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Safety Incident Recording System ** Prototype **

Prototype incident-recording system


1. Configure Environment Variables

2. Bring up SQL Server

From the root of the project directory run:

 docker compose --env-file ./.env.development --file up --build

3. Bring up API Server

From the root of the project directory run:

cd src/api/
npm run start

By default, this will bring up an instance of the API server on port 3000. The API server will automatically reload on save.

Note: changes to .env variables require a shutdown and restart to server to take effect.

4. Bring up API Front End Server

From the root of the project directory run:

cd src/web/
npm run start

By default, this will bring up an instance of the front end server on port 8080.

Note: changes to .env variables require a shutdown and restart to server to take effect.

5. Confirm dev environment

To confirm the environment is working properly, navigate to: [http://localhost:8080/]http://localhost:8080/


The production environment builds and deploys one container, a front end Node/Express app which serves the front end and the api services. One the build process is complete and the container is deployed you can reach the app at https://:3000

Build and Run the Prodcuction Containers

docker compose --env-file ./.env.production up -d --build

Stop Containers

To stop the container run but leave the database storage volume intact, run:

docker compose --env-file ./.env.production down

To stop the container and remove the database storage volume run:

docker compose --env-file ./.env.production down -v

Project Structure

Single project that builds into two containers.


Root: <project_root>/src/api


  • Node
  • Express
  • TypeScript
  • JWT based authentication

Auth: Authenticated routes use JWT tokens. Secure routes with RequiresAuthentication middleware.


Root: <project_root>/src/web


Reusable application layouts are defined in /src/web/src/layouts. Modules must embed their views and components in a layout


Each logical section of the appplication is broken into modules. Modules are defined in /src/web/src/modules.

Modules contain all the Vue code needed for the modules including:

  • store (vuex)
  • routes (vue-router)
  • componenents
  • views


Authenication is done with JWTs. It is handled by a plugin defined in ./src/web/src/auth/auth0-plugin.js. The first time the application loads it will atempt to silently log the user in via getTokenSilently(). If that fails, the users will be redirected to a login process. Note: it can take up to 30 seconds to complete the authentication process.

Authentication information is available anywhere in the Vue frontend via a call to this.$auth.


  • returns information about the currently logged in user


  • returns true if the user is authenticated

Azure AD Authentication

User can authenticate using their corporate account. This is handed via federation in the backend authentication configuration.


Prototype incident-recording system






No releases published




  • TypeScript 53.1%
  • Vue 33.6%
  • HTML 7.1%
  • CSS 2.4%
  • Dockerfile 2.1%
  • JavaScript 1.7%