财务术语的国际化语言包 我计划慢慢提供各种语言框架需要的多语言配置文件。
Abandoned asset 废弃资产 Abandonment decision 废弃决策 Abandonment stage 废弃阶段 Abandonment value 废弃价值 Abatement 减免、冲销 Abatement of taxes 减税、退税 Abbreviated accounts 简式会计报 ABC system(of inventory control)分级存货控制制度 Ability to pay taxation 纳税能力 Ability to service debts 偿债能力 Abnormal cost 异常成本 Abnormal depreciation 异常折旧 Abnormal gain 异常利得、异常收益 Abnormal loss 异常损失 Abnormal shrinkage 异常盘亏 Abnormal spoilage 异常损耗 Abnormal yield curve 异常收益率曲线 About of circa 大约 Above par 超过票面值 Above the line 线上项目 Abscond 潜逃 Absolute amount 绝对数,绝对金额 Absolute cost advantage 绝对成本优势 Absolute endorsement 绝对背书 Absolute fixed cost 绝对固定成本 Absolute insolvency 绝对无力偿付 Absolute interest 绝对权益 Absolute priority 绝对优先求偿权 Absolute liability 绝对赔偿责任 Absolute title 绝对产权 Absolute value 绝对值 Absolve 免偿债务,接触债务 Absorbed overhead 已转并间接费用,已摊配间接费用 Absorption 转并,摊配 Absorption account 转并帐户,摊配帐户 Absorption costing 摊配与成本计算法 Absorption rate 摊配比率 Abstinence 节欲,节制 Abstinence theory of interest 利息的节制理论 Abstract 摘要表 Abstract of title 产权状况摘要表 Abuse 滥用职权 Abuse of tax shelter 滥用避税项目 Abuse of trust 滥用信托权 Accelerated capital recovery system快速资本收回制度 Accelerated cost recovery system 快速(资产)成本回收制度 Accelerated depreciation method 加速折旧法、快速折旧法 Accelerated loan commitment 约定快速偿还贷款 Accelerating bonus plan 快速累进奖金制 Accelerating inflation 快速通货膨胀 Accelerating clause 快速偿付条款 Acceptable investment 可接受投资项目 Absolve 免偿债务,接触债务 Absorbed overhead 已转并间接费用,已摊配间接费用 Absorption 转并,摊配 Absorption account 转并帐户,摊配帐户 Absorption costing 摊配与成本计算法 Absorption rate 摊配比率 Abstinence 节欲,节制 Abstinence theory of interest 利息的节制理论 Abstract 摘要表 Abstract of title 产权状况摘要表 Abuse 滥用职权 Abuse of tax shelter 滥用避税项目 Abuse of trust 滥用信托权 Accelerated capital recovery system快速资本收回制度 Accelerated cost recovery system 快速(资产)成本回收制度 Accelerated depreciation method 加速折旧法、快速折旧法 Accelerated loan commitment 约定快速偿还贷款 Accelerating bonus plan 快速累进奖金制 Accelerating inflation 快速通货膨胀 Accelerating clause 快速偿付条款 Acceptable investment 可接受投资项目 Acceptable reliability level 可接受的可靠性程度 Acceptance 承兑、已承兑票据、验收 Acceptance bank 汇票承兑银行 Acceptance bill 承兑汇票 Acceptance commission 承兑佣金,承兑手续费 Acceptance corporation 汇票承兑公司 Acceptance credit 承兑信用 Acceptance financing 已承兑汇票筹资 Acceptance for honour 承兑拒付汇票 Acceptance letter of credit承兑信用证 Acceptance market 票据市场,汇票贴现市场 Acceptance of bribes 受贿 Acceptance of the bid 中标,得标 Acceptance on security 财产担保承兑 Acceptance payable 应付承兑汇票 Acceptance receivable 应收承兑汇票 Acceptance register 承兑汇票登记薄 Acceptance sampling 验收抽样 Acceptance supra protest 承兑拒付汇票 Accepted bill 已承兑汇票 Accepting house 汇票承兑银行 Acceptor 承兑人,验收人 Acceptor supra protect 代替承兑人 Accept-reject decision 采纳或不采纳决策 Access code 联网密码 Accession 财产增值 Accessory contract 附属合同 Access privileges 入库权,入网权 Access time 存取时间、连通时间 Accidental cost 偶然成本,偶生成本 Accidental loss 意外损失 Accident insurance 事故保险 Accommodation 融通 Accommodation acceptance 融通承兑 Accommodation bill 融通汇票 Accommodation charge 融通欠帐 Accommodation endorsement 融通背书 Accommodation paper 融通票据 Accommodation purchase 融通进货 Accommodator 融通汇票背书人 Accord and satisfaction 和解和清偿 Account 帐户 Accounts 帐薄、报表,帐单,记帐 Accountability 会计责任 Accountable officer 会计官员,出纳官员 Account analysis帐户分析 Accountancy 会计 Account bodies 会计团体 Accountancy profession 会计职业,会计专业 Accountant 会计师 Assistant accountant 助理会计师 Accountant general 总会计师、总会计 Account in charge 主管会计师 Accountant’s compilation report 会计师得编辑报告 Accountant’s database 会计师数据库 Accountant’s department 会计处,会计部门 Accountant’s fees 会计师公费 Accountant’s firm 会计事务所 Accountant for the public interest 公众利益会计师,无偿服务会计师 Accountant’s legal liability 会计师法律责任 Accountant’s lien 会计师留置权 Accountant’s opinion 会计师意见书 Accountant’s report会计师报告 Accountant’s responsibility 会计师职责 Accountants world 会计师世界网站 Account balance 帐户余额 Account bill 帐单 Account books 会计帐薄 Account classification 帐户分类表 Account clerk 帐务员 Account code 账号代码 Account current 往来帐户,往来帐单 Account day 结算日 Account form 帐户式 Accounting 会计,会计学 Accounting and tax database 会计和税务数据库 Accounting associations 会计协会 Accounting assumption 会计假定,会计假设 Accounting bases 会计基础 Accounting basis 会计基本方法 Accounting changes 会计变更 Accounting clusters 会计制度群体,会计群体 Accounting.com 会计师职业网站 Accounting computer 会计电子计算机 Accounting concepts 会计概念 Accounting consultation 会计咨询 Accounting consultant 会计咨询师 Accounting control 会计控制 Accounting convention 会计常规,会计惯例 Accounting corporation 会计公司 Accounting cost 会计成本,记帐成本 Accounting criteria 会计标准 Accounting cushion 会计收益低估 Accounting cycle 会计循环 Accounting data 会计数据 Accounting database 会计数据库 Accounting data processing 会计数据处理 Accounting department 会计部门 Accounting dictionary 会计词典 Accounting directives 会计指令 Accounting disclosure 会计数据公开,会计披露 Accounting doctrine 会计信条 Accounting document 会计凭证 Accounting Education Web 会计教育互联网 Accounting elements 会计要素 Accounting encyclopedias 会计百科全书 Accounting entity会计主体,会计个体 Accounting entity postulate 会计主体假设,会计个体假设 Accounting entity theory 会计个体论 Accounting entry 会计分录 Accounting equation 会计等式 Accounting errors 会计差错 Accounting estimate 会计估计 Accounting ethics 会计道德 Accounting event 会计事项 Accounting evidence 会计凭证,会计证据 Accounting exposure 会计风险暴露 Accounting files 会计档案 Accounting firm 会计师事务所 Accounting firm development 会计师事务所发展中心 Accounting firm merger 会计师事务所兼并 Accounting fraud 会计欺诈 Accounting function 会计职能 Accounting hall of fame 会计名人堂 Accounting harmonization 会计协调 Accounting history 会计史 Accounting identity会计恒等 Accounting income 会计收益,帐面收益 Accounting information 会计资料,会计信息 Accounting information system 会计信息系统 Accounting internationalization 会计国际化 Accounting journals 会计期刊 Accounting legislation 会计立法,会计法规 Accounting manual 会计手册 Accounting measurement 会计计量 Accounting methods 会计方法 Accounting model 会计模式 Accounting net 会计互联网 Accounting objective 会计目标 Accounting on line 在线会计,联网会计 Accounting partner 会计伙伴 Accounting period 会计期 Accounting period postulate 会计假设 Accounting plan 会计方案 Accounting policies 会计政策 Accounting postulate 会计假设 Accounting practice 会计实物,会计惯例 Accounting price 会计价格,记帐价格 Accounting principle 会计原则 Accounting procedures 会计程序 Accounting process 会计过程 Accounting profession 会计职业,会计专业 Accounting profession organization 会计专业机构 Accounting profit 会计利润 Accounting rate of return 会计收益率 Accounting ratio 会计比率 Accounting records会计记录,会计薄记 Accounting reform 会计改革 Accounting regulation 会计规章,会计条例 Accounting report 会计报告 Accounting research network 会计研究网 Accounting rules 会计规则 Accounting scandal 会计丑闻 Accounting service 会计服务 Accounting software 会计软件 Accounting software package 会计软件组合程序 Accounting software shop 会计软件商店 Accounting standardization 会计标准化 Accounting standard 会计标准,会计准则 Accounting system 会计制度 Accounting technique 会计技术 Accounting technology 电子会计技术 Accounting technologist 电子会计技术师 Accounting terminology 会计名词 Accounting textbook publisher 会计教材出版商 Accounting theory 会计理论 Accounting thought 会计思想 Accounting transaction 会计业务,会计帐务 Accounting unit 会计单位 Accounting valuation 会计计价 Accounting year 会计年度 Account in transit 未达帐项 Account note 帐单 Account number 帐户编号,账号 Accounts 会计帐薄,会计报表 Account sales 承销清单,承销报告单 Accounts payable 应付帐款 Accounts payable payment period应付帐款付款期 Accounts payable subsidiary ledger 应付帐款辅助分类帐 Accounts receivable 应收帐款 Accounts receivable aging schedule 应收帐款帐龄分析表 Accounts receivable assigned 已转让应收帐款 Accounts receivable collection period 应收帐款收帐期 Accounts receivable cost 应收帐款成本 Accounts receivable discounted 已贴现的应收帐款 Accounts receivable financing 应收帐款筹资,应收帐款融资 Accounts receivable management 应收帐款管理 Accounts receivable subsidiary ledger 应收帐款的辅助分类帐 Accounts receivable turnover 应收帐款周转率,应收帐款周转次数 Account stated 已承认的帐项 Account title 帐户名称 Accredit 开出信用证 Accredited business valuation 授权企业估价专业人 Accredited valuation analyst 授权估价分析师 Accreditee 信用证收益人 Accrediter 信用证申请人 Accretion 增殖 Accrual 应计 Accrual basis accounting 应计制会计,权责发生制会计 Accrual concept 应计概念 Accrual date 应收应付日期 Accrued account 应计帐户 Accrued expense 应计费用 Accrued income 应计收益 Accrued interest 应计利息 Accrued items 应计项目 Accrued payable 应计应付款项 Accrued receivable 应计应收项目 Accrued rent 应计租金 Accrued revenue 应计收入 Accrued wages 应计工资 Accumulated amortization 累计摊销,无形资产的冲销帐户 Accumulated deficit(loss) 累进亏损 Accumulated depletion 累计折耗 Accumulated depreciation 累计折旧 Accumulated dividend 累计股利 Accumulated earnings 累计盈余,累计收益 Accumulated earning tax 累计盈余税,累计收益税 Accumulated fund 累计基金 Accumulated income 累计收益 Accumulated profit 累计利润 Accumulation account 累计帐户 Accumulation 累积,累计 Accumulation factor 累计系数 Accumulation shares 累计股份 Accumulation trust 累计信托基金 Accumulative dividends 累计股利 Accumulative sinking fund 累计偿债基金 Accurate presentation 正确反映,准确反映 Acid test 酸性试验,资产流动性测试 Acid test ratio 酸性试验比率 Acknowledgement 收货回单,接受订货,承认债务通知 Acknowledgement of debt 承认债务,确认债务 Acknowledgement of order 承认订单,接受订单 Acknowledgement of receipt 收款回执 Acquired company 被盘购公司,被兼并公司 Acquired surplus 盘购盈余 Acquiring company 盘购公司,兼并公司 Acquisition 购置,盘购 Acquisition accounting of combination 企业合并的盘购会计 Acquisition cost 购置成本 Acquisition decision 购置决策 Acquisition excess盘购超支 Acquisition price 购置价格 Acquisition surplus 盘购盈余 Acquittance 债务清偿,清偿收据 Across-the-board 全面调整,全盘调整 Across-the-board price change全面调整商品价格 Across-the-board tariff change 全面调整关税税率 Across-the-board wage increase 全面调整工资 Across the counter正常交易 Act 法案 Acting 代理 Action 起诉,诉讼 Active account 活动帐户 Active assets 活动资产 Active capital 活动资金 Active market 活跃的市场 Active partner 参与经营合伙人 Active securities 交易活跃的证券 Active trust 有经营权的信托 Active trustee 有经营权的信托人 Activity 经营活动、生产经营活动 Activity account 生产经营活动帐户 Activity accounting 生产经营活动会计 Activity-based budget 生产经营活动预算 Activity-based costing 作业成本法 Activity cost 作业成本 Activity ratio 经营活动比率、周转率 Act of bankruptcy 破产法 Act of company 公司法 Act of god 天灾,不可抗力 Act of law 法律行为 Actual capital 实际资本 Actual cost 实际成本 Actual loss 实际损失,实际亏损 Actual normal cost 实际正常成本 Actual price 实际价格 Actual return 实际收益 actual 现货 actual market 现货市场 actual value 实际价值 actual wage 实际工资 actuarial 精算 actuarial basis of accounting 会计的精算基准 actuarial cost method 精算成本法 actuarial return 精算收益率 actuary 精算师 adaptive capacity 适应性能力 adaptive management 适应性管理 added hours 加班工时 added value 增值,增值额 added value statement 增值表 added value tax 增值税 adding or dropping product line 增加或撤销产品生产线 addition 增置,扩建 additional assessment 增补税额 additional budget 追加预算 additional cost 追加成本 additional depreciation 追加折旧,补提折旧 additional duty 附加关税 additional expense 追加费用 additional income tax附加所得税 additional paid-in capital 追加股本,追加实缴股本 additional premium 追加保险费 additional profit tax 超额利润税 additional risk 附加险 additional voluntary contribution 职工自愿附加分担退休金 additivity 可加性 address 网址 adequate disclosure 充分披露 adequate protection 充分保护 adjudication order 判决令,判决破产令 adjunct account 附加帐户 adjustable peg 可调整固定汇率,可调整联系汇率 adjustable-rate bond 可调整利率债券 adjustable-rate mortgage 可调整利率抵押 adjustable-rate preferred stock 可调整股利率优先股 adjusted acquisition cost 调整后购置成本 adjusted bank balance 调整后银行存款余额 adjusted gross income 调整后收益总额,调整后所得总额 adjusted historical cost 调整后历史成本 adjusted income 调整后收益 adjusted trial balance 调整后试算平衡表 adjusting entry 调整分录 adjusting events 调整会计事项 adjustment 调整 adjustment account 调整帐户 adjustment bond 调整债券 administered price管制价格 administration 行政管理机构,行政管理人员 administration order 行政管理命令 administrative accounting 行政管理会计 administrative audit 行政管理审计、 administrative budget 行政管理预算 administrative control 行政管理控制 administrative expense 行政管理费用 administrative regulation 行政管理规章 administrative receiver 破产企业财产行政接管人 administrator 财产管理人,财产接管人,遗产管理人 admissible asset 承保资产 admission 准许入伙,准许入股,准许股票上市 admission of partner合伙人入伙 admitted asset 受保资产,承保资产 ad valorem 从价征收 ad valorem freight 从价运费 ad valorem tariff 从价关税 ad valorem tax 从价税 advance 预付款,垫付款,贷款 advance appropriation 预拨经费 advance bill 预付汇票,预开发货票 advance corporation tax 预交公司税 advanced financial accounting 高级财务会计学 advanced management accounting高级管理会计学 advanced financial management 高级财务管理学 advanced funding 预拨资金,预付经费 advanced refunding 预先兑换证券 advances form customers 预收客户款 advances to affiliate 子公司借款 advances to employees 职工预支款 advances to partner 合伙人预支款 advances to suppliers 预付货款 adventure 投机经营,短期经营 adverse opinion 反面意见,否定意见 adverse report 不利报告,否定报告 adverse variance 不利差异,逆差 advertise 广告 advertising budget 广告费预算 advertising expense 广告费 advertising to sales ratio 广告费对销售额比率 advice 通知单,建议,咨询 advice note 发货通知单 advice of fate 支票能否兑现通知书 advising bank 通知银行 advisory fee 咨询费 advisory funds 咨询资金,委托投资基金 advisory services 咨询服务 AFA membership 美国财务协会会员资格 affiliated company 联营公司 affiliation 联营 AFP membership 财务专业人员协会会员资格 AFP periodicals 财务专业人员协会定期刊物 after-acquired property clause 以后获得财产条款 after charge 附加费用 after closing trial balance 结帐后试算表 after cost 售后成本,售后服务成本 after date 开票后兑付 after market 销售后市场 after-separation cost 分离后成本 after sight 见票后兑付 after tax income 税后收益 after-tax rate of return 税后收益率 AGA Code of Ethics 政府会计师协会职业道德准则 AGA Membership 政府会计师协会会员资格 AGA Publication 政府会计师协会出版物 against actuals 期货兑换现货 against all risk 承保全险 age 寿命,帐龄,资产使用年限 age allowance 年龄减免 agency 代理,代理事务所,政府机构 agency accounting 代理会计 agency commission 代理佣金,代理手续费 agency cost 代理成本 agency fund 代管基金 agency relation 代理关系 agency services 代理服务 agency theory 代理理论 agency transaction 代理交易,代理业务 agenda 备忘录,议事日程 agent 代理人,代理商 agent bank 代理银行 aggregate amount 总额,总金额 aggregate balance sheet 合并资产负债表 aggregate depreciation 折旧总额 aggregate income statement 合并损益表 aggregate index 综合指数 aggregate weighted index 综合加权指数 aggressive collection 积极收款措施 aggressive investment 进取性投资 aggressive portfolio 进取性投资 aging of account 帐龄分析 aggressive project 进取性投资项目 aggressive working capital policy 进取性流动资金政策 aging of accounts receivable 应收帐款帐龄分析 aging schedule 帐龄分类表 agio 贴水,折价 agiotage 汇兑业务,兑换买卖 agreed bid 友好盘购出价 agreed payment 议定付款 agreed price 议定价格 agreement 协定,协议 agreement tariff 协定关税税制 agricultural bank 农业银行 agricultural credit corporation ltd. 农业信贷有限公司 agriculture levies 农产品税 agricultural subsidies 农业补助金 agriculture paper 农业票据 agriculture parity price 农产品的平准价格 alien corporation 外国公司 alienee 受让人 alimony payment 赡养费 all financial resources concept 全部财力概念 all capital earning rate 资本总额收益率 allied company 联营公司 all-inclusive income concept 总括收益概念 all-inclusive income statement 总括性损益表 allocable cost 可分配的成本 allocation 分摊,分配 allocation base 分配基准 allocation of cost 成本分配,成本分摊 allotment 配售,拨付,配售数,拨付数 allotment account 配售帐户,配股帐户 allotment ledger 拨款分类帐 allotment letter 股份配售通知书,配股通知书 allotment money 配股应交款项 allottee 配股认购人 allowable deduction 准予扣减数 allowable depreciation 准予记列折旧额 allowable expense 准予列支的费用 allowable loss 准予列支的损失 allowance 备抵,折让,减免,津贴 allowance for bad debts 坏帐备抵 allowance for depreciation 折旧备抵 allowance for income tax 所得税减免 allowance method 备抵法 all-purpose financial statement 通用财务报表,通用会计报表 all-risk insurance 全险,综合险 all round price 全面价格 alpha coefficient 阿尔法风险系数,第一种证券投资风险系数 alphanumeric code 字母数字代码 alpha risk 阿尔法风险 alpha stocks 阿尔法股票 alteration 改造,改建 altered bill 涂改票据 altered check 涂改支票 alternative accounting methods 可选择性会计方法 alternative accounting rules 可选择性会计规则 alternative cost 变换成本,可替换成本 alternative investment market 可替代投资市场 alternative investment project 可替换投资项目 alternative minimum tax 替代最低税额 amalgamated financial statement 合并财务报表,合并会计报表 amalgamation 合并 amalgamator 企业合并专业人员 amendment 修正,修订,修订条款 American bankruptcy institute 美国破产学会 American option 美国期权 American selling price 美国销售价格 American standard code for information interchange 美国信息交换标准代码 American stock exchange美国股票交易所 American stock indices 美国股票指数 American taxation association 美国税收会计学会 amicable allowance 友好让价 amicable settlement友好索赔清算 amortization 摊销,摊还 amortization method 分期摊销法,分期偿还法 amortization of goodwill 商誉摊销 amortization of patent 专利摊销 amortization schedule 摊销表,摊还表 amortized cost 摊余成本 amortized mortgage 分期摊还抵押 amortized value 摊余价值 amount 金额,合计金额 amount assessed 估定金额 amount differ 金额不符 amount due 到期金额 amount insured 保险金额 analysis 分析 analysis of capital change 资本变动分析 analysis of cash flow 现金流量分析 analysis of financial statement 财务报表分析,会计报表分析 analysis of liquidity 流动性分析 analysis of profitability 获利能力分析 analysis of time series 时间序列分析 analysis of uncertainty 不确定性分析 analysis of variance 分析表,帐户分析表 analysis schedule 分析表,帐户分析表 analyst 分析师 analytical audit 分析性审计 analytical column 分析栏 analytical evidence 分析性证据 analytical review 分析性检查 analytical statement 分析性报表 analytical test 分析性抽查 ancillary buildings 辅助建筑 ancillary letter of credit 从属信用证 ancillary materials 辅助材料 Anglo-American accounting 英美会计 announcement of sale 迫售公告 annual accounts 年度报表 annual appropriation 年度拨款 annual audit 年度审计 annual balance 年度余额,年终节余 annual budget 年度预算 annual cash flow 年度现金流量 annual charge 年度费用 annual closing 年度结帐 annual financial statement 年度财务报表,年度会计报表 annual general meeting 年度股东大会 annual income 年度收益,年度所得额 annualize 按年度折算 annualized net present value 折算年度净现值 annual percentage rate 年度百分率 annual report 年度报告 annual return 年度纳税申报表 annual value 年值 annuitant 年金收领人 annuity 年金,退休金 annuity bond 年金公债 annuity cash-flow pattern 年金形态现金流量 annuity certain 固定年金 annuity contract 年金合同 annuity cost 年金成本 annuity due 期初年金 annuity fund 年金基金 annuity in advance 预付年金 annuity in arrears 持付年金 annuity method of depreciation 年金折旧法 annuity period 年金期 annuity system 年金制 annulation 宣告失效 antecedent auditor 前任审计师 antecedent negotiation 事先协商 antecedents 经历 antedate 填早日期 anti-accounting fraud 反会计欺诈 anticipated cost 预计成本,预列成本 anticipated price 预计价格 anticipated profit 预计利润,预列利润 anticipation 预计,预列 anticipatory breach 预期违约 anti-dilution clause 预防稀释条款 anti-dumping tariff 反倾销关税税则 anti-fraud corporate responsibility resaurce center反欺诈和公司责任信息中心 anti-fraud profession 反欺诈职业 anti-fraud program 反欺诈计划 anti-inflation policy 反通货膨胀功策 anti-money laundering rule 反洗黑钱规章 anti-pollution investment 消除污染投资 anti-profiteering 反暴利税 anti-recession policy 反经济衰退政策 anti-tax avoidance 反避税 anti-virus 抗病毒软件 anti-trust laws 反拖拉斯立法 applicant 申请人 application 申请,申请书 application and allotment account 认购和配股帐户 application for bank account 开立银行帐户申请书 application for letter of credit 信用证申请书 application for registration 注册申请书 application for shares 认股申请书 application software 应用软件 applied cost 已分配成本 applied overhead 已分配间接费用 applied research 应用研究 appointed officer 指定官员 apportionment 分配、分摊、拨款 apportionment method 分摊法 appraisal 估价,估价报告 appraisal capital 评估成本 appraisal report 评估报告 appraisal surplus 估价盈余 appraisal value 估定价格 appraiser 估价员,估价师 appraiser association of America 美国估价师协会 appreciation 升值 appreciation of assets 资产升值 appreciation surplus 增值盈余 appropriated retained earnings 已指定用途留存收益,已分配留存收益 appropriated retained income 已指定留存收益,已分配留存收益 appropriation 拨款,收益分配 appropriation account 拨款帐户,留存收益分配帐户 appropriation budget 拨款预算 appropriation ledger 经费分类帐 appropriation system 拨款制度 approval 核定,审批 approval for project 投资项目的审批 approved account 核定帐户 approved bond 核定债券 approved list 核准证券清单 approved society 核定互助会,注册互助会 approximation 约计数,近似值 a priori theories of accounting 先验性会计理论 arbitrage 套汇,套利 arbitrage of exchange 套汇 arbitrager 套汇商,套利商 arbitrage rate 套汇汇率 arbitrage transaction 套汇业务,套利业务 arbitration 仲裁 arbitration clause 仲裁条款 arbitrator 仲裁人 arithmetic operation 算术运算 arm-in-arm transaction 臂挽臂交易,私人关系交易 arm’s-length price正常价格,公正价格 arm’s length transaction 一臂之隔交易,正常交易 arrangement 偿债协议,清算安排,项目排列 arrangement of balance sheet 资产负债表的项目排列 array 阵列,数组 arrears 拖欠,拖欠款项 arrestment 财产扣押 ARR method 会计收益率法 Arthur Anderson 安达信会计师事务所 article 文件条文,合同条款 articles of incorporation 公司章程 article of partnership 合伙契约 articulate 环接 articulated accounts 环接报表 articulated concept 环接概念 articulated financial statement 环接会计报表 artificial intelligence 人工智能 artificial person 法人 ASB Standards 会计准则委员会财务报告准则 ASB Statement of principles 会计准则委员会会计原则公报 ASB Statements 审计准则委员会公报 ASC Standards 会计准则委员会会计准则 ASCII file 美国信息交换标准代码文件 Asian development bank 亚洲开发银行 Asian dollar 亚洲美元 Asian dollar bonds 亚洲美元债券 Asian dollar marker 亚洲美元市场 Asian option 亚洲式期权 asking price 卖方报价,索价 as per advice 按照通知 as per contra 与反方帐户相符 assented bond 同意调换的债券 assented stock 同意调换的股票 assessable capital stock 应增缴股本 assessable income 应税收益,应税所得 assessed tax 估定税额,查定税额 assessed value 估定价值 assessment 估定,查定,特别税捐,特别摊派税款 assessment fund 特别税捐基金 assessment ratio 估定比率 assessment roll 特别税捐清册 assessor 财产评估师 asset 资产 asset account 资产帐户 asset and liability statement 资产负债表 asset betterment addition 资产改建和扩建 asset classification 资产分类 asset cover 资产担保,资产保障比 asset deficiency 资产不足 asset depreciation period 固定资产折旧年限 asset depreciation range 固定资产折旧年限幅度 asset disposal account 资产处置帐户 asset impairment 资产减损 asset income 资产收益 asset-liability view 资产-负债观念 asset measurement 资产计量 asset quality 资产质量 asset retirement 资产退役,资产报废 asset revaluation 资产重估价 assets-liabilities ratio 资产负债比率 assets register 资产登记薄 asset stock 资产股份 asset stripping 资产剥离,资产拆卖 asset atructure 资产结构 asset turnover 资产周转率 asset utilization ratio 资产利用率 asset valuation 资产计价 asset value 资产价值 asset value per share 每股资产价值 assignability 可转让性 assignable instrument 可转让票据 assigned account 已转让帐户,已抵债帐户 assignee 受让人 assignment 转让,过户,转让契约 assignment of accounts receivable 应收帐款转让 assignment of debt 债权转让 assignment of lease 租赁转让 assignment of life policy 人寿保险单转让 assignment of marine policy 海运保险单转让 assignment of wage 工资转让 assignor 转让人,让与人 assimilation 吸收,消化 assistance and subsidy 援助和补助金 assistant accountant 助理会计师 assistant auditor 助理审计师 assistant controller 主计长助理 associate 联营的,合伙人,联系会员,非正式会员 associated banks 联系银行 associated company 联属公司,附属公司 associate member 联系会员,非正式会员 Associate of the association of tax technicians 税务技术人员协会联系会员 Associate of the institute of chartered accountants in England and Wales 英格兰,威尔士特性会计师协会联系会员 associate of the institute of cost and management accountants 成本管理会计师协会联系员 association 协会 association dues 会费 association for information systems 信息系统学会 associationism 协会主义 association of accounting firms 会计师事务所协会 association of insolvency and restructuring advisors 无力偿付和资本重组咨询师协会 associative responsibility 连带责任 assumed bonds 承担债务,承付债券 assumed interest 假定利息,设定利息 assumed liability 承担债务,承付债务 assumption 承担,假定,假设 assurance 保险,保证,信息安全保证 assurance company 保险公司 assurance services 信息安全服务 Assurance Services Executive Committee 信息安全执行委员会 assured 被保险人 assurer 保险商,承兑商 at cost 按成本 at discount 按折价,按低于票面价值 at maturity 到期 at par 按票面额,平价 at premium 按溢价,按高于票面价值 at risk 有风险,存在风险 at short notice 按短期通知偿付 at sight 见票兑付 attached account 被查封帐户 attachment 扣押,查封 attainable cost 可达到的成本 attest 查证,验证 attestation 验证,验证书 attest function 查证职能,验证职能 attestation standard c查证准则,验证准则 at the lower of cost or market 成本与市价熟低 attorney 被委托人,代理人,律师 Attorney 注册公共会计师,律师 attorney’s fee 律师费 attorney’s letter 致律师信函 attributable cost 可归属成本 attributable income 可归属收益 attribute 属性 attributes sampling 属性抽样 auction 拍卖 auctioneer’s commission 拍卖商佣金 auction house 拍卖行 auction market 拍卖市场 auction market preferred stock 优先股拍卖市场 audit 审核,审计 Audit Agenda 审计备忘录 auditability ,可审核性 Audit/Assurance Conference 审计和信息安全会议 audit client 审计客户 audit committee 审计委员会 audit committee matching system 审计委员会成员评选制度 audit completion checklist 审计全部核对清单 audit conclusion 审计结论 audit contract 审计合同 audit coverage 审计范围 audit cycle 审计循环 audit department 审计部门 audited financial statement 审计财务报表,审定会计报表 audited voucher 已审核凭单 audit engagement 审计聘函,审计聘约 audit evidence 审计凭证,审计证据 audit exemption 免除审计 audit exemption report 免除审计报告 audit expense 审计费用 audit failure 审计失败,审计失误 audit fee 审计费用 audit files 审计档案 audit findings 审计后果 audit firm 审计事务所 audit industry 审计产业 auditing 审计,审计学 auditing around the computer 绕过电子计算机的审计 auditing by rotation 轮流审计 auditing concepts 审计概念 auditing evidence 审计证据 auditing independence 审计独立性 auditing method 审计方法 auditing objective 审计目标 auditing postulates 审计假设 auditing pratice 审计实物,审计惯例 auditing principle 审计原则 auditing process 审计过程 auditing profession 审计职业 auditing standard 审计标准,审计准则 auditing system 审计制度 auditing theory 审计理论 auditing through the computer 通过计算机的审计 audit journal 审计期刊 audit law 审计法 audit net 审计互联网 Audit Net Virtual Library 审计互联网联网图书馆 audit objective 审计目标 auditor 审计员,审计师 auditor-client relations 审计师与客户的关系 auditor general 总审计师,总审计 auditor-in-charge 主管审计师 auditor’s civil liability 审计师民事责任 auditor’s criminal liability 审计师刑事责任 auditor report 审计师报告 auditor’s rotation 审计师轮换 audit partner rotation 审计合伙人轮换 audit period 审计期 audit plan 审计规划 audit procedure 审计程序 audit program 审计计划 audit report 审计报告 audit risk 审计风险 audit sampling 审计抽样法 audit scope 审计范围 audit service 审计服务 audit software 审计软件 audit software package 审计软件组合程序 audit standard 审计准则 audit team 审计工作组 audit techniques 审计技术 audit test 审计抽查 audit ticks 审计符号 audit trail 审计脉络,审计线索 audit working papers 审计工作底稿 audit year 审计年度 austerity 节俭,紧缩 austerity budget 紧缩预算 Australian Stock Exchange 澳大利亚股票交易所 authority to pay 付款委托书 authority to purchase 委托购买证书 authorization 授权,委托,核定,批准 authorized appropriation 法定拨款 authorized auditor 法定审计师,委任审计师 authorized capital 核定资本,法定资本 authorized capital stock 核定股本,法定股本 authorized depository法定保管人,委托保管人 authorized investment 授权代办投资,委托代办投资 authorized minimum capital stock 核定最小股本,法定最小股本 autocorrelation 自相关 Automated Bond System 债券自动交易系统 automated clearing house 票据自动清算所 automated screen trading 屏幕自动交易 automated teller machine 自动提款机 automatic adjustment 自动调整 automatic audit 自动审计 automatic check 自动审核,自动稽核 automatic data processing 自动数据处理 automatic dividend reinvestment 股利自动再投资 automatic stabilizer 自动稳定因素 automatic transfer 自动转帐 automatic transfer system 自动转帐系统 autonomous tariff 自动关税税则 autonomous tax 自主税收 autonomous variable 独立变量,自变量 auxiliary account 辅助帐户 auxiliary coin 辅币 auxiliary department 辅助部门 auxiliary enterprise 附属企业 auxiliary ledger 辅助分类帐 auxiliary material 辅助材料 auxiliary memory 辅助存储器 auxiliary production expense 辅助生产费用 available assets 可动用资产 available balance 可动用余额 available cash 可动用资金 available income 可动用收益 available inventory 可动用存货 available surplus 可动用盈余 average 平均数,海损 average age of inventory 库存存货平均天数 average balance 平均余额 average collection period 应收帐款平均收款期 average cost 平均成本 average-cost flow assumption 平均成本流转假定 average costing 平均成本计算法 average-cost method 平均成本法 average cost of capital 平均资本成本 average deprecation rate 平均折旧率 average deviation 平均差 average fixed cost 平均固定成本 average income 平均收入,平均所得 average inventory 平均存货,平均库存 average life 平均使用年限,平均寿命 average method of depreciation 平均折旧法,直线折旧法 average payment period 应付帐款平均付款期 average rate of return 平均收益率 average stock 平均存货 average tax rate 平均税率 average variable cost 平均变动成本 averaging 平均计算,股票投机 averaging down 降低持有股票平均价格 averaging up 提高持有股票平均价格 avoidable cost 可避免成本 avoidance of double taxation 避免双重课税 avoidance of taxation 避税 award 裁决,决标 average collection period平均收款期 average payment period平均付款期 activity ratio经营活动比率 average collection period of receivables应收帐款平均收帐周期 BAA Membership 英国会计学会会员资格 BAA Objective 英国会计学会目标 BAA Sub-Groups 英国会计学会下设研究组 back charge 欠付费用 back date 填早日期 backdoor financial 后门筹款 backed bill 背书票据 back-end load 后期负担 backer 票据担保人,财务支持人 backlog depreciation 欠提折旧 backlog order 未交货订单 backlog order reporting 未交订货报告 back pay 欠付工资 back rent 欠租 back spread 逆差价,缩差 back tax 欠交税款 back-to-back letter of credit 背对背信用证 back-to-back loan 对销贷款 backup copy 后备拷贝,后备副本 backup disk 后备磁盘 back-up credit 备用信贷 backwardation 倒价 backward integration 后向合并 backward shifting 逆转嫁 bad account 呆帐,坏帐 bad check 空头支票 bad debt 呆帐,坏帐 bad debt account 坏帐帐户 bad debt expense 坏帐费用 bad debt ratio 坏帐比率 bad debt recovery 坏帐回收 bad debt risk 坏帐风险 bad debt writeoff 坏帐注销 bad loan 坏帐 bad paper 坏票,不良票据 badwill 坏商誉 bailee 承销人,受托人 bailee receipt 受托人收据 bailment 寄销,委托 bailor 寄销人,委托人 bailout 抽资 bailout period 投资返还期 bait records 钓饵式记录 balance 余额,平衡,结平 balance brought forward 余额承前页 balance carried down 余额移后,转次页 balanced budget 平衡预算 balanced budget multiplier 平均预算乘数 balanced budget policy 平衡预算政策 balanced fund 平衡基金 balanced inventory 均衡库存 BAA Sub-Groups 英国会计学会下设研究组 back charge 欠付费用 back date 填早日期 backdoor financial 后门筹款 backed bill 背书票据 back-end load 后期负担 backer 票据担保人,财务支持人 backlog depreciation 欠提折旧 backlog order 未交货订单 backlog order reporting 未交订货报告 back pay 欠付工资 back rent 欠租 back spread 逆差价,缩差 back tax 欠交税款 back-to-back loan 对销贷款 backup copy 后备拷贝,后备副本 backup disk 后备磁盘 back-up credit 备用信贷 backwardation 倒价 backward integration 后向合并 backward shifting 逆转嫁 bad account 呆帐,坏帐 bad check 空头支票 bad debt 呆帐,坏帐 bad debt account 坏帐帐户 bad debt expense 坏帐费用 bad debt ratio 坏帐比率 bad debt recovery 坏帐回收 bad debt risk 坏帐风险 bad debt writeoff 坏帐注销 bad loan 坏帐 bad paper 坏票,不良票据 badwill 坏商誉 bailee 承销人,受托人 bailment 寄销,委托 bailor 寄销人,委托人 bailout 抽资 bailout period 投资返还期 bait records 钓饵式记录 balance 余额,平衡,结平 balance brought forward 余额承前页 balance carried down 余额移后,转次页 balanced budget 平衡预算 balanced budget multiplier 平均预算乘数 balanced budget policy 平衡预算政策 balanced fund 平衡基金 balanced inventory 均衡库存 balanced working capital policy平衡性流动资金政策 balance of account 帐户余额 balance of payment 国家收支差额 balance of retained earnings 留存盈余余额,留存收益余额 balance of trade 国际贸易差额 balance sheet 资产负债表 balance sheet account 资产负债表帐户 balance sheet analysis 资产负债表分析 balance sheet asset value 资产负债表资产价值 balance sheet audit 资产负债表审计 balance sheet date 结帐日 balance sheet equation 资产负债表等式 balance sheet format 资产负债表格式 balance sheet ratio 资产负债表比率 balance sheet total 资产负债表总额 balance test 帐户余额抽查 balancing allowance 差额应税扣减额 balancing charge 余额应税增加额 balancing ledger 余额式分类帐 balloon loan 漂浮式贷款 balloon mortgage 漂浮式抵押 balloon payment 漂浮式付款 bancogiro 银行内部转帐 bandwidth 带宽 bank 银行 bank acceptance 银行承兑,银行承兑汇票 bank account 银行往来帐户,银行活期存款帐户 bank advance 银行贷款 bank balance 银行存款余额 bank bill 银行汇票,纸币,钞票 bank certificate 银行证明书 bank charge 银行手续费 bank check 银行支票 bank checking account 银行支票帐户,银行活期存款帐户 bank clearing 银行票据清算 bank confirmation 银行证明文件 bank consortium 国际银行财团 bank credit 银行信用,银行贷款 bank credit cark 银行信用卡 bank current account 银行往来帐户,银行活期存款帐户 bank custody 银行保险库 bank deposit 银行存款 bank discount 银行贴现,银行贴现息 bank discount rate 银行贴现率 bank draft 银行票据 banker 银行家,银行业者,银行 banker’s acceptance 银行承兑,银行承兑汇票 bankers automated clearing system 银行自动支付清算系统 banker’s bank 结算银行 banker’s lien 银行留置权 banker’s margin 银行存款保留额 banker’s opinion 银行意见书 banker’s order 委托银行代付通知 banker’s reference 银行证明书 banker’s