KOBVON is the Verifiable Organizations Network for the city of Kochi. The goal of the Verifiable Organizations Network (VON) project is to explore the design of an open, unified and trusted network of associations (ie. association of doctors, lawyers, taxi drivers etc..) for use by people and services across the city of Kochi. It consist of a series of ecosystems. Each ecosystem consists of the KochiOrgBook in the middle and a number of services that access the KOB to get claims verified and issue verifiable credentials to KOB.
Hyperledger Aries
The key motivation of having the VON network is to enable a decentralized network of associations within the city of kochi with is anchored in a blockchain enabled by KOBPIU which would enable on boarding various trusted and verified associations and could enable getting license, issuance or permits in a simplified way which brings about tranparancy. In addition, KOBVON makes applying for credentials faster and less error prone and issuing of credentials simpler and more secure.
Further, Von network has other advantages over the traditional mechanisms. It makes datas available to users so that they won't need to find it and re-enter it and shar when its open, or shar otherwise with consent. The digital services will simplify their users' experience through access to a network of unified data and decreased time to market and costs as they won't have to re-create costly capabilities related to data collection and management.
We can do this with the help of tools and libraries of Hyperledger Aries, and thus, we can develop independent digital identifiers rooted on block chain. We use an approach called the verifiable credential model and these are Cryptographically protected data which is used to prove who we are. We also use self-sovereign identity and decentralized identifiers which are independent of the central authorities. Self Sovereign Identity (SSI) is a promising approach to decentralized handling of personal data that gives users back control of their data where it belongs. SSI further enables a higher level of trust on the internet by providing mechanisms that enable verifiable identification of parties to translation, reducing the need for a high-cost, in-person mechanism to establish trust.
In this system, we have:
- The government services that organizations access to apply for a variety of credentials, including registrations, permits and licenses. The services use instances of KOBVON issuer/verifier agents to verify claims and issue credentials.
- The KOB is a repository of public credentials issued by those services to KOB. Credentials are equivalent to the “Permit to Operate” documents posted on businesses’ walls.
- The identity registry underlies the system to infuse trust. The identity register is a decentralized, self-sovereign identity network built on blockchain/distributed ledger technology.
As an organization goes through the online application processes to acquire registrations, licenses or permits, the services get proofs from verifiable credentials already stored in KOB about the organization. Once a service completes the approval process and decides to issue the organization a registration, license or permit, they issue that public verifiable credential digitally to KOB about the organization.