An Ansible role that installs Blazegraph in a Karaf container on:
- Centos/RHEL 7.x
- Ubuntu Xenial
Available variables are listed below, along with default values:
# Blazegraph version
blazegraph_version: 2.1.4
# User to install with
blazegraph_user: tomcat
# Where to install to
blazegraph_home_dir: /opt/blazegraph
# Servlet container home directory
blazegraph_tomcat_home: /var/lib/tomcat9
# Path to install the WAR to
blazegraph_war_path: "{{ blazegraph_tomcat_home }}/webapps/bigdata.war"
# Log4J template file
# Log directory
blazegraph_log_dir: /var/log/tomcat9/blazegraph
# Path to install the log4k settings to
blazegraph_log4j_path: "{{ blazegraph_tomcat_home }}/webapps/bigdata/WEB-INF/classes/"
There are additional configuration options available and documented in defaults/main.yml
This expects an Apache Tomcat container to install into.
This role should also handle a notification "restart tomcat9".
We recommend the following:
In order for blazegraph to find its configuration files you have two options:
- Specify it in the blazegraph web.xml file:
- This can be done automatically the role be specifying
blazegraph_webxml_template: yes
- This can be done automatically the role be specifying
- Set the blazegraph options in your
environment variable. How to do this depends on the role. An example using Islandora-Devops.tomcat9 can be found here.
There are two examples depending how the configuration infomration is passed to blazegraph: