Example repository with a small wrapper ("espota-signed"), which allows you to build & deploy signed OTA updates directly from Platform.io build system. ArduinoOTA library documentation covers almost all you need to know, so check it out!
Currently, it works only on Unix, so this time Windows is not invited to the party.
I assume that you have already read ArduinoOTA documentation,
so you have a keyring and necessary configuration in code. If not — please read a related article and check my example in src/main.ino
Copy "espota-signed" script into your project root, then add new environment into platformio.ini:
platform = espressif8266
framework = arduino
board = nodemcu
upload_protocol = espota
upload_port =
upload_command = ./espota-signed --ota-sign-private private.key --upload-built-binary $SOURCE -i $UPLOAD_PORT $UPLOAD_FLAGS
Ensure that the path to your private key is correct and adjust other configuration parameters. Signing wrapper requires only specific upload_command
, as in the example above.
You can change any other options, including the upload_flags
Never store your private key in a repository — it'll be a massive pain in the ass in case of the leak. In production usage, you should keep your private key on the isolated machine or HSM.