This update contains quite a few bugfixes from over the past year, as well as some general quality-of-life improvements. Probably the nicest thing I was able to add was the ability to click a Scene to progress to the next image. This should really improve the experience for manga readers (or other similar use cases). In addition, users now have the ability to download all the files from a scene at once (Alt+Click on the avatar next to the source in your Library), allowing you to easily cache entire sources on your local machine for easy playback later. Note: This feature is still in BETA and may not work for all source types
As time progresses, the framework that FlipFlip was built on starts to become more and more obsolete. To that end, I've spent time updating as many of the 3rd party dependencies as possible to try and keep FlipFlip running smoothly. This includes migrating to the newest version of Material UI, which you may notice looks slightly different than it did before. This should still maintain your existing theme choice, and has allowed me to improve the layout of some of FlipFlip's pages. However, the core technology FlipFlip is built on (Electron) has long since moved past v4 that FlipFlip runs, but to upgrade that would require a complete re-write of the app, which I have no plans of doing at this time. This means FlipFlip is stuck with an older version of Node and Chromium for the foreseeable future. That said, I will continue to try and keep FlipFlip running smoothly for as long as I can.
Some other nice features introduced in this update include: Ability to globally ignore certain tags/types when using Scene Generators, Ability to disable file deletion/blacklist dialogs, Additional hotkeys, Support for Saved Instagram feed playback, and some critical fixes to the Caption scripts and Hydrus sources.
This release also marks the end of support for Reddit and Twitter. Unfortunately, these companies have decided to make API access very difficult for small projects like this. But... maybe that will change in the future, we will have to see. If API access is ever restored, I will certainly add support back to FlipFlip.
In order to offset this loss, my immediate goal following this release will be to find and add support for as many other external sources as I can. Two very high projects on my list are support for Lemmy and KBin, two replacements for Reddit which are in their infancy, but would be fairly easy to implement. If you have any other suggestions, please feel free to make a post on Reddit and I will see what I can do.
Thank you to everyone who has supported FlipFlip! You all make doing this worth it. I hope to make sure you can enjoy this app for many years to come.
Please report any issues or bugs here on GitHub or at /r/FlipFlip.
User Manual
Download the .zip for your Operating System below.
New Major Features
- Upgrade UI to MUIv5
- Upgrade 3rd party libraries
- Add ability to scrape and download a particular source (BETA)
- Add ability to click image to progress Scene
New Minor Features
- Allow changes in Script Library to propagate to scripts in Scenes
- Add ability to globally ignore certain tags/types during scene generation
- Add option to disable file delete dialog
- Add option to disable file blacklist dialog
- Add ability to set video skip rate
- Add M4V support
- Add keyboard shortcut for video volume
- Add keyboard shortcut for blacklist file
- Change nextSceneTime top use ms instead of sec
- Add support for displaying and linking to media's post URL
- Add safebooru to list of supported boorus
- Add support for Saved Instagram feed
- Properly show comment linebreaks in Audio tooltips
- Improve recent picture grid layout
- Leave Video Controls section visible in sidebar (avoid quick flashing of controls during playback)
- Remove Google Analytics
- Removed support for Reddit/Twitter
- Fix bug with Hydrus scraper sometimes not returning the full set of files
- Fix CaptionScriptor bugs
- Fix bug with manual scene generation when auto-regeneration is enabled
- Fix bug with strict ordering
- Fix bug with playback when only 1 image is cached
- Fix bug with restarting playback after pausing
- Fix bug with video timestamp not showing in proper color when not in dark mode
- Fix bug with storeAudio function in caption scripts
- Fix bug with caption scripts that only play audio
- Fix bug with caption playback when using Next Scene