A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications, heavily inspired by Angular.
Express Cassandra utilities module for NestJS based on the express-cassandra package.
$ npm i --save @iaminfinity/express-cassandra
Import ExpressCassandraModule
imports: [
providers: [...]
export class AppModule {}
Quite often you might want to asynchronously pass your module options instead of passing them beforehand. In such case, use registerAsync() method, that provides a couple of various ways to deal with async data.
1. Use factory
useFactory: () => ({...}),
Obviously, our factory behaves like every other one (might be async
and is able to inject dependencies through inject
imports: [ConfigModule],
useFactory: (configService: ConfigService) => configService.getDbConfig(),
inject: [ConfigService],
2. Use class
useClass: ConfigService,
Above construction will instantiate ConfigService
inside ExpressCassandraModule
and will leverage it to create options object.
class ConfigService implements ExpressCassandraOptionsFactory {
createExpressCassandraOptions(): ExpressCassandraModuleOptions {
return {...};
3. Use existing
imports: [ConfigModule],
useExisting: ConfigService
It works the same as useClass
with one critical difference - ExpressCassandraModule
will lookup imported modules to reuse already created ConfigService, instead of instantiating it on its own.
import { Entity, Column } from '@iaminfinity/express-cassandra';
table_name: 'photo',
key: ['id'],
export class PhotoEntity {
type: 'uuid',
default: { $db_function: 'uuid()' },
id: any;
type: 'text',
name: string;
Let's have a look at the PhotoModule
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { ExpressCassandraModule } from '@iaminfinity/express-cassandra';
import { PhotoService } from './photo.service';
import { PhotoController } from './photo.controller';
import { PhotoEntity } from './photo.entity';
imports: [ExpressCassandraModule.forFeature([PhotoEntity])],
providers: [PhotoService],
controllers: [PhotoController],
export class PhotoModule {}
This module uses forFeature()
method to define which entities shall be registered in the current scope. Thanks to that we can inject the PhotoEntity
to the PhotoService
using the @InjectModel()
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { InjectModel, BaseModel } from '@iaminfinity/express-cassandra';
import { PhotoEntity } from './photo.entity';
export class PersonService {
private readonly photoEntity: BaseModel<PhotoEntity>
) {}
getByName(name: string): Promise<PhotoEntity> {
return this.photoEntity.findOneAsync({ name: name }, { raw: true });
Using Column Decorators:
To auto-generate uuid/timeuuid column, you need to decorate an entity's properties you want to make into a auto-generated
uuid/timeuuid column with a @GeneratedUUidColumn
import { Entity, Column, GeneratedUUidColumn } from '@iaminfinity/express-cassandra';
table_name: 'photo',
key: ['id'],
export class PhotoEntity {
id: any;
time_id: any;
type: 'text',
name: string;
To auto-generate createdDate/updatedDate column, you need to decorate an entity's properties you want to make into a auto-generated
createdDate/updatedDate column with a @CreateDateColumn
or @UpdateDateColumn
To index a column, you need to decorate an entity's properties you want to index with a @IndexColumn
To auto-generate version column, you need to decorate an entity's properties you want to make into a auto-generated
version column with a @VersionColumn
import {
} from '@iaminfinity/express-cassandra';
table_name: 'photo',
key: ['id'],
export class PhotoEntity {
id: any;
time_id: any;
type: 'text',
name: string;
created_at: Date;
updated_at: Date;
__v1: any;
Using Hook Function Decorators: An entity of express-cassandra support multiple hook function. For more details see.
