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Merge pull request #722 from input-output-hk/plt-6904-ada-role-token
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PLT-6904 Marlowe Runtime fails to create transaction involving ada as the role token
  • Loading branch information
jhbertra authored Sep 28, 2023
2 parents 41835c3 + 5eb2ab1 commit b9e32a6
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Showing 4 changed files with 189 additions and 119 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,147 +1,200 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

module Language.Marlowe.Runtime.Integration.Basic where

import Cardano.Api (getTxId)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (liftIO))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Time (addUTCTime, getCurrentTime, secondsToNominalDiffTime)
import Language.Marlowe.Core.V1.Semantics.Types (
Action (..),
Bound (..),
Case (..),
ChoiceId (..),
Contract (..),
Input (..),
InputContent (..),
Party (..),
import qualified Language.Marlowe.Protocol.HeaderSync.Client as HeaderSync
import qualified Language.Marlowe.Protocol.Sync.Client as MarloweSync
import Language.Marlowe.Runtime.Cardano.Api (fromCardanoTxId)
import Language.Marlowe.Runtime.ChainSync.Api (AssetId (..), TxOutRef (..))
import Language.Marlowe.Runtime.Client (runMarloweHeaderSyncClient, runMarloweSyncClient)
import Language.Marlowe.Runtime.Client (createContract, runMarloweHeaderSyncClient, runMarloweSyncClient)
import Language.Marlowe.Runtime.Core.Api (
ContractId (..),
MarloweVersion (..),
MarloweVersionTag (..),
Transaction (..),
TransactionOutput (..),
TransactionScriptOutput (..),
import Language.Marlowe.Runtime.History.Api (ContractStep (..), RedeemStep (..))
import Language.Marlowe.Runtime.Integration.ApplyInputs (utcTimeToPOSIXTime)
import Language.Marlowe.Runtime.Integration.Common
import Language.Marlowe.Runtime.Integration.StandardContract
import Language.Marlowe.Runtime.Transaction.Api (
ContractCreated (..),
ContractCreatedInEra (..),
InputsApplied (..),
InputsAppliedInEra (..),
RoleTokensConfig (..),
WithdrawTx (..),
WithdrawTxInEra (..),
import Test.Hspec (Spec, it, shouldBe)
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it, shouldBe)
import Test.Integration.Marlowe.Local (withLocalMarloweRuntime)

spec :: Spec
spec = it "Basic e2e scenario" $ withLocalMarloweRuntime $ runIntegrationTest do
partyAWallet <- getGenesisWallet 0
partyBWallet <- getGenesisWallet 1
let -- 1. Start MarloweHeaderSyncClient (request next)
startDiscoveryClient :: Integration TxOutRef
startDiscoveryClient = runMarloweHeaderSyncClient $
HeaderSync.MarloweHeaderSyncClient $
-- 2. Expect wait
headerSyncRequestNextExpectWait do
-- 3. Create standard contract
contract@StandardContractInit{..} <- createStandardContract partyAWallet partyBWallet
-- 4. Poll
-- 5. Expect new headers
headerSyncPollExpectNewHeaders createdBlock [contractCreatedToContractHeader createdBlock contractCreated] $
continueWithNewHeaders contract
spec = describe "Basic scenarios" do
it "Basic e2e scenario" $ withLocalMarloweRuntime $ runIntegrationTest do
partyAWallet <- getGenesisWallet 0
partyBWallet <- getGenesisWallet 1
let -- 1. Start MarloweHeaderSyncClient (request next)
startDiscoveryClient :: Integration TxOutRef
startDiscoveryClient = runMarloweHeaderSyncClient $
HeaderSync.MarloweHeaderSyncClient $
-- 2. Expect wait
headerSyncRequestNextExpectWait do
-- 3. Create standard contract
contract@StandardContractInit{..} <- createStandardContract partyAWallet partyBWallet
-- 4. Poll
-- 5. Expect new headers
headerSyncPollExpectNewHeaders createdBlock [contractCreatedToContractHeader createdBlock contractCreated] $
continueWithNewHeaders contract

