Wardrobe Unlock Analyser is a web site for exploring the various unlocks that can be obtained in Guild Wars 2. It has two major components:
- A set of Java processes for extracting and processing and collating information on unlocks from the Guild Wars 2 API, Wiki and developer provided input
- The site itself, as pure html5/css/javascript using jquery.
Java 8
Obtain screenshots of the Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock preview and place in the input\x-gwu folder for each type unlock.
Build the site (locally) with:
gradlew.bat run
Run the site locally with something like Web Server for Chrome, or upload in full to some location.
Input folder contains all the input needed to build the site - grouping, acquisition metadata and guaranteed wardrobe unlock preview screenshots. Cache folder contains the intermediate information generated by the site builder, including cached results from the Guild Wars 2 API and Wiki. Site contains the website itself. Building the site creates a content.json file that contains information on all the unlocks available, and one or more image maps of the unlock icons.
- Immortius
All code is released under Apache 2.0.