failure 银行倒闭 Banker's for International Sefflement 国际清算银行 bank giro 银行直接转帐系统 bank guarantee 银行保证书 bank holding company 银行控股公司 bank holidays 银行假日 bank identification number 银行鉴别号码 banking 银行业务 banking acts 银行法 bank interest 银行利息 bank line 银行信贷额度 bank loan 银行贷款 bank loan swap 银行贷款套汇 bank mandate 银行委托书 bank merger act 银行兼并法 bank money order 银行汇票 banknote 银行券,钞票 bank overdraft 银行透支 bank paper 银行票据 bank pass-book 银行存折 bank prime rate 银行优惠利率 bank rate 银行利率,银行贴现率 bank reconciliation statement 银行对帐单,银行存款调节表 bank reference 银行证信信函,银行证明信 bank reserve 银行准备金 bank run 银行挤兑 bankrupt 破产,破产者 bankruptcy 破产 bankruptcy act 破产法 bankruptcy cost 破产成本 bankruptcy court 破产法院 bankruptcy order 破产通知书,破产公告 bankruptcy petition 破产申请 bankruptcy prediction 破产判断 bankruptcy risk 破产风险 bank transfer 银行汇兑业务,银行转帐业务 bare contract 无保证合同 bare ownership 空头产权 bare trustee 无经营权受托人 bargain 交易,签订合同 bargain money 订金 bargain price 廉价,低价 bargain purchase 廉价进货 bargain purchase option 承租人优先购置权 bargain renewed option 承租人优先续租权 bargain sale 廉价销售 barometers 经济晴雨表,经济指标 barometer stock 晴雨表股票 barrier to entry 新企业进入市场的壁垒 barrier to trade 贸易壁垒 barter 以货易货,实物交易 barter agreement 易货协定 barter term of trade 以货易货条件 barter transaction 易货交易 base 基数,基准 base currency 基础货币 base date 基期数据,基础数据 base inventory method 基本存量法 base number 基数 base of taxation 计税基准,计税基数 base pay 基本工资,基础工资 base period 基期 base price 基价 base rate 基础工资,基础利率 base stock 基本存量 base stock method 基本存量法 base wage 基本工资 base-weighted index 基期加权指数 base year 基年 basic costing method 基础成本计算法 basic earnings per share 每股基本收益 basic expenditure 基础支出 basic layer 基础(存货)层次 BASIC language 基础语言 basic postulate基础假设 basic price 基础价格 basic rate 基础费率,基础利率,基础税率,基础工资率 basic research 基础研究 basic standard cost 基础标准成本 basic stock 基础库存 basic words and expressions 重要言词 basing-point pricing 基点制定价法,出货地加计运费法 basis 基准 basis contract 基本合同,期货标准合同 basis of accounting 会计基准,会计基本方法 basis of allocation 分配基准 basis of price 价格基准 basis if taxation 课税基准 basis point 基点 basket of currencies 国际货币,一篮子货币 basket pegger 一篮子货币固定汇率 basket purchase 整套采购,总价采购 batch 批别 batch control total 成批控制总额 batch costing 分批成本计算法 batch processing 分批处理,分批数据处理 bath 巨额损失 baud 波特 Bayesian probability 贝耶斯概率 BE analysis 损益分界分析÷ bear 承担,负担,卖空,卖空者,空头 bear campaign 抛空风 bearer 持票人 bearer bill 不记名汇票 bearer bond 不记名债券 bearer check 不记名支票 bearer draft 不记名汇票 bearer scrip 不记名临时证券凭证 bearer stock 不记名股票 bearer interest 附息,负担利息 bearish 行情看跌 bear market 跌市,熊市 bear position 空头地位 bear raiding 空头袭击 bear squeeze 榨空头 beating the gun 抢先交易 beating the market 战胜股市 BE chart 损益分界图表 before interest and tax income 支付利息和所得税前收益 before-separation cost 分离前成本 before tax income 税前收益 beggar-my-neighbor policy 以邻为壑财经政策 beginning balance 期初余额 beginning inventory 期初存货 behavioral accounting 行为会计 belated payment 滞纳金 bell-shaped curve 钟形曲线 bellwether security 领头证券,龙头证券 below par 低于票面价值 below the line 线下项目 benchmark program 基准程序 beneficial interest 受益人权益,受益权 beneficial owner 受益人,受益产权所有人 beneficiary 受益人,受款人,受赔人 beneficiary of remittance 汇款收款人 benefit 效益,福利金,津贴 benefit-cost analysis 效益成本分析 benefit-cost ratio 效益成本比率 benefit fund 福利基金 benefit in kind 实物福利 benefit period 受益期 benefit principle of taxation 课税的受益原则 benefit system 职工福利制度 benefit tax 受益税 BE point 损益分界点 bequest 遗产,遗赠 BER index 企业环境风险指数 berne union 伯恩联盟 best bid 最高买价,最高出价 best-efforts agreement 证券尽力推销协议 beta analysis 贝塔风险分析 beta coefficient 贝塔风险系数 beta factor 贝塔风险系数 beta risk 贝塔风险 beta software 第二次试验软件,贝塔软件 betterment 改造工程,改造工程投资 betterment capital 改造工程资金 bias 偏差,偏向性 bid 出价,买价,投标 bid and asked price 买进和卖出价格 bid bond 投标保证金 bidder 出价商,投标商 bidding collusion 窜通投标 bid guarantee 投标保证书 bid-asked spread 证券进销差价 bid opening 开标 bid price 买方出价,买价,投标价格 big bath 巨额冲销 big board 大证券交易所 big five 五大公共会计师事务所 big four 四大公共会计师事务所 big gaap 大公认会计原则 bilateral arbitrage 双边套汇 bilateral clearing 双边清算 bilateral facility 双边资金融通 bilateral monopoly 双边垄断 bilateral tax agreement 双边税收协定 bilateral trade 双边贸易 bill 票据,汇票,国库券,提货单,领料单,帐单 bill accepted 承兑汇票 bill book 票据薄 bill broker 票据经纪人 bill discounted 已贴现票据 bill for collection 托收汇票 bill for negotiation 议付汇票 billing 开发票,开帐单 billing clerk 开票员 billing cycle 开帐单周期 billing 10亿 billionaire 巨富 bill market 票据市场,贴现市场 bill of entry 报关单,出入港申报单 bill of exchange 汇票 bill of lading 提货单,提单 bill of sales 销货清单,卖据 bill of sight 临时报关单 bill rate 票据贴现率 bills payable 应付票据 bills receivable 应收票据 binary code 二进制编码 binary system 二进位计数制 bin card 存料卡 binder 临时合同,暂保单 binding 有约束力的,应遵守的 bind the bargain 固定售价 bird-in-the-hand thory 一鸟在手股利理论 bi-statement rate 两表比率 bit 二进制数位,比特 black economy 黑色经济,隐蔽经济 black knight 黑衣骑士 black list 黑名单 black market 黑市 black market exchange rate 黑市汇率 black market price 黑市价格 Black Monday 黑色星期一 black money 黑钱 blank bill 不记名汇票 blank bill of lading 不记名提货单 blank check 空白支票 blank endorsement 不记名背书 blanket appropriation 总括拨款÷ blanket bond 总括保证金 blanket contract 总括合同 blanket insurance 总括保险 blanket lien 总括留置权 blanket mortgage 总括抵押 blanket order 总括订货单 blanket policy 总括保险单 blanket price 总括价格 blanket rate 总括摊配率,总括税率 blank transfer 空白转让凭证,不记名转让凭证 blind competition 盲目竞争 blind entry 失实分录,无内容说明分录 blind purchase 盲目采购 blind trust保密信托 block 成批股票,成批记录,冻结,封存 blocked accounts 冻结帐户 blocked currency 冻结货币 blocked deposit 冻结存款 blocked funds 冻结资金 blocked funds attestation 冻结资金保付书 block grant 分类财政补助金 block insurance 分类保险 block method of accounting records 分类法会计记录 block trade 巨额交易 block record 成批记录,成组记录 block sampling 分批抽样法,分组抽样法 blue-chip 蓝筹码股票,热门股票 blue-chip rate 主要利率,优惠利率 blue-chip stock 蓝筹码股票,热门股票 blue-sky laws 蓝天法,股票发行监督法 board 委员会,懂事会,理事会 board chairman 懂事长 board designated funds 董事会设置的基金 board minutes 董事会议记录 board of customs and excise 关税和货物税务局 board of directors 董事会 board of governors 理事会 Board of Inland Revenue 国内税务局 board of supervisors 监事会 board of trade 产业工会,商会 board of trustees 受托管理委员会,托管委员会 board resolution 董事会决议 board corporate 法人团体 bogus check 伪造支票 bogus company 虚构公司 bogus money 伪币 boilerplate contract 铁板合同,定型合同 boil-room sales 股票投机销售 bona fide 忠实,诚实 bona fide holder 合法持票人 bona fide transaction 正当交易 bond 债券,保证书,保证金,保税,忠诚保证 bond anticipation note 待付债券票据 bond certificate 债券凭证 bond conversion 债券兑换 bond coupon 债券息票 bond creditor 债券债权人 bond discount 债券折价 bond dividend 债券股利 bonded debt 债券债务 bonded factory 保税工厂 bonded goods 保税货物 bonded warehouse 保税仓库 bond expense 债券发行费用 bond financing 债券筹资 bond fund 债券基金 bond holder 债券持有人 bond indenture 债券契约,债券信托契约 bond index 债券指数,债券价格指数 bonding 忠诚保险 bonding company 忠诚担保公司 bond interest 债券利息 bond investment 债券投资 bond issue cost 债券发行成本 bond market 债券市场 bond note海关保税输出证 bond premium 债券溢价 bond rating 评定债券等级 bond redemption 债券兑回 bond refunding 债券兑换 bond retirement 债券清偿 bond risk premium 债券风险溢酬 bond register 债券登记薄 bond sinking fund 公司债券偿债基金 bonds issued 已发行债券 bonds outstanding 流通在外债券,未偿付债券 bonds outstanding method 未偿付债券法 bonds payable 应付公司债券 bond subscriptions 债券认购书,债券认购款 bond table 债券表 bond trustee 债务发行信托管理人 bond valuation 债券计价 bond value 债券价值 bond yield债券收益率 bonus 奖金,红利 bonus bond 红利债券 bonus issue 发行红利股 bonus method 红利法 bonus share 红利股票,红股 bonus stock 红利股票,红股 bonus system 奖金制度 book 帐薄,记帐 book amount 帐面金额 book asset 帐面资产 book audit 帐薄审计 book balance 帐面余额 book cost 帐面成本 book debts 帐面债务 book depreciation 帐面折旧 book entry 帐面记录 book entry security 记帐证券 booking rate 记帐汇率 book inventory 帐面存货,帐面盘存 book inventory method 帐面盘存制 bookkeeper 薄记员,薄记师 bookkeeping 薄记,记帐,薄记学 bookkeeping cycle 薄记循环 bookkeeping system 薄记制度 bookkeeping transaction 薄记业务,薄记帐务 bookless accounting system 无帐薄会计系统 book liability 帐面负债 book loss 帐面损失 book of chronological entry 序时帐薄 book of final entry 终结分录帐薄 book of original entry 原始分录帐薄 book profit 帐面利润 book rate of return帐面收益率 book salvage value 帐面残值 books of account 帐薄 book surplus 帐面盈余 book value 帐面价值 book value per share 每股帐面价值 book value per share of common stock 普通股每股帐面价值 book value weights 帐面价值加权 book yield 帐面收益率 boom 繁荣,景气 boomerang effect 反倾销效应 boot 补价,以旧换新补贴金额 bootstrap sale 补价销售 borrowed capital 借入资本 borrower 借用人 borrowing借贷,借款 borrowing power 借款能力 both principal and interest 本利合计 both sides clear 钱货两讫 bottleneck inflation瓶颈式通货膨胀,短线涨价 bottom 谷底 bottom-fishing谷底投资 bottom line 损益表底线,最终财务成果 bottom price 最低价 bottom-up approach 自下而上法 bought and sold note 证券经纪人 bought journal 进货日记帐 bought ledger进货分类帐 export bounty 出口补贴 bourse 证券交易所 bracket 等级,税级 bracket indexation 税级指数化 branch 分支机构,分公司,分店 branch account 分支机构帐户,分店帐户 branch accounting 分支机构会计,分店会计 branch current account 分支机构往来帐户,分店往来帐户 branch ledger 分店分类帐 branch office report 分店报告 brand 品牌 branded goods 有品牌商品,有商标商品 brand name 品牌名称 breach of condition 违反要件 breach of confidence 泄漏机密 breach of contract 违约,违反合同 breach of law 违法 breach of privilege 滥用职权 breach of trust 违反信托 breach of warranty 违反保证,违反担保 breakdown 分解,按细目分类 break-even analysis 损益平衡分析,损益分界分析 break-even cash inflow损益平衡现金流入量,损益分界现金流入量 break-even chart 损益平衡图表,损益分界图表 break-even formula 损益平衡公式 break-even point损益平衡点,损益分界点 break-even price 损益平衡价格,损益分界价格 break-even sales 损益平衡销售额,损益分界销售额 break-even volume 损益分界业务量,损益平衡业务量 break-even value 折卖价值,残值 bribery 行贿,受贿 bribes and kickbacks 贿赂和回扣 bridging advance 过渡性预支 bridging bond 过渡性债券 bridging loan 过渡性贷款 bring down 过次页 bring forward 承前页 British Insurance and Investment Brokers Association 英国保险和投资经记人协会 British Technology Group 英国技术集团 Brokage 经纪人佣金 Broken amount 零星批量,零星股 Broken lot 零星批量,零星股 Broker 经纪人 Brokerage 经纪人佣金,经纪人业务 Brokerage commission 经纪人佣金 Brokerage firm 经纪人事务所 Broker's lien 经纪人留置权 Broker's loan 经纪人贷款 Broker’s marker 经纪人市场 Brought down 金额移后,过次页 Brought forward 承前页,余额承前 Browser 浏览器 Brussel’s Tariff Nomenclature 布鲁塞尔关税商品目录分类表,布鲁塞尔关税税目表 Bubble 行骗投机,高风险投资 Bubble company 虚构公司,行骗公司 Budget 预算 Budget account 预算账户 Budget act 预算法 Budget and economic outlook预算和经济发展 Budget allocation 预算分配 Budget allowance 预算限额 Budget and accounting act 预算和会计法案 Budget appropriation 预算拨款 Budgetary account 预算科目,预算账户 Budgetary accounting 预算会计 Budgetary control 预算控制 Budgetary data processing system 预算数据处理系统 Budgetary fund 预算基金,预算资金 Budgetary slack 预算宽松 Budgetary structure 预算结构 Budgetary reserve 预算准备金 Budget authority 预算主管机构,预算主管人员 Budget center 预算中心 Budget committee 预算委员会 Budget coordination 预算调节 Budget cycle 预算循环,预算周期 Budget decision 预算决策 Budget deficit 预算赤字 Budget director 预算主任 Budget draft 预算草案 Budget balance sheet 预算资产负债表 Budget cost 预算成本 Budgeted income statement 预算损益表 Budgeted standard 预算标准 Budget enforcement 预算执行 Budget estimate 概算 Budget fiscal year 预算会计年度 Budgeting 预算编制 Budgeting model 预算编制模型 Budget management 预算管理 Budget manual 预算手册 Budget message 预算咨文 Budget period 预算期 Budget procedure预算程序 Budget report 预算报告 Budget resolution 预算决议 Budget statement 预算表,预算书 Budget surplus 预算盈余 Budget system 预算制度 Budget variance 预算差异 Budget year 预算年度 Buffer stock 保险库存,缓冲存货 Buffer storage 缓冲存储器 Building-and-loan association 购房贷款协会 Building contractor 建筑承包商 Building cost 建筑成本 Building society 购房互助会 Building tax 购房税 Built-in automatic check 内在自动稽核 Built-in control 内在控制 Built-in stabilizer 内在稳定因素 Built discount 大宗采购折扣 Bulk purchase 整批采购,泵购 Bulk sale 整批出售,泵受 Bull 买空,买空者,多头 Bull account 多头账户 Bull campaign 哄抬风 Bulldog bond 猛犬债券 Bullet loan 一次还本贷款 Bullion 金银块,金银条 Bullion broker 贵重金属经纪人 Bullion market 贵重金属市场,金银市场 Bull position 多头地位 Bull market 牛市,涨势 Bullion value 金银价值 Bunched cost 整批成本,混合成本 Burden 间接费用,负担,负担责任 Burden center 间接费用中心,费用中心 Burden cost 间接费用成本 Burden coverage ratio 间接费用偿付能力比率 Burden of proof 举证责任 Burden of taxation 税收负担,税负 Bureau of custom 关税局 Bureau of the budget 预算局 Business 商业,工商业,企业,经营,营业 Business accounting 企业会计,工商业会计 Business barometer 商业指标 Business budget 企业预算 Business combination 企业合并 Business corporation 工商业公司 Business cost 营业成本 Business credit 商业信用 Business cycle 商业周期,商业循环 Business decision 经营决策 Business entity concept 企业个体概念 Business environment risk index企业环境风险指数 Business environment 企业环境 Business establishment 企业机构 Business expense 企业费用 Business expense deduction 营业费用和扣减项目 Business failure 经营失败 Business finance 企业财务 Business forecasting 商情预测 Business income 企业收益,营业收益 Business information system企业信息系统 Business-interruption insurance 停工损失保险 Business organization 企业组织 Business paper 商业票据 Business ratios 营业比率 Business profit 企业利润,营业利润 Business risk 经营风险,营业风险 Business segment 企业分部 Business solvency企业偿债能力 Business tax营业税,销售税 Business transaction 企业交易,企业业务 Business trust 企业经营信托 Business year 营业年度 Buy and hold decision 购入何置存决策 Buy back 购回股份,购回债券,产品返销 Buyer 买主,进货员,采购主任 Buyers' credit 买方信贷 Buyers' market 买方市场 Buyers’ monopoly 买方垄断 Buying agent 购货代理商 Buying expense 进货费用 Buying in 买进,补空买进 Buying on margin 保证金购买 Buying rate 买价,买入汇率 Buying power购买力 Buying requisition 请购单 Buying tender 标购 Buyout 收购股权 Buy over 收买,贿赂 Bylaws 公司章程细则 By-product 副产品 current ratio流动比率 capital structure ratio资本结构比率 current ratio流动比率 calculation inspection 计算检查 calculation 计算 calculator计算器 calendar variation 日历变动 calendar year 日历年度 call 期前偿还,期前兑回,催缴股款,买方期权 callable bond 可提前兑回债券 callable preferred stock 可提前兑回优先股 call deposit 活期存款 called bond 已要求兑回的债券 called-up capital 已催缴股本 call feature 提前兑回特征 call loan 活期拆放贷款 call money 活期拆放贷款 call-of-more option 购买双倍股票期权 call option 买方期权,股票购买期权 call premium 提前兑回溢价 call price 提前兑回价格 call privilege 提前兑回权利 call provision 提前兑回条款 cambism 外汇兑换业务 cambist 外汇经销商 cancelable lease 可取消租约 cancellation 撤销,注销 cancelled check 注销支票 capacity 生产能力,偿债能力 capacity cost 生产能力成本,经营能力成本 capacity operating rate 生产能力利用率 capacity to borrow 借款能力 capacity to contract 订约能力,订约资格 capacity utilization rate 生产能力利用率 capacity utilization variance 成产能力利用差异 CAPA Conference 亚洲和太平洋会计师联合会会议 CAPA Projects 亚洲和太平洋会计师联合联合会工作计划 capital 资本,资本性资产 capital account 资本账户 capital accumulation 资本积累 capital additions 资本增值 capital adjustment account 资本调整帐户 capital allowance 资本减免 capital and drawing account 业主资本和提款账户 capital and liabilities ratio 资本负债比率 capital appreciation 资本升值 capital asset 资本性资产 capital asset pricing model 资本性资产计价模型 capital authorized 额定资本,法定资本 capital bonus 资本红利 capital budget 资本预算 capital budgeting manager 资本预算经历 capital coefficient 资本系数 capital composition 资本构成 capital consumption 资本耗用 capital consumption allowance 资本耗用税额减免 capital contributed in excess of par value 实缴股本的股票溢价 capital cost 资本成本,资本成本率 capital deepening 资本深化 capital deficit 资本亏蚀 capital duty 资本税 capital employed 运用资本 capital expenditure 资本支出 capital expenditure budget 资本支出预算 capital expenditure decision 资本支出决策 capital export 资本输出 capital flight 资本外流 capital form capitalization issue 从资本化股票发行获得资本 capital from consolidation 从合并获得资本 capital from donation 从捐赠获得资本 capital from treasury stock transaction 从库存股份交易获得资本 capital fund 资本基金 capital gain 资本利的,资本收益 capital gain net income 资本净收益额 capital gain tax 资本利的税,受益税 capital gain treatment 资本利得优惠待遇。资本收益优惠待遇 capital gearing 资本齿轮传动作用 capital graph 资本图表 capital growth bond 资本增值债券 capital impairment 资本减损 capital improvement 资本改造支出 capital income 资本收益 capital instruments 资本票据 capital invested 已投股本 capital investment 资本投资 capital investment appraisal 资本投资评价 capital intensive 资本密集 capital investment decision 资本投资决策 capital issue资本发行 capitalization 资本化 capitalization of earnings 收益资本化 capitalization of interest 利息资本化 capitalization of reserve 公积金的资本化 capitalization rate 资本化速率,资本化折算率 capitalized expense 资本化费用 capitalized value 资本化价值 capitalized lease 资本租赁 capital leverage 资本杠杆作用 capital liability 资本性负债 capital loan 资本性贷款 capital loss 资本损失 capital maintenance concept资本保持概念,资本维护概念 capital maintenance reserve资本维护准备金 capital market 资本市场 capital market based accounting 已资本市场为基础的会计 capital market line 资本市场贝塔风景线 capital movement 资本流动 capital outlay 资本支出 capital-output ratio 资本产值比率 capital paid-in 实缴股本,投入股本 capital projects fund 基本建设基金 capital rationing decision 资本分配决策 capital recovery 资本回收 capital redemption reserve 资本偿还准备金 capital reduction 缩减资本 capital reorganization 资本改组 capital requirement 资本需要量 capital reserve 资本公积金 capital return 投资回收率,资本收益率 capital risk 资本风险 capital savings 资本节约 capital stock 股本 capital stock authorized 额定股本,法定股本 capital stock discount 股本折价 capital stock outstanding 发行在外股本,流通在外股本 capital stock premium 股本溢价 capital stock subscription 认购股本 capital structure 资本结构 capital structure decision 资本结构决策 capital structure ratio 资本结构比率 capital structure theory 资本结构理论 capital sum 资本总额 capital surplus资本盈余 capital tax资本税 capital transaction 资本业务,资本账务 capital transfer tax资本转让税 capital turnover 资本周转率 capital verification 资本验证,验资 capitation fee按人均摊的费用 capitation tax人头税 captive finance company 集团公司附属财务公司,集团公司附属金融公司 captive insurance company 集团公司附属保险公司 card loan 卡式贷款 cargo货运,运费 cargo insurance 货运保险 cargo receipt 货运收据 cargo syndicate货运保险局集团 cargo underwrite 货运承保商 carriage 运输,运费 carriage inward 运入运费 carriage outward 运出运费 carried interest 附带权益 carried party 权益转让方 carrier 承运商 carrier’s lien 承运商留置权 carrier’s risk 承运商风险 carryback 移前扣减,结转前期扣减 carry forward转次页,结转下页,移后扣减,结转后期扣减 carrying cost 置存成本,储存成本 carrying party权益转入方 carrying value置存价值,抵押品价值 carryover结转下期扣减,移后扣减,结转库存量,滚存量 cartel 卡特尔 cartel price 卡特尔价格,垄断价格 case law 判例法 cash 现金,兑现 cashability变现能力 cash account 现金帐户,现购,现金往来帐户 cash accounting 现金会计 cash against documents 评单据付款,交单付款 cash and carry 现购自运 cash and delivery交货付款 cash asset 现金资产 cash audit 现金审计 cash balance 现金结存,现金余额 cash basis accounting 现金收付制,收付实现制会计 cash before delivery 交货前付款 cash bonus 现金红利 cash bool 现金簿,现金收支簿 cash break-even analysis 现金损益分界分析 cash budget现金预算 cash capital 现金资本 cash card 现金卡 cash commodity 现货 cash contract 现金合同 cash control 现金控制 cash cost 现金成本 cash cow 现金牛 cash credit现金付出,现金透支 cash deficit 现金短绌 cash cycle 现金循环,现金周期 cash decision model 现金决策模型 cash department 现金部门 cash deposit ratio 现金准备金对存款负债比率 cash disbursements journal 现金支出日记账 cash discount 现金折扣 cash dispenser 自动提款机 cash dividend 现金股利 cash down 即期付款 cash drain 现金枯竭 cash earning 现金赢余,现金收益 cash equivalent现金等价物 cash equivalent value现金等值 cash fiow 现金流转,现金流量 cash flow accounting 现金流量会计 cash flow adequacy ratio 现金流量充足程度比率 cash flow analysis 现金流量分析 cash-flow budget现金流量预算 cash-flow fixed-charge coverage现金流量偿付固定费用能力 cash flow forecast现金流量预测 cash flow statement 现金流量表 cash flow from financing activities 筹资活动产生的现金流量 cash flow from investing activities 投资活动产生的现金流量 cash flow from operating activities 营业活动产生的现金流量 cash flow instatement 现金流量表 cash flow stream 现金流 cash-flow to capital-expenditure ratio 现金流量对资本的比率 cash-flow to current-debt ratio现金流量对流动负债的比率 cash-flow to long-term debt ratio 现金流量对长期债务比率 cash-flow to total-debt ratio现金流量对负债总额的比率 cash forecast 现金预算 cash fund 现金基金,现金款项 cashier 出纳主管 cashier’s check银行本票 cash inflow 现金流入(量) cash in transit 在途现金 cash item 现金项目 cash journal现金日记账 cashless/checkless economy 无现金和无支票经济 cash limit 现金限额 cash management现金管理 cash management service现金管理服务 cash manager 现金经理 cash on delivery 货到付款,交货付款 cash on hand库存现金 cash on shipment 装船付款 cash order现金订货,订货付款;现金汇票,汇款单 cash outflow现金流出(量) cash payment journal现金支出日记账 cash position现金状况,现金头寸 cash position ratio 现金状况比率,现金头寸比率 cash price 付现价格 cash purchase付现购买 cash ratio付现比率 cash receipt现金收据 cash receipt journal现金收入日记账 cash records现金纪录 cash register现金出纳机 cash report 现金报告 cash requirement 现金需要量 cash reserve现金准备金 cash residual value现金残值 cash sale现销 cash settlement 现金结算 cash shortage现金短缺 cash shortage and overages 现金缺溢 cash statement现金报表 cash surrender value现金退保金 cash to current liability ratio 现金对流动负债比率 cash transaction 现金交易,现金业务 cash turnover ratio现金周转率 cash voucher现金凭单 cash with order现金订货,订货付款 cash yield现金收益率 casting 加计,合计 casual audit临时审计 casualty insurance意外灾害损失保险 casualty loss意外损失 catalogue商品目录 catalogue price商品目录价格 catch-up adjustment追补调整 catch-up depreciation追补折旧 catch-up entry追补分录 cats and dogs 可疑证券 cause and effect analysis因果分析 cause and effect analysis diagram因果分析图表 caution money 保证金 CCM examination 注册现金经理考试 ceded company 分保承保公司,分保承保商 ceiling 最高限额 ceiling price最高限价 center for excellence in financial management优秀财务管理人员活动中心 center for international education and research in accounting 国际教育和研究中心 center of auti-fraud resource反欺诈信息中心 central bank 中央银行 central bank of central bank 中央银行的中央银行 central corporate expense公司总部费用 centralization 集权 centralized cash management 集中化现金管理 centralized purchasing集中采购,集中进货 central processing unit中央处理器 central tendency集中趋势 centre for social and environmental accounting research社会和会计环境研究中心 certain annuity 固定年金 certainty 确定性 certainty decision 确定性政策 certainty equivalent确定性等值 certainty equivalent coefficient确定性等值系数 certCM program 国际现金管理人员证书颁发计划 certificate 执照,证书 certificate of auditor审计师证书 certificate of beneficial interest股权受益证书 certificate of bonds债权证书 certificate of capital stock股权证书 certificate of capital verification 验资证书 certificate of deposit定期存款单,大额存款单 certificate of incorporation 公司登记证书,公司注册证书 certificate of indebtedness借据 certificate of protest拒付证书 certificate of reasonable value 合理价值证明书 certificate of release解除抵押证书 certificate of stock股票 certificate accountant注册会计师 certificate bookkeeper注册薄记师 certificate business appraiser注册企业估价师 certified cash manager注册现金经理 certified check保付支票 certified copy签证副本,核实副本 certified financial examiner注册财务检查师 certified financial management注册财务管理人员 certified financial planner注册财务计划师 certified financial statement 签证财务报表,签证会计报表 certified forensic account注册司法会计师 certified fraud examiner注册舞弊检查师 certified government auditing professional注册政府审计人员 certified government financial manager注册政府财务经理 certified information security manager注册信息安全经理 certified information system auditor注册信息系统审计师 certified insolvency and reorganization advisor注册无力偿付和资本重组咨询师 certified internal auditor国际注册内部审计师 certified invoice签证发票 certified management accountant注册管理会计师 certified professional environmental auditor注册环境审计师 certified property manager注册财产经理 certified property specialist注册财产管理专家 certified public account注册公共会计师 certified public accountant-person financial specialist注册公共会计师和个人财物专家 certified public finance officer注册财务官员 certified valuation analyst注册估价分析师 certifying bank 付款保证银行 certifying officer签付员 cesser期限终止,责任结束 cession财产转让,保险金额转让 CFA Examination特许财务分析师职称考试 CFE Examination注册舞弊检查师考试 CFO Act财务总裁法 CFO direct Network财务总裁专用互联网 CFO Council财务总裁委员会 CFP Examination 注册财务计划师职称考试 CGFM Examination 注册政府财务经理考试 chain discount连锁折扣 chain index环比指数 chain liquidation 连锁清算 chairman of the board of directors董事长 chairman’s report董事长报告 challenge盘查 change fund 找零备用金 change in accounting estimate 会计估计的变动 change in accounting principle会计原则的变动,会计准则的变动 change in reporting entity会计报告个体的变动 change prices accounting 物价变动会计 character字符,特性,性质 character classification按性质分类 character recognition system字符识别系统 charge费用,借记,赊账,置留权 chargeable expense 列支费用 chargeable gain应税利得,应税收益 chargeable period应税期 charge account赊账,赊账账户 charge and discharge statement信托财产或遗产收支报表 charge card赊账卡 charge off注销 charge sale赊销 charge forward货到先付 charge on assets资产留置权 charges paid 费用付讫 charges prepaid预付费用 charging order 资产留置命令 charitable contribution deduction工艺捐款扣减,慈善捐款扣减 charitable organization 公益机构,慈善团体 charitable trust公益信托,慈善信托 charity statement公益事业机构报表 charm price吸引价格 chart图,图表 charter 许可证,执照 chartered accountant特许会计师 chartered certified accountant特许注册会计师 chartered financial analyst特许金融分析师,特许财务分析师 chartered financial consultant特许财务咨询师 chartered investment counselor特许投资咨询师 chartered management accountant 特许管理会计师 chartist图表分析师 chartist theory图表分析理论 chart of accounts账户分类表 chattel动产 chattel mortgage 动产抵押 chattel mortgage bond 动产抵押债券 cheap money 低息资金 check支票,检查,核对 check account 支票账户,活期存款账户 check and balance system制约平衡制度,制衡制度 check book 支票薄 check book stubs支票薄存根 check clearing 支票清算 check crossed generally普通划线支票 check crossed specially 特别划线支票 check digit检验数位 checking account 支票账户,活期存款账户 checking deposit活期存款 check list核对清单 check mark核对符号 check off 核对无误,扣款 check outstanding 未兑现支票 check register支票登记薄 check-signing equipment 支票签字设备 check to bearer不记名支票 check to order记名支票 check verification 支票验证 cheque支票 Chicago board options exchange芝加哥期权交易所 chief accountant总会计师,会计主任 chief auditor总审计师,审计主任 chief cashier总出纳,出纳主任 chief financial officer 公司财务总裁 chief executive officer首席执行官 chief financial officers act财务总裁法 chief financial officers council财务总裁委员会 chief information officer公司信息总裁 chief risk officer公司风险总裁 chose in action 法律诉讼上的产权 chose in possession 实际占有的产权 chronological book 序时帐薄 chronological record 序时纪录 CIA code of conduct注册内部审计是职业道德守则 CIA examination 注册内部审计师职称考试 CIC program特许投资咨询师职称颁发计划 CIF price到岸价格 circularization 通函询证 circular letter of credit流通信用证 circulating asset流动资产 circulating capital 流动资本,流动资金 circulating liability流动负债 CISA examination 注册信息系统审计师职称考试 CISM examination 注册信息安全经理职称考试 civil liability民事责任 civil suit 民事诉讼 civil tax penalty 民事税收罚金 claim索赔,赔偿,债权产权 claimee 被索赔人 claimer索赔人 classification of accounts 账户分类表 classification of assets资产分类 classification of liabilities负债分类 classification of stockholders’ equity股东产权分类 classified balance sheet分类资产负债表 classified common stock 分类普通股 classified income statement 分类损益表 classified income tax分类所得税 classified property tax分级财产税 classified trial balance 分类试算表 class-life depreciation system分类折旧年限制度 clause条款 claused bill of exchange付条款汇票 claused bill of lading 付条款提货单 claw back 追回税款 Clayton Antitrust Act克莱顿反托拉斯法案 clean 不附带保留条件,不附带保留意见 clean acceptance 单纯承兑,无条件承兑 clean audit单纯审计 clean bill of exchange 光票汇票 clean bill of lading 清洁提货单 clean float自由浮动,单纯浮动 clean letter of credit光票信用证 clean opinion 无保留审计意见 clean price不付利息价格 clean surplus concept净盈余 clearance 报关;票据清算;清仓 clearance agent报关代理商 clearance fee 报关手续费,进出港手续费 clearance paper 报关许可证,进出港许可证 clearance sale清仓减价销售 clear days结算日数 clearers票据清算所,票据清算银行 clearing 票据冲销,票据清算;债务结算 clearing account结转账户,清算账户 clearing agent报关代理商 clearing bank 票据清算银行,票据清算所会员银行 clearing currency清算货币 clearing cycle结算周期,清算周期 clearing fee清算费用 clearing house 票据清算所 clearing house agent票据清算代理商 Clearing House Interbank Payment System银行内部票据清算支付系统 Clearing House Automated Payment System票据清算所自动支付系统 clearing house statement 票据清算清单 clear-up clause清理条款 clear-up period清理期 clearical error笔误,记录错误 clerk 办事员,职员 client客户,委托人 client representation letter客户申诉书,情况说明书 close company 不公开招股公司 closed account已结帐户 closed-end已规定限额 closed-end credit固定限额信贷,固定期限信贷 closed-end investment trust固定股份投资信托 closed-end mortgage限额抵押 closed-end mutual fund 固定股份共同基金 closed indent限定委托订货单 closely-held company 不公开招股公司 closing 结帐,收盘 closing adjustment结账调整,决算调整 closing balance期末余额 closing date 结帐日期,截止日期 closing entry结账分录 closing inventory 期末存货 closing price收盘价格 closing procedure 结帐程序,决算程序 closing rate收盘汇率 closing rate method收盘汇率法 cluster sampling分类抽样法 code 代码,代号;法规,守则; code of conduct行为守则,行为准则 coding 编码 coding of accounts账户编码 coefficient系数 coefficient of correlation 相关系数 coefficient of determination 判定系数 coefficient of variation 变差系数 co-financing联合融资 coin 硬币 coincident indication 重合指标 coinsurance共同保险,联合保险 coinsurance clause共同保险条款 coinsurer联合承保商 collateral 抵押品,担保品 collateral bond抵押品担保债券 collateralize作抵押,提供抵押 collateral loan抵押品 担保贷款 collateral security抵押品,附属担保品 collateral-trust bonds抵押品担保信托债券 collateral value抵押品价值 collectability可收回性 collectible accounts 可收回账款 collectibles收藏物 collecting bank 托收银行 collection 收账,托收 collection agency 收账代理商 collection charge托收费 collection department收账部门 collection forecast收账预测 collection letter收账信函 collection method 收账法 collection on delivery货到付款 collection on document 跟单托收 collection period 收款期 collection policy收账政策 collection ratio 应收账款比率 collection service 收账服务 collection ownership集体所有制 collusion 窜通作弊 collusive tendering 窜通投标 column栏,列 columnar accounts 多栏式日记账 columnar cash journal多栏式现金日记账 columnar journal 多栏式日记账 co-maker联合出票人 co-manager报销银团协理银行 combination 联合,合并 combination rate联运费率 combined attributes and variables samping 属性与变量混合抽样法 combined financial statement 合并财务报表,合并会计报表 combined journal and ledger合并日记分类账,日记总帐 combined reliability复合可靠程度 combined statement of income and retained earnings合并收益和留存收益表 comfort letter 安慰信函 commander theory管理者论 commercial arbitration商业银行 commercial bill商业汇票 commercial computers商用电子计算机 commercial credit商业信用 commercial credit company商业信贷公司 commercial discount商业折扣 commercial document 商业凭单,商业单据 commercial finance company商业金融公司 commercial invoice 商业发票 commercial law商法 commercial letter of credit商业信用证 commercial monopoly商业垄断 commercial paper商业票据 commercial paper rate商业票据利率 commercials商业股票 commission佣金,手续费 commission agent佣金代理商 commission broker佣金经纪人 commitment承付款项,承诺贷款 commitment fee承诺费 commitment for capital expenditure已承付的资本支出 committed cost已承担成本,已承付成本 committee委员会 committee of audit审计委员会 committee of inspection检查委员会 commodity商品,货物 commodity broker商品经纪人 commodity exchange商品交易所 commodity futures商品期货交易 commodity futures contract商品期货合同 commodity market商品交易市场 commodity price商品价格,初级商品价格 commodity price index商品价格指数 Common Business Oriented Language普通商业语言 common carrier公共运输业,公共承运商 common cost共同成本 common customs tariff共同关税税率 common dollar等值美元 common-dollar accounting等值美元会计,等值货币会计 common expense共同费用,联合费用 common law习惯法,不成文法 common property共同财产 common stock普通股 common-size financial statement共同尺度财务报表,共同尺度会计报表 common stock dividend普通股股票股利 common stock equivalent等同普通股 common stockholder普通股股东 Common Stock Index普通股股票价格指数 common stock ratio 普通股比率 common stock valuation 普通股计价 communication protocal通信协议 communications softwares通信软件 community社区,共有,共享 community income共同收益 community of intest共同权益,共同权益集团 community property共有财产 commutation折算 commuted value折算价值 Companies Registration Office公司注册管理局 company公司 company act公司法 company auditor公司审计师 company director公司懂事 company finance公司财务 company fraud 公司欺诈 company goal公司目标 company incorporated注册公司 company law公司法 company limited by guarantee担保有限公司 company limited by share股份优先公司 company liquidation account公司清算帐户 company officer公司高级职员 company of limited liability有限公司,有限责任公司 company of unlimited liability无限公司,无限责任公司 company promoter 公司创办人 company reserve 公司公积金 company seal公司印章 company secretary公司秘书 company specific risk 公司个别风险 company tax公司税 comparability可比性 comparative accounting比较会计 comparative analysis比较分析 comparative cost advantage比较成本优势 comparative