Farming-rpg in HTML5
- cloned Booman!
- while holding down shift, arrow keys will only change your direction instead of moving
- changed out some of the sprites to match the new idea
- kick out the "panel" from game code and make it all new canvas layer (easier to manage it's drawing etc)
- inventory of some kind...
- plowing and potatoes!
- a infinite map
- find someone who could actually DRAW and spare few moments of their time to make some sprites for me
Not yet available
Not yet available
Not yet available
Credits for some tiles and the character go to Klex1992 on
Credits for item tiles go to Alis
Big thanks to <a href="" title"R3ality's github" target="_blank">R3ality for brainstorming with me and helping with finding ideas and solutions to some problems I ran into.
Also thanks to <a href="" title"David Bau" target="_blank">David Bau for providing the javascript Math.random() seeding script.