This is a repository to store use-case examples of earth engine code.
Will follow a GitHub-flow collab framework - will provide instructions here
Follow these instructions for further guidance:
If you GEE workflows are embedded into larger projects (i.e R projects, websites/dashboards) with more connected components (i.e external data sets) it does not necessarily make sense to store the entire work flow here. Therefore, we recommend following the above steps, but at step 5: rather than adding files or folders just edit this README document to include a link to your github repository. Please make sure your linked repo has a descriptive readme.
- r_samples:
- abc
- def
- ghi
- python_samples
- abc
- def
- ghi
- javascript samples
- abc
- def
- ghi
- IRQ - Assessing Water Quality
- put link to code in repo here
- IRQ - Oct 2020: AssessingWater Pollution Canals of Basrah City
- put link to code in repo here
- SSD - Jan 2022: Drought severity in Eastern Equatoria Map
- put link ot code in repo here
- SYR - Apr 2022: Humanitarian Impact of Water Shortages in Northeast Syria
- NGA - July 2022: Yobe Floods: Displacement and Humanitarian Needs Brief
- put link to code in repo here
- SOM - Jan 2022: Hard-to-reach
- code for maps p. 5
- MLI - March 2022: Area-Based-Assessment
- code for maps p. 7
- YEM - June 2020: Yemen Watershed and Runoff Potential Analysis Methodology
- Radiant MLHub Datasets
- Time series for SSM, ET and precipitation for Myanmar [Google Earth Engine]
- NASA ARSET: SAR for Flood Mapping Using Google Earth Engine (video)
- NASA ARSET: Current & Upcoming Training
- Time series analysis of Landsat NDVI composites with Google Earth Engine and R: User guide
- Google Earth Engine for Water Resources Management (Full Course Material)
- TOA vs SR - GEE answer
- CLIMDEX: Explore, download and analyse indices of observed and modelled climate extremes
can cause some computers trouble when installing. Here are some more advanced instructions which could be helpful along with an accompanying youtube video