international accounting国际比较会计 comparative statement比较财务报表,比较会计报表 compatibility兼容性,兼容能力 compensating balance补偿性存款 compensating errors抵消性错误 compensating payment补偿性报酬 compensation 报酬,酬金;补偿,赔偿 compensation trade补偿贸易 compensation for damages损害补偿 compensation for loss of office 解除职务损失补偿 compensatory balance补偿性存款额,最低应存额 compensatory stock option 补偿性购股权 compensatory tariff补偿性关税 Comperio普华勇道会计互联网www.pwcglobal.com competent auditor胜任的审计师,有法定资格的审计师 competent evidential matter有效的证据材料 competition竞争 competitive bidding竞争性招标 competitive price竞争价格 competitive wage竞争性工资 compilation of financial statement编制会计报表,编辑会计报表 compilation report会计师编辑报告 compiler language编译语言 complete audit 全部审计 complete cost全部成本 complete cycle costs全部周期成本 complete contract method全部完工法 completed sales basis完成销售法,完成销售基准 completeness完整性 complete transaction完整性经济业务 complete risk 完工风险 complex capital structure复杂资本结构 complex information processing复杂信息处理 complex tariff复合税则,复合税率 complex trust复杂信托 compliance audit符合规章审计 compliance test符合性抽查 composite break-even point综合损益分界点,综合损益平衡点 composite cost of capital综合资本成本 composite depreciation method 综合折旧法 composite depreciation rate综合折旧率 composite service life综合使用年限 composite tax rate综合税率 composition 偿债协议,债务和解,资本构成 composition of capital资本构成 composition of creditors债券人清偿协议 compound amount复利本利和 compound amount of 1 dollar 一元的复利终值,1元的本利和 compound arbitrage重复套汇,复合套汇 compound discount复贴现息,复折现 compound entry复合分录,复式分录 compounding 复利计算 compounding period 复利期 compound interest复利 compound interest method of depreciation复利折旧法 compound interest table复利表 compound tariff复合关税税率 compound value复利值 comprehensive annual financial report综合年度财务报告 comprehensive audit综合审计 comprehensive budget综合预算 comprehensive income综合收益 comprehensive insurance综合保险 comprehensive policy综合保险单 compromise和解,妥协 comptroller主计长,审计长 comptroller and auditor-general主计审计长 comptroller general总审计长 compulsory audit强制审计 compulsory checkoff强制口款 compulsory liquidation强制清算 compuserve information service 电子计算机信息服务公司 compustat标准普尔公司会计数据库 compustat data标准普尔公司会计数据库数据 computation errors计算错误,计算差错 computed price推算价格,约定价格 computer电脑,电子计算机 computer-aided accounting电子计算机辅助会计 computer-aided financial management电子计算机辅助财务管理 computer-aided trading电子计算机辅助交易 computer-based CPA exam电子计算机化注册公共会计师考试 computer conference电子计算机会议 computer file电子计算机文件,电子计算机档案 computer fraud电子计算机舞弊 computer hardware电子计算机硬件 computerized accounting电算化会计 computerized CPA exam电子计算机化注册公共会计师考试 computerized electronic spreadsheet program电算化电子棋盘程序 computerized inventory control system电算化存货控制系统 computer network电子计算机网络,电子计算机互联网 computer program电子计算机程序 computer-related crime电子计算机犯罪 computer security电子计算机安全措施 computer service industry电子计算机服务业 computer simulation电子计算机模拟 computer software电子计算机软件 computer software package电子计算机软件组合程序 computer terminal电子计算机终端机 computer-to computer interface电子计算机与电子计算机联接部件 computer virus电子计算机病毒 concealment隐瞒,匿报 concealment of assets隐匿财产 concealment of income隐匿收入 concept概念 concept of accounting control会计控制概念 concept of all-inclusive income总括收益概念 concept of capital maintenance资本维护概念 concept of current operating income本期营业收益概念 concept of distinguishing asset from expense划分资产和费用概念 concept of distinguishing equity from income划分产权和收益观念 conceptual framework会计概念构架,会计概念体系 concern企业,商号 concert-party agreements内部协议,内幕协议 concession特许,特许权;折让,优惠 concessionaire特许权享有人 conciliation调停 conciliator调停人 conciseness简洁性 concurrent insurance共同保险,同时保险 concurrent tax jurisdiction共同行使的税收管辖权 condemnation征用 condemnation proceeds征用收入 condensed financial statement简明财务报表,简明会计报表 condition条件,状况 condition acceptance附条件承兑 condition bid附条件出价,附条件兼并出价 condition bond附条件债券 condition discharge附条件解除债务 condition loan附条件贷款 condition offer附条件报价 condition sale附条件销售 condition of affairs statement财产状况说明书,清算式资产负债表 condition precedent先决条件 conditions concurrent共存条件 conditions of contract合同条件 conditions of employment雇佣条件 conditions of sale销售条件 conduct money保证金 confidence level置信水平,置信度 confidential clause保密条款 confidential information 机密信息 confirmation确认,询证 confirmation letter询证信函 confirmed letter of credit保兑信用证 confirming bank保兑银行,保付银行 confirming house保兑商行,保付商行 confiscated goods没收货物,充公货物 confiscation 没收,充公 confiscation risk 资产充公风险 conflict of interest公私利益冲突,借公营私 conglomerate combination 跨行业企业合并 conglomerate company跨行业公司,集团公司 conglomerate financial statement集团公司财务报表,集团公司会计报表 conglomeration企业合并 congressional budget office国会预算局 congressional general accounting office国会审计总署 consensus rate协商利率 consent decree认同判决 consent dividend认同股利 consent letter认同信函 consequences analysis后果分析 consequential damage从属损害 consequential loss从属损失 conservatism保守性,稳健性 conservatism principle稳健性原则 conservative working capital policy保守性流动资金政策 consideration履约报酬,对价 consignee承销商,代销商 consignment委托销售,寄销 consignment account寄销帐户,寄销损益帐户 consignment note寄销通知单 consignment profit and loss寄销损益 consignor寄销商 consistency一致性 consistency principle一致性原则 consolidated annuities永久性统一公债 consolidated bond统一公债,统一债券 consolidated financial statement合并财务报表,合并会计报表 consolidated goodwill合并商誉 consolidated group合并集团 consolidated income tax return合并所得税单 consolidated mortgage合并抵押 Consolidated Quotation Service统一报价服务 consolidated retained earnings合并留存收益,合并留存盈余 consolidation创立合并 consolidated sinking fund统一偿债基金 consolidated adjustment合并调整 consolidation excess合并溢价 consolidation goodwill合并商誉 consols永久性统一公债 consortium国际财团,国际银团 consortium project国际财团投资项目 constant cost不变成本 constant dollar accounting不变美元会计 constant-dollar income不变美元收益 constant-dollar value 不变美元价值 constant payment mortgage分期偿还固定金额抵押 constant price不变价格 constant purchasing power accounting不变购买力会计 constituent company成员公司,子公司 constrained optimization 受约束的最优化 constraints约束因素,限制因素 construction budget建筑预算,基建预算 construction contract建筑合同 construction contract accounting建筑合同会计 construction cost建筑成本,建筑费用 construction loan建筑贷款 construction loan note基建贷款票据 construction work in process在建工程 constructive dividend推定股利 constructive fraud推定欺诈 constructive obligation推定债务 constructive possession推定所有权 constructive receipt推定收入,已获未收收入 consulage领事签证费 consular invoice领事签证发货票 consultant顾问,咨询师 consultant fee咨询费 consulting services咨询服务 consumed cost耗用成本 consumer credit消费者信贷 consumer credit act消费者信贷法 consumer credit protection act 消费者信贷保护法 consumer finance company消费者金融公司 consumer installment credit消费者分期付款信贷 consumer lease消费者租赁 consumer price index消费品物价指数 consumer’s association消费者协会 consumer sovereignty消费者主权 consumer tax 消费税 consumption耗用,消费 consumption publico合格会计师 container cost包装成本,包装费用 contango延期交割,交割延期费 contango day 结算日,交割日 continental depository receipt欧洲大陆证券存单 Continental European accounting欧洲大陆会计 contingency意外事项,或有事项 contingency account意外准备帐户 contingency clause意外事故条款 contingency financial plan应急财务计划 contingency insurance意外事故保险 contingency management权变管理 contingent annuity或有年金 contingent asset或有资产 contingent expense或有费用 contingent fund意外损失金 contingent fee或有佣金,或有劳务 contingent interest或有权益 contingent liability或有负债 contingent projects或有投资项目 contingent rental或有租金 contingent reserve意外准备金 contingent transaction或有经济业务,或有会计事项 continuation clause展期条款 continuation day展限日期,交割限期日 continuing account连续帐户,结转帐户 continuing appropriation连续拨款,连续经费 continuing investment连续投资 continuing professional education连续专业进修教育 continuing security连续担保 continuing of operation连续性经营 continuing postulate连续性经营假设 continuous annuity连续年金 continuous audit连续审计 continuous budget连续预算 continuous compounding连续复利 continuous contemporary accounting连续适应环境会计 continuous inventory连续盘存 continuous processing连续处理,连续生产 continuous process method连续分步法 continuous stocktaking连续盘存 continuous variable连续变量 contra抵消,对销 contra account抵消帐户 contraband goods禁运品,走私货 contract合同 contract audit合同审计 contract auditorization 合同授权限额 contract bond履约保证书,履约保证金 contract by deed 契据,契据新式的合同 contract carrier合同运输业,合同承运商 contract clause合同条款 contract cost 合同成本 contract costing合同成本计算法 contract financing合同筹资 contract guarantee insurance合同保证保险 contracting out转包 contract labor合同工 contract management合同管理 contract market合同市场 contract of employment雇佣合同 contract of purchase进货合同 contract of sale销货合同 contract of service劳务合同,服务合同 contractor订约人,承包商 contract policy合同保险单 contract price合同价格 contractual liability合同义务 contractual payment合同约定付款 contractual rent合同租金 contractual saving和约储蓄,约定储蓄 contra entry对销分录 contributed capital实缴股本 contributed capital in excess of par value实缴股本的股票溢价 contributed surplus实缴股本盈余 contributed value贡献价值 contribution摊缴股本,分担费用,贡献毛利,捐款,捐献 contribution approach pricing贡献毛利定价法 contribution clause分担条款 contribution costing贡献成本计算法 contribution margin贡献毛益,贡献毛利 contribution margin analysis贡献毛利分析 contribution margin income statement贡献毛利损益表 contribution margin ratio贡献毛利率 contribution margin variance贡献毛利差异 contribution per unit单位贡献毛利 contribution price贡献价格 contribution theory贡献理论 contributory承担连带责任偿还责任者,分担性的,分摊性的 contributory pension plan分担退休金计划 contributory value分担价值 control控制,管制 control account控制帐户,统制帐户 control and performance accounting 控制和业绩评价会计 control chart控制图表 control concept会计控制概念 control cost可控制成本 controllable fixed cost可控制固定成本 controllable profit可控制利润 controlled account 被统制帐户 controlled company受控制公司,子公司 controlled foreign corporation受控制外国公司 controlled market管制市场 controlled price控制价格,管制价格 controller会计主任,主计长 controllership主计长职务,主计长职责 controlling account统制帐户 controlling company控股公司,母公司 controlling-company accounting控股公司会计,母公司会计 controlling interest控股股权,多数股权 controlling stockholders控股股东 control model控制模型 control risk控制风险 control test控制抽查 convention常规 conventional accounting常规会计 conventional cash flow pattern常规现金流量模式 conventional costing常规成本计算法 conventional income statement常规损益表 conventional lien常规留置权 conventional loan常规贷款 conversion兑换,换算,折算 conversion cost转换成本,加工成本 conversion date调换日期,兑换日期 conversion discount兑换折价 conversion exposure兑换风险暴露 conversion issue兑换发行 conversion premium兑换溢价 conversion price兑换价格 conversion privilege兑换权利 conversion rate兑换率,折算率 conversion right兑换权利,兑换选择权 convertibility 可兑换性 convertible bond可兑换债券 convertible currency可兑换货币 convertible preferred stock可兑换优先股 convertibles可兑换证券 conveyance转让,转让证书 cook 窜改帐目 cooked books假帐 cooperative合作社 cooperative bank合作银行 cooperative enterprise合作企业 coownership共有制,共同所有制 coownership共有公司 coownership of property共有财产 coproduct联产品 copy副本,副联 copyright版权 copyright royalty版税 core memory磁芯存储器 cornering the market作市挟仓,垄断市场 corner point角点 corporate accounting 公司会计 corporate anorexia公司厌食症 corporate bond公司债券 corporate bylaws公司章程细则 corporate capitalism公司资本主义 corporate charter公司执照 corporate equity公司产权 corporate failure公司破产,公司倒闭 corporate finance公司财务 corporate finance net公司财务网 corporate image公司形象 corporate income tax公司所得税 corporate information website公司信息网站 corporate joint venture合资经营公司 corporate law公司法 corporate liquidation公司清算 corporate objective公司目标,公司经营目标 corporate planning公司规划,公司计划 corporate planning model公司计划模型 corporate preference items公司纳税优惠项目 corporate raider公司掠夺者 corporate readjustment公司帐务重新调整 corporate reorganization公司改组 corporate report公司报告 corporate risk公司风险 corporate social accounting公司社会会计 corporate social objective公司社会目标 corporate social report公司社会责任报告 corporate social responsibility 公司社会责任 cost-push inflation成本推动型通货膨胀 cost ratio 成本比率 cost records成本记录 cost recovery成本回收 cost-recovery method 成本回收法 cost-reduction programs降低成本计划 cost reimbursable contract成本补偿合同 cost report成本报告 cost responsibility center成本责任中心 cost saving成本节约 cost sheet成本单,成本计算单 cost standard成本标准 cost statement成本报表 cost structure成本结构 cost system成本制度 cost to price ratio成本对售价的比率 cost unit成本单位 cost value成本价值 cost variance成本差异 cost variance analysis成本差异分析 cost-volume formula成本-业务量公式 cost-volume-profit analysis成本-销量-利润分析 cost-volume-profit chart成本-销量-利润表 cosurety联保人,联保公司 counterbalancing error自动抵消的差错 counter-bid买方竞价 counter claim反索赔 counterfeit money伪造货币 counterfoil票据存根 countermand止付,挂失 countermark标记,符号 counter offer反报价,买方还价 counterparty risk签约对方风险 countersign会签 counter trade对销贸易 countervailing credit对销信用证 countervailing tariff反倾销关税,反补贴关税 country of origin原产地,产地国 country quota国别配额 country risk国别风险 coupon息票 coupon bond息票债券 coupon rate息票利率 coupon security息票证券 coupon stripping息票撕离,息票拆卖 court of auditors审计法院 court of bankruptcy破产法院 court of claims索赔法院 court order法院命令 court trust法院信托 covenant合同条款,保证条款 cover弥补,抵偿;保证金,抵押财产;补进 coverage保险金额,保额;偿债准备金 coverage ratio偿债能力比率 coverage interest arbitrage抛补利息套利 covering entry详细分录;演饰分录 cover into缴回 cover note暂保单,承保单 CPA assurance service注册公共会计师信息安全服务 CPA firm注册公共会计师事务所 CPA info注册公共会计师咨询网 CPE Center专业进修教育中心 CPFO Certificate注册公共财务官员职称证书 CPP accounting现时购买力会计 crash cost应急成本 creative accounting创造型会计 credit贷方,贷记,信用,信贷;减免,抵免 credit account信用帐户 credit agency评信机构,信用调查机构 credit agreement贷款协议 credit analysis信用分析 credit analyst信用分析师 credit application贷款申请书 credit authorization信用审批 credit balance贷方余额 credit card贷记卡,信用卡 credit ceiling信贷最高限额 credit clearing信用清算,信贷清算 credit control信用控制 credit crunch信用紧张 credit department信用部门 credit entry贷方分录 credit guarantee信用保证,信用担保 credit inflation信用膨胀 credit information interchange信用信息交换 credit instruments信用工具,信用票据 credit insurance信用保险 credit investigation信用调查 credit items贷项 credit limit贷款限额,信贷额度 credit line贷款限额,信贷额度 credit loss赊帐损失 credit management信用管理 credit manager信用经理 credit market信贷市场 credit memorandum贷项通知单 creditor债权人 creditors应付帐款 creditors’ committee债权人委员会 creditor’s equity债权人产权 creditor’s equity ratio债权人产权比率 creditor’s ledgr债权人分类帐 credit period信用期限,付款期限 credit policy信用政策 credit purchase赊购 credit rating评定信用等级 credit reference信用调查信息 credit-reference agency信用调查机构 credit report信用调查报告 credit risk信用风险 credit sale赊销 credit-sale agreement赊销协议 credit scoring信用评分 credit side贷方 credit slip贷方传票 credit squeeze信用紧缩 credit standard信用标准 credit status信用状况 credit system信用制度 credit terms信贷条件 credit transaction信用交易,信用业务 credit union信用互助会 credit worthiness信用可靠性 creeping inflation爬行通货膨胀 creeping takeover爬行兼并 criminal fraud刑事舞弊,刑事欺诈 criminal investigation犯罪调查,刑事调查 criminal liability刑事责任 criminal tax penalty刑事税收罚金 criterion标准 critical path accounting关键路径会计 critical path analysis关键路径分析 cross-allocation method交叉分摊法,交互分摊法 cross-border listing跨国界上市交易 cross-check交叉核对 cross-default clause交互违约条款 crossed check横线支票,画线支票 cross-guarantees交叉担保,交互担保 cross rate交叉汇率,套算汇率 cross-reference交叉索引,交互索引 cross-section analysis截面分析 cum附有 cum-all附有各种权利 cum-bonus附有红利 cum-coupon附息票债券 cum-dividend附有股利 cum-interest附有利息 com-rights附权,附认购新股权 cumulative dividend累计股利 cumulative preference share累积先股 cumulative preferred stock share累积优先股 cumulative voting累积投票权 currency通货,货币 currency appreciation货币升值 currency areas货币区域 currency basket货币组合 currency bloc货币集团 currency clause货币条款 currency control货币管制 currency convertility货币可兑换性 currency deflation通货紧缩 currency depreciation货币贬值 currency diversification 外币币种分散 currency exchange货币币种互换 currency exposure外币风险暴露 currency futures外币期货 currency inflation货币膨胀 currency option外币购买权,外币期权 currency risk外币风险 currency indices外币指数 currency swap货币币种互换 current流动的,本期的 current account活期存款帐户,往来帐户 current asset流动资产 current asset ratio流动资产比率 current asset turnover流动资产周转率 current cash equivalent现时资金等值 current cost现时成本 current cost accounting现时成本会计 current cost depreciation现时成本折旧 current cost financial statement现时成本财务报表,现时成本会计报表 current cost income现时成本收益 current cost of goods sold现时销货成本 current cost operating profit现时成本营业利润 current cost valuation现时成本计价 current debt流动债务 current deposit活期存款 current expense本期费用,经常费用 current fund流动基金 current funds流动资金 current income本期收益 current investment短期投资 current liability流动负债 current/non-current method 流动-非流动项目法 current operating income concept本期营业收益 current-outlay cost现付成本 current period本期 current period adjustment本期调整 current price现时价格,现时销售价格 current purchasing power现时购买力 current purchasing power accounting现时购买力会计 current rate method现时汇率法 current ratio流动比率 current replacement cost现时重置成本 current return本期收益率 current selling price现时售价 current selling price valuation现时售价计价 current standard cost现行标准成本 current tax本期税额 current taxable income本期应税收益 current value现付价值;现值 current value accounting现值会计 current yield本期收益率 curtailment削减,紧缩 curve fitting曲线配合 custodial accounting保管会计 custodial responsibility保管责任 custodian保管人 custodian trustee受托保管人 custody保管 custody account代管帐户 custom惯例 customary discount习惯折扣,惯例折扣 customary form惯例格式 customary price惯例价格 customer顾客,客户 customer agent客户代理人,客户代理商 customer default客户违约 customer risk客户风险 customer’s accounts应收客帐 customer’s advance客户预付款 customer’s deposits客户保证金,客户定金 customer’s ledger客户分类帐 customer’s trade贸易惯例,国际贸易惯例 customs海关,关税,惯例,贸易惯例 customs bond海关保税 customs broker保关经济人,报关行 customs classification海关征税商品分类目录 customs clearance 结关,清关 customs cooperation council nomenclature海关合作委员会关税商品目录 customs declaration保关单 customs drawback海关退税 customs duty关税 customs invoice海关发货票 customs office海关 customs preventive officer海关缉私员 customs service关税局 customs tariff关税税则,关税税率 customs valuation海关估价 cut off 截止,截帐 cut off date截止日期,截帐日期 cut off errors截止误差,截帐误差 cut off point取舍分界点 cut off rate 投资项目取舍收益率 cut off statement 截止报表,截帐报表 cut off test截止抽查,截帐抽查 CVP analysis成本-销量-利润分析 cyber investment互联网投资 cyberspace互联网世界 cycle billing循环开帐单 cycle inventory循环盘存 cyclical fluctuations周期性波动 cyclical indicator周期性经济指标 debt ratio债务比率 days of average inventory on hand存货平均周转天数 debt ratio债务比率 debt-equity ratio债务产权比率 debt-equity ratio负债对股东产权比率 DAC accounting software达克会计软件 daily balance日计表,日结表 daily cash report现金收支日报 daily interest日息 daily pay日工资 daily statement日报表 damage claim损害索赔 damaged goods损坏商品 damages 赔款,损害赔偿费 data 资料,数据 data bank大型数据库 data base 数据库 database accounting 数据库式会计 database accounting information system数据库式会计信息系统 database consultant数据库咨询师 database management system数据库管理系统 data capture数据截收 data file数据档案,数据文件 data flow chart数据流程图 data management数据管理 data manipulation language数据操作语言 data network数据网络 data privacy数据保密 data processing数据处理 data processing center数据处理中心 data processing management association数据处理管理人员协会 data processing system数据处理系统 data protection act数据保护法 data retrieval数据检索 data security数据安全 data storage数据储存 data structure数据结构 data terminal数据终端机 data transmission数据传输 data warehouse数据仓库 data 日期 date backward填早日期 dated bill定期汇票,远期汇票 dated securities 定期证券 date due到期日 date forward填迟日期 date of acquisition购置日期 date of balance sheet结帐日期,资产负债表编制日期 date of declaration公告日期 date of payment发放股利日期,发薪日期 date of record股本登记日期 date of value起息日期 daughter company子公司 dawn raid破晓袭击,突击掠夺股权 day book日计薄 day loan按日计息贷款;按日贷款 day rate日工资率,日利率,日费率 days after sight见票后 days of average inventory库存存货平均天数 days of charge财产扣押期限 days of grace宽限日数 days purchases in accounts payable应付帐款付款天数 days sales in accounts receivable应收帐款收款天数 day to day loan按日计息贷款 dBASE数据库管理程序 DFC method折现现金流量法 dead account呆帐 dead asset陈废资产 dead capital呆滞资本 dead line截止期限 dead loan 呆滞贷款 dead loss纯损,全损 dead rent固定租金 dead stock呆滞存货,冷背存货 dead time窝工工时 deal交易,买卖 dealer经销商 Dearing Report迪林报告 dear money高息资金 debenture信用债券,无担保债券 debenture capital债券资本 debenture certificate债券 debenture coupon债券息票 debenture discount债券折价 debenture-holder债券持有人 debenture redemption reserve债券赎回准备金 debenture stock债券股 debenture trust信用债券信托公司 debit借方,借记 debit and credit convention借贷常规 debit balance借方余额 debit card借记卡,提款卡 debit entry借方分录 debit interest借项利息 debit items借项 debit memorandum借项通知单 debit note借项通知单 debit side借方 debt债务 debt adjuster债务调整人 debt adjustment债务调整 debt and equity securities债务和产权证券 debt capacity借债能力 debt capital借入资本,债权资本 debt ceiling债务限额 debt collection收帐 debt-collection agency收帐代理商 debt collection firm债务催收事务所 debt collection letter收帐信函 debt collector收帐员,债务催收员 debt coverage ratio债务偿还能力比率 debt conversion债务转换,债务调换 debt crisis债务危机 debtee债权人 debt factor债务系数,负债系数 debt financing举债筹资 debt instrument债务工具,债务票据 debt lief债务免除 debt limit债务限额 debt management债务管理 debt market债务市场 debtor债务人 debtor-creditor relationship借贷关系 debtor in possession拥有资产所有权的债务人 debtors应收帐款 debtors ledger债务人分类帐,应收帐款分类帐 debt payable应付债务 debt-paying ability偿债能力 debt ratio债务比率 debt receivable应收债务 debt rescheduling债务重新安排 debt restructuring债务重订,债务调整 debt security债务证券 debt service债务清偿 debt service cost债务清偿成本 debt service fund债务清偿基金 debt service ratio债务清偿比率 debt structure 债务结构 debt swap债务掉换,债券掉期 debt to equity ratio债务对产权比率 debt to net worth ratio债务对资本净值比率 debt to total assets ratio债务对资产总额比率 decapitalization资本减缩 deceit欺诈,舞弊 decentralization分散权利,分权 decentralized accounting分权制会计 decentralized operation分散经营 deceptive advertising虚伪广告 decision决策 decision accounting决策会计 decision analysis决策分析 decision chart决策图表 decision function决策函数 decision level决策阶层 decision making制定决策 decision-making method决策法 decision making under certainty在确定情况下制定决策 decision making under uncertainty在不确定情况下制定决策 decision matrix决策矩阵 decision model决策模型 decision process决策程序 decision rule决策规则 decision software package决策软件组合程序 decision support system决策支持系统 decision system决策系统 decision table决策表 decision theory决策论 decision tree决策树 decision variable决策变数 declarant申报人,保关人 declaration 宣告,公告;申报 declaration date宣告日期 declaration of bankruptcy破产公告 declaration of solvency清偿公告 declaration of trust信托公告 declaration judgemen宣告判决 declared capital设定股本 declared dividend已公告股利 declared value设定价值 decline industry衰落产业 decline stage衰落阶段 decline-balance method 余额递减折旧法 declining marginal efficient 资本的边际效率递减 decoding译码。译解密码 decommissioning cost撤散成本 decomposition analysis分解分析 deconglomeration企业分散 decontrol解除管制 decreasing charge递减费用 decreasing charge method递减费用折旧法 decreasing cost递减成本 decreasing marginal cost递减边际成本 decreasing return递减收益 dedication 捐献 dedomicling迁离本国 deductible clause扣除条款 deductions扣减项目 deductions from payroll工薪扣减项目 deductions from taxable income应税收益扣减项目 deductive method accounting theory演绎法会计理论 deed契约,契据 deed of arrangement债务清算契据 deed of assignment资产转让契据 deed of gift赠与契据 deed of mortgage典契,抵押契据 deed of priorities优先权契据 deed of purchase买契 deed of release抵押解除契据 deed of sale卖契 deed of settlement继承不动产契据 deed of trust信托契据 deed tax契税 deep discount bonds大幅度折价债券 deepening investment深度投资 deep market交易兴旺市场 de facto corporation未注册公司 defalcation挪用,侵吞 default违约,拖欠 defaulter违约债务人 default notice违约通知 default risk拖欠风险,违约风险 defeasance废止,废除 defeasance clause废除条款 defeat败诉 defective accounts不合要求会计报表 defective check不合要求支票 defective goods残次商品,次货 defendant被告人 defended takeover bid防卫兼并出价 defense contract audit agency国防合同审计局 defensive asset防御性资产 defensive asset interval防御性资产够用天数 defensive investment防御性投资 defensive portfolio防御性证券组合投资 defensive project防御性投资项目 defensive technology防御性技术 deferral延期,递延 deferral method递延法 DAC accounting software达克会计软件 daily balance日计表,日结表 daily cash report现金收支日报 daily interest日息 daily pay日工资 daily statement日报表 damage claim损害索赔 damaged goods损坏商品 damages 赔款,损害赔偿费 data 资料,数据 data bank大型数据库 data base 数据库 database accounting 数据库式会计 database accounting information system数据库式会计信息系统 database consultant数据库咨询师 database management system数据库管理系统 data capture数据截收 data file数据档案,数据文件 data flow chart数据流程图 data management数据管理 data manipulation language数据操作语言 data network数据网络 data privacy数据保密 data processing数据处理 data processing center数据处理中心 data processing management association数据处理管理人员协会 data processing system数据处理系统 data protection act数据保护法 data retrieval数据检索 data security数据安全 data storage数据储存 data structure数据结构 data terminal数据终端机 data transmission数据传输 data warehouse数据仓库 data 日期 date backward填早日期 dated bill定期汇票,远期汇票 dated securities 定期证券 date due到期日 date forward填迟日期 date of acquisition购置日期 date of balance sheet结帐日期,资产负债表编制日期 date of declaration公告日期 date of payment发放股利日期,发薪日期 date of record股本登记日期 date of value起息日期 daughter company子公司 dawn raid破晓袭击,突击掠夺股权 day book日计薄 day loan按日计息贷款;按日贷款 day rate日工资率,日利率,日费率 days after sight见票后 days of average inventory库存存货平均天数 days of charge财产扣押期限 days of grace宽限日数 days purchases in accounts payable应付帐款付款天数 days sales in accounts receivable应收帐款收款天数 day to day loan按日计息贷款 dBASE数据库管理程序 DFC method折现现金流量法 dead account呆帐 dead asset陈废资产 dead capital呆滞资本 dead line截止期限 dead loan 呆滞贷款 dead loss纯损,全损 dead rent固定租金 dead stock呆滞存货,冷背存货 dead time窝工工时 deal交易,买卖 dealer经销商 Dearing Report迪林报告 dear money高息资金 debenture信用债券,无担保债券 debenture capital债券资本 debenture certificate债券 debenture coupon债券息票 debenture discount债券折价 debenture-holder债券持有人 debenture redemption reserve债券赎回准备金 debenture stock债券股 debenture trust信用债券信托公司 debit借方,借记 debit and credit convention借贷常规 debit balance借方余额 debit card借记卡,提款卡 debit entry借方分录 debit interest借项利息 debit items借项 debit memorandum借项通知单 debit note借项通知单 debit side借方 debt债务 debt adjuster债务调整人 debt adjustment债务调整 debt and equity securities债务和产权证券 debt capacity借债能力 debt capital借入资本,债权资本 debt ceiling债务限额 debt collection收帐 debt-collection agency收帐代理商 debt collection firm债务催收事务所 debt collection letter收帐信函 debt collector收帐员,债务催收员 debt coverage ratio债务偿还能力比率 debt conversion债务转换,债务调换 debt crisis债务危机 debtee债权人 debt factor债务系数,负债系数 debt financing举债筹资 debt instrument债务工具,债务票据 debt lief债务免除 debt limit债务限额 debt management债务管理 debt market债务市场 debtor债务人 debtor-creditor relationship借贷关系 debtor in possession拥有资产所有权的债务人 debtors应收帐款 debtors ledger债务人分类帐,应收帐款分类帐 debt payable应付债务 debt-paying ability偿债能力 debt ratio债务比率 debt receivable应收债务 debt rescheduling债务重新安排 debt restructuring债务重订,债务调整 debt security债务证券 debt service债务清偿 debt service cost债务清偿成本 debt service fund债务清偿基金 debt service ratio债务清偿比率 debt structure 债务结构 debt swap债务掉换,债券掉期 debt to equity ratio债务对产权比率 debt to net worth ratio债务对资本净值比率 debt to total assets ratio债务对资产总额比率 decapitalization资本减缩 deceit欺诈,舞弊 decentralization分散权利,分权 decentralized accounting分权制会计 decentralized operation分散经营 deceptive advertising虚伪广告 decision决策 decision accounting决策会计 decision analysis决策分析 decision chart决策图表 decision function决策函数 decision level决策阶层 decision making制定决策 decision-making method决策法 decision making under certainty在确定情况下制定决策 decision making under uncertainty在不确定情况下制定决策 decision matrix决策矩阵 decision model决策模型 decision process决策程序 decision rule决策规则 decision software package决策软件组合程序 decision support system决策支持系统 decision system决策系统 decision table决策表 decision theory决策论 decision tree决策树 decision variable决策变数 declarant申报人,保关人 declaration 宣告,公告;申报 declaration date宣告日期 declaration of bankruptcy破产公告 declaration of solvency清偿公告 declaration of trust信托公告 declaration judgemen宣告判决 declared capital设定股本 declared dividend已公告股利 declared value设定价值 decline industry衰落产业 decline stage衰落阶段 decline-balance method 余额递减折旧法 declining marginal efficient 资本的边际效率递减 decoding译码。