The most up to date version of this project can be found here. All future updates will be pushed to the new repository.
In light of the coronavirus crisis, touchless interaction has become the focus of many public spaces when thinking about technology. Using the Leap Motion camera and SDK, our Integrated Touchless System allows users to interact with our tables and exhibits with no physical touch. This system tracks the users hand and watches for open and close gestures to give complete control over the mouse. Alongside this system are two additional applications: a dynamic cursor overlay and a secondary screen addon. These are meant to provide both feedback and onboarding information to the user with changing colors, gesture demonstrations, and interaction information when hovering over buttons or drag areas. This repository also includes a unity asset package that allows users to integrate support for the system into their own applications, and a demo application for reference. The core system is built in .Net Framework 4.6.1 and the peripheral applications are built in the Unity Game Engine.
This repository is meant to be built and run on Ideum's hardware systems that include a touch table with 4k screen, a Leap Motion device, 3.5” display, and LED lights.
Disclaimer: This software was designed and built to run on UHD displays (3840x2160). Running on any other display may result in scaling issues.
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In the src directory is all of the source code for the Integrated Touchless System, as well as the peripheral applications and dependencies.
This is the core of the Integrated Touchless System. It operates as a Windows service and is responsible for integrating the Leap Motion SDK, controlling the mouse, setting the color of the attached LEDs, managing the Overlay and Addon applications, and communicating with any client applications. Certain settings such as gesture toggles can be configured via a system tray icon as shown below. Other options can be configured by editing the configuration json files in the Integrated Touchless System's root directory. This is explained in greater depth here.
The Overlay application is a replacement for the Windows cursor and provides feedback to the user as they interact with the Integrated Touchless System. When enabled, the System will automatically manage and communicate with the Overlay application.
When interacting with a client application that is connected to the Integrated Touchless System, the Overlay will have the following behaviors:
- When hovering over a button, it will show an animated select gesture.
- When hovering over a drag area, it will show a closed fist with arrows.
- When a selection is made, it will turn green and change size.
- If the screen is touched, it will turn red.
The AddOn application is designed for a secondary monitor that comes embedded in some of our systems. This application provides further feedback and onboarding information to supplement the Overlay cursor as users interact with the Integrated Touchless System. When enabled, the System will automatically manage and communicate with the AddOn application. In addition to the animated hand icon, the AddOn application also shows text feedback.
The Unity asset package, "TouchlessDesign.unitypackage", can be imported into a Unity Engine project and used to integrate that project application with the Integrated Touchless System. More detailed instructions for this can be found here.
The Example application is a demo client application that uses the Unity asset package to integrate with the Integrated Touchless System.
This is a logging abstraction we use in Unity and is included in all of the Unity projects, but we've included the source code here for posterity.
In order to build the core of the Integrated Touchless System, open the TouchlessDesign.sln file in Visual Studio, right-click the Solution and select "Build Solution." We have included build instructions that will build the solution at the following path on your system: "%appdata%/Ideum".
Navigate to the build directory (see above), open "TouchlessDesignService/bin/Service/", and run the TouchlessDesignService.exe. In the AddOn or Overlay applications have been built and configured, they will also be launched and the mouse should immediately begin reacting to the Leap Motion controller. An icon will appear in the system tray and exposes a number of options, including the ability to toggle on or off the mouse emulation. The System can also be terminated from this icon, which will likewise close the AddOn and Overlay applications if they are running.
Note: Ctrl+Alt+I will toggle mouse emulation on/off
In the TouchlessDesignService directoy are a number of configuration json files that can be used to adjust certain aspects of the Integrated Touchless System.
- input.json: Allows you to adjust options related to mouse emulation.
- leap.json: Allows you to adjust values relating to the mapping of Leap Motion data to screen position.
- led.json: Allows you to adjust values relating to the FadeCandy led control.
- network.json: Configures network settings for the Service.
- ui.json: Controls which on the peripheral applications are managed by the System.
- Download Unity version 2019.3.2f1
- Open the application in Unity, and go to File-> Build Settings.
- Make sure the _App/Scenes/App Scene is checked and press Build.
- In order for the Integrated Touchless System to find and run either of the peripheral applications, they should be built at the following respective paths:
- "%appdata%/Ideum/TouchlessDesignService/bin/AddOn/"
- "%appdata%/Ideum/TouchlessDesignService/bin/Overlay/"
- In the TouchlessDesignService directory, open the ui.json file and make sure the paths to the two applications are included in the ApplicationPaths field.
Now, when you run the Integrated Touchless System, it will automatically start up the applications specified in the ui.json file. Likewise, when the System is exited, it will terminate those same applications. Note: These applications will only provide gesture feedback when running alongside a client application that uses the Integrated Touchless System bindings, such as the Example application.
In order to integrate a project wih the Integrated Touchless System, the project must first import the unity asset package located in the root src directory of this repository. Below are the minimum recommended steps to get the asset package loaded and integrated. The Example application can also be used as a demonstration.
- Open the Unity project.
- Open Assets-> Import Package -> Custom Package...
- This will open a dialog. Select the TouchlessDesign.unitypackage file in the src directory of this repository. When it prompts you to select which parts of the package to import, select Import All.
- In a MonoBehavior script, in the Start function, call the TouchlessDesign.Initialize function and subscribe to its OnConnected and OnDisconnected events. (Make sure to include using Ideum in the file). Also include the Deinitialize call on application quit.
void Start() {
TouchlessDesign.Connected += OnConnected;
TouchlessDesign.Disconnected += OnDisconnected;
void OnApplicationQuit() {
- In order to query the state of the System, there are a number of static query calls. For each one, pass a delegate that will handle the response from the System. Below is an example on a script that queries both the click and hover state, and the no touch state on an interval, and passes two delegates to those calls. When the TouchlessDesign recieves a response from the System for either call, it will execute the passed delegate.
private void Update() {
if (_connected) {
_timer += Time.deltaTime;
if(_timer > _queryInterval) {
_timer = 0f;
private void HandleNoTouch(bool noTouch) {
if (noTouch) {
// Show no-touch warning information.
private void HandleQueryResponse(bool clickState, HoverStates hoverState) {
// Do something with the hover and click state.
- In order to set a hover state (for example, when the user hovers over a button), create a new script and place it on whatever component you want to react to the hover state. In that script, implement the IPointerEnterHandler and IPointerExitHandler interfaces.
public class TouchlessHoverCapture : MonoBehaviour, IPointerEnterHandler, IPointerExitHandler
- Implement the interface functions OnPointerEnter and OnPointerExit. In those functions call the TouchlessDesign SetHoverState function, and pass the desired hover state, or pass false to deactivate, as shown below:
public void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData eventData) {
public void OnPointerExit(PointerEventData eventData) {