To create hook function in an entity use @BeforeSave
, @AfterSave
, @BeforeUpdate
, @AfterUpdate
, @BeforeDelete
, @AfterDelete
import {
} from '@iaminfinity/express-cassandra';
table_name: 'photo',
key: ['id'],
export class PhotoEntity {
id: any;
time_id: any;
beforeSave(instance: this, options: any) {}
afterSave(instance: this, options: any) {}
beforeUpdate(query: any, updateValues: any, options: any) {}
afterUpdate(query: any, updateValues: any, options: any) {}
beforeDelete(query: any, options: any) {}
afterDelete(query: any, options: any) {}
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { ExpressCassandraModule } from '@iaminfinity/express-cassandra';
import { PhotoService } from './photo.service';
import { PhotoController } from './photo.controller';
import { PhotoEntity } from './photo.entity';
imports: [ExpressCassandraModule.forFeature([PhotoEntity])],
providers: [PhotoService],
controllers: [PhotoController],
export class PhotoModule {}
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { InjectRepository, Repository } from '@iaminfinity/express-cassandra';
import { PhotoEntity } from './photo.entity';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
export class PersonService {
private readonly photoRepository: Repository<PhotoEntity>,
) {}
getById(id: id): Observable<PhotoEntity> {
return this.photoRepository.findOne({id});
Let's create a repository:
import { Repository, EntityRepository } from '@iaminfinity/express-cassandra';
import { PhotoEntity } from './photo.entity';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
export class PhotoRepository extends Repository<PhotoEntity> {
findById(id: any): Observable<PhotoEntity> {
return this.findOne({ id: id });
Let's have a look at the PhotoModule
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { ExpressCassandraModule } from '@iaminfinity/express-cassandra';
import { PhotoService } from './photo.service';
import { PhotoController } from './photo.controller';
import { PhotoEntity } from './photo.entity';
import { PhotoRepository } from './photo.repository';
imports: [ExpressCassandraModule.forFeature([PhotoEntity, PhotoRepository])],
providers: [PhotoService],
controllers: [PhotoController],
export class PhotoModule {}
Now let's use PhotoRepository
in PhotoService
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { InjectRepository } from '@iaminfinity/express-cassandra';
import { PhotoEntity } from './photo.entity';
import { PhotoRepository } from './photo.repository';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
export class PersonService {
private readonly photoRepository: PhotoRepository,
) {}
getById(id: any): Observable<PhotoEntity> {
return this.photoRepository.findById(id);
Injecting connection:
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { InjectRepository, InjectConnection } from '@iaminfinity/express-cassandra';
import { PhotoEntity } from './photo.entity';
import { PhotoRepository } from './photo.repository';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
export class PersonService {
private readonly connection: Connection,
private readonly photoRepository: PhotoRepository,
) {}
getById(id: any): Observable<PhotoEntity> {
return this.photoRepository.findById(id);
Express cassandra support Elassandra
. For more details see.
imports: [
clientOptions: {
// omitted other options for clarity
ormOptions: {
// omitted other options for clarity
migration: 'alter',
manageESIndex: true,
providers: [...]
export class AppModule {}
import { Entity, Column } from '@iaminfinity/express-cassandra';
table_name: 'photo',
key: ['id'],
es_index_mapping: {
discover: '.*',
properties: {
name : {
type : 'string',
index : 'analyzed',
export class PhotoEntity {
type: 'uuid',
default: { $db_function: 'uuid()' },
id: any;
type: 'text',
name: string;
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { ExpressCassandraModule } from '@iaminfinity/express-cassandra';
import { PhotoService } from './photo.service';
import { PhotoController } from './photo.controller';
import { PhotoEntity } from './photo.entity';
imports: [ExpressCassandraModule.forFeature([PhotoEntity])],
providers: [PhotoService],
controllers: [PhotoController],
export class PhotoModule {}
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { InjectModel, BaseModel } from '@iaminfinity/express-cassandra';
import { PhotoEntity } from './photo.entity';
export class PersonService {
private readonly photoEntity: BaseModel<PhotoEntity>
) {}
searchName(name: string): Promise<any> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.catModel.search({ q: `name:${name}` }, (err, response) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
} else {
return response(response);
- Author - Fahim Rahman