译解密码 decommissioning cost撤散成本 decomposition analysis分解分析 deconglomeration企业分散 decontrol解除管制 decreasing charge递减费用 decreasing charge method递减费用折旧法 decreasing cost递减成本 decreasing marginal cost递减边际成本 decreasing return递减收益 dedication 捐献 dedomicling迁离本国 deductible clause扣除条款 deductions扣减项目 deductions from payroll工薪扣减项目 deductions from taxable income应税收益扣减项目 deductive method accounting theory演绎法会计理论 deed契约,契据 deed of arrangement债务清算契据 deed of assignment资产转让契据 deed of gift赠与契据 deed of mortgage典契,抵押契据 deed of priorities优先权契据 deed of purchase买契 deed of release抵押解除契据 deed of sale卖契 deed of settlement继承不动产契据 deed of trust信托契据 deed tax契税 deep discount bonds大幅度折价债券 deepening investment深度投资 deep market交易兴旺市场 de facto corporation未注册公司 defalcation挪用,侵吞 default违约,拖欠 defaulter违约债务人 default notice违约通知 default risk拖欠风险,违约风险 defeasance废止,废除 defeasance clause废除条款 defeat败诉 defective accounts不合要求会计报表 defective check不合要求支票 defective goods残次商品,次货 defendant被告人 defended takeover bid防卫兼并出价 defense contract audit agency国防合同审计局 defensive asset防御性资产 defensive asset interval防御性资产够用天数 defensive investment防御性投资 defensive portfolio防御性证券组合投资 defensive project防御性投资项目 defensive technology防御性技术 deferral延期,递延 deferral method递延法 deferral account递延帐户 deferred annuity递延年金 deferred asset递延资产 deferred compensation plan递延报酬计划 deferred dividend递延股利 deferred expense递延费用 deferred income递延收益 deferred income tax递延所得税 deferred income tax liability递延所得税负债 deferred items递延帐项 deferred liability递延负债 deferred ordinary share递延股利普通股 deferred payment递延付款 deferred profit sharing plan递延利润分享计划 deferred revenue递延收入 deferred tax递延税额 deferred wages递延工资 deficiency亏损,亏蚀,亏绌,税款亏交额 deficiency appropriation弥补亏绌拨款 deficiency letter补税通知书 deficiency statement亏绌清算表 deficit亏损,亏绌,赤字 deficit account 亏损帐户 deficit budget赤字预算 deficit company亏损公司,亏损企业 deficit country逆差国家 deficit financing 赤字财政 deficit statement亏绌清算表 defined benefit plan限定受益额退休金计划 defined contribution plan限定提存款退休金计划 definite date固定日期 definite price固定价格 definitive certificate正式债券 deflation通货紧缩 deflation policy通货紧缩政策 deflator综合物价折算指数 defraud诈骗 defraud tax偷税,漏税 defunct company停业公司 degearing降低财务传动作用 degree of financial leverage财务杠杆程度,财务杠杆系数 degree of leverage杠杆程度,杠杆系数 degree of operating leverage营业杠杆程度,营业杠杆系数 degree of risk风险程度,风险系数 degree of total leverage总杠杆程度,总杠杆系数 degressive tax递减累进税率 de jure corporation已注册公司,依法成立的公司 delayed charge过期支出,迟延支出 delayed income过期收益,迟延收益 del credere保付货款 del credere agent保付货款代理商 delegation of authority授权 delinquency拖欠债务,拖欠税款 delinquency charge拖欠罚款,拖欠罚金 delinquency ratio拖欠比率 delinquent accounts过期客帐 delisted stock取消上市资格股票 delisting 取消上市资格 delivery交货,交割 delivery against cash凭现金交货 delivery basis 交货基准 delivery date 交货日期,交割日期 delivery expense运输费用 delivery lead time交货间隔期,订货间隔期 delivery note交货单,发货单 delivery order提货单 delivery term交货条件 deloitte touche德勤会计师事务所 demand 需求,请求兑现,即期 demand analysis 需求分析 demand bill即期汇票 demand curve需求曲线 demand deposit活期存款 demand draft即期汇票,票汇 demand elasticity需求弹性 demand loan活期贷款 demand note 即期票据 demand orientation需求导向 demand-pull inflation需求拉动型通货膨胀 demerger 企业分解 demise不动产租让 demurrage延滞费 denationalization非国有化,民营化 denomination票面金额 denomination value票面价值 denominator level除数水平 denominator variance除数差异 department部门,分部 department accounting部门会计,分部会计 departmental budget部门预算,分部预算 departmental burden部门间接费用,分部间接费用 departmental capital部门资本,分部资本 departmental cost部门成本,分部成本 departmental income statement部门损益表,分部损益表 departmentalization分部管理体制 departmental overhead部门间接费用,分部间接费用 departmental profit部门利润,分部利润 departmental rate部门间接费用分配率,分部间接费用分配率 departmental revenue部门收入,分部收入 department manager部门经理 department of treasure财政部 dependency exemption扶养费税额减免 dependent受扶养者 dependent contract附属合同 dependent variable因变量 depleted cost耗余成本 depletion折耗,耗减 depletion accounting折耗会计 depletion allowance折耗备抵 depletion expense折耗费 depletion rate折耗率 depletion asset折耗性资产 deposit存款,定金,保证金 deposit account储蓄存款帐户 deposit certificate定期存单 deposit insurance存款保险 deposit in transit在途存款 deposit loan信贷存款 depositor存款人,存款户 depository 保管机构,存储机构 depository financial institution存放款金融机构 depository receipt证券托存收据,证券存款单 deposit premium 预付保险费 deposit rate 存款利率 deposit receipt存款收据,存款单 depreciable asset应计折旧资产 depreciable cost应计折旧成本 depreciable life应计折旧年限 depreciated cost折余成本 depreciated currency贬值通货,贬值货币 depreciated value折余价值 depreciation折旧,贬值 depreciation accounting折旧会计 depreciation adequacy足额折旧,折旧足额程度 depreciation adjustment折旧调整 depreciation allowance折旧备抵 depreciation base折旧基价 depreciation committee折旧委员会 depreciation expense折旧费 depreciation fund折旧基金 depreciation method折旧计算方法,折旧法 depreciation of currency货币贬值 depreciation period折旧期 depreciation policy折旧政策 depreciation provision折旧备抵 depreciation rate折旧率 depreciation ratio折旧比率 depreciation recapture折旧回抵,折旧重新计税 depreciation unit折旧单位 depression萧条 depth testing深入抽查 derating地方税减免 deregulation解除管制 derivative evidence派生证据 derivative instrument派生金融工具,派生票据 derivative lease派生租赁 description项别,摘要 description accounting theory描述性会计理论 deseasonalization消除季节性因素 designated bank指定银行,代理银行 designated currency指定货币 designated investment exchange指定投资交易所 designated project指定项目 designated securities指定证券 design cost设计成本 designed capacity设计能力 desired investment预定投资 desired profit预期利润 desk audit案面审计,案卷审计 desk research案面研究,案卷研究 desktop computer台式电子计算机 desktop evaluation台面评价 desktop publishing台式打印,台式出版 dispatch money速遣费 detachable stock warrant可分割购股证 detailed audit详细审计 detailed budget明细预算 detailed examination详细检查 detail file明细文件,明细档案 detail ledger明细分类帐 detail risk 风险抽查 detection of fraud舞弊检查 deterioration耗损 determination 裁定,决定 deterministic确定性 detinue非法扣留,非法占有 devaluation贬值 developed country经济发达国家 developing country发展中国家 development发展,开发 development bank开发银行 development cost开发成本,开发费用 development finance companies开发金融公司 development loan开发贷款 development stage enterprise开创阶段企业 devise不动产遗赠 devisee不动产受赠人 devisor不动产遗赠人 difference差额,差异 difference estimation差异推算法 differential analysis差异分析法 differential cost差异成本 differential income差异收益 differential pay差别工资 differential prices差别价格 differential rent差别地租 differential sampling差别抽样 differential tariff差别关税 diffused shifting分散转嫁 digital数字的,数字化的 digital cash数字化现金 digital communication数字化通信 digital economy数字化经济 digital cash数字化现金 digital communication数字化通信 digital economy数字化经济 digital market数字化市场 diluted earnings per share稀释的每股收益 dilution of equity产权消弱,产权稀释 dilution securities稀释性证券 dilution assets递耗资产 diminishing balance method余额递减折旧法 diminishing benefit效益递减 diminishing productivity生产率递减 diminishing returns报酬递减,收益递减 diminishing utility效用递减 diner’s card大来信用卡 direct access直接存取 direct access storage直接存取存储器 direct allocation method直接分配法,直接分摊法 direct arbitrage直接套汇,直接套利 direct benefit直接效益 direct bill直接汇票 direct bill of lading直达提货单 direct charge直接费用 direct control直接管制 direct cost直接差别 direct costing直接差别计算方法 direct damage直接损失 direct debit直接借记银行存款帐户,直接付帐 direct debt直接债务 direct department直接部门 direct distribution直接分配,直接分摊 direct endorsement直接背书 direct evidence直接证据 direct exchange直接汇兑 direct expense直接费用 direct financing直接筹资 direct financing lease直接融资性租赁 direct investment直接投资 direction of testing抽查的方向 directives指令,会计指令 direct labor直接人工 direct labor budget直接人工预算 direct labor cost直接人工成本 direct labor cost method直接人工成本法 direct labor cost variance直接人工成本差异 direct letter of credit直接信用证 direct liability直接负债 direct material直接材料 direct material budget直接材料预算 direct material cost直接材料成本 direct material cost variance直接材料成本差异 director董事;主任 directorate公司董事会 directors’ duties董事职责 directors’ interest董事权益 directors’ liability董事法律责任 directors’ remuneration董事报酬 directors’ report董事报告 direct overhead直接间接费用 direct placement直接售股,直接摊销证券 direct quotation直接报价,直接比价 direct rate直接汇率 direct reduction mortgage直接递减抵押 direct shipment直达货运 direct tax直接税 direct test of account balance帐户余额的直接抽查 direct write-off method直接注销法 dirty float不纯浮动,干预浮动 disability benefit伤残抚恤金 disability insurance工伤事故保险 disaggregated cost分解成本 disallowance剔除,不准列支 disallowed expense不准列支的费用 disbursement支付 disbursement voucher付款凭单 disbursing officer出纳主管,出纳主任 discharge清偿,解除债务;解雇 discharge bankrupt解除债务破产者 discharged bill付讫汇票 discharge of contract终止合同 discharge of debt清偿债务 discharge of tax obligation免除纳税义务 discharge expense卸货费用 disclaimer拒绝接受责任;拒绝表示意见 disclaimer of opinion拒绝表示意见书 disclosure披露 disclosure principle披露原则 discomfort index不安定指数,苦难指数 discontinued operation停止经营 discount贴现,贴现息;折扣,折价;折现 discount bank贴现银行 discount broker贴现经纪人 discount earned折扣收入 discount accounts receivable已贴现应收帐款 discounted bill已贴现汇票 discounted cash flow method折现现金流量法 discounted present value折现现值 discounted payback period折现回收期法 discounted rate of return折现收益率 discounted value折现值 discounted factor 折现系数 discount granted给予折扣 discount house折扣商店;贴现公司; discounting 贴现计算;现值计算 discount loan贴现贷款 discount lost折扣失效 discount market贴现市场 discount on bonds payable应付债券折价 discount on stock股票折价 discount period贴现期 discount policy贴现政策 discount preference折现偏好 discount rate贴现率;折现率 discount securities贴现证券 discovery sampling发现抽样法 discovery surplus发现盈余 discovery value发现价值 discovery value accounting发现价值会计 discrepancy重要差异 discrete variable离散变量 discretionary cost任意性成本 discretionary funds任意性资金 discretionary trust任意性信托,全权信托 discriminant analysis判别分析 discrimination 歧视 discriminatory pricing差别定价 discriminatory tariff差别关税,歧视关税 diseconomy of scale规模不经济 dishonor拒付 dishonored bill拒付汇票 dishonored check拒付支票 disintermediation消弱金融中介机构 disinflation policy反通货膨胀政策 disinvestment负投资,减资 disk磁盘 disk drive磁盘驱动器 disk file磁盘文件,磁盘档案 dismissal pay解雇费 dispatch note发货通知 dispersion离差,离中趋势 dispersion of return收益的离差 disposable income可支配收益 disposal清理,变卖 disposal account固定资产变卖帐户 disposal of a business segment变卖企业分部 disposal of fixed asset变卖固定资产 disposal sale变卖销售 disposal value变卖价值 disposition支配,分配;变卖,转让 disposition of net income净收益分配表 dispossession征用 disseisin非法侵占不动产 dissenting creditor持不同意见债权人 dissolution解散;解除 dissolution of company公司解散 dissolution of partnership解除合伙关系 distort歪曲,失实 distrain财产扣押 distrainee财产被扣押人 distrainor财产扣押人 distress扣押财务;廉价 distress borrowing忍痛举债 distress price处理价,削价 distress selling廉价销售 distributable income可分配收益 distributed computer network分布式电子计算机互联网 distributed data processing分部式数据处理 distributed income已分配收益 distribution分配;销售 distribution center销售中心 distribution channel销售渠道 distribution expense销售费用 distribution in kind实物分配 distribution of income收益分配 distribution of overhead cost间接费用的分配 distribution of tax burden税负分配 distribution of wealth财富分配 distribution rate分配率,分摊率 distributor经销商 distributor discount批发折扣 district auditor 地区审计师 district manager地区经理 diversifiable risk可分散风险 diversification多种经营,分散经营 diversification of risk分散风险 diversified company多种经营公司 diversified investment company分散风险投资公司 divestiture剥离股权 divestment负投资 divided interest分割权益 dividend股息,股利 dividend account股利帐户 dividend check股利支票 dividend control股利控制 dividend cover股利保证倍数 dividend decision股利决策 dividend declaration股利公告 dividend equalization reserve股利均衡准备金 dividend exclusion 股利免税 dividend fund股利基金 dividend income股利收益 dividend in kind实物股利 dividend limitation股利限制 dividend mandate股利委托书 dividend payout ratio股利支付率 dividend policy股利政策 dividend price ratio股利对股票价格比率 dividend ratio股利率 dividend reinvestment plan股利再投资计划 dividend restraint股利限制 dividends in arrears拖欠股利 dividends payable应付股利 dividends per share每股股利 dividend theory股利理论 dividend warrant股利支付凭单 dividend yield股利率 division业务部,分部 divisional accounting分部会计 divisional contribution margin income statement分部贡献毛利损益表 divisionalization分部管理体制 divisional performance evaluation分部业绩评价 divisive reorganization分离改组 dock dues码头捐,码头费 dock warrant码头栈单 document单据,凭证;文件 documentary bill跟单汇票 documentary draft跟单汇票 documentary letter of credit跟单信用证 documentation文件汇编 document flowchart凭证流程图 document of title所有权凭证 documents against acceptance凭单承兑 documents against payment付款交单 dollar accountability货币收支会计责任 dollar accounting元位会计 dollar asset货币资产 dollar averaging均等金额证券投资 dollar bloc美元集团 dollar bond美元债券 dollar certificate of deposit美元存单 dollar control金额控制 dollar sign rules美元符号规则 dollar standard元本位 dollar stock美元股票 dollar transaction美元业务 dollar-value LIFO金额数值后进先出法 domestic agency本国代理商 domestic bill国内汇票 domestic bond国内债券 domestic corporation本国公司 domestic credit expansion indicator国内信用膨胀指标 domestic currency本国通货,本国货币 domestic debt国内债务,内债 domestic exchange国内汇兑 domestic international sales corporation国内国际销售公司,外销公司 domestic letter of credit国内信用证 domestic loan国内贷款 domestic taxes国内税收 domicile永久性居住地址;汇票付款地址 dominant company统治性公司 donated asset捐赠资产 donated capital 捐赠资本 donated stock捐赠股份 donee受赠人 donor捐赠人 dormant account静止帐户 dormant company静止公司 dormant partners隐名合伙人 double-declining-balance method 双倍余额递减折旧法 double digit inflation两位数通货膨胀 double distribution method双重分配法 double endorsement双重背书 double entry复式分录,复式记帐 double-entry bookkeeping复式薄记 double income tax relief免除双重所得税 double indemnity clause双倍赔偿条款 double leverage双重杠杆作用 double liability双重责任 double-name paper双名票据 double option双重期权 double tariff system双重税率制 double taxation双重征税;重复征税 double taxation relief免除重复征税 doubtful account 可疑帐款 doubtful asset可疑资产 doubtful debt可疑债务 DOW Jones averages道琼斯股票价格指数 DOW Jones composite averages道琼斯股票价格综合指数 DOW Jones industrials average道琼斯工业股票价格指数 DOW Jones News Service道琼斯新闻服务社 down payment分期付款定金,首期付款 downsizing缩减营业规模 down time pay停工工资 downturn市况逆转 Dow theory道琼斯理论,道氏理论 draft银行汇票;汇票;草案 drafted budget预算草案 dragon bond龙头债券 dragon markets龙头市场 drawback退税,退款 drawee受票人,付款人 drawer出票人 drawing account提款帐户 drawing rights提款权 drawings提款 dry-hole accounting干井会计 dual control双重控制 dual currency bond双重货币债券 dual currency records双重货币记录 dual exchange rate双重汇率 dual presentation双重反映 dual pricing双重定价 dual purpose test双重目的抽查 dual purpose trust双重目的信托 dual taxation复税制度 due到期的,应付的;正当的,合法的 due bill借据 due course正当行为 due from other funds应收其他基金款 due process of law正当法律程序 due professional care尽心履行专业职责 dues会费,税捐 due to other fund应付其他基金款 dummy company虚设公司,挂名公司 dummy director虚设董事,挂名董事 dummy owner挂名业主 dummy records虚拟记录 dummy tenderin虚设投标 dummy variable虚变量 dumping倾销 dumping margin倾销差价 duplicate副本,抄件 duplicating method复印法 Du Pont analysis 杜帮分析法 durable year耐用年限 duration of insurance保险有效期 Dutch auction荷兰式拍卖 dutiable goods应税货物 dutiable value计税价值 duty关税;税收 duty drawback 关税退税 duty free免税 duty free goods免税货物 duty paid value完税价值 dynamic analysis动态分析 dynamic budget动态预算 dynamic equilibrium动态平衡,动态均衡 dynamic programming动态规划 dynamic ratio动态比率 dynamic statement动态报表 dynamic structure动态结构 Electronic accountant 电子会计师 earnings per share of common stock普通股每股收益率 equity ratio产权比率 earnings per share每股收益 EAA objectives欧洲会计学会目标 EAA membership欧洲会计学会会员资格 EAA website欧洲会计学会网站 E-accounting电子会计 early income早期收益 earmark指定用途,专款专用 earmarked loan专用贷款 earned capital已赚资本 earned income劳动所得,劳动收入 earned income credit劳动收入税收减免 earnest订金,保证金 earning assets收益性资产 earnest money订金,保证金 earning cycle收益循环,收益周期 earning power收益能力,盈利能力 earnings劳动所得,劳动收入;盈余,收益;留存收益,留存盈余 earnings after tax税后收益 earnings before interest and tax利息和税款支付前收益 earnings coverage ratio收益偿债能力比率 earnings dilution收益稀释 earnings-dividend ratio收益股利比率 earnings management收益管理 earnings manipulation操纵收益 earnings per share每股收益 earnings per share maximization每股收益最大化 earnings-price ratio收益价格比率 earnings quality收益质量 earnings rate收益率 earnings retained 留存收益 earnings statement收益表,损益表 earnings target收益目标 earnings variability收益变动性 earnings yield收益率 easy money低息资金 easy price低廉价格 easy term宽松信贷条件 EBIT-EPS chart财务杠杆作用图表 E-business电子商务 ECGD policy出口信用担保局保险单 ecological accounting生态会计 E-commerce电子商业 econometric forecasting经济计量预测 econometric model计量经济模型 econometrics 计量经济学 economic activity经济活动 economic analysis经济分析 economic and social council经济和社会理事会 economic appraisal经济评价 economic barometers经济晴雨表 economic batch quantity经济批量 economic benefit经济效益 economic community经济共同体 economic consequences of accounting会计的经济影响 economic cost经济成本 economic crime经济犯罪 economic decision经济决策 economic depreciation经济折旧 economic efficiency经济效率 economic entity经济主体,经济实体 economic environment经济环境 economic exposure经济风险暴露 economic forecast经济预测 economic growth经济增长 economic growth rate经济增涨率 economic income经济收益 economic indicator经济指标 economic interest经济权益 economic law经济规律 economic life经济年限 economic model经济模型,经济模式 economic order quantity经济订货量 economic principle经济原则 Economic Recovery Tax Act经济复苏税法 economic resource经济资源 economic risk经济风险 economics经济学 economic sanctions经济制裁 economic stability经济稳定性 economic value经济价值 economize节俭,节约 economy经济 economy and efficiency audit经济和效率审计 economy of high wage高工资的经济性 economy of scale规模经济 EDGAR Online证券交易管理委员会联网数据库 EDP accounting电子数据处理会计 EDP audit电子数据处理会计 educational expense教育费用 educational for accounting会计教育 effective annual rate 实际年利率 effective cost of debt实际债务成本,实际债务成本率 effective date有效日期 effective demand 有效需求 Real Exchange Rate 实际汇率 Real interest method实际利息法 Real interest rate实际利率 effective internal control 有效内部控制 effectiveness效果 effective rate of return实际收益率 effective sales实际销售额 effective tax rate实际税率 effective yield实际收益率 efficiency效率 efficiency audit效率审计 efficiency ratios效率比率 efficiency variance效率差异 efficient budget decision有效预算决策 efficient capital markets hypothesis有效资本市场假设 efficient frontier有效边界 efficient investment有效投资 efficient portfolio有效证券组合投资 effluent charge污水费 E-file电子会计档案,电子纳税申报表 Eighth Directive第8号令 8-k报表,意外重大事项报表 eighty-twenty rule 80-20%规则 ejectment不动产诉讼 elasticity弹性 elasticity of demand 需求弹性 elasticity of supply供应弹性 electronic accountant电子会计师 electronic accounting电子会计 electronic banking电子银行业务 electronic book电子书籍 electronic business电子业务,电子商务 electronic cash register现金出纳机 electronic check电子支票 electronic commerce电子商业 electronic data interchange电子数据交换 electronic data processing电子数据处理 electronic data processing accounting电子数据处理会计 electronic data processing auditing电子数据处理审计 electronic exchange电子交易,电子证券交易 electronic federal tax payment system联邦税收电子支付系统 electronic financial calculator电子财务计算器 electronic funds transfer电子资金转帐 Electronic Funds Transfer Act电子资金转帐法案 electronic information industry电子信息产业 electronic journal电子期刊 electronic library电子图书馆 electronic mail电子邮件 electronic mail address电子邮件地址 electronic money电子货币 electronic office电子办公室 electronic point of sale电子售货商店 electronic signature电子签名 electronic spreadsheet电子棋盘式计算表,电子棋盘表 electronic tax filing电子纳税表填制 electronic transfer电子汇兑,电子汇款 electronic typewriter电子打印机 elements of cost成本要素 elements of financial statement财务报表要素,会计报表要素 elements of production生产要素 E-library电子图书馆 eligible paper合格票据 eligible reserve合格标准金 elimination抵消,冲销 elimination entry抵消分录 elimination ledger抵消分类帐 E-mail电子邮件 embezzlement侵吞,盗用 embezzler侵吞者,盗用者 emergency fund应急基金 emergency reserve应急准备金 Emerging issues task force紧急会计问题工作组 eminent domain征用权 emoluments报酬,酬金 employee benefit职工福利金 employee benefit fund职工复利基金 employee bonus职工奖金 employee buyout职工收购股权 employee fraud职工舞弊 employee participation职工参与管理 employee pension职工退休金基金 employee report职工报告 Employee Retirement Income Security Act退休职工收入保障法 employee stock option职工收购股权 employee stock ownership plan职工入股计划 employer’s liability insurance雇主责任保险,职工伤害保险 employment report雇佣报告 employment subsidy就业补助金 employment taxes雇佣税 encoding编码,编写密码 encumbrance保留支出数,约定付款,承付款项,不动产留置权 ending balance期末余额 ending inventory期末存货 end money完工准备金 end of month月终,月末 end of period期末,期终 end-of-period adjusting entry期末调整分录 end of year年末 end-of-period cutoff期末截帐 endogenous variable内生变量 endorsed bill已背书票据 endorsee受让人,受背书人 endorsement背书 endorser转让人,背书人 endowment受赠 endowment fund捐赠基金,留本基金 endowment insurance储蓄人寿保险 endowment mortgage储蓄保险单抵押 end position合同期末财务地位 end product最终产品,产成品 energy audit能源审计 energy conservation能源保护 energy cost能源成本 energy tax能源税,能源使用税 enforced insurance强制保险 enforced liquidation强制性清算 engagement letter审计聘函 engineered capacity技术生产能力 engineered cost技术成本 enquiry查询 enquiry agent征询机构 enrolled agent注册税务代理人 Enron Crisis安然危机 enterprise企业 enterprise accounting 企业会计 enterprise fund企业基金 enterprise investment scheme企业投资计划 enterpriser企业家 enterprise standard industrial classification企业标准产业分类 enterprise tax企业税 enterprise theory企业论 enterprise value企业价值 enterprise zone企业开发区 entertainment account 交际费帐户 entertainment expense交际费,招待费 entertainment tax筵席税,娱乐税 entitlement赋予权利 entity主体,个体 entity theory会计个体论,会计主体论 entrepreneur企业家 entrepreneur ability企业家能力 entrust委托,信任 entry分录,入帐 entry clerk记帐员 entry value入帐价值,买入价值 environmental accounting环境会计 Environmental Accounting Project环境会计计划 environmental audit环境审计 environmental auditor环境审计师 environmental impact analysis环境影响分析 environmental impact statement环境影响报表 environmental managerial accounting 环境管理会计 environmental postulates环境假设 EPS/price ratio每股收益÷价格比率 equal installment system等额分期付款制 equalizing dividend均匀股利 equation method等式法 equilibrium平衡,均衡 equilibrium price均衡价格 equilibrium rate of interst均衡利率 equipment设备 equipment financing设备筹资 equipment investment设备投资 equipment leasing设备租赁 equipment records设备记录 equipment replacement设备更新 equipment trust设备信托 equipment-trust bond设备信托债券 equitable公平的,合理的;衡平法的 equitable asset衡平法资产 equitable obligation衡平法债务 equity产权,业主产权,衡平法 equity account产权帐户 equity accounting产权会计 equity capital产权资本 equity capital to long-term debt ratio产权资本对长期债务比率 equity capital to total debt ratio产权资本对债务总额比率 equity capital turnover产权资本周转率 equity cushion产权资本缓冲作用 equity dilution产权削减,产权稀释 equity financing产权筹资 equity gearing产权转动作用 equity income产权收益 equity joint-venture产权式联合经营,合资经营 equity method产权法 equity of redemption赎回产权 equity ratio产权比率 equity receiver产权接管人,清算财产管理人 equity security产权证券 equity share产权股 equity share capital产权股资本 equity theory产权理论 equity transaction产权业务 equity turnover产权周转率 equivalent cash约当现金 equivalent exchange等价交换 equivalent unit约当产量 erase擦除 Ernst young安永会计师事务所 error误差,差错 error of omission漏帐差错 error of original entry原始分录差错 error of posting过帐差错 error of principle原则差错 error of sampling抽样误差 errors and omission excepted如有错漏,有权更正 error term误差项 escalation of commitment自动调增承付款项 escalation price自动调赠价格 escalator clause自动调增条款 escapable cost可避免成本 escape clause卸责条款,免责条款 escrow代管契据,代管财产 escrow account代管帐户 escrowee代管财产受托人 estate财产,房地产;遗产 estate accounting 遗产会计 estate agent不动产经纪人 estate corpus遗产本金 estate income遗产收益 estate tax遗产税 estimate估算,测算;概算 estimated cost估算成本 estimated liabilities估计负债 estimated realizable value估计变现价值 estimated revenue估计营业收入 estimated salvage value估计残值 estimated tax估计税额 estimated useful life估计使用年限 estimation sampling推算抽样法 estimator估价员,估价师 estoppel certificate不许反悔证明书 ethical decision道德决策 ethical investment道德投资 ethical training道德培训 ethics line道德热线 euro欧元 eurobond欧洲债券,欧元债券 eurocheque欧洲支票,欧元支票 eurodollar欧洲美元 Eurodollar loan欧洲美元贷款 euromarket欧洲市场 European Accounting Directives欧洲会计指令 European Auditing Research Network欧洲审计研究互联网 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development欧洲复兴开发银行 European Central Bank欧洲中央银行 European depositary receipt欧洲证券存单 European Economic Community欧洲经济共同体 European finance and accounting association欧洲财会协会 European option欧式期权 European Options Exchange欧洲期权交易所 European Union欧洲联盟,欧盟 European Union accounting regulation欧洲联盟会计规章 Eurosterling欧洲英镑 evaluation of asset资产估价 evaluation of internal control内部控制评价 evasion of taxation逃税 even account两平帐户 even事项,节点 evergreen loan长久有效贷款 evergreen clause长久有效条款 evidence证据 evidential document证明单据,书面证明 exact interest实计利息 exact value精确值 ex-all除全部权利 examination审查,检查;职称考试 examination scope检查范围 ex-ante事前 ex-bonus不附红利股票 except for audit report除外审计报告 exceptional item例外项目 exception clause例外条款 exception principle例外原则 exception report例外报表 excess超额,超出额 excess burden超额负担,超额税负 excess capacity超额生产能力 excess cash超额现金 excess depreciation超额折旧 excess earning accumulation tax超额收益累积税 excess liquidity超额流动性 excess material requisitions超额领料单 excess of cost over net assets acquired盘购价高于资产净值 excess of net assets acquired over cost资产净值高于盘购价 excess present value超现值 excess present value index超现值指数 excess profit tax超额利润税 excess salary超额薪金 excess shares剩余股票 exchange交易,兑换,汇兑,交易所 exchangeability可交换性 exchange arbitrage套汇 exchange broker外汇经纪人 exchange contract远期外汇合同,期汇合同 exchange dealer外汇经销商 exchange depreciation汇率下降 exchange exposure外汇风险暴露程度 exchange gain and loss汇兑损益 exchange management外汇管理 exchange of contract交换合同 exchange of stock每股交换 exchange position外汇状况,外汇头寸 exchange proviso clause外汇保值条款 exchange quota外汇配额,外汇限额 exchange rate汇率,外汇汇率 exchange rate classification外汇汇率类型 exchange rate quotation外汇牌价 exchange risk外汇风险,汇兑风险 exchange settlement外汇结算,结汇 exchequer国库,财政部 exchequer bill短期国库券 exchequer bond长期国库券 excise licence执照税 exciseman税务官员 excise tax货物税,消费税 exclusionary clause除外责任条款 exclusionary subsidiary不计列合并报表子公司 exclusionary agency独家代理 exclusive licence独家专利权 ex-coupon不附息票 ex-dividend除股利 ex-dock目的港码头交货价格 executed consideration已履行订约要因,已履行对价 executed contract已执行合同 execution执行,强制执行 execution of contract合同生效,合同履行 execution sale强制迫卖 executive高级管理人员 executive compensation高级管理人员报酬 executive director执行董事,常务理事 executive information system高级管理人员信息系统 executive stock acquisition plan高级管理人员股票购买计划 executor遗嘱执行人 executory contract尚待履行的合同 executory cost尚待支付的成本 exempt goods免税商品 exempt income免税收益,免税所得 exemption免税,免税额,免除债务 exemption of debt豁免债务,免除债务 exemption of tax豁免纳税 exempt security豁免证券 exempt small company豁免小型公司 exempt transfer豁免财产转让 exercise行驶购股权,行使期权合同 exercise date期权行使日期 exercise price预购价格 ex-factory卖方工厂交货价格 exhaust耗用,消耗 exhaustive expenditure消耗性支出 exhibit主要附表 ex-interest除利息 existing mortgage现存抵押 existing use value现行使用价值 exit price脱售价格 exit value脱售价值 exit value accounting脱售价值会计 ex-mill工厂交货 exogenous variable外生变量 expanded scope audit扩大范围的审计 expansion扩展,发展 expectation预期 expected annual volume预期年度业务量 expected cash flow预期现金流量 expected cost预期成本 expected deviations rate预期偏差率 expected error预计误差 expected life预期使用年限 expected occurance rate预期发生率 expected return预期收益率 excepted value预期值,期望值 excepted yield预期收益率 expendable funds可支用资金,备用资金 expenditure支出 expenditure budget支出预算 expenditure multiplier支出乘数 expenditure of capital资本支出 expenditure reduction支出削减 expenditure switching policy消费支出转换政策 expenditure tax支出税 expenditure variance支出差异 expense费用 expense account费用帐户 expense allocation费用分配 expense allowances费用津贴 expense budget费用预算 expense center费用中心 expense control费用控制 expense deductible可以扣减的费用 expense distribution费用分摊 expense payable应付费用 expense ratio费用比率 expense standard 费用标准,费用定额 expense variance费用差异 experience curve effects经验曲线效应 expert system专家信息系统 expiration date期满日期,失效日期 expired cost已耗成本 expired utility已耗效用 explicit cost明计成本 exploration cost勘探成本 exponential smoothing指数平滑法 explicit interest明计利息 export account出口帐户,出口往来帐户 export agent出口代理商 export bill出口汇票 export bills receivable account应收出口汇票帐户 export broker出口经纪人 export credit出口信用,出口信贷 export credit insurance出口信用保险 export credits guarantee department出口信用担保局 export documents 出口单据 export drawback出口退税 export factoring出口客帐代理经营 export finance company出口金融公司 export house出口商行 export-import bank进出口银行 export letter of credit出口信用证 export license出口许可证 export multiplier出口乘数 export price index出口商品价格指数 export rebate出口退税 export subsidy出口津贴 Export Trade corporation出口贸易公司 ex-post事后 exposure draft公布草案,征求意见稿 exposure to exchange risk外汇风险暴露程度 express condition书面条件 express trust书面信托 expropriation征用 ex-rights除权 extended coverage增加保险范围 extended maturity延长贷款期限 extension展期,伸算金额 extension commission展期手续费 extension of mortgage抵押延期 extension and footings小计和合计 extent of disclosure披露的程度 extent of tests抽查范围 external accounting外部会计 external analysis外部分析 external audit外部审计 external auditor外部审计师 external benefit外部效益 external cost外部成本 external document外部凭证 external effect外部效应 external financing外部筹资 external growth外部成长,外部增长 externalities外部效应 external storage外存储器 external transaction外部业务 external discount额外折扣 extra dividend额外股利 extraordinary depreciation非常折旧 extraordinary gain and loss非常损益 extraordinary general meeting非常股东大会 extraordinary item非常项目 extraordinary repair非常修理 extraordinary resolution非常决议 extrapolation外推法 extra premium额外保险费 ex-warehouse卖方仓库交货价格 ex-warrant除证 fixed asset turnover固定资产周转率 fixed charge coverage ratio偿付固定费用能力 face amount票面金额,面额 face value票面价值,面值 facility设备,设施;资金融通 facility letter贷款通知,贷款确认函 facsimile 传真 facsimile signature复制签字 factor销售代理商,应收帐款代理商,因素,要素 factorage销售代理商佣金 factor analysis因素分析法 factor cost要素成本 factor income要素收入,要素收益 factoring应收帐款代收,应收帐款转售 factoring commission销售代理商佣金 factoring company应收帐款代理公司 factor’s lien销售代理商留置权 factors of production生产要素 factory工厂,制造厂;制造 factory accounting工厂会计 factory cost工厂成本 factory ledger工厂分类帐 factory overhead工厂间接费用 factory overhead rate工厂间接费用分配率 factory tax出厂税 facultative reinsurance临时分保合同 failure经营失败,未能履行合同 failure cost未能履行合同成本 fair competition公平竞争 fair credit reporting act公平信用调查报告法案 fair debt collection practices act公正债务催收法案 fair employment practice laws公平就业法 fair labor standard act公平劳动标准法 fair market price公平市场价格,公平市场 fairness公正性 fair presentation公正反映 fair rate of return公平收益率 fair trade公平交易 fair transfer price公平划拨价格 fair value公平价值 fair view公正反映 fair wage公平工资,公允工资 false accounting 虚假会计 false advertising虚假广告 false earnings 虚假收益 false entry虚假分录 false returns虚假纳税申报表 falsification of documents窜改凭证 family allowance家庭津贴 family corporation家族公司 family expenditure survey家庭支出调查 Fanie mae联邦全国抵押协会 farm out分包合同,包税 farm price method农场计价法 farm price support农产品价格支持 farm subsidy农场补助金 FASB Exposure Draft财务会计准则征求意见稿 FASB Statements财务会计准则公报 FAS Summaries财务会计准则摘要 favorable financial leverage有利财务杠杆作用 favorable variance有利差异,顺差 fax modem传真调制解调器 fax system传真系统,电话传真系统 feasibility analysis可行性分析 feasibility analysis for computerization电算化可行性分析 feasible constraint可行约束条件 feasible solution可行解 Fed联邦储备系统 Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board联邦会计准则咨询委员会 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation联邦存款保险公司 federal funds联邦资金 Federal Home Loan Banks联邦住宅贷款银行 federal income tax联邦所得税 federal insurance contribution act tax联邦社会保险税 federal national mortgage association联邦全国抵押协会 federal open market committee 联邦公开市场操作委员会 federal reserve banks联邦储备银行 federal reserve board联邦储备委员会 federal reserve notes联邦储备券 federal reserve system联邦储备系统 federal trade commission联邦贸易委员会 federal unemployment tax联邦失业保障税 federal withhoding tax代扣联邦税 fed funds联邦储备系统资金 fedwire联邦储备系统电子转帐系统 fee劳务费,酬金 feedback 反馈 feedback value反馈价值 FEI Affiliation高级财务管理人员目标协会联系机构 FEI Code of Ethics高级财务管理人员协会职业道德准则 FEI Research Foundation高级财务管理人员协会研究基金会 fellow member正式会员 Fellow of the association of corporate treasurers公司财务长协会正式会员 fellow subsidiary联属公司 fiber-optic communication光纤通信 FICA tax联邦社会保险税 fictitious account虚假帐目 fictitious asset虚构资产,虚列资产 fictitious liability虚列负债 fictitious profit虚列利润 fidelity bond忠诚保证,忠诚保险 fidelity bond insurance忠诚保证保险 fidelity duty忠诚职责 fidelity guarantee忠诚保证 fiduciary accounting财产信托会计 fiduciary funds信托资金 fiduciary institution信托机构 fiduciary loan信用贷款 fiduciary money信用货币 fiduciary relationship信托关系 field audit现场审计,外勤审计 field auditor外勤审计师 field warehousing loan 就地仓库担保贷款 field work standard for audit外勤审计工作准则 FIFO method先进先出法 file文件,文档 file maintenance文件维护,档案维护 file retrieval文件检索,档案检索 file structure文件结构,档案结构 file sharing文件共享,档案共享 file type文件类型,档案类型 filing填报税单,填制报表 filing status申报纳税身份 filing system档案保管制度 final accounts决算表 final audit期末审计 final dividend期末股利 final entry终结分录 final inventory期末存货 final invoice终结发票 final repayment终结清偿 final review and assessment最终审查和评定 final statement决算表 final value终值 finance筹措资金,融通资金;财政,财务;金融 finance association财务协会 finance committee财务委员会 finance company金融公司 finance journals财务期刊 finance lease筹资租赁 finance net财政互联网,财务互联网 financial accounting财务会计 financial accounting standards财务会计准则 financial accounting theory财务会计理论 financial accounts 财务报表,会计报表 financial adviser财务咨询师 financial analysis财务分析 financial analysis software财务分析软件 financial analyst财务分析师 financial appraisal财务评价 financial asset金融性资产,金融资产 financial audit财务审计 financial bill金融票据 financial budget财务预算 financial capital财务资本 financial capital maintenance concept财务资本维护概念 financial condition财务状况 financial control财务控制 financial crisis财务危机 financial data财务数据 financial decision财务决策 financial department财务处,财务部门 financial derivatives衍生金融工具,衍生金融票据 financial disclosure财务披露 financial embarrassment财务拮据 financial executive高级财务管理人员 financial expense财务费用 financial failure财务无力偿付 financial forecast财务预测 financial futures金融期货 financial game财务对策 financial gearing财务传动作用 financial goal财务目标 financial grossary and dictionary财务词典和词汇 financial guarantee财务担保 financial guarantee management财务担保管理 financial highlight重点财务数据 financial incentive财务奖励 financial income财务收益 financial information system财务信息系统 financial insolvency财务无力偿付 financial institution金融机构 financial instruments金融工具,金融票据 financial intermediary金融中介机构 financial investment金融投资 financial lease财务租赁 financial leverage财务杠杆作用 financial leverage adjustment财务杠杆作用调整额 financial leverage ratio财务杠杆比率 financial management财务管理 financial leverage chart财务杠杆作用图表 financial manager财务经理 financial market金融市场 financial mathematics财务数学 financial model财务模型 financial objective财务目标 financial obligation财务债务 financial officer财务高级管理人员 financial ombudsman金融业巡视专管员 financial paper金融票据 financial planner财务计划师 financial planning财务计划 financial planning industry财务计划产业 financial planning models财务计划模型 financial policy财务政策 financial position财务状况 financial position statement财务状况表 finance product金融产品 financial projection财务预测 financial public relation财务公共关系 financial ratio财务比率 financial ratio analysis财务比率分析 financial report财务报告 financial revenue财务收入 financial risk财务风险 financials.com财务网站 financial service财务服务 Financial Service Act财务服务法案 financial settlement财务结算 financial software财务软件 financial solvency财务偿付能力 financial standing财务状况 financial statement财务报表,会计报表 financial statement analysis财务报表分析,会计报表分析 financial statement audit财务报表审计,会计报表审计 financial statement footnote财务报表附注,会计报表附注 financial statement structure财务报表结构,会计报表结构 financial structure财务结构 financial structure ratio财务结构比率 financial supermarket金融超级市场 financial synergism财务增效作用 financial theory财务理论 Financial Times Industrial Ordinary Share Index金融时报工业普通股股票价格指数 Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Share Index金融时报股票交易所100种股票价格指数 financial transaction金融业务 financial transfer财务转发,财务划拨 financial vice-president财务副总经理 financing融通资金,筹集资金 financing cost筹资成本 financing decision筹资决策 financing gap资金缺口 financing lease融资性租赁,筹资性租赁 financing policy筹资政策 financing transaction融资业务,筹资业务 finder中间人,掮客 finder’s fee中间人佣金,掮客佣金 findings of audit审计结果 fine罚金,罚款 fine paper优等票据 fine rate优惠利率 finished goods inventory产成品存货 finished goods ledger产产品分类帐 finished goods turnover产产品周转率 firm商号,事务所;约定的,确定的 firm offer确定性报价 firm order确定性订货 firm risk企业风险 firm ware硬性软件 first beneficiary第一受款人 first-class paper头等票据,优等票据 first cost最初成本,主要成本 first entry第一次分录 first hand information第一手资料 first-in ,first-out method先进先出法 first-in ,still-here method先进未出法 first lien最先留置权,第一留置权 first mortgage第一抵押 first option第一购股权 first year allowance第一年度税收减免 fiscal agent财务代理人 fiscal deficit财政赤字 fiscal monopoly财政垄断 fiscal multiplier财政乘数 fiscal policy财政政策 fiscal redistribution财政再分配 fiscal theory财政理论 fiscal year会计年度,财政年度 fisher effect费希尔效应 fisher Equation费希尔等式 fitch investors service, inc.