base AS dev
# Install development tools.
RUN pecl install xdebug-2.7.1; \
docker-php-ext-enable xdebug; \
# Adding the dev php.ini
mv ${PHP_INI_DIR}/php.ini-development ${PHP_INI_DIR}/php.ini
# Copy composer binary from official Composer image. Notice we didn't need composer for prod stage.
COPY --from=composer:1.9.3 /usr/bin/composer /usr/bin/composer
If you are planning to use the configurations files unde config/confd
and stored in the base image under /confd_templates
. You will need to:
- Move the files to
inside the app dockerfile:
RUN mkdir -p /etc/confd/conf.d /etc/confd/templates; \
mv /confd_templates/nginx/conf.d/* /etc/confd/conf.d/; \
mv /confd_templates/php/conf.d/* /etc/confd/conf.d/; \
mv /confd_templates/nginx/templates/* /etc/confd/templates/; \
mv /confd_templates/php/templates/* /etc/confd/templates/
- If this app is not drupal provide a default nginx virtual host configuration file template to replace the one at