-- 6. RequestNext (header sync)
-- 7. Expect Wait
continueWithNewHeaders contract = pure $ HeaderSync.SendMsgRequestNext $ headerSyncExpectWait do
-- 8. Deposit funds
fundsDeposited <- makeInitialDeposit contract
txOutRef <- runMarloweSyncClient $ marloweSyncClient contract fundsDeposited
-- 33. Poll
-- 34. Expect wait
-- 35. Cancel
-- 36. Done
pure $ HeaderSync.SendMsgPoll $ headerSyncExpectWait $ pure $ HeaderSync.SendMsgCancel $ HeaderSync.SendMsgDone txOutRef
-- 6. RequestNext (header sync)
-- 7. Expect Wait
continueWithNewHeaders contract = pure $ HeaderSync.SendMsgRequestNext $ headerSyncExpectWait do
-- 8. Deposit funds
fundsDeposited <- makeInitialDeposit contract
txOutRef <- runMarloweSyncClient $ marloweSyncClient contract fundsDeposited
-- 33. Poll
-- 34. Expect wait
-- 35. Cancel
-- 36. Done
pure $ HeaderSync.SendMsgPoll $ headerSyncExpectWait $ pure $ HeaderSync.SendMsgCancel $ HeaderSync.SendMsgDone txOutRef

-- 9. Start MarloweSyncClient (follow contract)
:: StandardContractInit 'V1
-> StandardContractFundsDeposited 'V1
-> MarloweSync.MarloweSyncClient Integration TxOutRef
marloweSyncClient StandardContractInit{..} StandardContractFundsDeposited{..} = MarloweSync.MarloweSyncClient do
let ContractCreated _ ContractCreatedInEra{contractId, rolesCurrency} = contractCreated
pure $
MarloweSync.SendMsgFollowContract contractId
-- 10. Expect contract found
marloweSyncExpectContractFound \actualBlock MarloweV1 createStep -> do
liftIO $ actualBlock `shouldBe` createdBlock
liftIO $ createStep `shouldBe` contractCreatedToCreateStep contractCreated
-- 11. Request next
-- 12. Expect roll forward with deposit
[ApplyTransaction $ inputsAppliedToTransaction initialDepositBlock initialFundsDeposited]
-- 13. Request next
-- 14. Expect wait, poll, expect wait
pure $ marloweSyncRequestNextExpectWait $ pure $ marloweSyncPollExpectWait do
-- 15. Make choice as party B
StandardContractChoiceMade{..} <- chooseGimmeTheMoney
-- 16. Poll
-- 17. Expect roll forward with choice
[ApplyTransaction $ inputsAppliedToTransaction choiceBlock gimmeTheMoneyChosen]
-- 18. Request next
-- 19. Expect wait
pure $ marloweSyncRequestNextExpectWait do
-- 20. Notify
StandardContractNotified{..} <- sendNotify
-- 9. Start MarloweSyncClient (follow contract)
:: StandardContractInit 'V1
-> StandardContractFundsDeposited 'V1
-> MarloweSync.MarloweSyncClient Integration TxOutRef
marloweSyncClient StandardContractInit{..} StandardContractFundsDeposited{..} = MarloweSync.MarloweSyncClient do
let ContractCreated _ ContractCreatedInEra{contractId, rolesCurrency} = contractCreated
pure $
MarloweSync.SendMsgFollowContract contractId
-- 10. Expect contract found
marloweSyncExpectContractFound \actualBlock MarloweV1 createStep -> do
liftIO $ actualBlock `shouldBe` createdBlock
liftIO $ createStep `shouldBe` contractCreatedToCreateStep contractCreated
-- 11. Request next
-- 12. Expect roll forward with deposit
[ApplyTransaction $ inputsAppliedToTransaction initialDepositBlock initialFundsDeposited]
-- 13. Request next
-- 14. Expect wait, poll, expect wait
pure $ marloweSyncRequestNextExpectWait $ pure $ marloweSyncPollExpectWait do
-- 15. Make choice as party B
StandardContractChoiceMade{..} <- chooseGimmeTheMoney
-- 16. Poll
-- 17. Expect roll forward with choice
[ApplyTransaction $ inputsAppliedToTransaction choiceBlock gimmeTheMoneyChosen]
-- 18. Request next
-- 19. Expect wait
pure $ marloweSyncRequestNextExpectWait do
-- 20. Notify
StandardContractNotified{..} <- sendNotify

-- 21. Deposit as party B
StandardContractClosed{..} <- makeReturnDeposit
-- 21. Deposit as party B
StandardContractClosed{..} <- makeReturnDeposit

-- 22. Withdraw as party A
(WithdrawTx _ WithdrawTxInEra{txBody = withdrawTxBody}, withdrawBlock) <- withdrawPartyAFunds
-- 22. Withdraw as party A
(WithdrawTx _ WithdrawTxInEra{txBody = withdrawTxBody}, withdrawBlock) <- withdrawPartyAFunds