菲奇投资公司 five C’s of credit信用五个要素 fixed annuity固定年金 fixed asset固定资产 fixed-assets accounting固定资产会计 fixed-assets audit固定资产审计 fixed-assets depreciation rate固定资产折旧率 fixed-assets disposal proceeds固定资产变卖收入 fixed-assets expenditure固定资产支出 fixed-assets management固定资产管理 fixed assets register固定资产登记薄 fixed assets to equity capital ratio 固定资产对产权资本比率 fixed-assets turnover固定资产周转率 fixed base index定期指数,定比指数 fixed base period固定基期 fixed benefit plan固定福利金计划 fixed budget固定预算 fixed capital固定资本,固定资金 fixed cash flow固定现金流量 fixed charge固定费用,固定留置权 fixed-charge coverage ratio偿付固定费用能力比率 fixed cost固定成本 fixed deposit定期存款 fixed disk固定磁盘 fixed exchange rate固定汇率 fixed expense固定费用 fixed income固定收益 fixed interest rate固定利率 fixed interest securities固定利息证券 fixed investment trust固定投资信托 fixed liability固定负债 fixed loan定期贷款 fixed-order-period inventory system固定订货期存货制度 fixed-order-quantity inventory system固定订货量存货制度 fixed overhead固定间接费用 fixed overhead spending variance固定间接费用开支差异 fixed overhead variance固定间接费用差异 fixed overhead volume variance固定间接费用业务量差异 fixed price contract固定价格合同 fixed rate loan固定利率贷款 fixed rate mortgage固定利率抵押 fixed trust固定信托 fixture固定装修 flash report快报 flat bond无息公债 flat price统一价格 flat rate统一费率 flat tax统一税率 flat yield固定收益率 flexible budget弹性预算 flexible budget formula弹性预算公式 flexible budget variance弹性预算差异 flexible exchange rate弹性汇率 flexible price弹性价格 flexible rate loan弹性利率贷款 flexible retirement age弹性退休年龄 flexible standard cost弹性标准成本 flexible trust弹性信托 flexible working hours弹性工时 flight of capital资本外流 flight of currency抛售货币 float浮存;浮动;发行 floater浮动利率国库券 floating asset流动资产 floating capital流动资金 floating charge流动留置权 floating exchange rate浮动汇率 floating interest rate浮动利率 floating liability流动负债 floating lien流动留置权 floating money浮动资金 floating mortgage流动抵押 floating rate浮动利率,浮动汇率 floating-rate bond浮动利率债券 floating-rate certificate of deposit浮动利率存款单 floating-rate note浮动利率国库券 floor股票交易所交易厅;底价 floor broker交易厅经纪人,交易所内经纪人 floor price最低限价 floppy disk软磁盘,软盘 flotation发行 flotation cost发行成本 flow assumption流转假设 flow chart流程图表 flow of cash现金流转,现金流量 flow of costs成本流转 flow statement流量报表 flow-through method全部流过法,当期记列法 fluctuating exchange rate波动汇率 fluctuating price contract变动价格合同 FMA Membership国际财务管理人员学会会员资格 FMA Publication国际财务管理人员学会出版物 FOB price船上交货价格,离岸价格 folio reference参见帐页 follow-up check追查核对 footing加总,合计 footing test加总抽查 footnote附注 for cash付现,付现交易 forced auction强制拍卖 forced insurance强制保险 forced liquidation强迫清算 forced sale迫卖,迫售 forced sale value迫卖价值 forced saving强迫储蓄 forecast预测 forecast budget预测,预算 forecasted statement 预测报表 forecasting cash disbursement预计现金支出 forecasting cash receipt预计现金收入 forecasting earning per share预测每股收益 forecasting technique预测技术 forecasting technique预测技术 foreclosure取消抵押财产赎回权,没收抵押财产 foreign aid外援,国外援助 foreign banking外国银行业务 foreign bank supervision enhancement act加强监督国外银行法 foreign bill国外汇票 foreign bond 国外债券 foreign branch国外分支机构 foreign collection国外托收 foreign corporation外国公司,外州公司 foreign corrupt practices act国外行贿法案 foreign credit insurance association国外信用保险协会 foreign currency外币 foreign currency account外币帐户 foreign currency accounting 外币会计 foreign currency deposit外币存款 foreign currency futures外币期货 foreign currency option外币购买权,外币期权 foreign currency securities外币有价证券 foreign currency statement外币报表 foreign currency swaps外币互换,外币掉换 foreign currency transaction外币经济业务,外币业务 foreign currency translation外币折算 foreign currency translation risk外币折算风险 foreign direct investment国外直接投资 foreign exchange外汇,外币兑换,外币汇兑 foreign exchange accounting外汇会计 foreign exchange arbitrage外汇套利 foreign exchange broker外汇经纪人 foreign exchange contract外汇合同 foreign exchange dealer外汇经销商 foreign exchange gain or loss外汇兑换损益 foreign exchange market外汇市场 foreign exchange rate外汇汇率 foreign exchange reserve外汇储备 foreign exchange risk外汇风险 foreign exchange risk exposure外汇风险暴露 foreign exchange risk management外汇风险管理 foreign exchange risk sharing 共同分担外汇风险 foreign exchange settlement结汇 foreign exchange transaction外汇经济业务,外汇业务 foreign income国外收益 foreign investment国外投资 foreign loan国外贷款 foreign market beta国外证券市场贝塔风险 foreign market value国外市场价值 foreign money order国外汇票 foreign operation国外业务 foreign payments国外付款 foreign risk国外风险 foreign sales corporation国外销售公司 foreign subsidiary国外子公司 foreign tax credit国外税收抵免 [编辑] G gross profit ratio毛利率 gain获利,收益 gain and loss损益 gain and loss account损益帐户 gain contingency或有收益,或有利得 gain on disposal of fixed assets变卖固定资产收益 gain on foreign exchange外汇收益 gain on inventory taking存货盘盈收益 gain on investment投资收益 [编辑] G game theory对策论,博弈论 GAO Fraud Net美国审计总署揭发舞弊网络 GAO Report美国审计总署审计报告 GAO’s value concept美国审计总署的价值观 GAO Yellow Book美国审计总署黄皮书 garbage in,garbage out无用输入,无用输出 garnished wage扣发工资 garnishee第三债务人 garnishment扣押,扣发 GASB Concepts Statements政府会计准则委员会会计概念公报 GASB Guiding Principles政府会计准则委员会指导原则 GASB Standard政府会计准则委员会准则 geared investment trust举债经营投资信托公司 gearing 财务传动作用 gearing adjustment财务传动作用调整 gearing effect财务传动作用效应 gearing ratio财务传动率 general acceptance普通汇票 general accountant总会计师,总会计 general accounting普通会计 general accounts总帐 general agent总代理商 General Agreement on Tariff and Trade关税和贸易总协定 general and administrative expense一般管理费用 general arrangements to borrow 10国集团借款总安排 general assignment普通转让,一般转让 general audit普通审计 general auditor总审计师,总审计 general average共同海损 general average contribution共同海损分配 general balance sheet普通资产负债表 general budget总预算 general cash普通现金 general casher出纳主任,总出纳 general contractor总承包商 general counsel法律总顾问 general creditor普通债权人 general crossed check普通划线支票 general debt普通债务 general endorsement普通背书 general entry普通分录 general expense一般费用,总务费用 general fund普通基金 general insurance普通保险 general inventory财产目录,财产总目录 generalized audit software通用审计软件 general journal普通日记帐 general ledger总分类帐 general legacy普通遗嘱 general lien总括留置权 general accepted accounting principle公认会计原则 general accepted auditing standards公认审计准则 general manager总经理 general meeting of stockholders股东大会 general mortgage普通抵押 general mortgage bond普通抵押债券 general obligation bond普通信用担保债券 general overhead一般间接费用 general partner普通合伙人 general partnership普通合伙 general policy总括保险单 general price index一般物价指数 general price level accounting一般物价水平会计 general price level adjusted statement按一般物价水平调整的报表 general property tax普通财产税 general purchasing power accounting一般购买力会计 general purchasing power gain or loss一般购买力损益 general purpose financial statement通用财务报表,通用会计报表 general purpose language通用语言 general records普通帐薄 general reserve普通准备金 general standard for audit一般性审计准则 general tariff普通税则,一般税则 general term and conditions一般交易条件 gentlemen’s agreement君子协定 geographic segment地区分部 geographic segment地区分部 geographic wage differential 地区工作差别 GFOA Membership政府财务官员协会会员资格 GFOA publication政府财务官员协会出版社 gift tax赠与税 gilt-edged bill金边证券,优质证券 Ginnie Mae政府全国抵押协会 giro银行自动直接转帐 giro system直接转帐制度 Gitman disk吉特曼磁盘 glamour stock热门股票 global accounting全球会计 global accounting standards全球会计准则 global alliance全球联盟 global auditing standards全球审计准则 global bond全球债券 global capital market全球资本市场 global custody全球证券投资保管业务 global depositary receipts全球证券存单 global economy全球经济 global fund全球基金 globalization全球化 global knowledge network全球知识互联网 global logistic network全球后勤网络 global marketing全球销售 global reserve全球储备 global village全球村 glossary of accounting 会计词汇 glossary of budgetary and economics预算和经济词汇 glut产品充斥,供过于求 GNP Implicit Price Deflator国民生产总值物价折算指数 goal congruence目标一致性 goal programming目标规划 goal seeking目标寻求,目标搜索 go-go fund冒险投资基金 going concern连续经营的企业 going concern postulate连续经营假设 going concern review连续经营审查 going-concern value连续经营的价值 going price时价,现时价格 going private私售股份,少数私人持股 going public公开招股,股票公开上市 going rate现行费率 gold arbitrage黄金套利 gold bond黄金债券 gold bullion金块,金砖 gold card金卡 gold clause黄金条款,黄金结算条款 gold coin金币 golden handcuff 黄金手链 golden handshake黄金握别,优厚解雇费 golden hello黄金问候,高额待遇 golden parachute黄金降落伞,优厚退职金 golden share黄金股份 gold futures黄金期货 gold market黄金市场 gold option黄金期权 gold proviso clause黄金保值条款 gold stock黄金股票 gone concern停止营业的公司 good accounting practice健全会计实物 good faith善意,诚意 goods商品,货物 goods and services商品和劳务 goods available for sale本期待销商品 goods in bond关栈保管货物 goods in process在产品 goods-in-process inventory在产品存货 goods in transit在途商品 goods on consignment寄售商品 goods on hand 存货 goods received note收货单 goods returned note退货单 good title优良产权,有效产权 goodwill商誉 goodwill accounting商誉会计 go private私售股份,股份私人持有 go public公开招股,股票公开上市 government accounting政府会计 Government Accounting Service政府会计事务所 government accounting standard政府会计准则 governmental funds政府基金 government audit政府审计 government auditing standard政府审计准则 government auditor政府审计师 government bill政府短期债券 government bond政府公债 government borrowing政府借款 government corporation国营公司 government investment政府投资 government monopoly政府垄断 government national mortgage association政府全国抵押协会 government procurement policy政府采购政策 government securities政府证券 government subsidy政府补助金,政府补贴 GPL accounting一般物价水平会计 grace period宽限期 graduated payment mortgage累进还款抵押 graduated securities分级证券 graduated tax分级税,累进税 graduated wage累进工资 grant赠款,财产转让 grantee受助人,受让人 grant in aid财政补助金,财政补贴 grantor资助人,让与人 graph图表 graph evaluation and review technique图解评审法,图解网络技术 graphical method图表法,图解法 graphic software图表软件 gray market灰市,受操纵的市场 green accounting绿色会计 green audit绿色审计 greenback美钞 greenmail payments绿色函件付款,股份回收付款 gross总额 gross accounts receivable应收帐款总额 gross amount总金额 gross book value帐面价值总额 gross cash flow现金流量总额 gross cost of merchandise sold销货总成本 gross domestic product国内生产总值 gross earnings收益总额 gross income收益总额,毛收益;营业收入总额 gross interest利息总额 gross invoice price发货票总价 gross lease租赁收入总额,租赁毛收入 gross loss损失总额,毛损 gross margin毛利 gross margin rate毛利率 gross national disproduct国民废品总额 gross national product国民生产总值 gross pay工薪总额 gross price method总价法 gross profit毛利 gross profit analysis毛利分析 gross profit test 毛利测试法,毛利抽查法 gross profit ratio毛利率法 gross profit method毛利法 gross revenue营业收入总额 gross sale销售收入总额 gross wage工资总额 gross working capital流动资金总额 gross yield毛利收益率 group accounts集团公司财务报表,集团公司会计报表 group bonus集团奖金 group company集团公司 group depreciation method分类折旧法 group financial statement集团公司财务报表,集团公司会计报表 group incentive system集体奖励制度 group insurance集体保险 group of eight8国集团 group of fifteen15国集团 group of seventy seven77国集团 group of ten 10国集团 growth options升值方式选择 growth rate成长率 growth stage增长阶段,成长阶段 growth stock迅速升值股票 guarantee受保人 guaranteed bill担保票据 guaranteed bond担保债券 guaranteed dividend担保股利 guaranteed letter of credit担保信用证 guaranteed loan担保贷款 guaranty担保,保证书 guaranty fund保证金 inventory turnover存货周转率 inventory turnover存货周转率 IAASB standard国际审计和信息安全准则委员会准则 IASB Standard国际会计准则委员会准则 iceberg company冰山类型公司 iceberg principle冰山原理 ideal standard cost理想标准成本 identifiable intangible asset可辨认无形资产 identification鉴别,辨认 identification method辨认法 identity恒等关系,恒等式 idle account呆滞帐户 idle capacity闲置生产能力 idle-capacity cost闲置生产能力成本 idle capacity ratio闲置生产能力比率 idle capital闲置资本,闲置资金 idle time cost停工时间成本 IFA advice online独立财务咨询师联网咨询 illegal activities违法行为 illegal contract违法合同 illegal dividend违法股利 illegal interest违法利息 illegal partnership违法合伙企业 illegal profit违法利润 illiquid assets非流动性资产 illiquid funds非流动资金 illiquidity非流动性 IMA Certification管理会计师协会颁发职称 IMA Ethical Standard管理会计师协会职业道德准则 immaterial asset无形资产 immediate annuity即期年金 immediate beneficiary直接受益人 immediate processing即时处理 immovable properly不动产 impact analysis效果分析,影响分析 impact statement影响报表 impairment of capital资本减损 impairment of credit信贷削减 impairment of value价值减损 imperfect competition不完善竞争 imperfect information不完善信息 imperfect market不完善竞争的市场 impersonal account非人名帐户 implicit cost隐含成本,内含成本 implicit debt隐含债务,内含债务 implicit interest隐含利息,内含利息 implicit price deflator物价折算指数 implicit tax隐含税收,内含税收 implied terms非明文条件,默认条件 implied trust非明文信托,默认信托 import进口 import agent进口代理商 import credit进口信贷 import declaration进口报关 import duty进口关税,进口税 import exchange进口外汇 import letter of credit进口信用证 import licence进口许可证 import price index进口价格指数 import quota进口限额,进口配额 import restriction进口限额 import substitution进口替代 import surtax进口附加税 import tender进口招标 impound查封,扣押 imprest fund定额备用金 imprest system定额备用金制度 improper accumulation不正当积累 improvement and extensions改造和扩充投资 imputation估算 imputed cost应计成本,推算成本 imputed income应计收益,推算收入 imputed interest应计利息,推算利息 imputed value应计价值,推算价值 inactive account呆滞帐户 inactive money呆滞资金 inactive stock呆滞库存 inadequacy不适用 inadequate disclosure不承保资产 inalienable不能转让的 in arrears拖欠 in balance平衡 in black空白的 in bond保税 in bond price保税价格 in cash 使用现金 incentive reductions鼓励性减税 incentive stock option奖励性购股权 incentive wage system奖励工资制度 in-charge accountant主管会计师 incidence of taxation税收负担,税收归宿 incidental expense临时性费用,偶生费用 income收益收入,所得 income account收益帐户,损益帐户 income after tax税后收益 income and expenditure statement收入和支出表 income and expense summary account收入和费用汇总帐户 income audit收益审计 income before interest and tax支付利息和税款前收益 income beneficiary收益受益人 income bond收益债券 income concept收益概念 income debenture收益债券 income deduction收益扣减项目 income differential收入差距 income distribution收益分配,收入分配 income earned已获收益,已获所得 income from continuing operations连续经营部门收益 income from discontinued operations停业部门收益 income in kind实物收入 income maintenance policy收入维持政策 income measurement收益计量 income per share每股收益 income property收益财产 income quality收益质量 income realization收益的实现 income sheet损益表 income smoothing收益平均,收益修匀 income statement收益表,损益表 income statement account损益表帐户 income statement analysis损益表分析 income statement audit损益表审计 income stock收益股票 income stream收益流 income summary收益汇总帐户 income tax所得税 income tax accounting所得税会计 income tax allocation所得税分摊 income tax allowance所得税减免 income tax credit所得税额减免,所得税税额抵免 income tax deduction所得税应税收益减免额 income tax expense所得税费用 income tax indexation所得税指数化 income tax law所得税法 income tax leverge所得税杠杆作用 income tax payable应付所得税 income tax rate所得税率 income yield利息收益率 incompatible functions不相容的职能 incomplete bill不完整票据 incomplete records不完整会计记录 incomplete transaction不完全经济业务 inconvertibility不可兑换性 inconvertible currency非自由兑换的货币 inconvertible security非自由兑换证券 incorporated已注册,已注册公司 incorporation登记,注册 incorporator公司创办人 incorporeal property无形资产 increasing cost递增成本 increasing income递增收益 incremental analysis增量分析法 incremental budgeting增量预算 incremental cost增量成本 incremental revenue增量收入 increment tax财产增值税 incumbrance保留支出数 incurred loss已发生损失 indebtedness欠债 in default违约 indemnity赔偿,赔偿金;担保 indenture契约 independence独立性,超然独立性 independent accountant独立会计师 independent audit独立审计 independent auditor独立审计师 independent contractor独立订约人 independent director独立董事 independent financial adviser独立财务咨询师 independent money manger独立资金经理 independent projects独立投资项目 independent variable自变量 index指数,索引 index access索引存取 indexation按物价指数调整,物价指数变化 indexed bond物价指数化债券 indexed pension物价指数化退休金 indexed tax物价指数化税收 index fund指数基金 index futures指数期货 index method指数法 index number指数 index number trend series指数趋势数列 index of average earnings平均收入指数 index of cost of living生活费用指数 index option指数期权 indicator经济指标 indifference analysis无差异分析法 indifference curve无差异曲线 indifference theory 无差异股利理论 indirect arbitrage间接套汇,间接套利 indirect benefit间接效益 indirect business间接效益 indirect cost间接成本 indirect damage间接损害 indirect department间接部门 indirect evidence间接证据 indirect exchange间接汇兑 indirect expense间接费用 indirect financing间接筹资 indirect investment间接投资 indirect labor间接人工 indirect labor cost间接人工成本 indirect liability间接负债;间接责任 indirect loss间接损失 indirect material间接材料 indirect rate间接汇率 indirect tax间接税 individual depreciation method个别折旧法 individual incentive system个人奖励制度 individual income个人收益,个人所得 individual investment个人投资 individual investors个人投资者 individual proprietorship独资企业 individual retirement account个人退休金帐户 individual saving account个人储蓄帐户 in dollar terms按美元计算,按金额计算 indorsee受让人,接受背书人 indorsement背书 inductive method accounting theory归纳法会计理论 in due course按规定日期,按正当程序 industrial accident insurance工业事故保险 industrial accident reserve工业事故准备金 industrial bond工业债券 industrial development bond工业发展公债 industrial espionage工业间谍活动 industrial insurance工业保险 industrialization工业化 industrialization countries工业化国家 industrial project工业项目,工业工程项目 industrial property工业产权 industrials工业股票 industrials average工业股票平均价格指数 industry ratio行业比率 industry standard行业标准 inefficient capital market无效能资本市场 ineligible bill不合格票据 inescapable cost不可避免成本 infirmity不完整,不健全 inflated budget虚增预算 inflated cost虚增成本,虚列成本 inflated income虚增收益,虚列收益 inflation通货膨胀 inflation accounting通货膨胀会计 inflation calculator通货膨胀计算器 inflationary factor通货膨胀因素 inflationary hedge通货膨胀套期保值 inflationary spiral通货膨胀螺旋,螺旋式通货膨胀 inflationary rate通货膨胀率 inflation risk通货膨胀风险 inflation risk premium通货膨胀风险溢酬 informal record非正式记录 information信息,情报 information benefit信息效益 information cost信息成本 information disclosure信息披露 information economics信息经济学 information free信息自由 information industry信息产业 information intermediaries信息代理商 information management信息管理 information overload信息负担过重 information processing信息处理 information requirement信息需要量 information resources management association信息资源管理协会 information retrieval信息检索 information revolution信息革命 information risk信息风险 information science信息科学 information security信息安全 information society信息社会 information storage信息存储 information superhighway信息高速公路 information system信息系统 information system auditing信息系统审计 information system association信息系统协会 information technology信息技术 information technology alliance信息技术联盟 information technology budget信息技术预算 information theory信息理论 information transfer信息传输 infrastructure基础设施 infringement of right侵犯权益 inhabitant tax居民所得税 inheritance tax遗产继承税 initial allowance创办减免 initial audit初次审计 initial capital创办资本 initial cost创办成本 initial investment期初投资 initial payment首期付款 initial public offering首次公开招股,股票首次发行 injury benefit工伤赔偿金 in kind以物代物 inland bill国内汇票 inland revenue国内税收 in lien替代物 innovation革新 in personam对人 input输入,投入 input cost投入成本 input data输入数据 input device输入设备 input orientation投入导向,侧重投入 input-output analysis投入产出分析 input-output statement投入产出报表 input tax投入税 input value投入价值 inquiry查询,询价 inquiry agency征信所,信用调查机构 inquiry list询价单 in rem从量,对物 in rem rax从量税 inscriptive stock无实体公债,记帐式公债 inside director内部董事 insider dealing知内情者交易,内幕交易 insider information内部信息 insider loans内部贷款 insider trading知内情者交易,内幕交易 insolvency无力偿付,无偿债能力 insolvency practitioner破产执行人 insolvency practitioner association破产执行人协会 insolvent无偿债能力债务人 inspection稽核,检查 inspection certificate检验证明 inspection of accounts帐目检查 inspection of documents凭证检查,凭证验证 inspector稽核员,检查员 inspector general总检查长 inspector general act总检查长法 instability index of earnings收益不稳定指数 installation cost安装成本 installment分期付款 installment account分期付款赊销帐户 installment accounts receivable应收分期帐款 installment bond分期偿还债券 installment contract分期付款合同 installment loan分期偿还贷款 installment credit分期付款信贷 installment method of revenue recognition分期付款法确认营业收入 installment sale分期付款销售 installment sale insurance分期付款销售保险 instant即期的,本月的 institute of chartered secretaries and administrators特许秘书和行政管理人员协会 institutional accounting社会机构会计 institutional investors机构投资人,社会机构投资人 instruction指令 instrument文件,凭证;金融票据 insufficient funds存款不足 insurable interest可保险权益 insurable risk可承保风险 insurance 保险 insurance broker保险经纪人 insurance company保险公司 insurance compensation保险赔偿金 insurance coverage投保范围,投保金额 insurance fund保险基金 insurance management保险管理 insurance policy保险单 insurance pool保险联营 insurance premium保险费 insurance underwrite承保商,保险商 insured被保险人,投保人 insurer保险商,承保商 intangible asset无形资产 intangible benefit无形效益 intangible cost无形成本 intangible expense无形费用 intangible fixed asset无形固定资产 intangible property无形资产 intangible value无形价值 integer programming整数规划 integrated accounts综合帐薄 integrated information system综合信息系统 integrated software综合软件 integrated test facility综合抽查设备 integration企业联合,企业合并;一体化 intel英特尔公司 intellectual capital智力资本 intellectual economy知识经济 intellectual property知识产权 intelligent agent职能代理软件 intelligent computer智能电子计算机 intelligent enterprise智能企业 intelligent terminal职能终端机 intended investment既定目的投资 intensive capital密集资本 intensive distribution密集推销 intensive labor密集人工 intensive margin密集边际 interactive data processing人机交互方式数据处理 interactive financial planning system人机交互方式财务计划系统 interbank market银行同业拆放贷款市场 inter-bank offered rate银行同业拆放利率 intercompany account公司间往来帐户 intercompany comparison公司间比较 intercompany elimination公司间抵消 intercompany income公司间收益 intercompany stockholding公司间控股 intercompany transaction公司间业务往来 interdepartment income部门间收益 interest利息,权益,股权 interest arbitrage套息 interest bearing investment附息投资项目 interest bearing note附息票据 interest cost利息成本 interest coupons息券,息票 interest coverage ratio偿付利息能力比率 interest officer有权益关系的高级职员 interest expense利息费用 interest formulas利息公式 interest group利益集团 interest imputed应付利息 interest income利息收益 interest on overdraft透支利息 interest payable应付利息 interest per annum年息 interest per diem日息 interest period 利息期 interest per mensem月息 interest rate利息率,利率 interest-rate futures利率期货 interest-rate option利率期权 interest rate policy利率政策 interest rate risk利率风险 interest rate structure利率结构 interest rate swap利率掉期 interest receivable应收利息 interest sensitive industry 利息敏感产业 interest table利息表,利率表 interest tax利息税 interest yield利息收益率 interference专利权诉讼 interface链接部件,接口 interfund account基金往来帐户 interfund transfer基金转发 interim audit期中审计 interim dividend 期中股利 interim financial statement期中财务报表 interim financing期中筹款 interim receiver临时破产接管人 intermediary中间商 intermediary trade中介贸易,转口贸易 intermediate product中间产品,半成品 intermediate rate中间汇率 intermediation金融机构中介费用 internal accounting内部会计 internal accounting control内部会计控制 internal administrative control内部行政管理控制 internal analysis内部分析 internal audit内部审计 internal audit department内部审计部门 internal auditing standards内部审计准则 internal auditor内部审计师 internal check内部牵制,内部稽核 internal check system内部牵制制度,内部稽核制度 internal control内部控制 internal control questionnaire内部控制调查表 internal control risk内部控制风险 internal control system内部控制制度 internal cost内部成本 internal documents内部凭证 internal effect内部效应 internal financing内部筹资 internal growth内部成长 internal rate of return内部收益率,内含收益率 internal rate of return method内含收益率法 internal reporting内部报告,内部报表 internal revenue国内税收 internal revenue code国内税收法规 internal revenue service国内税务署 internal service fund内部服务基金 internal storage内存储器 internal transaction内部经济业务,内部业务 internal transfer price内部划拨价格 international accountant国际会计师 international accounting国际会计,国际会计学 international accounting associations国际性会计协会 international accounting model国际会计模式 international accounting network国际会计互联网 international accounting standards国际会计准则 international accounting standards board国际会计准则委员会 international association of bookkeepers国际薄记师协会 international auditing standards国际审计准则 international bank for reconstruction and development国际复兴开发银行 international bidding国际招标 international business combination国际性企业合并 international capital market国际资本市场 international cash management 国际现金管理 international chamber of commerce国际商会 international consortium of bank国际财团,国际银团 international contractor国际合同商 international corporation跨国公司 international CPA firms国际性会计师事务所 international currency国际货币 international database国际数据库 international debt rating国际债务信用评定 international depositary receipts国际证券存单 international development association国际开发协会 international development bank国际性开发银行 international diversification国际分散经营,国际分散风险 international double taxation国际重复征税 international finance国际财务,国际金融 international finance association国际性财务协会 international finance corporation国际金融公司 international finance subsidiary国际金融子公司 international financial reporting standards国际财务报告准则 international fiscal association国际财政学会 international foram on accountancy development会计发展国际论坛 international group of accounting firms会计师事务所国际集团 international information management association国际信息管理协会 international interest arbitrage国际套利 international investment 国际投资 internationalist国际主义者期刊 internationalization国际化 internationalization of accounting国际会计化 international joint venture国际联营,国际合资经营 international lease国际租赁 international loan国际贷款 international management information system国际企业管理信息系统 international monetary fund国际货币基金组织 international monetary market国际金融市场 international money management国际货币管理 international money order国际汇票 international organization for securities commissions证券交易管理委员会国际组织 international payments system国际支付制度 international rules for the interpretation of trade terms国际贸易术语解释通则 international securities国际证券 international product cycle国际产品寿命周期 international settlement国际结算 international stock exchange国际股票交易所 international tax国际税收 international tax and public finance国际税收和公共财政 international tax program国际税收计划 international trade国际贸易 international trade association国际贸易协会 international trade commission国际贸易委员会 international transaction国际经济业务,国际业务 international transfer price国际划拨价格 international union国际工会 internet国际互联网,因特网 internet互联网 internet banking互联网银行业务,网上银行业务 internet computer为了计算机 internet economy网络经济 internet fraud网络欺诈 internet phone网络电话 internet protocal国际互联网通信协议 internet protocol address互联网通信协议地址 internet security国际互联网安全,网络安全 internet service provider互联网服务提供商 internet society国际互联网协会 internetwork互联网 interoperability兼容性 interperiod allocation account跨期分配帐户 interperiod income tax allocation所得税跨期分摊 interpolation内推法 interpretation说明解释 intertransfer budget item预算项目的流用 in the black盈余 in the red 亏损 intracompany comparison公司内部比较 intracompany document公司内部凭证 intracompany transger price公司内部划拨价格 intranet互联网 in transit在途 intraperiod tax allocation所得税期内分摊 intrinsic value内涵价值 introduction挂牌发行 introduction of foreign investment引进外资 introduction of technology引进技术 intromission挪用款项 intrust委托,信托 invalidity无效,失效 inventoriable cost可盘存产品成本 inventory存货,盘存,资产目录,资产清册 inventory accounting存货会计 inventory adjustment存货调整 inventory audit存货审计 inventory buffer缓冲存货 inventory card存货卡片 inventory control存货控制 inventory cost存货成本 inventory decision model存货决策模型 inventory equation存货方程式,盘存公式 inventory financing存货筹资 inventory flow assumption存货流转假设 inventory layer存货层次 inventory ledger存货分类帐 inventory to net-working-capital ratio存货对流动资金净额的比率 inventory observation 盘存观察 inventory risk存货风险 inventory-sales ratio存货对销售额的比率 inventory sheet盘存表,存货盘点表 inventory short and over存货盘盈与盘亏 inventory system盘存制度 inventory taking存货盘存 inventory turnover存货周转率,存货周庄次数 inventory valuation存货计价 inventory valuation adjustment存货计价调整 inventory variation存货变动 inverted market逆转市场 inverted yield curve倒转收益率 invested capital已投股本,已投资本 investing institution投资机构 investment投资 investment adviser投资咨询师 investment advisory account投资咨询帐户 investment allowance投资减免 investment analysis投资分析 investment appraisal投资评价 investment bank投资银行 investment banker投资银行,投资银行家 investment banking投资银行业务 investment bill票据投资 investment center投资中心 investment club投资俱乐部 investment company投资公司 investment consulting firm投资咨询事务所 investment counselor投资咨询师 investment decision投资决策 investment environment投资环境 investment fraud投资欺诈 investment grade投资登记 investment guarantee投资保证 investment income投资收益 investment loss投资损失 investment management投资管理 investment manager投资经理 investment managers regulatory organization投资经理人员自律组织 investment multiplier投资乘数 investment objective投资目标 investment ombudsman投资服务巡视员 investment portfolio投资组合 investment project投资项目 investment property不动产投资 investment software投资软件 investment strategy投资战略 investment tax credit投资税额抵免 investment trust投资信托,投资信托公司 investment turnover投资周转率 investor投资人 investor guide投资者指导网站 invisible asset无形资产 invisible balance无形国际收支差额 invisible income无形收益 invisible trade无形贸易 invoice发货票 invoice cost发货票原价 invoice discounting发货票贴现 invoice price发货票价格 invoice register发货票登记薄 involuntary alienation强制性转让 involuntary bankruptcy强制性破产 involuntary lien强制性留置权 involuntary unemployment强制性失业 IOU欠条,借据 IP address国际互联网地址 iphone网络电话 irredeemable bond不可兑现债券 irredeemable currency不可兑换货币 irregularities不符常规,不正当帐务处理 irregular tax杂税 irrelevance theory of dividend股利无关理论 irrelevant cost不相关成本 irresistible force不可抗力 irrevocable beneficiary不可变更的收益人 irrevocable letter of credit不可撤销证 irrevocable trust不可撤销信托 irr method内含收益率发 irs audit国内税务署审计 irs criminal investigation国内税务署犯罪调查 irs enrolled agent国内税务署注册税务代理人 irs onlineflling国内税务署联网纳税申报表 ISACA standard信息系统审计和控制协会审计准则 IS audit信息系统审计 issue发行,发料 issue by tender投标发行 issued capital stock已发行股份 issue price发行价格 issuing bank 信用证开证银行 issuing house代办证券发行银行 is world net信息系统世界互联网 ITA membership信息技术联盟会员资格 ITA web side信息技术联盟网站 item-by-item method逐项比较发 itemize分项列举 it governance institute信息技术管理学会 IT know-how先进信息技术 jargon 网络行话,网络俚语 Jason clause杰森条款 java language爪哇程序语言 