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Progress Tracker

asa1997 edited this page Jul 9, 2021 · 2 revisions


Sl No. Progress Date Contributor
1. Onboarded contributor Christin Mariya. End of Jan 2021 NA
2. Brought up a readme file 12-02-2021 Christin Mariya
3. Brought up a workflow diagram 22-05-2021
4. Brought up a use case diagram 22-05-2021
5. Brought up a sequence diagram 02-06-2021
6. Brought up a webpage 02-06-2021


Sl No. Progress Date Contributor
1. Onboarded contributor Parvathy Madhu. End of Jan 2021 NA
2. Brought up a readme file 12-02-2021 Parvathy Madhu
3. Brought up a webpage 02-06-2021


Sl No. Progress Date Contributor
1. Onboarded contributor Anjana M P. End of Jan 2021 NA
2. Brought up a readme file 06-02-2021 Anjana M P
3. Developed a use case diagram 12-04-2021
4. Brought up a webpage 02-06-2021


Sl No. Progress Date Contributor
1. Onboarded contributor Noureen Rahman. End of Jan 2021 NA
2. Brought up a readme file 24-02-2021 Noureen Rahman
3. Developed a use case diagram 17-02-2021
4. Brought up a webpage 03-06-2021


Sl No. Progress Date Contributor
1. Onboarded contributor Adithya K. End of Jan 2021 NA
2. Brought up a readme file 5-02-2021 Adithya K
3. Developed a use case diagram 01-06-2021
4. Brought up a webpage 02-06-2021


Sl No. Progress Date Contributor
1. Onboarded contributor Najiya Abdul Nazar. End of Jan 2021 NA
2. Brought up a readme file 10-02-2021 Najiya Abdul Nazar
3. Brought up a webpage 02-07-2021 Adithya K


Sl No. Progress Date Contributor
1. Onboarded contributor Shahna Mohammed. End of Jan 2021 NA
2. Brought up a readme file 09-02-2021 Shahna Mohammed
3. Developed a use case diagram 05-06-2021
4. Developed a sequence diagram on how KOBSearch works 05-06-2021
5. Brought up a webpage 05-06-2021

KOB Address Verification Service

Sl No. Progress Date Contributor
1. Onboarded contributor Merlin Joseph. End of Jan 2021 NA
2. Brought up a readme file 14-02-2021 Merlin Joseph
3. Developed a sequence diagram on how the service issues credentials 05-06-2021
4. Brought up a webpage 05-06-2021