-- 23. Poll
-- 24. Expect roll forward with notify
marloweSyncPollExpectRollForward notifiedBlock [ApplyTransaction $ inputsAppliedToTransaction notifiedBlock notified] do
let depositTransaction@Transaction{output = TransactionOutput{payouts}} = inputsAppliedToTransaction returnDepositBlock returnDeposited
-- 25. Request next
-- 26. Expect roll forward with deposit
marloweSyncRequestNextExpectRollForward returnDepositBlock [ApplyTransaction depositTransaction] do
-- 27. Request next
-- 28. Expect roll forward with withdraw
payoutTxOutRef <- expectJust "Failed to extract payout from deposit" case Map.toList payouts of
[(txOutRef, _)] -> Just txOutRef
_ -> Nothing
let withdrawTxId' = fromCardanoTxId $ getTxId withdrawTxBody
[RedeemPayout $ RedeemStep payoutTxOutRef withdrawTxId' $ AssetId rolesCurrency "Party A"]
-- 29. Request next (marlowe sync)
-- 30. Expect wait
-- 31. Cancel
-- 32. Done
let InputsApplied _ InputsAppliedInEra{output} = notified
TransactionScriptOutput{utxo = notifyTxOutRef} <- expectJust "Failed to obtain deposit output" $ scriptOutput output
pure $ marloweSyncRequestNextExpectWait $ pure $ MarloweSync.SendMsgCancel $ MarloweSync.SendMsgDone notifyTxOutRef
-- 23. Poll
-- 24. Expect roll forward with notify
marloweSyncPollExpectRollForward notifiedBlock [ApplyTransaction $ inputsAppliedToTransaction notifiedBlock notified] do
let depositTransaction@Transaction{output = TransactionOutput{payouts}} = inputsAppliedToTransaction returnDepositBlock returnDeposited
-- 25. Request next
-- 26. Expect roll forward with deposit
marloweSyncRequestNextExpectRollForward returnDepositBlock [ApplyTransaction depositTransaction] do
-- 27. Request next
-- 28. Expect roll forward with withdraw
payoutTxOutRef <- expectJust "Failed to extract payout from deposit" case Map.toList payouts of
[(txOutRef, _)] -> Just txOutRef
_ -> Nothing
let withdrawTxId' = fromCardanoTxId $ getTxId withdrawTxBody
[RedeemPayout $ RedeemStep payoutTxOutRef withdrawTxId' $ AssetId rolesCurrency "Party A"]
-- 29. Request next (marlowe sync)
-- 30. Expect wait
-- 31. Cancel
-- 32. Done
let InputsApplied _ InputsAppliedInEra{output} = notified
TransactionScriptOutput{utxo = notifyTxOutRef} <- expectJust "Failed to obtain deposit output" $ scriptOutput output
pure $ marloweSyncRequestNextExpectWait $ pure $ MarloweSync.SendMsgCancel $ MarloweSync.SendMsgDone notifyTxOutRef

txOutRef <- startDiscoveryClient
-- 37. Start MarloweSyncClient (follow a tx in the contract)
-- 38. Expect contract not found
runMarloweSyncClient $
MarloweSync.MarloweSyncClient $
pure $
MarloweSync.SendMsgFollowContract (ContractId txOutRef) $
{ recvMsgContractFound = \_ _ _ -> fail "Expected contract not found, got contract found"
, recvMsgContractNotFound = pure ()

txOutRef <- startDiscoveryClient
-- 37. Start MarloweSyncClient (follow a tx in the contract)
-- 38. Expect contract not found
runMarloweSyncClient $
MarloweSync.MarloweSyncClient $
pure $
MarloweSync.SendMsgFollowContract (ContractId txOutRef) $
{ recvMsgContractFound = \_ _ _ -> fail "Expected contract not found, got contract found"
, recvMsgContractNotFound = pure ()
-- This is an adaptation of
it "PLT-6904 ADA role tokens" $ withLocalMarloweRuntime $ runIntegrationTest do
wallet <- getGenesisWallet 0
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
let deadline = addUTCTime (secondsToNominalDiffTime $ 30 * 60) now
contract =
[ Case (Choice (ChoiceId "Option A" $ Role "") [Bound 1 1]) Close
(utcTimeToPOSIXTime deadline)
ContractCreated era0 created <-
expectRight "Failed to create contract"
=<< createContract
(RoleTokensUsePolicy "")
(Left contract)
_ <- submit wallet era0 created.txBody
InputsApplied era1 applied <-
choose wallet created.contractId "Option A" (Role "") 1
_ <- submit wallet era1 applied.txBody
liftIO do
`shouldBe` TransactionScriptOutput
{ address = created.marloweScriptAddress
, assets = created.assets
, utxo = unContractId created.contractId
, datum = created.datum
applied.output.payouts `shouldBe` mempty
applied.output.scriptOutput `shouldBe` Nothing
applied.inputs `shouldBe` [NormalInput $ IChoice (ChoiceId "Option A" $ Role "") 1]
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
### Fixed