J-curve J形曲线 jerque note海关检验证 JIT inventory system适时存货控制 job工作,作业 job batch成批作业 jobber股票经销商 jobbery营私舞弊 job order订单 job-order costing订单成本计算法 job ticket工作通知单 John Wiley Sons,inc约翰,威力图书公司 joint account联合帐户,联名帐户 joint adventure联营,合作经营 joint AICPA Literature Award美国注册公共会计师协会与美国会计学会联合颁发会计著作奖金 joint-and-several liability共同和个别责任,连带和个别责任 joint annuity共同年金 joint audit联合审计 joint bid联合投标 joint bond联合债券 joint capital联合资本 joint cost联合成本,联产品成本 joint decision making联合决策 joint disciplinary scheme联合整训计划 joint endorsement共同背书 joint liablity连带责任 joint loan联合贷款 joint ownership共同所有权 joint product联产品 Joint Project联合计划 joint return共同税单 joint-stock company合股公司 joint tenant财产共同所有人 joint venture联营,合资经营 journal日记帐 journal entry日记帐分录 journal voucher记帐凭单,分录传票 judgment 判断,判决 judgment creditor 判定债权人 judgment debtor判定债务人 judgment lien判定留置权 judgment payable判定应付款项 judgment sampling判断抽样法 judicial foreclosure法院判决没收抵押品 judicial sale法院判决销售 junior accountant初级会计师,助理会计师 junior board of directors低级董事会 junior bond非优先债券 junior mortgage非优先抵押 junior stock非优先股票 junk废旧存货,废旧资料 junk bond低级债券 junket公费旅游 jurisdiction of boundary地域管辖权 jurisdiction of inhabitant居民管辖权 juristic person法人 just-in-time inventory system适时存货制度 just price公正价格,公平价格 just wage公平工资 [编辑] K Keogh plan 基奥退休金计划 kerb market场外债券市场 key board键盘 key business ratios关键行业比率 key currency(关键货币,关键通货) key executive option重要高级管理人员购股权 key executive insurance重要高级管理人员保险 Keynes effect凯恩斯效应 Keynesian economics凯恩斯经济学 Keynesian fiscal policy凯恩斯财政政策 key word关键词语 kickback回扣 kind实物 kite-flying开空头支票,开空头票据 kiting stock空头股票 kitty共同资金,集合资金 knocked down拍板成交 know-how先进技术,技术诀窍 know-how license先进技术许可证,技术诀窍许可证 knowledge知识,学识 knowledge intensive知识密集 knowledge base知识数据库 knowledge center知识中心信息库 knowledge management知识管理 knowledge network知识互联网 knowledge worker知识工人 KPMG international毕马威会计师事务所 liquidity ratio流动性比率 labeled price标价 labor工人 labor budget人工预算 labor cost人工成本 labor cost audit人工成本审计 labor efficiency劳动效率,人工效率 labor efficiency variance人工效率差异 labor hour工时 labor hour method人工小时法 labor hour rate人工小时率 labor income劳动收入,劳动收益 labor in process在制人工 labor intensive人工密集 labor rate variance人工工资率差异 labor standard人工定额,人工标准 labor time variance人工工时差异 labor turnover工人流转率 labor variance人工差异 lag滞后,时差 lagged relationship滞后关系 lagging indicator滞后指标 laity外行人 lame duck无力偿债者,投机失败者;无活力企业,无力经营企业 land土地,地产 land and building土地和建筑物,房地产 land bank土地银行 land contract土地契约,土地合同 land development土地开发 landed price抵岸价格 land improvement土地改良投资 landing charge卸货费 land intensive土地密集 land occupancy charge土地使用费 landowner’s royalty土地开采使用费 land tax土地税 land trust土地信托 land value increment tax地价增值税 lapping截留现金,挪用现金 lapse失效 lapsed funds失效资金 lapsed option失效期权 lapsed policy失效保单 lapsing schedule逐期摊销明细表 laptop computer膝上式电子计算机 laser printer激光打印机 last-in,first-out method后进先出法 last-in ,still-here method后进未出法 last invoice price最近进价法 last trading day最后交易日 late payment charge延期付款罚金,滞纳金 latency time等待时间 late presentation延迟交单 laundered money隐蔽非法资金 law法律,法规;法则,规律 law day法定还款日期 lawful reserve法定准备金 law of comparative advantage比较利益规律 law of diminishing benefit效益递减规律 law of diminishing return收益递减规律 law of increasing cost成本递增规律 law of supply and demand 供求规律 lawsuit诉讼 lay days装卸期限 lay off pay临时解雇工资 lead bank主办银团,首席银行 leader pricing领导价格 leading and lagging提前或拖延支付货款 leading case主要判例 leading company领导公司 leading indicator超前经济指标 leading industry领导工业,领导产业 leading market领导市场 lead insurance company首席保险公司 lead manager首席经理人 lead relationship超前关系 lead time 订货间隔期,订货提前期 learning curve effects学习曲线效应 lease租赁 lease accounting租赁会计 leaseback返回租赁 lease contract租赁合同 lease expense租赁费 lease finance company租赁金融公司 lease financing租赁筹资 lease guarantee program租赁保证计划 leasehold租赁权,租赁资产 leasehold mortgage租赁资产抵押 leasehold property租赁财产 lease-option agreement优先购买权租赁 lease-or-buy decision租买选择决策 leasing company租赁公司 leasing industry租赁产业 least and latest rule最少最迟规则 least cost decision最低成本决策 least cost routing最小成本路径法 least square method 最小平方法 ledger分类帐 ledger account分类帐帐户 ledger analysis分类帐分析 ledger control分类帐控制 ledger journal 分类日记帐 legacy遗产,遗嘱 legal accounting法规会计 legal action法律诉讼 legal appropriation法定拨款 legal asset法定资产 legal assignment法定转让 legal budget法定预算 legal capital法定资本,法定股本 legal charge法定留置权 legal entity法定个体 legal estate合法财产 legal fee法律费,诉讼费 legal interest法定权益,法定利息 legal investment法定投资 legalism法规主义 legal liability法定负责,法律责任 legal liquidation法定清算 legal list法定证券清单 legal monopoly法定垄断 legal mortgage法定抵押 legal obligation法定债务 legal opinion法律意见书,律师意见书 legal person法人÷ legal personality法人资格 legal regulations法律规章 legal representative法定代理人 legal reserve法定准备金,法定公积金 legal security法定证券 Fiat Money 法定货币,法币 legal valuation法定估价 legal value法定价值 legatee 遗产受赠人 legislation立法,法规 legitimacy合法性 legitimate operation合法经营 legitimate interest合法权益 lender贷出人,贷款人 lender of last resort最后贷款人 lending ceilings贷款最高限额 lending institution贷款机构 lending rate贷款利率 lending ratio贷款比率 less developed country不发达国际 lessee承租人 lessor出租人 letter of acceptance接受投标信函 letter of administration遗产管理委任证书 letter of advice通知所书 letter of allotment股份分配通知书 letter of application认股申请书 letter of attorney授权委托书 letter of comfort安慰信函,非正式保证信函 letter of confirmation确认信函,询证信函 letter of credit信用证 letter of engagement约定信函,聘函 letter of guarantee信用保证信函,保函 letter of hypothecation质押证书,抵押证书 letter of intent意向书 letter of licence延期索债函 letter of lien留置权证书 letter of patent专利证书 letter of recommendation改进管理建议信函 letter of regret抱歉信函,为分配股份信函 L-way信息高速公路 masstricht treaty马斯特里特条约 machine-hour method机器小时法 machine-hour rate机器小时率 machine language机器语言 machine redable medium机器可读媒体 machinery and equipment 机器和设备 machinery insurance机器保险 macro-accounting宏观会计 macro-analysis宏观分析 macro-distribution宏观分配 macro-cost宏观成本 macro-economic policy宏观经济政策 macro-economic宏观经济学 macro-political risk宏观政治风险 macro-public finance宏观财政 macro-benefit宏观效益 magnetic card磁卡 magnetic core磁芯 magnetic disk磁盘 magnetic ink character recognition磁墨水识别 magnetic strip磁条 mail box信箱 mail reader信函阅读软件 mail remittance汇款,信汇 mail remittance rate信汇汇率 main account主要帐户 main books主要帐薄 main budget总预算 main currency 主要货币 minframe主机,大型计算机 main investment market主要投资市场 main memory主存储器 main product主要产品 maintenance and repair维修和修理费 maintenance expense维修费 maintenance grant支持性补助金 maintenance lease维修性租赁 maintenance management维修管理 maintenance of operating capacity营业能力维护 major company主要公司 major industry主要产业 majority interest多数股权,多数权益 majority-owned subsidiary被拥有多数股权的子公司 majority stockholders多数股权股东 major repair大修理 make-or-buy decision自制或外购决策 marker出票人,制造商 make-ready time 生产准备时间 make-to-order为订货生产 make-to-stock为存货生产 make-up depreciation增补折旧费,补差折旧费 make-up pay增补工资,补差工资 making-up price追补结算价格 maladminister经营管理不善 mala fide不诚实,不忠实 malfeasance越权,失职 malfunction故障 malicious damage恶意破坏损失 malpractice insurance职业过失保险 managed account管理帐户 managed account industry管理帐户产业 managed cost管理成本 managed currency 管制货币 managed economy管制经济 managed fixed cost管理固定成本 managed floating exchange rate管制浮动汇率 managed fund管理基金 managed price管制价格 management管理,企业管理;管理人员,企业管理人员 management accountant 管理会计 management accounting管理会计 management advisory services管理咨询服务 management audit管理审计 management buy-out企业管理人员收购股权 management by crisis应急管理 management by exception 例外管理 management by objectives目标管理 management company管理公司 management consultant企业管理咨询师,企业管理顾问 management consulting firm企业管理咨询事务所 management contract管理合同 management control管理控制 management fee管理费 management fraud管理人员舞弊,管理人员欺诈 management game管理对策 management information system管理信息系统 management investment company管理投资公司 management override管理人员越权,管理人员滥用职权 management participation参与管理 management performance管理业绩 management ratio管理比率,管理人员比率 management representation企业管理人员情况说明信函 management’s discussion and analysis of earnings企业管理人员对收益的阐述和分析 management share管理人员股份 management’s illegal act企业管理人员违法行为 management’s reports 管理人员对年度财务报告进行内部控制的报告 management technology企业管理技术 management trust管理信托 manager经理 managerial accountant管理会计师 managerial accounting管理会计 managerial cost accounting管理成本会计,管理成本会计学 managerial decision管理决策 managerial decision model管理决策模型 managerial finance管理财务 managerial philosophy管理哲学 managerial revolution管理革命 managerial sohool管理学派财务理论 managerial school管理学派财务理论 manager’s share经理人员股份 managing agent管理代理人 managing director 常务董事 managing partner管理受托人 mandate委托,委托书 mandatory arbitration强制仲裁 manifest载货清单,货单 manipulation of accounts窜改会计帐目 manipulation of market操纵市场 manufactory制造厂,工厂 manufacturer厂商,制造商 manufacturer’s export agent制造商出口代理人 manufacturer’s invoice厂商发货票 manufacturing account生产帐户,制造帐户,生产报表,制造报表 manufacturing consighment委托加工,寄托加工 manufacturing cost制造成本 manufacturing expense制造费用 manufacturing overhead制造间接费用 manufacturing overhead rate制造间接费用分配率 manufacturing statement生产报表,制造成本表 margin毛利,毛利率;保证金 margin account保证金帐户 marginal analysis边际分析 marginal business边际营业 marginal buyer边际买主 marginal cost边际成本 marginal cost-benefit analysis 边际成本效益分析 marginal costing边际成本计算法 marginal cost of capital边际资本成本 marginal cost pricing边际成本计价法 marginal efficiency of capital资本的边际效率 marginal income边际收益 marginal income ratio边际收益率 marginal profit边际利润 marginal revenue边际收入 marginal revenue equals marginal cost边际收入等于边际成本 marginal social cost边际社会成本 marginal tax rate边际税率 marginal utility边际效用 marginal value边际价值 marginal of safety营业安全幅度 margin of solvency清偿能力限度 marine bill of lading海运提货单 marine insurance海运保险 marine losses海损 marine premium海运保险费 maritime law海商法 markdown减价,减记 marked check保付支票 market price表明价格 market市场,证券交易所,商品交易所,行情 marketability适销性,变现性 marketable securities适销证券,有价证券 marketable securities adjustment有价证券调整 marketable securities management有价证券管理 market analysis市场分析 market-based price市价基础价格 market capitalization市价资本总额 market concentration市场集中化 market development市场开发 market disruption市场瓦解 market economy市场经济 market factor市场要素 marketing推销,营销;市场学,市场营销学 marketing audit销售审计 marketing budget销售预算 marketing cost销售成本 marketing cost analysis销售成本分析 marketing decision推销决策,营销决策 Marketing Encyclopedia System市场营销百科全书信息系统 marketing expense销售费用 marketing orientation销售导向 market mechanism市场机能,市场调节机制 market-out clause停止销售条款 market-penetration pricing市场渗透定价法 market potential市场潜力 market power市场支配力 market price市场价格,市价;交易所牌价 market rate of exchange市场汇率 market rate of interest市场利率 market rate of return市场风险收益率 market research市场研究 market risk市场风险,证券市场风险 market-risk premium市场风险溢酬 market saturation市场饱和度 market share市场份额,市场占有率 market-skimming pricing市场刮脂定价法 market test市场测试 market timing 产品推销时间安排 market value市场价值 market value method市场价值法,市价法 market value weights市场价值加权法,市价加权法 markon成本加成,批零差价 markon percentage成本加成率 markov analysis马尔可夫分析法 markup加价;成本加成 markup cancellation加价取消 marshalling of assets资产清偿序列 mass marketing 大规模销售 mass production 大规模生产 master budget主预算,总预算 master card万事达信用卡 master contract主合同,总合同 master file主文件,主档案 master of business administration工商管理硕士 master policy总保险单 matching concept配合概念,配比概念 matching credit对等税收减免,对等税收抵免 matching expense with revenue费用与收入配比 matching funds对等资金 matching principle配比原则,配合原则 material材料,原材料;重要的 material alterations重要变更 material breach重大违约 material budget材料预算 material control材料控制 material cost材料成本 material cost variance材料成本差异 material in process在制材料 material inventory材料存货 materiality principle重要性原则 material management材料管理 material price variance材料价格差异 material quantity variance材料用量差异 material requirement planning材料需用量计划 material requisition领料单 material subsidiary ledger材料辅助分类帐 material turnover材料周转率 mathematical model数学模型 mathematical programming数学规划 matrix矩阵 matrix allocation method矩阵分摊法 matured bill到期票据 matured liability到期负债 mature economy成熟经济 mature multinational company成熟跨国公司 maturity期限 maturity basis到期基准 maturity date到期日 maturity risk premium到期日风险溢酬 maturity stage成熟阶段 maturity value到期值 maturity yield到期日收益率 maximax criterion最大最大规则 maximization of earnings per share每股收益最大化 maximization of profit利润最大化 maximization of wealth财富最大化 maximum price最高价格 maximum tax最高税额,最高税率 MBA Student Attitudes About Business and Society工商管理硕士学生对企业和社会的态度 Mcfarlane Report麦克法兰报告 mean price中间价 means收入,财产;工具,手段 means-ends analysis手段和目的分析 means of disclosure财务状况披露工具 means of payment支付手段 measurement计量 measurement of income收益计量 measurement theory计量理论,计量论 measurement of central tendency集中趋势的计量 measurement of deviation偏差的计量 measurement of value价值尺度 media媒介,媒体 mediation调解 mediator调解人 medical expense deduction医疗费用扣减 medicare老年医疗保险计划 medium-sized company中型公司 medium of payment支付媒介 medium-term liability中期负债 meeting of creditors债权人会议 meeting of stockholders股东大会 melon额外股利,意外之财 member会员,股东 member bank会员银行 member firm会员事务所 membership fee会员会费 members’ voluntary liquidation股东自愿清偿 memorandum account备忘帐户,备查帐户 memorandum book备忘薄,备查薄 memorandum entry备忘分录 memorandum of association公司章程 memorandum of deposit抵押品备忘录,抵押品存放单据 memory存储器 menu software菜单式软件 mercantile accounting商业会计 mercantile credit商业信用 mercantile credit agency商业信用调查机构 mercantile custom商业惯例 mercantile paper商业票据 merchandise商品 merchandise account商品帐户 merchandise cost商品成本 merchandise inventory商品存货 merchandise mark商标 merchandiser 商人,商号 merchandise turnover商品周转率 merchandising 商品推销 merchandising business商业企业 merchantability适销性 merchant’s rule商界计息办法 merchant wholesaler批发商 merger吸收合并,兼并 merger accounting兼并会计 merger arbitrage兼并套利 merit bonus奖金 merit pay功绩工资 message电子通信,电信 message processing program电信处理程序 metallic currency金属货币,硬币 Metcalf report梅特卡夫报告 methodology of accounting会计方法论 methodology of finance财务方法论 micro-accounting微观会计 micro-benefit微观效益 micro-computer微型电子计算机 micro-copy微缩本 micro-cost微观成本 micro-economics微观经济学 microfilm system萎缩胶卷系统 micro-political risk微观政治风险 micro-processor微处理机 Microsoft Corporation微软公司 Microsoft Office system微软办公室软件系统 Microsoft Windows微软视窗 middleman中间商 middle market price中间价 middle rate中间汇率 migratory corporation外籍公司 milestone重大事件,里程碑 milestone budget里程碑预算 millionaire百万富翁,巨富 mine矿场,矿山 mine construction and equipment矿道和设备 mineral lease矿上租赁 mineral right采矿权 minicomputer小型电子计算机 minimization of cost成本最低化 minimization of loss损失最小化 minimum cash balance最低现金余额 minimum charge最低费用 minimum disclosure requirement最低披露要求 minimum economic size最小经济规模 minimum lease payment最低租赁费用 minimum legal capital最低法定资本 minimum price最低价格 minimum required rate of return最低期望收益率 minimum standard of living最低生活水平 minimum stock最低存货 minimum subscription最低股本认购额 minimum tax最低税额 minimum wage最低工资 minority control少数控股权制 minority interest少数股权 minority protection少数股权保护 minority stockholders少数控股权股东 minutes会议计录 misapplication of resources资源的滥用 misappropriation挪用,盗用 miscalculation误算 miscellaneous account杂项帐户 miscellaneous expense杂项费用 miscellaneous revenue杂项收入 miscount计数错误 misdate误填日期 misdeclaration虚假申报税单 misery index悲惨指数,贫困指数 misfeasance滥用职权 misleading失实,导致误解 mismanagement管理不善,处理失当 mismatch不配合,配合不当 mispresentation虚报,虚列 missed discount折扣失效 misstatement虚报,错报 mixed account混合帐户 mixed cost混合成本 mixed economy混合经济 mixed income混合收益,混合收得 mixed inventory混合存货 mixed pension混合退休金 mixed policy混合保险单 mixed property混合性财产 mixed rate混合汇率 mixed sale混合销售 mixed tariff混合关税 mixed transaction混合经济业务,混合会计事项 mixed variance混合差异 MMI Membership资金管理协会会员资格 MMI objective资金管理协会目标 mobile office移动办公室 mobility流动性 model模型,模式 model of accounting会计模式 model of economy经济模式 mode of payment支付方式 modern accounting现代会计 modern accounting theory现代会计理论 modern cost accounting现代成本会计 modern economy现代经济 modern enterprise现代企业 modern financial management现代财务管理 modern management 现代企业管理 modern portfolio theory现代证券组合投资理论 modern theory of capital structure现代资本结构理论 modified accelerated cost recovery system修订得加速成本回收制度 modified cash basis改进的收付实现制 modified historical-cost accounting改进的历史成本会计 modulator-demodulator调制解调器 monetary asset货币性资产 monetary bloc货币集团 monetary current asset货币性流动资产 monetary gain or loss货币性损失 monetary inflation货币性通货膨胀 monetary items货币性项目 monetary liability货币性负债 monetary nonmonetary method货币性和非货币性项目法 monetary policy货币政策,金融政策 monetary reform货币改革 monetary transaction货币性经济业务 monetary unit货币单位 monetary working capital货币性流动资金 monetary working capital adjustment货币性流动资金调整额 money货币,现金 money broker短期借贷经纪人 money capital货币资本 money capital maintenance concept货币资本维护概念 money center货币中心,金融中心 money illusion货币错觉,货币幻觉 money income货币收入,货币收益 money laundering洗黑钱 money lender放债者 money management货币管理 money market货币市场,金融市场 money market instrument金融市场票据 money measurement concept货币计量概念 money measurement postulate货币计量假设 money of account记帐货币 money order汇票 money purchase pension plan货币购买退休金计划 money rate o interest货币利率 money supply货币供应量 money wage货币工资 monitor监控器 Monopolies and Mergers Commission垄断与兼并调查委员会 monopoly垄断 monopoly price垄断价格 monopoly profit垄断利润 monopsony独家买主垄断 Monte Carlo simulation蒙特卡洛模型 monthly interest rate月利率 monthly statement月份报表,月份帐单 moody’s bond yield穆迪债券收益率 moratorium延期偿付协议,延期偿付期限 mortgage抵押,抵押权 mortgage bank抵押银行 mortgage bond抵押债券 mortgagee 承押人 mortgage lien抵押留置权,抵押扣押权 mortgage loan抵押贷款 mortgage market抵押市场 mortgage payable应付抵押帐款 mortgage term抵押期限 mortgage trust抵押信托 mortgagor抵押人 most-favor-nation clause最惠国条款 most-favor-nation treatment最惠国待遇 mouse鼠标器,鼠标 movable property动产 movables动产 moving average移动平均数 moving average inventory method移动平均存货法 moving budget移动预算 moving projection移动预测 multicolumn jorunal多栏日记帐 multicolumn reporting多栏报表 multicurrency loan多种货币贷款 multifunctional card多功能磁卡 multiindustry company多行业公司 multilateral trade多边贸易 multimedia多媒体 multinational accounting firm跨国会计师事务所 multinational corporation多国公司,跨国公司 multinational corporation accounting多国公司会计,跨国公司会计 multinational corporation finance跨国公司财务 multinational financing跨国筹资 multinational transfer price跨国划拨价格 multiple capital structure多重资本结构 multiple discriminant analysis多变量判别分析法 multiple hurdle rate多重最低期望收益率 multiple overhead rate多种间接费用分配率 multiple party account多方帐户 multiple pricing多重作价 multiple exchange rate多重外汇汇率 multiple regression analysis多重回归分析 multiple-step income statement多步式损益表 multiple tariff多重关税税则 multiplier principle乘数原理 multi-processing多重处理 multi-product pricing多重产品定价法 muti-variable analysis多变量分析 municipal bond市政公债 municipal budget市政预算 municipal corporation市营公司 municipal finance市政财务 mutual company互助公司 mutual fund共同基金,互助基金 mutual holding相互控股 mutual insurance company互助保险公司 mutually exclusive projects相互排斥的投资项目 mutual saving bank互助储蓄银行 net working capital 流动资金净额 net profit ratio 净利率 NAAPI membership全国无偿服务会计师协会会员资格 naive forecast幼稚的预测 naive investor幼稚的投资人 naive theory of capital structure幼稚的资本结构理论 naked bond无担保债券 naked contract无担保合同 named bill of lading记名提货单 named insured指定被保险人 named-peril insurance指定灾害保险 NAPFA Membership个人财务咨询师全国协会会员资格 NAPFA Web个人财务咨询师全国协会互联网 narrative form叙述式 narrow margin薄利 narrow market狭窄市场呆滞市场 narrow-range securities狭窄范围证券 NASDAQ Index纳斯达克指数 NASD Member全国证券经销商协会会员 national account国民帐户 national association of certified valuation analysis全国注册估价分析师 national association of computerized tax processors全国电子计算机化税务师处理协会 national association of investors corporation全国投资者俱乐部协会 national association of securities dealers全国证券经销商协会 national association of securities dealers automated quotation全国证券经销商协会自动报价系统 national association of tax consaltants全国税务咨询师协会 national automated accounting research system全国自动化会计研究系统 national balance sheet国民资产负债表 national bank国民银行,联邦注册银行 national commission on fraudulent financial reporting预防欺诈性财务报告全国委员会 national CPA firms全国性会计师事务所 national debt国债 national economic accounting国民经济会计 national economic development council国民经济发展委员会 national economy国民经济 national enterprise国营企业 national environmental policy act国家环境政策法 national foreign trade council全国对外贸易委员会 national income国民收入 national income accounting国民收入会计 national income accounts国民收入帐户 national insurance国民保险 national insurance contribution国民社会保险税 nationalization国营化 national savings sercurities国民储蓄证券 National Science Foundation国家科学基金会 national securities clearing corporation全国证券交易清算公司 national stock exchange全国证券交易所 national tariff国定关税税率 national tax国家税收,国税 national tax association全国税收协会 national tax journal全国税务期刊 national technical information service全国技术信息服务公司 national treasury国库,金库 national treatment国民待遇 national wealth国民财富 natural business year自然营业年度 natural classification按性质分类 natural person自然人 natural resources自然资源 natural wastage自然损耗 natural wastage自然垄断 near cash类现金,准现金 near money类货币,准货币 near term近期 needs需求 needs analysis需求分析 negative amortization负摊还 negative asset负资产 negative assurance反面保证 negative cash flow负现金流量 negative confirmation反面查证,反面询证 negative correlation负相关 negative covenant反面保证条款 negative equity负产权 negative goodwill负商誉 negative income tax负所得税,倒付所得税 negative interest付利息 negative investment付投资 negative leverage负杠杆作用 negative net worth负资本净值 negative pledge clause负抵押条款 negative salvage value负残值 negative utility负效用 negative variance负差异 negative verification反面验证 neglected discount漏失折扣 negligence疏忽,过失 negligence penalty过失罚金 negotiability流通性,可转让性 negotiable bond可转让债券 negotiable bill可转让汇票 negotiable bill of lading可转让提货单 negotiable certificate of deposit可转让存单 negotiable check可转让支票 negotiable instrument流通票据,可转让票据 negotiable letter of credit可转让信用证 negotiable warehouse receipt可转让库单,可转让栈单 negotiable amount议付金额 negotiable bidding谈判招标,磋商招标 negotiable contract磋商成交的合同 negotiable credit磋商信用,协商信用 negotiable purchase议价采购 negotiation转让,议付;协商,协议 neo-colonialism新殖民主义 neo-keynesians economics新凯恩斯经济学 net accounts receivable应收帐款净额 net amount净额 net assets资产净额 net avails贴现净额 net book value帐面净值 net cash净现金,现金净价 net cash flow净现金流量 net cash investment净现金投资,现金投资净额 net current assets流动资产净额 net deficit净亏 net earnings净盈余,净收益 net income净收益 net income ratio净收益率,销售收益率 net income to sales ratio净收益对销售额比率,销售收益率 net income to stockhilder’s equity ratio净收益对股东产权比率,股东产权收益率 net income to total assets ratio净收益对资产总额比率,资产总额收益率 net flow净现金流入 net investment投资净额 net invoice price发票净额 net lease净租赁 net liability负债净额 net liquidation value清算净值 net loss净损,净损失 net-net income纯净收益 net of tax税后净额 net operating asset营业资产净额 net operating income隐隐净收益 net payroll工薪净额 net present value净现值 net present value index净现值指数 net present value method净现值法 net price净价 net price method净价法 net proceeds净收入 net profit净利润,净利 net profit ratio净利率,销售利润率 net purchases进货净额 net quick asset速动资产净额 net realizable value变现净值 net rental租金净额 net revenue收入净额,营业收入净额 net sales销售收入净额,销货净额 net salvage value净残值 network网络 network address网络地址 network administrater网络管理师 network analysis网络分析师 network chart网络图表 network information center网络信息中心 net working capital流动资金净额 network security网络安全 network software网络软件 net worth 净值,资本净值 net worth earning ratio资本净值收益率 net worth growth ratio资本净值增长率 net worth method资本净值法 net worth to fixed assets ratio资本净值对固定资产比率 net worth turnover资本净值周转率 net yield净收益,净收益率 neutrality中性,中性原则 new economics新经济学 new economy新经济 new fraud audit standard新欺诈审计准则 new generation software inc新时代软件公司 new international economic order国际经济新秩序 new issue新证券发行 new issue market新证券发行市场 new issue securities新发行证券 newly industrialized countries(新工业化国家) new money新资金 new orders新订单 new plant and equipment expenditures新厂房和机器设备支出 new products development新产品研制,新产品开发 new protectionism新保护主义 new surplus新盈余 new tax legislation新税收立法 new view of investment新投资观念 new york futures exchange纽约期货交易所 new york interbank offered rate纽约银行同业优惠利率 new york money market纽约货币市场 new york stock exchange纽约股票交易所 new york stock exchange common stock index纽约股票交易所普通股票价格指数 next-in,fist-out差进先出法 NFP accounting非盈利会计 NFP organization非营利组织 Noble memorial prize in economics诺贝尔经济学奖金 no charge免收费用 no credit概不赊欠 node 节点,结点 no funds存款不足 no-lien affidavit未留置证明书 nomenclature分类商品目录表,关税税率分类商品目录集 nominal account名义帐户,虚帐户 nominal amount名义金额 nominal asset名义资产 nominal capital名义资本 nominal cost of debt名义债务成本 nominal damages名义赔偿,象征行赔偿 nominal interest rate名义利率 nominal liability名义负债 nominal partner名义合伙人 nominal price名义价格 nominal rate of exchange名义汇率 nominal rate of tax名义税率 nominal value名义价值 nominal wage名义工资 nominal yield名义收益率 nonacceptance拒绝承兑 nonadjusting events不作调整的会计事项 nonadmitted asset不承保资产 nonappropriated retained earnings 未指定用途留存收益 nonarticulated concept非环接概念 nonaudit service非审计服务 nonbeared bond记名债券 nonbusiness accounting非企业会计 noncallable bond不提前偿还债务 noncancellable lease不可撤销租赁 noncash dividend非现金股利 noncash expense非现金费用 noncash fringe benefit非薪金福利 noncash settlement非现金结算 noncontributory pension plan不分担退休金计划 noncontrollable cost不可控成本 noncontrollable risk不可控风险 noncinvertible bond不可兑换债券 nonconvertible currency不可兑换的货币 noncumulative preferred stock非累积优先股 noncumulative voting非累积投票股权 nondeductible expense不能扣减的费用 nondepreciable asset不计提折旧资产 nondiscretionary trust非任意信托 nondiversifiable risk不可分散分险 nondocumentary letter of credit非跟单信用证 nondumping certificate非倾销证明书 nondutiable goods免税货物 noneligible commercial paper不合格商业票据 nonequity joint-venture非产权式合资经营企业 nonexecutive director非常务董事 nonexpendable fund不动本基金 nonfinancial incentive非金钱鼓励 nonfundamental breath非根本性违约 nonidentifiable intangible asset不可辨认无形资产 noninstallment credit一次偿还信贷 noninterest-bearing note无息票据 nonmarket risk非市场风险 nonledger assets帐外资产 nonlinear programming非线性规划 nonmonetary asset非货币资产 nonmonetary current asset非货币性流动资产 nonmonetary item非货币性项目 nonmonetary liability非货币性负债 nonmonetary transaction非货币性经济业务 nonnegotiable bill of lading不可转让提货单 nonnegotiable letter of credit不可转让信用证 nonnegotiable securities不可转让证券 nonnotice audit不事先通知审计 nonoperating asset非营业资产 nonoperating expense营业外费用 nonoperating revenue营业外收入 nonparticipating preferred stock非参与分红优先股 nonprice competition非价格竞争 nonproduction cost非生产成本 nonprofit accounting非营利会计 nonprofit organization非营利组织 nonpublic corporation不公开招股公司 nonpublic corporation不公开招股公司 nonrecourse loan无追索权贷款 nonrenewable assets不可更新资产 nonrevolving letter of credit非循环信用证 nonroutine decision非常归决策 nonstock corporation非股份公司 nonsystematic risk非系统风险 nontariff barriers非关税壁垒 nontaxable income非应税收益 nontax payment非税付款 nontied loan非限制性贷款 nontransferable letter of credit不可转让信用证 normal absorption costing正常摊配成本计算法 normal activity正常业务活动量 normal balance正常余额 normal capacity正常生产能力 normal cost正常成本 normal distribution rate正常分摊率 normal income正常收益 normal depreciation正常折旧 normal distribution正态分布 normal overhead正常间接费用 normal price正常价格 normal retirement age正常退休年龄 normal return正常投资收益率 normal shrinkage正常缺损 normal spoilage正常损耗 normal stock method正常存量法 normal tax正税 normal value正常价值 normal yield curve正常收益率曲线 normative accounting theory规范性会计理论 normative economics规范性经济学 north American free trade agreement北美自由贸易协定 nostro account往帐 notarial fees公证费,签证费 notarial protest certificate公证人拒付通知书 notary public公证人 note票据,期票,中期债券 notebook computer笔记本电子计算机 note discount票据贴现 notes payable应付票据 notes receivable应收票据 notes receivable discounted已贴现应收票据 notes register票据登记薄 notes renewals转期票据 not-for-profit accounting非营利会计 not-for-profit organization非营利组织 notice of default拖欠通知书 notice of deficiency补税通知单 notice of dividend发放股利通知书 notice of loss损失通知书 notice to creditors债权人通知书 notice to suspend payment停止支付通知书 notifying bank通知银行 not in order金额不符 not negotiable不允许流通 not sufficient fund存款不足支票 novation债权更新 NPV index净现值指数 NPV method净现值法 NSF check存款不足支票 nude contract无保证合同 nuisance tax繁杂捐税 nuisance value超付价值 null and void依法无效 null hypothesis虚假设 numbered account代号帐户 NYSE composite index纽约股票交易所综合指数 NYSE members and institutions纽约股票交易所会员和社会机构 NYSE reglation纽约股票交易所规章 objective目标,客观 objective evidence客观证据 objective function目标函数 objective of accounting会计目标 objective of financial statement财务报表的目标,会计报表的目标 objective value客观价值 objectivity principle客观性原则 object of accounting measurement会计计量对象 object of auditing审计对象 object of insurance保险对象,保险标的物 object of taxation课税对象 objects clause经营对象条款 obligation债务,偿债义务 obligatory audit强制审计 obligatory requirement强制性要求 obligee债权人 obligor债务人 observation观察,观测 observation evidence观察证据 observation test观察性抽查,观测性抽查 observed depreciation勘查折旧 obsolescence陈旧 obsolete equipment陈旧设备 obsolete inventory陈旧存货 occupancy expense占用费用 occupational licensing职业注册,专业注册 occupational prestige职业声望 occupational safety and health act职业安全和健康法 odd pricing奇零定价法 off-balance-sheet activities帐外业务活动 off-balance-sheet financing帐外筹资 off-balance-sheet trading帐外交易 off-board场外交易 off-budget预算外 offer报价,卖价 offer by prospectus通过招股说明书发行 offer by tender通过招标发行 offering商品销售,证券发行 offering list报价单 offering price卖价,报价 office audit内勤审计 office automotion办公室自动化 office of fair trading公平贸易管理巨 office of inspertor general总检查局 office of management and budget行政管理和预算局 officer公司高级职员,政府官员 official audit官方审计,法定审计 official exchange rate官定汇率,法定汇率 official list正式牌价表 official receiver破产企业财产法定接管人 official price法定价格 official referee法定公断人,法定公证人 official reserve法定准备金 off-line脱机,脱网 off-line processing脱机处理 offset抵消,冲销 offset account抵消帐户 offset balance轧差 offset deals补偿交易,补偿贸易 offsetting error相抵差错 offshore assembly境外装配 offshore finance subsidiary境外金融子公司 offshore funds境外资金 offshore shell company境外空壳公司 off-the-book帐外 old account老帐,旧帐 old age exemption老年免税额 old age ,survivors insurance老年和鳏寡生活保险 old cost老成本 oligopoly少数卖主垄断 oligopoly price少数卖主垄断 oligopsony少数买主垄断 oligopsony price少数买主垄断 ombudsman稽查专员,巡视专员 omission of income漏报收益 on account赊帐 on approval试销 on board已装船 on board bill of lading已装运提货单 on call即期,见票即付 on cash现金购货 oncost间接费用 on credit赊欠 on demand即期,见票即付 one-hundred percent statement百分率表 one-name paper名单票据 one-point arbitrage一点套汇,一点套利 one-price policy单一价格政策 one-transaction method单项业务法 one-way overhead variance analysis单一间接费用差异分析 on hand库存 on-line联机,联网 on-line accounting联网会计 on-line accounting news联网会计新闻 on-line auditing联网审计 on-line data base联网数据库 on-line library of accounting联网会计图书馆俗称 on-line filing联网纳税申报 on-line processing联机处理,联网处理 on line publication联网出版物 on-line service联网服务机构 on-line survey联网调查 on order未到订货 on presentation见票即付 on-the-job training在职培训 open account未清帐,赊帐 open bidding公开招标 open bill of lading不记名提货单 open check普通支票,非划线支票 open distribution公开推销 open economy开发经济 open-end contract开放型合同 open-end credit无固定限额信贷 open-end lease开放型租赁 open-end investment trust开放股份投资信托 open-end management company开放股份管理公司 open-end mortgage开放型抵押,未规定限额抵押 open-end mutual fund开发股份共同基金 open