is a labello done right.
No idea what a labello is?
It is a templating and printing application for Zebra/EPL printers + anything you want to add to this project.
You want to create a modificable image?: Just use '${name}' inside the svg file.
You want to generate a qr code?: use qrCode attribute on image node in svg file.
But images speak better:
Just tinker with it and as things, so I can add to FAQ.
You a python developer?
Not knowing how to code with class?
Just hack your way with writing tons of jinja markup in your svgs.
Very important that all template inputs are just "{{nameOfVariable}}" inside the svg.
Download one to see it with your own eyes.
If you edit your svg file to look like:
then all svgs inside the <svgs>
will be printed separately.
Great feature to wasting tons of paper by one template.
It will extract size to print from your xs and ys of svg file.
See SvgSizeExtractorImpl.kt
for reference.
See QRCodeFlavor.kt
In short adding qrCode
attribute to your <image>
will convert it to qrCode.
It is very naive implementation and it will generate very poor quality qrCode.
TODO: Try to change it to svg generator.
See backend readme for referenced sections...
Use the docker from the root catalog, see Quickstart how to run it...
You can also run it without the docker, then use just ./gettobuild
and follow Production section.
See backend readme - Developer Start for more info.
See frontend dev for more info.
- Node: v16.16.0
- Java: openjdk version "11.0.17" 2022-10-18
- Mvn: Apache Maven 3.8.5 (3599d3414f046de2324203b78ddcf9b5e4388aa0)
- Linux
- Inkscape 1.2.1 (not matching this version may give your image glitches and stitches)
- Lp
Or just run it via docker and save yourself du pain.