- Building a transaction for a contract that uses ADA role tokens fails.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ import Cardano.Api.Shelley (
import Control.Applicative (Alternative)
import Control.Arrow (Arrow ((&&&), (***)))
import Control.Error (note)
import Control.Error (catMaybes, note)
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor (..))
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Either (fromLeft, isRight)
import Data.Foldable (fold)
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Data.Functor (($>), (<&>))
import Data.List (find, isPrefixOf)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1167,6 +1167,7 @@ mustSpendRoleTokenViolations MarloweV1 utxos TxConstraints{..} TxBodyContent{..}
passThroughUtxo = case roleTokenConstraints of
SpendRoleTokens roleTokens -> do
roleToken <- Set.toList roleTokens
guard $ roleToken /= Chain.AssetId "" ""
(("roleToken: " <> show roleToken <> ": ") <>) <$> do
let isMatch (_, Chain.TransactionOutput{assets = Chain.Assets{tokens = Chain.Tokens tokens}}) =
Map.member roleToken tokens
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1410,11 +1411,11 @@ genV1MarloweConstraints = sized \n ->
[ (n, resize (n `div` 2) $ (<>) <$> genV1MarloweConstraints <*> genV1MarloweConstraints)
, (1, pure mempty)
, (1, mustMintRoleToken <$> arbitrary <*> genMintScriptWitness <*> genRoleToken <*> arbitrary)
, (1, mustSpendRoleToken <$> genRoleToken)
, (1, mustMintRoleToken <$> arbitrary <*> genMintScriptWitness <*> genRoleToken False <*> arbitrary)
, (1, mustSpendRoleToken <$> genRoleToken True)
, (1, mustPayToAddress <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary)
, (1, mustSendMarloweOutput <$> arbitrary <*> genDatum)
, (1, mustPayToRole <$> arbitrary <*> genRoleToken)
, (1, mustPayToRole <$> arbitrary <*> genRoleToken True)
, (1, uncurry mustConsumeMarloweOutput <$> genValidityInterval <*> genInputs)
, (1, requiresSignature <$> arbitrary)
, (1, requiresMetadata <$> arbitrary)
Expand All @@ -1425,7 +1426,7 @@ genV1PayoutConstraints = sized \n ->
[ (n, resize (n `div` 2) $ (<>) <$> genV1PayoutConstraints <*> genV1PayoutConstraints)
, (1, pure mempty)
, (1, mustSpendRoleToken <$> genRoleToken)
, (1, mustSpendRoleToken <$> genRoleToken True)
, (1, mustPayToAddress <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary)
, (1, mustConsumePayout <$> arbitrary)
, (1, requiresSignature <$> arbitrary)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1465,11 +1466,16 @@ genMintScriptWitness =
<*> (ExecutionUnits <$> (fromIntegral @Word32 <$> arbitrary) <*> (fromIntegral @Word32 <$> arbitrary))

genRoleToken :: Gen Chain.AssetId
genRoleToken =
<$> (hedgehog $ fromCardanoPolicyId . PolicyId <$> genScriptHash)
<*> genRole
genRoleToken :: Bool -> Gen Chain.AssetId
genRoleToken includeAda =
oneof $
[ pure $
<$> (hedgehog $ fromCardanoPolicyId . PolicyId <$> genScriptHash)
<*> genRole
, guard includeAda $> pure (Chain.AssetId "" "")

-- NOTE just a random list of names that won't conflict with anything generated
-- by Gen.Cardano.Api.Typed
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1549,7 +1555,8 @@ genPayoutOutputs scriptAddresses TxConstraints{..} = (<>) <$> required <*> arbit
required =
Map.fromList <$> for (Set.toList payoutInputConstraints) \payout ->
(payout,) <$> genTransactionOutput (elements scriptAddresses) (Just . toChainPayoutDatum MarloweV1 <$> genRoleToken)
<$> genTransactionOutput (elements scriptAddresses) (Just . toChainPayoutDatum MarloweV1 <$> genRoleToken True)

genReferenceScriptUtxo :: Chain.Address -> Gen ReferenceScriptUtxo
genReferenceScriptUtxo address =
Expand Down

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