indent开放委托订货单 opening balance期初余额 opening entry开始分录 opening inventory期初存货 opening price开盘价格 open interest未结清权益 open market开放市场,自由市场 open market interest rate公开市场利率 open market operations公开市场操作,公开市场经营 open market purchase公开市场购回股份 open policy开放型保险单 open position多余头寸,开放状态 open tender公开招标 open the books开立新帐 open to buy进货限额 open to buy report进货限额报表 operating account营业帐户 operating activities营业活动 operating asset营业资产 operating asset turnover营业资产周转率 operating budget营业预算 operating capacity经营能力,营业能力 operating capacity maintenance concept营业能力维护概念 operating cost营业成本 operating cycle营业循环,营业周期 operating decision经营决策 operating expense营业费用 operating expense deduction营业费用扣减项目 operating exposure营业风险暴露 operating income营业收益 operating income to operating assets ratio营业收益对营业资产比率 operating lease营业性租赁 operating leverage ratio营业杠杆比率 operating leverage营业杠杆作用 operating loss营业损失 operating performance营业业绩,经营成果 operating ratio营业比率 operating profit营业利润 operating rate开工率 operating report营业报告 operating results营业成果 operating revenue营业收入 operating risk营业风险 operating statement营业报表 operating synergy营业增效作用 operating system操作系统 operational accountability经营成果会计责任 Managerial Audit经营审计 operational budget经营预算 operational control经营控制 operational decision经营决策 operational game经营对策 operational international accounting国际业务会计 operational objective经营目标 operational planning经营计划 operational analysis经营分析 operational management经营管理 operations research经营研究,运筹学 opinion评价,建议;意见书 opinion paragraph意见段落 opinions会计原则委员会意见书 opportunity cost机会成本 opportunity cost approach机会成本法 optical character recognition system光字符识别系统 objective目标,客观 objective evidence客观证据 objective function目标函数 objective of accounting会计目标 objective of financial statement财务报表的目标,会计报表的目标 objective value客观价值 objectivity principle客观性原则 object of accounting measurement会计计量对象 object of auditing审计对象 object of insurance保险对象,保险标的物 object of taxation课税对象 objects clause经营对象条款 obligation债务,偿债义务 obligatory audit强制审计 obligatory requirement强制性要求 obligee债权人 obligor债务人 observation观察,观测 observation evidence观察证据 observation test观察性抽查,观测性抽查 observed depreciation勘查折旧 obsolescence陈旧 obsolete equipment陈旧设备 obsolete inventory陈旧存货 occupancy expense占用费用 occupational licensing职业注册,专业注册 occupational prestige职业声望 occupational safety and health act职业安全和健康法 odd pricing奇零定价法 off-balance-sheet activities帐外业务活动 off-balance-sheet financing帐外筹资 off-balance-sheet trading帐外交易 off-board场外交易 off-budget预算外 offer报价,卖价 offer by prospectus通过招股说明书发行 offer by tender通过招标发行 offering商品销售,证券发行 offering list报价单 offering price卖价,报价 office audit内勤审计 office automotion办公室自动化 office of fair trading公平贸易管理巨 office of inspertor general总检查局 office of management and budget行政管理和预算局 officer公司高级职员,政府官员 official audit官方审计,法定审计 official exchange rate官定汇率,法定汇率 official list正式牌价表 official receiver破产企业财产法定接管人 official price法定价格 official referee法定公断人,法定公证人 official reserve法定准备金 off-line脱机,脱网 off-line processing脱机处理 offset抵消,冲销 offset account抵消帐户 offset balance轧差 offset deals补偿交易,补偿贸易 offsetting error相抵差错 offshore assembly境外装配 offshore finance subsidiary境外金融子公司 offshore funds境外资金 offshore shell company境外空壳公司 off-the-book帐外 old account老帐,旧帐 old age exemption老年免税额 old age ,survivors insurance老年和鳏寡生活保险 old cost老成本 oligopoly少数卖主垄断 oligopoly price少数卖主垄断 oligopsony少数买主垄断 oligopsony price少数买主垄断 ombudsman稽查专员,巡视专员 omission of income漏报收益 on account赊帐 on approval试销 on board已装船 on board bill of lading已装运提货单 on call即期,见票即付 on cash现金购货 oncost间接费用 on credit赊欠 on demand即期,见票即付 one-hundred percent statement百分率表 one-name paper名单票据 one-point arbitrage一点套汇,一点套利 one-price policy单一价格政策 one-transaction method单项业务法 one-way overhead variance analysis单一间接费用差异分析 on hand库存 on-line联机,联网 on-line accounting联网会计 on-line accounting news联网会计新闻 on-line auditing联网审计 on-line data base联网数据库 on-line library of accounting联网会计图书馆俗称 on-line filing联网纳税申报 on-line processing联机处理,联网处理 on line publication联网出版物 on-line service联网服务机构 on-line survey联网调查 on order未到订货 on presentation见票即付 on-the-job training在职培训 open account未清帐,赊帐 open bidding公开招标 open bill of lading不记名提货单 open check普通支票,非划线支票 open distribution公开推销 open economy开发经济 open-end contract开放型合同 open-end credit无固定限额信贷 open-end lease开放型租赁 open-end investment trust开放股份投资信托 open-end management company开放股份管理公司 open-end mortgage开放型抵押,未规定限额抵押 open-end mutual fund开发股份共同基金 open indent开放委托订货单 opening balance期初余额 opening entry开始分录 opening inventory期初存货 opening price开盘价格 open interest未结清权益 open market开放市场,自由市场 open market interest rate公开市场利率 open market operations公开市场操作,公开市场经营 open market purchase公开市场购回股份 open policy开放型保险单 open position多余头寸,开放状态 open tender公开招标 open the books开立新帐 open to buy进货限额 open to buy report进货限额报表 operating account营业帐户 operating activities营业活动 operating asset营业资产 operating asset turnover营业资产周转率 operating budget营业预算 operating capacity经营能力,营业能力 operating capacity maintenance concept营业能力维护概念 operating cost营业成本 operating cycle营业循环,营业周期 operating decision经营决策 operating expense营业费用 operating expense deduction营业费用扣减项目 operating exposure营业风险暴露 operating income营业收益 operating income to operating assets ratio营业收益对营业资产比率 operating lease营业性租赁 operating leverage ratio营业杠杆比率 operating leverage营业杠杆作用 operating loss营业损失 operating performance营业业绩,经营成果 operating ratio营业比率 operating profit营业利润 operating rate开工率 operating report营业报告 operating results营业成果 operating revenue营业收入 operating risk营业风险 operating statement营业报表 operating synergy营业增效作用 operating system操作系统 operational accountability经营成果会计责任 Managerial Audit经营审计 operational budget经营预算 operational control经营控制 operational decision经营决策 operational game经营对策 operational international accounting国际业务会计 operational objective经营目标 operational planning经营计划 operational analysis经营分析 operational management经营管理 operations research经营研究,运筹学 opinion评价,建议;意见书 opinion paragraph意见段落 opinions会计原则委员会意见书 opportunity cost机会成本 opportunity cost approach机会成本法 optical character recognition system光字符识别系统 optimal capital structure最优资本结构 optimal investment最优投资 optimal portfolio最优证券组合投资 optimal solution最优解 optimization最优化 optimization model最优化模型 optimum lot size最优批量 optimum output最优产量 optimal rate of interest最优利率 optimum taxation最优税收制度 option选择权,购股权,期权 optional bond可任意提前兑回债券 optional dividend任选发放方式的股利 option features期权特征 option market期权市场 option money期权定金 option period期权有效期 oral contract口头合同 oral evidence口头证据 order订单,订货单;支付通知单;破产清算通知书;债务清偿顺序 order bill of lading指定人提货单 order check指定人支票,记名支票 order cost system订单成本制度 order cost订货成本 order of priority债权优先顺序 order-point control system订货点控制制度 order quantity订货量 ordinary annuity普通年金 ordinary budget普通预算 ordinary creditor普通债权人 ordinary debt普通债务 ordinary depreciation普通折旧 ordinary expenditure普通支出,日常支出 ordinary income普通收益 ordinary interest普通利息 ordinary life insurance普通人寿保险 ordinary loss普通损失 ordinary negligence普通疏忽,普通过失 ordinary partnership普通合伙 ordinary repairs普通修理,日常维修 ordinary resolution普通决议 organization cost开办成本 organization structure组织结构 ordinary share普通股 ordinary share capital普通股股本 ordinary share dividend普通股股利 organization chart组织机构图 organized securities exchange有组织机构的证券交易所 original balance原始余额 original beneficiary原受款人 original capital原始资本 original cost原始成本 original document原始单据,原始凭证 original entry原始分录 original investment原始投资 original issue discount原始发行折价 original retail price原始零售价格 original value 原始价值 originator发起人,创办人 origin period基期 OTC market场外交易市场 other things being equal其他条件不变 our account往帐 outgo支出 outlay支出 outlay cost实支成本 out of date check过期支票,失效支票 out-of-pocket cost现付成本,实付成本 output产出,产量;输出 output budget产出预算,产出项目预算 out-of-stock cost却货成本,脱销成本 output cost产出成本 output device输出设备 output method产量法 output tax产出税 output value产出价值 outside director外部董事 outside lag外在时间滞差 outside market场外市场 outside stock非上市股票 outstanding account未清帐款 outstanding bond未清偿债务 outstanding capital stock流通在外股份 outstanding check未兑现支票 overall budget总预算 overall cost of capital资本总成本 overall variance总差异 overall yield总收益率 over-and-short account溢缺帐户 overapplied overhead多分配间接费用 overauditing超量审核 overbought超储,超额买卖 over-capitalization 超额成本 overcharge多收帐款 overdraft透支 overdraft interest透支利息 overdue过期未付 over estimate高估 overhead间接费用 overhead absorption间接费用摊配 overhead cost间接费用成本 overhead pool间接费用归集 overhead rate间接费用分配率 overhead variance间接费用差异 overhead variance analysis间接费用差异分析 over insurance超额保险 over investment超额投资 over invoicing开高价发票 overissue超额发行 overleverage过高财务杠杆作用 overriding letter of credit转开信用证 overriding royalty重跌区使用费 oversaving过分储蓄 overseas branch国外分支机构,海外分支机构 overseas income海外收益 overseas investment国外投资,海外投资 overseas private investment corporation海外私人投资公司 overstate高估 overstock超储 oversubscription超额认购 over-the-counter market场外交易市场 overtime rate加班工资率 overtrading超额经营 over valuation计价过高 owe欠帐 owner企业主,业主 owners’ equity企业主产权,业主产权 owners’ equity statement业主产权表 ownership所有权 own funds自有资金 own shares自有股份 profitability ratio获利能力比率 price-earning ratio价格收益比率 Pacific stock exchange太平洋股票交易所 package组合程序,组合软件;总价 package deal总价交易 package insurance总括保险 package mortgage总括抵押 package price总括价格 packing credit打包贷款 packing expense包装费用 packing list装箱单 padding虚报开支帐目 paid-in capital投入股本 paid-in surplus投入股本盈余 paid-up capital已缴足股本,缴清股本 paid-up loan偿清贷款 palmtop computer掌上型电子计算机 profit and loss account损益帐户,损益表 panic金融恐慌 paper罪据 paper audit书面审计,帐面审计 paper company皮包公司 paper gain帐面收益 paper gold纸黄金 paperless office无公文办公室 paperless audit trail无纸审计线索 paper loss帐面损失 paper market合同市场,期货和期权合同市场 paper money 纸币,票据 paper profit帐面利润 paper reorganization帐面改组 par票面额,平价 parallel loan平行贷款 parallel rate of exchange平行汇率 parameter参数 parent company母公司,总公司 parent company financial statement母公司会计报表 parent currency母公司所在国货币 par exchange rate评价汇率 pari passu同等优先清偿权 pari passu clause同等优先偿还条款 paris club巴黎俱乐部 parity平价,对等,同等 parity check奇偶校验 parity clause对等条款 parity price平价价格 Parkinson's law 帕金森定律 parol contract口头合同,未签字合同 partial audit部分审计 partial breach部分违约‘ partial loss部分损失 partial payment部分偿还 partial shipment分批装运 participating bond参与分红债券 participating capital参与资本 participating dividend参与分红股利 participating insurance共同保险 participating interest参与股权 participating loan参与贷款 participating preferred stock参与分红优先股 participative budgeting参与预算编制 participative management参与管理 particular average单独海损 particular lien特殊留置权 partly finish goods半成品 partly variable cost部分变动成本 partner合伙人 partner’s capital合伙人资本 partner/s current account合伙人往来帐户 partner’s equity合伙人产权 partnership 合伙关系,合伙企业 partnership accounting合伙企业会计 partnership agreement合伙企业契约 partnership dissolution合伙企业解散 partnership statement合伙企业会计报表 party当事人 party at interest权益当事人 party in breach违约当事人 par value票面价值 par value method面值法 par value stock有面值股票 pass book银行存折 passed dividend 逾期股利 passive income 消极收益 passive investor消极投资人 passive trust消极信托 pass-through method当期流转法,当期记列法 password密码 past cost过去成本 past due过期未付 past due accounts过期帐款 patent专利,专利权 patent agent专利代理人 patent and trademark office专利与商标局 patentee专利所有人 patent license专利许可证 patent pool专利共享 patent royalty专利使用费 pawnbroker典当商 pay支付,付款;工资,薪金 payables应付款项 payable to bearer应付予持票人 payable to order应付予记名受款者 pay as you earn代扣职工税 payback period回收期,投资回收期 payback period method回收期法,投资回收期法 payback reciprocal回收期倒数 pay check工资支票 payee受款人 payer付款人 paying agent付款代理人,代付银行 payment支付,付款 payment after delivery发货后付款 payment against letter of credit凭信用证付款 payment by installment分期付款 payment document支付凭证 payment in advance预付货款 payment in kind支付实物 payment on account延期付款 payment stopped止付,停止支付 payment supra protest参加付款 payment terms支付条件,付款条件 payment voucher付款凭单 payoff period投资清偿期 payoff table投资清偿表,投资回收表 payout支出,支付 payout ratio股利支付率 payroll工新表 payroll accounting工薪会计 payroll audit工薪审计 payroll bank account工薪银行存款转户 payroll cost工薪成本 payroll deduction工薪扣款 payroll journal工薪日记帐 payroll period工薪结算期 payroll records工薪计录 payroll register工薪登记薄 payroll taxes工薪税 Pay Secrecy 工资保密 PCAOB Board Composition公开招股公司会计监察委员会的领导机构 price-dividend ratio价格股利率 peachtree software桃树软件 peachtree software inc桃树软件公司 peak商业周期的高峰 peculation贪污,挪用 pecuniary金钱的,货币的 pecuniary gain金钱收益,货币收益 pecuniary loss金钱损失,货币损失 pecuniary penalty罚金 pecuniary reward金钱报酬 peer review同业检查,同业互检 peer review program同业检查计划 pegged exchange rate固定汇率,联系汇率 pegging 固定价格,固定工资 penalty罚金,罚款 penalty clause罚款条款 penalty duty惩罚性关税 pending action未决诉讼 penetration pricing渗透价格 penetration rate渗透率 penny stock低价股票,廉价股票 pennyworth一便士的价值 pension养老金,退休金 pensionable earning应计退休金收入 pensionable service life应计退休金服务年限 pension accounting退休金会计 pension benefit退休津贴 pension benefit guaranty corporation退休金津贴保证公司 pension cost退休金成本 pension expense退休金,退休费 pension fund退休金基金 pension fund manager退休金基金经理 pension plan退休金计划 pension pool退休金联营 pension trust退休金信托 per annum按年 price earnings ratio价格收益比率 per capita人均 percentage百分率 percentage analysis百分率分析 percentage depletion百分率折耗法 percentage horizontal analysis横向百分率分析 percentage of completion method完工百分率法 percentage of safety营业安全率 percentage of sales method销售额百分率法 percentage statement百分率报表 percentage vertical analysis纵向百分率分析 per diem按日 perfect capital market完善资本市场 perfect competition 完善竞争 perfect elasticity完全弹性 perfect information完善信息 perfect title完整产权 performance成绩,业绩;履行,履约 performance accounting业绩会计 performance audit业绩审计 performance bond履约保证金 performance budget业绩预算 performance evaluation业绩评价 performance evaluation criterion业绩评价标准 performance guarantor履约保证人 performance report业绩报告,工作成绩报告 performance share业绩股份,业绩股 peril危险,险情 peril clause承保险情条款 period expense期间费用 periodic audit定期审计 periodic income定期收益 periodic inventory定期盘存 periodicity concept会计期概念 periodic payment定期支付,定期付款 periodic procedures定期程序 periodic statement定期报表 period of benefit收益期 period of cost recovery成本回收期 period of digestion消化时期 period of grace款限期 period of redemption赎还期 period of insurance保险期限 period reorder system定期订货制度 peripheral equipment外围设备 perks额外津贴 permanent account永久性帐户 permanent asset永久性资产 permanent capital永久性资本 permanent current asset永久性流动资产 permanent difference永久性差异 permanent file永久性档案,永久性文件 permanent financing长久性筹资 permanent income长久性收入,长久性收益 permanent interest bearing share永久性付息股票 permanent investment永久性投资,长久性投资 per mensem按月 permit执照,许可证 perpetual annuity永续年金 perpetual bond永久性公债 perpetual budget永久预算 perpetual debenture永久性公司债券 perpetual dividend永续股利 perpetual inventory永续盘存 perpetuity永续年金 perquisites额外津贴 persistent dumping持续倾销 persistent unemployment持续失业 personal account个人往来帐户 personal computer个人电子计算机 personal exemption个人所得税减免额 personal financial planning个人财务计划编制 personal financial planning software个人财务计划编制软件 personal financial specialist个人财务专家 personal financial statement个人财务报表,个人会计报表 personal identification number个人鉴别号码 personal income个人收益,个人所得 personal income tax个人所得税,个人收益税 personal investment authority个人投资管理委员会 personal investor个人投资者 personal liability个人负债 personal loan个人贷款 personal property动产 personal property tax动产税 personalty 动产 program evaluation and review technique cost网络计划成本 petrodollars石油美元 petty cash零用现金 petty cash imprest system定额零用备用金制度 phantom stock虚幻股票 phantom withdrawals虚幻提款 phases of accounting theory会计理论的发展阶段 phases of auditing审计阶段 phases of business cycle商业周期阶段 phases of financial theory财务理论的发展阶段 phillips curve菲利普斯曲线 physical capital 实物资本 physical capital maintenance concept实物资本维护概念 physical depreciation实物折旧 physical distribution实物分配 physical distribution management实物分配管理,物流管理 physical inspection实物检查 physical inventory实物盘点,实物盘存 physical life实物年限 physical price现货价格,实货价格 physicals实货,现货 physical wear and tear实物磨损,实物耗损 piecemeal opinion片断审计意见书 piece wage计件工资 pie chart图形图 pierage码头费 pilferage偷窃 pilot plan试制计划 pioneer product先驱产品,首创产品 pioneer stage开拓阶段 piracy侵犯版权,盗版 place出售证票,发行证券;地点; placing私售股票,斯募资金 plaintext未加密文件,明码文件 plaintiff原告 planned economy计划经济 planned financial statement计划会计报表 planned investment计划投资 planned maintenance计划维修 planned obsolescence计划陈旧 planning计划编制 planning and decision accounting计划和决策会计 planning cycle计划周期 planning horizon计划期距 planning model计划模型 planning-programming-budgeting system规划-计划-预算制度 plant工厂,厂房 plant and equipment厂房和设备 plant assets厂房设备资产 plant expansion fund扩充厂房设备基金 plant ledger厂房设备分类帐 plant location厂址选择 plant migration工厂迁移 plant turnover ratio厂房设备周转率 plant-wide overhead rate全厂间接费用分配率 plastic money塑料货币 platinum card铂金卡 pledge质押,抵押,抵押品 pledge asset抵押资产 pledgee受押人 pledger抵押人 pledging receivables应收帐款抵押 pledgor抵押人 plow back再投资 plug倒轧数 pocket computer袋装型电子计算机,袖珍电子计算机 pocket money零用钱 point点 point of equilibrium均衡点 point of indifference无差异点 point of sale销售网点,销售时点 point of split-off分离点 poison pill反兼并措施 policy政策,方针;保险单,保单 policy analysis政策分析 policy and procedures政策和程序 policyholder保险客户,保险单持有人 policy loan保险单贷款 policy value保险单价值 political business cycle政治性商业周期 political contribution政治性捐款 political risk政治风险 political risk insurance政治风险保险 politicization of accounting会计的政治化 poll tax人头税 polluter pays principle污染者付款原则 pollution环境污染 pollution control equipment investment控制污染设备投资 pool联营 pool of capital集资经营 pooling of interest method股权联营法 population总体,人口 population trap人口陷阱 portable computer手提式电子计算机,便携式电子计算机 portable pension可转移的退休金 portal market波特尔证券市场 portfolio证券搭配投资,证券组合投资 portfolio analysis证券组合投资分析 portfolio effect证券组合投资效应 portfolio investment证券组合投资,有价证券投资 portfolio management证券组合投资管理 portfolio management service证券组合投资管理服务 portfolio manager firm证券组合投资经理事务所 portfolio protection证券组合投资保护 portfolio return证券组合投资收益 portfolio risk证券组合投资风险 portfolio theory证券组合投资理论 position财务状况,头寸 position statement 财务状况表 positive accounting theory实证性理论 positive cash flow正现金流量 positive confirmation正面询证,正面查证 positive covenant正面保证条款 positive economics实证性经济学 positive exposure外汇风险正暴露 positive finance积极财政,积极财务 positive financial leverage正财务杠杆作用 positive goodwill正商誉,好商誉 positive variance正差异 possession占有,持有 possessory lien 持有留置权 post过帐,事后 postage邮资,邮费 postal money order邮政汇票 post-andersen era后安达信时代 post-audit事后审计 post-balance-sheet event结帐后会计事项 post-balance-sheet events review结帐后会计事项审查 post-closing balance sheet结帐后资产负债表 post-closing trial balance结帐后试算平衡表 post-completion audit完工后审计 post-date填迟日期 post-enron era后安然时代 post-export financing出口后筹资 post-import financing进口后筹资 post industrial economy后工业经济 posting过帐 posting medium过帐媒介,过帐根据 posting reference过帐索引 postponable cost可递延成本 postponement延期,延迟日期 postponement analysis延缓投资分析 postretirement benefits退休后津贴 post-statement event结帐后会计事项 postulate of accounting会计假设 potential demand潜在需求 potentially dilutive security潜在稀释性证券 potential stock潜在股份,股份发行潜力 potential value潜在价值 poverty level贫困水平 power of alienation转让权 power of appointment处置权 power of attorney代理权 power of sale销售权 PP method投资回收期法 Practical capacity实际生产能力 practical insolvency实际无力偿付 practicing accountant开业会计师 pre-acquistion income盘购前收益 preaudit事前审计 pre-authorized payment预先授权付款 precautionary motive预付性动机 precious metals贵金属 precious metals accounting贵金属会计 precision精确度 pre-closing trial balance结帐前试算表 pre-date填早日期 predatory price cutting掠夺性杀价 predecessor auditor前任审计师 predecessor company前公司,被接管公司 predetermined cost预定成本 predetermined overhead rate预定间接费用分配率 prediction预估 predictive ability预估能力 preemptive right优先配股权,优先购股权 preference share优先股 preference shareholder优先股股东 preferential tariff优惠关税税率 preferential wages account优先工资帐户 preferred creditor优先债权人 preferred debt优先债务 preferred stock优先股 preferred stock dividend优先股股利 preferred stockholder优先股股东 preliminary audit初步审计 preliminary balance sheet试编资产负债表 preliminary evaluation初步评价 preliminary expense开办费 preliminary prospectus临时招股说明书 premises房地产 premium升水,溢价;奖金,津贴;保险费;期权定金 premium bond有奖证券 premium on bonds债券溢价 premium on capital stock股本溢价 premium pay加班费,奖金 premium rate保险费率 prenotice audit预先通知审计 prentice hall company普伦蒂斯霍尔图书公司 prepaid expense预付费用 prepaid income预收收益 prepaid interest预付利息 prepayment预付款 prepayment penalty提前偿还罚金 pre-preferential debt最优先债务 preproduction cost生产前成本 presentation出示汇票,提交汇票;披露,反映 present fairly公正反映 present value现值 present value analysis现值分析 present value benefit现值效益 present value cost现值成本 present value interest factor现值利息系数 present value method 现值法 present value table现值表 president总经理 pretax income税前收益,税前所得 pretrade financing贸易前筹资 prevailing price现时价格,现行价格 prevailing wage现时工资,现行工资 prevention cost预防成本 prevention of fraud预付舞弊,预付欺诈 prevention of tax evasion防止偷税 preventive maintenance 预防性维修 price价格 price arbitrage价格套利 price/book value ratio市价对帐面比率 price ceiling最高限价 price contract价格合同 price-cutting削价 price deflator物价折算指数 price discount价格折扣 price discrimination价格歧视,价格上的差别待遇 price-dividend ratio价格股利比率 price-earnings ratio价格收益比率 price elasticity价格弹性 price/eps ratio价格/每股收益比率 price fixing限定价格,固定价格 price floor最低限价 price index物价指数 price index number method物价指数法 price leader价格领头企业,吸引价格 price level价格水平 price level accounting物价水平会计 price level adjusted statement按物价水平调整会计报表 price level gain and loss价格水平变动损益 price list价目表 price margin毛利 price mechanism价格机制 price push inflation价格推动型通货膨胀 price redetermination clause价格重订条款 price risk价格风险 price variance价格差异 price wage spiral物价和工资螺旋式上升 price war价格站 price waterhouse coopers普华永道会计师事务所 pricing定价 pricing objective定价目标 pricing policy定价政策 primary account初级帐户 primary capital主要资本 primary data原始数据 primary earnings per share每股基本收益,每股主要收益 primary key主关键码 primary liability主要债务,主要负债 primary market初级市场 primary offering 初次销售 prime commercial paper优等商业票据 prime contractor主要承包商 prime cost主要成本 prime interest rate主要利率,优惠利率 principal本金,本人,委托人,主要的 principal account主要帐户 principal auditor主办审计师 principal benefit主要效益 principal books主要帐薄 principal documents主要单据 principle 原则,原理 principle of economy经济原则 principle of taxation税收原则 principle of accounting会计原则 printer打印机 printout打印输出 prior claim优先债权,优先求偿权 priority percentage优先清偿百分率 prior lien优先留置权 prior-period adjustment前期调整 privacy保密,隐私 privacy act隐私法 private accountant私用会计师,专任会计师 private auditing私用审计,专用审计 private auditor私用审计师,专用审计师 private debt collector私人债务催收员 private company私营公司,私人持股公司 private export funding corporation私营出口融资公司 private financing私筹资金 private investor私人投资者 private label card私用标记信用卡 private ledger私人分类帐,保密分类帐 privately-held company私人持股公司 private placement私人配售,私售 privatization私营化,私有化 privilege优惠,优先求偿权,优先购股权 privileged subscription优先认购 privileged debt优先债务 privity当事人关系 privity of contract合同履行关系 probability机率,概率 probability analysis概率分析 probability distribution概率分布 probability sampling概率抽样法 probable event可能发生事项 probable life可用年限 procedural audit程序审计 procedural review程序检查 procedure程序,业务程序 procedure manual程序手册 procedure-oriented language面向过程的语言 proceeds收入 process过程,步骤 process costing分步成本计算法 processing cost加工成本 processing trade加工贸易 processor 处理机 process production分布生产 procurement采购,购置 procurement lead time 采购提前期 producer goods生产者货物,生产资料 producer price index生产者物价指数 product产品 product contribution margin产品贡献毛利 product cost产品成本 product costing产品成本计算法 product development cost产品开放成本 product differentiation产品差异化,产品特色化 production生产,产量 production bonus产量奖金 production budget生产预算 production center生产中心 production cost生产成本 production cost account生产成本帐户 production method of depreciation产量折旧法 production method of revenue recognition产量法确认收入 production order生产通知单,生产令单 production overhead生产间接费用 production statement生产报表 productive asset生产性资产 productive efficiency生产效率 productivity 生产率 product life cycle产品寿命周期 product life cycle costing产品寿命周期成本计算法 product mix产品组合,产品结构 product mix decision产品组合决策,产品结构决策 product portfolio analysis产品组合分析 product tax产品税 professional accountant开业会计师,专业会计师 professional auditor开业审计师,专业审计师 professional corporation专业公司 professional ethics职业道德 professional ethics executive committee职业道德执行委员会 professional examination专业考试,专业职称考试 professional fee公费,专业咨询费 professional firm专业事务所 professional liability insurance职业责任保险 professional association专业协会 profit利润 profitability获利能力 profitability analysis获利能力分析 profitability index获利能力指数 profit after tax税后利润 profit and loss account损益帐户,损益表 profit and loss appropriation account损益分配帐户 profit and loss statement损益表 profit before tax税前利润 profit budget利润预算 profit center利润中心 profiteer投机商,奸商 profit goal利润目标 profit margin利润率,销售利润率 profit maximization利润最大化 profit planning利润计划编制 profit ratio利润率 profit sharing利润分享,分红 profit squeeze利润夹挤 profit taking抛售获利 profit tax利润税,利得税 profit-volume ratio利量比率,销售利润率 proforma报表格式,试算报表 profit variance利润差异 profit-volume chart利量图表 proforma balance sheet估算资产负债表,试算资产负债表 proforma income statement估算损益表,试算损益表 proforma invoice估算发货票,暂定发货票 proforma statement估算报表,试算报表 program计划,方案,程序 program appropriation计划方案划款 program audit计划方案审计 program budget计划方案预算,计划预算 program cost计划方案成本 program evaluation计划方案评价 program evaluation and review technique计划评审法,网络计划法 program evaluation and review technique cost计划评审成本法,网络计划成本法 program flowchart程序流程图 programmer程序员,程序师 programming程序设计,程序编制 programming language程序设计语言 progressive schedule累计表 progressive tax累进税 progress payment按工程进度付款 prohibited articles违禁品 prohibited tariff禁止性关税 project工程项目,投资项目 project appraisal项目评价,投资项目评价 progress billing按工程进度收款帐单 project center项目中心 projected statement预测报表 project financing项目贷款,项目资金筹措 project funds项目自筹资金 projection预测,估算 project loan项目贷款 project management 项目管理 project manager项目经理 project milestone工程项目重大事项 project network analysis项目网络分析 project planning项目计划编制 project rate of return投资项目收益率 project risk项目风险,投资项目风险 promise承诺,承付 promissory note期票 promoter创办人 promoter’s share创办人股份 promotion expense创办费用,摊销费用 prompt cash立即付现 prompt day交割日 proof of cash现金查证 proof of debt债务查证 propensity to invest投资倾向 propensity to save储蓄倾向 property 财产 property accountability财产保管责任 property appraiser财产评估师 property assets不动产,房地产 property company房地产公司 property dividend财产股利 property insurance财产保险 property ledger财产分类帐 property management财产管理 property manager财产经理 property,plant and equipment财产、厂房和设备 property rights产权 property tax财产税 proportional reinsurance比例式分保 proportional tax比例税 proprietary account业主帐户 proprietary company 私人股份公司 proprietary equity业主产权 proprietary theory业主产权理论 proprietor业主,独资业主 proprietor equity account业主产权帐户 proprietor current account业主往来帐户 proprietorship独资企业 proration按比例分配 prospectus募股说明书,招股说明书 prosperity繁荣 protectionism贸易保护主义 protective committee保护性委员会 protective inventory保护性存货 protective provisions保护性条款 protective tariff保护性关税 protest拒付,拒付证书 protested check拒付支票,退票 protocol协议,草约;通信协议 provision备付,备抵;条款 provisional account临时帐户 provisional invoice临时发货票 provisional policy暂定保险单 provisional price临时价格 provisional regulation暂行条例,暂行规章 provisional sum暂列款,备用款 provision for bad debt预提坏帐费用,坏帐备抵 provision for depreciation预提折旧费,折旧备抵 provision for income tax预提所得税,所得税备抵 proxy代表投票权,代表投票委托书 prudence principle审慎原则 prudent investment rule审慎投资规则 psychological pricing tactics心理定价成本 p-system定期订货制度 public accountant公共会计师 public accounting公共会计 public accounting firm公共会计事务所 public accounting market公共会计市场 public accounting profession公共会计职业 public accounting industry公共会计产业 public accounts committee公共帐目审核委员会,决算审核委员会 public administration公共管理,政府机构管理 public bond公共债券,公债 public company公营公司,公开招股公司 public company accounting oversight board公开招股公司会计监察委员会 public debt公共债务,政府公债 public expenditure公共支出 public expenditure survey committee公共支出调查委员会 public finance公共财务,财政 public funds公共资金 public goods and services公共商品或劳务 public hearing公听会,听证会 public interest accounting公众利益会计,无偿服务会计 public investment公共投资 public issue公开发行 publicly-held company公开招股公司 public network公共互联网 public offering公开销售 public ownership共有制 public partner出名合伙人 public sale公卖,拍卖 public tender公开招标 public-utility company公用事业公司 public utility stock公用事业公司投票 public warehouse公共仓库 published accounts已公布会计报表 punitive damages惩罚性损害赔偿 pupu accounting一般物价水平会计 purchase account进货帐户 purchase acquisition盘购式兼并 purchase allowance进货折让 purchase budget进货预算 purchase commitment进货约定付款额 purchase cost进货成本 purchase discount进货折扣 purchase invoice进货发货票 purchase journal进货薄,进货日记帐 purchase method企业合并的盘购法 purchase money订金 purchase order进货订货单 purchase records进货记录 purchase requisition请购单 purchase returns and allowances进货退回与折让 purchasing agent进货代理商 purchasing officer采购主任,进货主任 purchasing power购买力 purchasing power accounting购买力会计 purchasing power capital maintenance concept购买力资本维护概念 purchasing power gain vand loss 购买力损益 purchasing power parity购买力平价 purchasing power risk购买力风险 pure competition完善竞争 pure holding company纯控股公司 pure interest纯利息 pure profit纯利润 put optionand call option 出售期权和购买期权 put option卖方期权,股票销售期权 profit-volume chart利量图表 present value method现值法 profit-volume ratio利量比率 PWC Global Economic Crime Survey 2003,普华永道会计师事务所2003年全球经济犯罪调查 PWC Comperio普华永道会计互联网 PWC’s value concepts普华永道会计事务所价值观 PWC white paper普华永道会计事务所白皮书 pyramid analysis塔式分析法 pyramid ratio塔式比率 [编辑] Q quick ratio速动比率 quick ratio速动比率 Q ratio比率,资产市价对现时重置成本比率 Q-system定量订货制度 qualification附保留意见;资历 qualification share资历股份 qualified acceptance附条件承兑 qualified audit report附保留意见审计报告 qualified endorsement附条件背书 qualified fixed asset限定固定资产 qualified opinion附保留意见书 qualified pension plan限定退休金计划 qualified stock options限定购股权 qualifying licensing examination资格注册考试 qualitative analysis定性分析 qualitative characteristics会计信息的质量特征 qualitative factor质量因素 quality certificate质量证明书 quality control质量控制 quality cost质量成本 quality engineering质量工程 quality market优质商品市场 quality of asset资产质量 quality of earnings收益质量 quality review质量检查 quality stock优质股票 quantitative analysis定量分析 quantitative factor数量因素 quantity discount数量折扣 quantity reorder system定论订货制度 quantity variance数量差异 quarterly dividend季度股利 quarterly statement季度报告 quasi-contract准合同 quasi-corporation准公司 quasi-money准货币 quasi-public company准公营公司 quasi-reorganization准改组,帐面改组 quasi-subsidiary准子公司 questionable payment可疑帐款 questionnaire on internal control内部控制调查表 queuing theory排队论 quick assets速动资产 quick liability速动负债 quick money速动资金 quick ratio速动比率 quit claim放弃产权 quorum法定人数 quota配额,限额 quota share reinsurance 定额分保,定额责任分保 quotation报价,报价单,行情表 quoted company证券上市公司 quoted price牌价 quoted securities上市证券,挂牌证券 return on total asset资本总额收益率 return on stockholders’ equity股东产权收益率 return on common stock equity普通股产权收益率 return on sales销售收益率 receivables turnover应收帐款周转率 