Generic Educational Autonomous Robotics Simulator
This simulator was created to allow anyone to experiment with robotics without owning a robot.
Try it out at
...or the latest version from github
It uses the Ev3dev api (...and some early support for Pybricks), so the code can run on an actual Lego Mindstorm EV3 if you have one.
The simulator is meant to be served through a webserver, and we maintain the site at free for anyone to use.
If you wish to run your own local copy, download all files and put them in a directory on your server and that should be it. Due to CORS protection on web browsers, it will not work when served from a "file://" URL.
If you do not have a webserver, but have Python3 installed on your computer, you can try changing to the gears directory and running...
python -m http.server 1337
This should get the site running on http://localhost:1337 (...try if that doesn't work). Do not close the window with the Python command running.
Created by A Posteriori (
Other Contributors:
- Pen
- Multiple Python modules tabs
- FLL Mission models
This simulator would not have been possible without the great people behind:
- Babylon.js
- Blockly
- Skulpt
- Ace
- Ammo.js (port of Bullet
Translations by:
- Français: Sébastien CANET [email protected]
- Nederlands: Henry Romkes
- Ελληνικά: Eduact,
- Español: edurobotic
- Deutsch: Annette-Gymnasiums-Team (Johanna,Jule,Felix)
GNU General Public License v3.0
The following Open Source software are included here for convenience. Please refer to their respective websites for license information.
- Babylon.js
- Blockly
- Ace Editor
- Skulpt
- Ammo.js
- Cannon.js
- Oimo.js
- Pep
- Jquery
- JSZip