You may see items starting with ^
, which means that I have forgotten a lot, or that I am not proficient in it.
const xavier = {
pronouns: ["he", "him"],
languages: ["zh-CN", "^en-US"],
programming_languages: ["C", "C++", "JavaScript", "Shell", "^C#", "^SQL"],
other_computer_languages: ["HTML", "CSS/^SASS", "CMakelist", "^Dockerfile"],
tool: ["Visual Studio 2019/2022", "VS Code", "Vcpkg", "CMake", "Git", "MariaDB", "Docker"],
interests: ["full stack web development", "cyber security", "cryptology/RSA", "computer/network hardware"],
system: [
{ Windows: ["10"] },
{ Linux: ["RHEL CentOS", "RHEL Rocky", "Windows Sub Linux 2(Rocky Distribution)"] }
locations: [
"China": [
{ "Beijing": ["Beijing"] },
{ "Hebei": ["Shijiazhuang"] }
- 🔭 I am currently engaged in C/C++ related work.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Asp.Net Core.
- 📫 You can get to know me through the website be launch soon) or contact me via email [email protected].