Predicting Transitioning Walking Gaits from the Motion of Walking Canes
Experimental dataset
last edited: 03/09/18
A. Mounir Boudali
Data used in this study are extracted from the Cartesian coordinates of 22 retro-reflective markers. For a more detailed description of the experimental setup, please refer to the manuscript "Predicting Transitioning Walking Gaits from the Motion of Walking Canes"
Dataset description
There are two folders in this dataset: "Raw" and "Matlab data".
"Raw" This folder contains the raw data from the MOCAP experiments. There are nine sub-folders, each representing one subject. The files "XX.cap" can be opened with a MOCAP software such as Mokka, or simply using Excell.
"Matlab data" This folder contains the processed data used in the study reported in "Predicting Transitioning Walking Gaits from the Motion of Walking Canes". There are nine sub-folders, each representing one subject. The files "XX.mat" can be opened with Matlab. Each data file is an iddata structure, made of 11 experiments. Each experiment has the following:
- iddata.Ouputs = [hip hip_dot knee knee_dot ankle ankle_dot]_l
- iddata.Inputs = [Shoulder Shoulder_dot Elbow Elbow_dot Wrist Wrist_dot Cane Cane_dot hip hip_dot knee knee_dot ankle ankle_dot]_r
- Columns are joint coordinates
- Rows are snapshots
- Sampling rate 100Hz