return on investment投资收益率 return in equity产权收益率 racial discrimination种族歧视 racketeering敲诈,诈骗 radical school of accounting theory激进学派会计理论 radical unionism激进工会主义 raid掠夺股权,盗用,挪用 raider firm掠夺性企业 raised check涂改支票 raising funds筹措资金 rake-off受贿 R&D company研究和发展专业公司 R&D cost研究和发展成本 random随机 random access随机存取 random access memory随机存取存储器 random sampling随机抽样法 random variance随机变量 random walk theory 随机漫步理论 range全距,幅距 rank登记,顺序 ranking of projects投资项目排列顺序 rapid amortization快速摊销 ratable value应税价值 rate比率 rate anticipation swap利率预期掉换 rate cutting费率削减 rate fixing费率核定 rate of discount贴现率,折现率 rate of dividend股利率 rate of interest利率 rate of return on investment 投资收益率 rate of return on sales销售收益率 rate of return on equity产权收益率 rate per annum年率 rate per diem日率 rate per mensem月率 rate regulation费率管制 rate risk汇率风险,利率风险 rates地方税 rates relief地方税减免 rates support grant地方税补助拨款 rate variance工资率差异 ratification认可,批准 rating评定信用等级 rating agency信用等级评定机构 ratio比率 ratio analysis比率分析 ratio analysis method比率分析法 ratio chart比率图表 ratio covenant比率保证条款 ratio estimation比率推算法 rationalized production合理化生产 ratio of current asset to current liability流动资产对流动负债比率 ratio of current asset to total asset流动资产对资产总额比率 ratio of current liability to total liability流动负债对负债总额比率 ratio of dependence on foreigntrade外贸依存率 ratio of fixed asset to capital固定资产对资本比率 ratio of fixed to total assets固定资产对总资产比率 ratio of inventory to net sales存货对销售净额比率 ratio of net income to net sales净收益对销售净额比率 ratio of net income to equity净收益对资本净值比率 ratio of quick asset to current liability速动资产对流动负债比率 ratio of receivable to net sales应收帐款对销售净额比率 ratio of sales to cost销售成本率 ratio of total liability to equity负债总额对资本净值比率 raw data原始数据 raw material inventory原材料存货 r_base个人电子计算机数据库管理程序 reacquired bond购回债券 reacquired stock购回股票 read阅读 reader阅读器 readjustable bond可调整利率债券 readjusting entry帐务重新调整分录 read-write memory读写存储器 ready cash现金,现款 ready sale适销,畅销 ready shipment即期装运 Reaganomics里根经济学 real实物的,实际的,不动产的,房地产的 real account实帐户 real capital实物资本 real cost实物成本,实际成本 real estate房地产,不动产 real estate agent不动产经纪人 real estate income不动产收益 real estate investment不动产投资 real estate investment trust不动产投资信托公司 real estate loan不动产贷款 real estate market不动产市场 real estate mortgage不动产抵押 real estate mortgage bond不动产抵押债券 real estate portfolio不动产组合投资 real estate tax不动产税 real gross national product实际国民生产总值 real income实际收入,实际收益 real investment实际投资 realizability变现能力 realizable asset可变现资产 realizable value可变现价值 realizable value accounting变现价值会计 realization实现,变现 realization and liquidation account变现清算帐户 realization and liquidation statement资产清算表 realization convention 实现常规 realization principle实现原则 realized gain or loss已实现损益 realized value变现价值 real national income实际国民收入 real personal disposable income个人可支配的实际收入 real property不动产 real rate of interest实际利率 real-time information system实时信息系统 real-time processing实时处理 realty不动产 real value实际价值 real wage实际工资 rearrangement of debt重新安排债务 reasonableness check合理性抽查,合理性校验 reasonable value合理价值 reassessment重估价 rebate回扣,退税 rebate card回扣信用卡 rebudgeting重编预算 recapitalization重组资本 recapture clause收回权益条款 recapture of earnings超额收益的归国有 receipt收入,现金收入;收据 receivables应收款项 receivables financing应收款项融通资金 receivables turnover应收帐款周转率 receiver收款人,破产企业财产接管人 receivership accounting破产清算责任会计 receiving order接管指令 receiving report收货报告单,收货单 recession衰退 reciprocal account相互往来帐户 reciprocal allocation method相互分配法,相互分摊法 reciprocal buying互购,互买 reciprocal holdings相互控股 reciprocal tariff互惠关税 reciprocal trade互惠贸易 reclassify再分类 recognition criteria确认标准 recognition of expense费用确认 recognition of revenue营业收入确认 recognition principle确认原则 recognition rule确认规则 reconciliation 调节 reconciliation statement调节表 reconciliation working sheet调整工作底稿 recontract重订合同 record记录 record date列册日期 recording medium记帐媒介 records protection记录保护 records retrntion记录保存 recoup补偿 recourse追索权 recoverable amount可收回金额 recoverable cost可回收成本 recovery复苏,回收 recovery value回收价值 recurring audit经常性审计 recurring costs经常性成本 red balance赤字余额 red clause letter of credit红条款信用证 redeemable bond可赎回债券 redeemable preferred stock可赎回优先股 redemption赎回,偿还 redemption fund偿债基金 redemption period赎回期,偿还期 redemption premium赎回溢价 redemption price赎回价格,兑回价格 redemption yield兑回收益率,兑现收益率 redevelopment再开发 red flag红色信号 red-herring prospectus红色招股说明书 red risk赤字,亏损 red-ink entry红字分录 rediscount转贴现,再贴现 rediscount rate转贴现率,再贴现率 redistributed cost再分配成本 redistribution of income收入再分配 redistribution of wealth财富再分配 reducing-balance method 余额递减折旧法 reduction of capital缩减资本,减资 redundancy payment解雇津贴 reexport再出口,转口 referee公断人,后备付款人 reference资信证明信,资信证明材料;索引,查帐索引 reference book资信手册 refinancing重筹资本 reflation通货复帐 reform改革 reformation of economic system经济制度改革 refugee capital逃亡资本 refund退款,退税;兑换证券,调换证券 refunding bond调换债券 regional cpa firms地区性会计事务所 regional economic integration地区经济一体化 regional network地区网络 regional stock exchange地区性股票交易所 regional trading arrangements地区贸易安排 register登记薄,寄存器 registered auditor注册审计师 registered bond记名债券 registered bookkeeper注册薄记师 registered business programmer注册企业程序师 registered capital注册资本 registered stock记名股票 registered trademark注册商标 register of directors and secretaries公司董事和秘书登记薄 register of members股东登记薄 register of transfer转让登记薄 registrar注册管理机构,注册管理官员 registrar in bankruptcy破产注册管理局 registrar of company公司注册管理局 registration登记,注册 registration statement申请上市注册报表 regression analysis回归分析 regression coefficient回归系数 regressive tax递减税,累退税 regular audit常规审计 regular dividend正常股利 regular income固定收入,固定收益 regular rate正常工资率,常规利率 regular tax正税 regulation条例,规章 regulation of corporate financial reporting公司会计报表条例,公司会计报表规章 regulation S-T规章,申请上市电子注册会计报表规章 regulation S-X规章,申请上市注册会计报表内容和格式规章 regulatory tax节制税 rehabilitation cost修复成本 rehypothecate再抵押 reimbursable expenditure可补偿支出 reimbursement偿付 reimbursing bank偿付银行 reinsurance分保,再保险 reinvestment再投资 reinvestment privilege再投资特权 reinvestment rate再投资率 reinvestment risk再投资风险 related company联营公司 related cost关联成本 related fund关联基金 related party transaction关联人士交易,内幕交易 relative cost advantage相对成本优势 relative fixed cost相对固定成本 relative priority相对优先求偿权 relative risk相关风险 relative sales value method相对销售价值法 relative volatility相对变动性 release放弃权益,解除抵押 relevance相关性 relevance principle相关性原则 relevant cost相关成本 relevant range相关范围 reliability 可靠性,可靠程度 reliability principle可靠性原则 reliance on internal control对内部控制制度的信赖程度 relief救济,剔除,减免 remittance汇付,汇款 remittee收款人 remitter汇款人 remitting bank托收银行,汇款银行 remortgage转抵押,再抵押 remote terminal远程终端机 removal cost拆迁成本 remuneration报酬 renegotiation重议价 renewal更新,展期 rent租用,租金 rental expense租赁费用 rental income租赁收益 rent-purchase租购 reorder cost订货成本,再订货成本 reorder point订货点,再订货点 reorder quantity订货量 reorganization公司改组,公司重组 reorganization bond公司改组债券 reorganization plan公司改组计划,公司重组计划 repairs and maintenance维修费 repatriation restriction汇出利润限制 repayment偿还,偿付 repeating audit重复性审计 repeating decision重复性决策 replacement cost重置成本 replacement cost accounting重置成本会计 replacement cost insurance重置成本保险 replacement value重置价值 repledge转押 replevin归还产权 repo再回购协议 report 年度报告,审计报告 report form报告式 reporting currency报告货币 reporting objectives报告目标 reporting period报告期 reporting policies报告政策 reporting postulate报告假设 reporting standard for audit审计报告准则 repossession已售商品收回 representation情况申诉,情况说明 representation and warranties情况申诉和保证 representative firm代表性企业 representative sample代表性样本 repressed inflation抑止性通货膨胀 reproduction cost再生产成本 reprivatization发还私营 repudiation拒付债务 repurchase agreement再购回协议 repurchased stock购回股份 request for proposal请求投标,招标 required deposit balance规定存款余额 required rate of return期望收益率 requisition请购单,领料单 resale转售 resale price转售价格 resale value转售价值 rescheduling of debt债务重议 rescission解约 research and development研究和开发 research and development cost研究和开发成本 research intensive研究密集 research libraries information network研究性图书信息网络 reservation权益保留 reserve准备,准备金,公积金 reserve accounting 公积金会计 reserve currency储备货币 reserve for accidents意外事故准备金 reserve for depreciation折旧准备 reserve fund准备金,公积金 residual asset剩余资产 residual claim剩余索赔权 residual cost剩余成本 residual equity剩余股权 residual equity theory剩余产权论 residual income剩余收益额 residual theory of dividend剩余股利理论 residual value剩余价值 resolution决议 resource资源,资财 resource allocation资源分配 resource budget资源预算 resource-oriented production面向资源生产 resources conservation资源保护 resource sharing资源分享 respondentia船货抵押借款 responsibility accounting责任会计 responsibility budget责任预算 responsibility center责任中心 responsibility costing责任成本计算法 restatement of financial statement重编财务报表,重编会计报表 restitution赔偿,偿还 restraint of trade贸易约束 restricted cash限定用途现金 restricted fund限定用途基金 restricted retained earning限定用途留存收益 restricted security限制公开发行的证券 restrictive covenant限制性条款 restrictive endorsement限定背书 restrictive policy限制性政策 restructuring of debt债务重定,债务调整 results from operation经营成果 retail accounting零售会计 retail audit零售审计 retail cost零售成本 retail method 零售盘存法 retail price零售价 retail price index零售价格指数 retained earnings留存收益,留存盈余 retained earnings policy 留存盈余政策,留存收益政策 retained earnings statement 留存盈余表,留存收益表 retained earnings to net worth ratio留存收益对资本净值比率 retained income 留存收益 retained profit 留存利润 retention money 扣留款项,保留款项;留存资金 retention ratio 留存比率 retirement退役,报废;退股,还本;退休 retirement benefit退休金 retirement fund资产重置基金;退休金基金 retirement of bond债券偿兑 retirement of stock股票退股 retirement plan退休计划,退休办法 retirement policy退休政策 retrenchement紧缩开支 retrieval检索 retroactive adjustment追溯调整 retroactive pay追补工资 return报酬,收益;纳税申报表,税单 returned check退回支票 returned goods退回货物 returned of capital资本退回,资本收回 return on assets资产收益率 return on capital资本收益,资本收益率,投资收益率 return on common equity普通股产权资本收益率 return on equity 产权资本收益率 return on investment投资报酬率,投资收益率 return on sales销售收益率 return on total assets资产总额收益率 revalorization of currency币值重定 revaluation重估价 revaluation of assets资产重估价 revaluation of currency币值重估 revaluation reserve重估价准备金 revaluation surplus重估价盈余 revenue收入,营业收入;岁入,税收 revenue account营业收入帐户,岁入帐户 revenue and expense account收入和费用汇总帐户 revenue anticipation note待付税款票据 revenue bond收益担保债券 revenue center收入中心 revenue-cost graph收入成本图表 revenue expenditure营业支出 revenue-expense view收入-费用观念 revenue recognition 收入确认,营业收入确认 revenue recognition principle收入确认原则 revenue reserve营业公积金 reversal cost method倒轧成本法 reverse dumping反向倾销 reverse entry转回分录 reverse income tax反向所得税 reverse leverage反向杠杆作用 reverse splitup并股 reverse yield gap反向收益率差距 review检查,复核 revocable credit可撤销贷款 revocable letter of credit可撤销信用证 revocable trust可撤销信托 revolving charge account循环赊帐帐户 revolving credit循环信贷,循环贷款 revolving credit agreement循环信贷协议 revolving fund周转金 revolving letter of credit循环信用证 reward奖金,报酬 right权利,认股权,购股权 right of absolute priority绝对优先求偿权 right of action起诉权,诉讼权 right of execution执行权 right of first refusal第一拒绝权 right of lien留置权 right of offset抵消权 right of recourse追索权 right of redemption赎回权 right of subrogation取代债权,取代追索权 right of way地役权 rights issue 附权发行 rights letter购股权证书 rights on附权,附认购新股权 rights out除权 rigid price僵硬价格 ring操纵市场集团 risk风险 risk-adjusted discount factor 险调整折现系数 risk-adjusted rate of return风险调整收益率 risk analysis风险分析 risk and return relationship风险和收益地关系 risk averter风险厌恶者 risk capital风险本 risk consulting风险咨询 risk diversification风险分散 risk exposure风险暴露程度 risk index风险指数 riskless portfolio无风险证券组合投资 riskless rate of return无风险投资收益率 risk lover风险爱好投资人 risk management风险管理 risk manager风险经理 risk premium风险报酬,风险溢酬 risk-return analysis风险收益分析 risk-return frontier风险收益边界 risk-return trade-off风险收益抉择 rock bottom price最低价 rocks财务窘迫 rolling budget滚动预算 rollover转期 rotation of auditor审计师轮换 rotation of capital资本循环,资本周转 rotation of directors公司董事轮换 round lot整批数量,整批 round off 去掉尾数,四舍五入 round sum整数 round transaction整套交易 round-tripping迂回套利 royalty租费,版税,开采权使用费,专利使用费,技术转让使用费 royalty payment专利权转让使用费,技术转让提出费 rubber check空头支票 rule 规则,实施细则,运算法则 rule off划线结传 rule of seventy-eight 78规则,贷款利息计算公式 rule of seventy-two72规则,投资本利和金额计算公式 rules of thumb约略估计方法 run挤兑 runaway inflation急骤上涨的通货膨胀 running ccount未结清帐户,赊帐帐户 running cost运转成本 running credit周转信贷 running expense日常费用 running form流水式 running in ventory永续盘存 running margin经营利差 running yield本期收益率 Rutgers accounting web新泽西州立大学会计互联网 Senior accountant 会计师或者高级会计师 Safe deposit寄存保管 safe deposit charge寄存保管费 safeguarding of assets资产保护 safe investment rule安全投资规则 safety factor安全系数 safety inventory安全库存,保险库存 safety margin营业安全幅度 safety stock安全库存,保险库存 salaried employee挣薪金的职工 salaried partner挣薪金的合伙人 salary薪金 salary and allowance薪金和津贴 salary and commission薪金加佣金 salary management薪金管理 salary range薪金幅度 salary rate薪金率 salary reduction plan薪金扣减计划 salary roll薪金表 salary structure薪金结构 sale 销售 sale and leaseback售后租回租赁 sale by description凭说明书销售 sale by inspection凭验货销售 sale by sample凭样品销售 sale by trademark凭商标销售 sale contract销售合同 sale price售价 sales销售额,销售收入 sales account销售帐户,销售收入帐户 sales allowance销货折让 sales analysis销售收入分析 sales audit销售审计,销售收入审计 sales basis销售基准 sales book销货薄,销售收入帐薄 sales budget销售预算,销售收入预算 sales commission销售佣金 sales discount销售折扣 sales forecast销售预测,销售收入预测 sales invoice销货发票 sales journal销售日记帐,销售收入日记帐 sales ledger销售分类帐,销售收入分类帐 sales mix销售组合,销售商品品种 sales mix variance销售商品品种结构差异 sales price variance销售价格差异 sales promotion促销 sales records销售记录,销售收入记录 sales register销货登记薄 sales representative销售代理商 sales return销售退回 sales tax销售税,营业税 dales terms销售条件 sales to accounts receivable ratio销售收入对应收帐款比率 sales to current liabilities ratio销售收入对流动负债比率 sales to inventory ratio销售收入对存货比率 sales to total asset ratio销货额对资产总额比率 sales volume variance销量差异 salvage value残值 sample样本 sample precision样本精确度 sample size样本量 sampling抽样法 sampling error抽样误差 sampling for attributes属性抽样法 sampling for variance变量抽样法 sampling risk抽样风险 sampling test抽样检查 sanction制裁 S&L assicuatuib储蓄贷款协会 S&P compustat标准和普尔公司会计数据库 S&P 500 stock index标准和普尔500种股票价格指数 Sarbanes-Oxley Act萨班斯-奥克斯法案 Sarbanes-Oxley information center萨班斯-奥克斯法案信息中心 satellite banking卫星银行业务 satisfaction偿还,赎回 satisfaction of claim理赔 saturation stage饱和阶段 save as you earn scheme 定额储蓄计划 savings储蓄 savings account储蓄帐户 savings and loan association储蓄贷款协会 savings bank储蓄银行 savings bond储蓄公债 savings deposit储蓄存款 saving deposit certificate定期储蓄存款 savings ratio储蓄率 saye scheme定额储蓄计划 scale economy规模经济 scalper小投机者 scan审阅,查阅;扫描 scarce currency稀有货币 scarce resources稀有资源 scatter graph散点图,散布图 scavenger sale财产抵税拍卖 scenario远景概况 schedule附表,明细表;税率表,费率表 schedule of accounts receivable应收帐款明细表 schedule of manufacturing overhead制造间接费用明细表 schedule of property财产明细表,财产目录 scheme of composition偿债和解计划 scientific management科学管理 scientific method of amortization科学摊销法 scissors difference剪刀差 scope limitation范围限制 scope of audit审计范围 scope of cover承保范围 scope paragraph范围段落 scorekeeping记录保管 S corporation小型企业公司 scrap value费料价值 screen trading屏幕交易 scrip临时凭证,代价券 scrip dividend临时凭证股利,票据股利 scrip issue发行红利股 seal印章 sealed bid密封投标 seasonal adjustments季节性调整 seasonal discount季节性折扣 seasonal unemployment季节性失业 seasonal variation季节性变动 seasoned securities价格已稳定证券 SEC EDGAR database证券交易管理委员会数据库 SEC Bulletins证券交易管理委员会公报 SEC Investigation证券交易管理委员会调查 SEC Laws&Regulations证券交易管理委员会法律和规章 SEC New rule on internal control reporting美国证券交易管理委员会新会计规章,对上市公司内部控制地审计报告 secondary account二级帐户 secondary auditor从属审计师 secondary bank二级银行 secondary classification二次分类 secondary data第二手数据 secondary liability从属负债,从属债务 secondary market二级市场 secondary offering第二次销售 second beneficiary 第二受款人 second mortgage第二抵押 secrecy保守机密 secret commission秘密佣金 secret ledger机密分类帐 secret reserve秘密准备金 secular inflation长期通货膨胀 secular stagnation长期经济停滞 secular trend长期趋势 secular bond担保债券 secular creditor有担保债权人 secured liability担保负债,担保债务 secured loan担保贷款 secured transaction担保交易,担保经济业务 securities证券 securities act of 1933年证券法 securities acts证券法 securities analysis证券分析 securities analyst证券分析师 securities and exchange commission证券交易管理委员会 securities and futures authority证券和期货交易管理协会 securities and investment board 证券和投资管理委员会 securities company证券公司 securities exchange证券交易所 securities exchange act of 1934年证券交易法 securities exchange tax证券交易税 securities fraud证券欺诈 securities industry证券产业 securities industry automation corporation证券产业自动化公司 securities investment trust证券投资信托公司 securities investor protection act证券投资人保护法 securities investor protection corporation证券投资人保护公司 securities market证券市场 securities market line证券市场贝塔风险线 securities ratings证券等级 securities swap证券换掉 securities trading证券交易 securitization证券化 security证券,担保,担保品 security agreement担保协议 security capital安全资本 security deposit保证金 security interest担保权益 security needs安全需求 security risk证券风险,担保风险 seed capital种子资本,创业资本 seed money种子资金,创业资金 segment分部,独立计量损益部门 segment accounting分部会计 segmentation strategy分部战略 segment contribution margin分部贡献毛利 segment reporting分部报告 segregation of duties职责分割,职责划分 seizure充公,没收 selective distribution选择性销售 selective inventory control选择性存货控制 self-administered fund自管基金 self-assessment自估税额 self-balancing自平 self-constructed asset自建固定资产 self-employment自营职业,个体经营 self-employment自营职业,个体经营 self-employment income自营职业收益,个体经营收益 self-employment retirement plan自营职业者退休金计划 self-employment tax自营职业税 self-finance自筹资金 self-finance ratio自筹资金比率 self-insurance自保,自办保险 self-interest principle自利原则 self-liquidation financing自偿性筹资 self-regulation system自律制度 self-regulatory organizations自律组织 self-sustaining fund自给资金 seller’s lien卖方留置权 seller’s market卖方市场 selling and administrative expense销售和管理费用 selling and administrative expense budget销售和管理费用 selling expense销售费用 selling group推销联营,推销集团 selling price卖价,报价 selling short卖空 selling syndicate推销联营,推销集团 sell of process-further decision销售或继续加工决策 semi-finished product半成品 semi-fixed cost半固定成本 semi-senior accountant中级会计师 semi-variable cost半变动成本 senior accountant高级会计师 senior bond优先债券 senior capital优先资本 senior creditor优先债权人 senior debt优先债务 senior interest优先权益 senior mortgage优先抵押 senior partner高级合伙人 senior security优先证券 sensitive market敏感性市场 sensitivity analysis敏感性分析 separable asset可分离资产 separable cost可分离成本 separable entity postulate单独个体假设 separate property单独支配的财产 separate reture单独税单 separation of ownership and control所有权与管理权的分离 separation pay解雇费 sequential access按序存取 sequestered account查封帐户 sequestration查封,扣押 serial bonds分期偿还债券 serial correlation序列相关 series bonds系列债券 serious fraud office重大舞弊调查局,重大欺诈调查局 service劳务,服务;清偿债务;局,署 service center服务中心劳务中心 service contract劳务合同,服务合同 service cost劳务成本 service department劳务部门 service industry服务产业 service lease服务性租赁 service life服务年限 service of debt债务偿付 service potential服务潜力 set of accounts成套帐薄 set of documents整套单据 set-off抵消 settlement结算,清算 settlement date结算日期,交割日期 settlement funds结算资金 settlement of accounts帐目结算 settlement of claims理赔 settlement of exchange结汇 settlement price结算价格,清理价格 settlement sheet债务结算表 settlement term结算条件 settlor财产授与人 set-up cost生产准备成本 seventh directive第7号令 several liability个别责任 shading减让 shadow director影子董事 shadow price影子价格 shady transaction秘密交易 shake-out迫使估价暴跌 shake-up构重大改组 shame corporation虚假公司 sham transaction虚假业务 share股份,股票 share bonus股票红利 share capital股本 share certificate股票 share revenue分成收入 share exchange股份交换 shareholder股东 shareholders’ register股东登记薄 shareholders’ equity股东产权 share index股票价格指数 share of stock股份 share of the market市场份额,市场占有率 share option 购股权,股票期权 share premium股本溢价 share split股份分割,分股 share transfer股票转让 share warehousing股份存储 sharing arrangement分成协议 shark诈骗者 shark watcher诈骗识别专家 shell company空壳公司 shelter避税项目 Sherman anti-trust act谢尔曼反托拉斯法 shifting of tax burden税收负担转嫁 shipment装运,船运;装运货物,船运货物 shipment and delivery cost发运费用 shipment policy船运保险单 shipment price交运价格 shipowner’s lien船主留置权 shipping department发运部门 shipping document运货单据,发运单据 shipping exchange海运交易所 shipping expense运货费用 shipping specifications装货清单 short account空头帐户 shortage 短量,短缺额 shortage cost缺成本 short bill短期票据,短期汇票 short covering空头补进 short-form audit report短式审计报告 short position空头,短缺头寸 short run短期 short-run decision短期决策 short-run marginal cost短期边际成本 shorts短期证券 short sale卖空 short term短期 short-term asset短期资产 short-term budget短期预算 short-term debt短期债务 short-term debt ratio短期债务比率 short-term financing短期筹资 short-term forecast短期预测 short-term interest rate短期利率 short-term investment短期投资 short-termism短期盈利主义 short-term lease短期租赁 short-term liability短期负债 short-term loan短期贷款 shrinkage损耗 shutdown expense停产费用,停业费用 sick pay病假工资 sight bill即期汇票 sight credit即期信用证 sight deposit活期存款 sight draft即期汇票 sight letter of credit即期信用证 sight rate即期汇率 signature签字,署名 signature card印鉴卡 signed instrument签约文件,签署票据 signer签约人,签署人 significant amount有实义金额,大数金额 sign off结束指令 sign on 开始指令 silent partner隐名合伙人 silicon valley硅谷 simple arbitrage简单套利 simple capital structure简单资本结构 simple contract简易合同 simple debenture无担保公司债 simple entry简单分录 simple interest单利 simple journal 简单日记帐 simple rate of return简单收益率 simple regression analysis简单回归分析 simple trust简单信托 simplex method单纯形法 simplicity简明性 simplified financial statement简化财务报表,简化会计报表 simulation模拟 simultaneous processing同时处理 simultaneous verification同时验证 single cost system单一成本制度 single-entry bookkeeping单式薄记 single liability单独责任 single option单项期权 single payment loan一次付清贷款 single premium policy一次付清保险单 single presentation单独反映 single proprietorship独资 single-step income statement单步式损益表 single-tax system单一税制 single venture独营,独资经营 sinking fund偿债基金 sinking fund method of depreciation偿债基金折旧法 sinking fund reserve偿债基金准备金 site厂址,网址,网址 site selection study厂址选择研究 site value tax地价税 situational management 情势管理 six-day 6%method六天六厘计算法 skeleton account T型帐户 skewness偏斜性 skill-intensive技术密集型 skimming pricing刮脂价格,早期获利价格 skip逃债者 skip account逃债者帐户 skip tracing逃债追踪服务 sky rocketing price飞涨价格 slack budget松弛预算 slack market疲软市场 slack path松弛路径 slack season淡季 sleeping partner隐名合伙人 slide error位数移动错误 slide scale滑动比率 slide scale price滑动价格 slide scale tariff滑动关税税率 sliding budget滑动预算 slip传票 slow asset呆滞资产 slump经济萎缩 slush money行贿资金 small business administration小型企业管理局 small business corporation小型企业公司 small business investment company小型企业投资公司 small company小型公司 small loan小额贷款 small loan company小额贷款公司 small profit and quick return薄利多销 smart card机敏信用卡,职能信用卡 smart investment机敏投资 smart pros智能财会信息网 smart terminal机敏终端机,智能终端机 smash 破产 smoothing修匀 smuggling走私 S-O act萨班斯-奥克斯法案 social accounting社会会计 social audit社会审计 social balance sheet社会资产负债表 social benefit社会效益 social benefit cost ratio社会效益对社会成本比率 social cost社会成本 social darwinism社会达尔文主义 social dumping社会倾销 social economic environment社会经济环境 social economics社会经济学 social-economic welfare approach社会经济福利法 social impact statement社会影响报表 social income社会收益 social indicator社会指标 social insurance社会保险 social objective社会目标 social responsibility社会责任 social responsibility accounting社会责任会计 social responsibility audit社会责任审计 social responsibility investment社会责任投资 social responsibility statement社会责任报表 social risk社会风险 social security社会保障,社会保险 social security administration社会保障事务管理局 social security benefit社会保障金 social security tax社会保障税,社会保险税 social wealth社会财富 social welfare社会福利 society for information management信息管理协会 soft copy软拷贝 soft currency 软货币,软通货 soft expert软专家 soft funding软性资金来源 soft loan软通货贷款 soft loan window软贷款窗口 soft market行情疲软,疲软市场 soft money软货币,软通货 software软件 software compatibility软件兼容性 software development cost软件开放成本 software flexibility软件灵活性 software life cycle软件寿命周期 software maintenance软件维护 software package软件组合程序 software security软件安全措施 sole distributer总经销商 sole practitioner单独开业者 sole proprietorshiip独资,独资企业 solvency偿债能力 solvency ratio偿债能力比率 sophisticated investor精明投资人 sorting分类,排序 sorting code number分类编码 sound finance稳健财政,稳健财务 sound value公平价值,合理价值 source and application of funds statement资金来源和运用表 source data原始数据 source document原始凭证 source of evidence证据来源 source of financing资本筹措来源 source of taxation税源 source of working capital流动资金来源 south sea bubble南洋泡沫 sovereign immunity主权国豁免权 sovereign loan主权国贷款 sovereign risk主权国贷款风险 special account专用帐户 special agent特约代理商 special assessment特别摊派税捐,特种税捐 special audit专项审计,特别审计 special bonus特别红利 special budget特别预算 special cash专用现金 special commissioners特派专员 special cost analysis专项成本分析 special crossed check特别划线支票 special deposit特别存款 special dividend 特别股利 special drawing rights特别提款权 special economic zone经济特区 special endorsement特别背书 special fund专用基金 special interest group特定权益社会集团 special journal专用日记帐 special ledger专用分类帐 special letter of credit特别信用证 special order decision特殊订单决策 special partnership特别合伙 special privilege特殊优惠 special purpose financial statement专用财务报表,专用会计报表 special report专项审计报告,特别审计报告 special resolution特别决议 special revenue fund特种收入基金 specie 硬币,铸币 specific assignment特定转让,个别转让 specific cost特殊成本,专署成本 specific identification method个别鉴定法 specific insurance特定财产项目保险 specific legacy指定遗嘱,特别遗赠 specific-order costing订单成本制度 specific price index个别物价指数,单项物价指数 specific price level chance个别价格水平变动 specific purpose fund专门用途基金,专用基金 specific separate entity postulate特定独立个体假设 specific tax从量税 speculation投机,投机活动 speculative investment投机性投资 speculative motive投机性动机 speculative stock投机性股票 speculator投机商 speech recognition software语言识别软件 spending开支,支出 spending-power开支能力 spending variance开支差异 spendthrift挥霍浪费 spin-off 分拆 split股份分割 split capital trust分股信托 split-investment company分股投资公司 split-off以股易股,股本转换 split-off point分离点 split-up股本分割 spoilage废品损耗,次品损耗 spoiled product废品,次品 sponsor创办人,资助人 spontaneous credit自发费用 spot cash手存现金 spot check突击检查,现场抽查 spot exchange rate即期汇率,现汇汇率 spot goods现货 spot market现货交易市场,现汇交易市场 spot price现货价格 spot transaction现货交易 spread差价,进销差价;详细记录 spread arbitrage差价套利 spread sheet棋盘式数据表,棋盘式计算表 spread sheet program棋盘式计算表编制程序 squeeze压缩,紧缩;轧空头;倒轧 stabilization稳定 stabilization function稳定职能,稳定经济职能 stabilized bond稳定币值债券 stabilized price稳定价格 stabilizers稳定经济工具 stable monetary unit postulate稳定货币单位假设 staff雇员,参谋人员 staff auditor雇员审计师 staff authority参谋职权,幕僚职权 stag新股套利者 stage of completion完工程度 stage of product life产品寿命阶段 stagflation停滞性膨胀,滞胀 stagnation停滞 stakeholder特定权益集团 stakeholder theory特定权益集团理论 stale bill of lading失效提货单,过期提货单 stale check失效支票,过期支票 stamp tax印花税 standard标准,准则 standard poor’s compustat标准和普尔公司会计数据库 standard & poor’s corporation标准和普尔公司 standard & poor’s 500 stock index标准和普尔500种股票价格指数 standard & poor’s rating标准和普尔证券评定登记 standard audit report标准和审计报告 standard card标准信用卡 standard contract标准合同 standard cost标准成本 standard costing标准成本计算法 standard cost variance标准成本差异 standard deducion标准扣减额 standard deviation标准差 standard error标准误差 standard industrial classification标准产业分类 standard international trade classification国际贸易标准分类 standardization of accounting会计的标准化 standardization of accounting terms 会计名词的标准化 standardized audit program标准审计程序 standard labor time标准人工工时 standard material price标准材料价格 standardized international accounting国际标准化会计 standard labor rate标准工资表 standard money标准货币,本位币 standard of conduct行为准则 standard of living生活水准 standard of performance业绩考核标准 standard overhead标准间接费用 standard ratios标准比率 standby cost休闲成本 standby equipment备用设备 standby letter of credit备用信用证 standby revolving credit备用周转性信贷 standing auditor常任审计师 standing cost长期成本 standing data长期数据 standing order长期订单 standstill agreement暂停偿付协议 staple stock主要存货 star software斯塔软件 start-up cost生产准备成本 stated capital规定股本,设定股本;申报股本 stated value 设定价值 state enterprise国营企业 state flat rate pension国家统一退休金 statement报表,客户结帐单,帐单,公报 statement analysis报表分析 statement form报表格式 statement of account客帐结算单 statement of affairs清算式资产负债表 statement of assets and liabilities资产负债表 statement of cash flows现金流量表 statement of cash receipts and disbursements现金收支表 statement of financial position财务状况表 statement of cost of goods manufactured产品成本报表 statement of income收益表,损益表 statement of net worth资本净值表 statement of operating 营业报表 statement of realization and liquidation变现和清偿表 statement of retained earnings留存收益表,留存盈余表 statement of revenues and expenditures收支表 statement of stockholder’s equity股东权益表 state-owned enterprice国营企业 state ownership国有制 state planning国家计划 state trading国营贸易 static analysis静态分析 static budget静态预算 static statement静态报表 static structure静态结构 statistical accounting统计会计 statistical analysis system统计分析系统 statistical sampling统计抽样法 statistical software统计软件 status inquiry agency信用调查机构 status of taxpayer纳税人身份 statute law成文法 statute of fraud防止欺诈法 statute of limitation时效法 statutory accounting法规会计 statutory audit法规审计 statutory basis法定基准 statutory books法定帐册 statutory capital法定股本 statutory declaration法定申明 statutory depletion法定折耗 statutory legacy法定遗产 statutory merger法定兼并 statutory receiver法定破产企业财产接管人 statutory statement法定报表 step allocation method逐步分配法,逐步分摊法 step-rate mortgage阶梯式利率抵押贷款 step-variable cost阶梯式变动成本 stewardship保管职责 step cost阶梯式成本,阶梯式变动成本 stewardship accounting保管责任会计,保管会计 stipend薪金,固定津贴 stipulated price约定价格 stochastic随机性 stock股份,股票;政府证券;存货,存量 stock acquisition plan股票购买计划 stock appreciation股票升值,存货升值 stock appreciation relief存货升值税额减免 stock appreciation rights股票升值权益 stock arbitrage股票套利 stock averages股票平均价格指数 stock bonus股票红利 stock broker股票经纪人 stock certificate股票 stock clearing corporation股票清算公司 stock company股份公司 stock compensation股票报酬 stock control存货控制 stock dilution股份稀释,股权削减 stock discount股票折价 stock dividend股票股利 stock exchange股票交易所 stock exchange automated quotations股票交易所自动行情表 stock exchange daily official list股票交易所每日官定牌价 stockholder股票持有人,股东 stockholders‘ equity股东产权 stockholders’ equity ratio股东产权比率 stockholders’ equity turnover股东产权周转率 stock index股票指数,股票价格指数 stock index futures股票指数期货 stock index option股票指数期权 stock in trade待销存货 stock market股票市场 stock market crash股市行情暴跌 stock on hand库存存货 stock option购股权 stock option accounting 购股权会计 stock out库存耗竭,库存缺货 stock-out cost缺获成本 stock outstanding流通在外股份 stock premium股票溢价 stock price股票价格 stock purchase plan股票购买计划 stock purchase warrant购股权证 stock quotation股票行情表 stock register股票登记薄 stock repurchase股票回购 stock right优先购股权 stock split股份分割,拆股 stock subscription股票认购 stock taking存货盘盈 stock transfer股票转让,股票过户 stock transfer tax股票交易税,股票过户税 stock turnover存货周转率 stock valuation存货计价 stock warrant购股权证 stock watering股票掺水 stock yield股票收益率 stop-payment order停止支付通知单 stopped check止付支票 storage存储,存储器 storage capacity存储容量 storage cost存储成本,仓储成本 store audit零售商店审计 storehouse仓库 stores库存材料 stores card库存材料卡 stores ledger材料分类帐 stores requisition领料单,领料申请书 straddle买卖期货合同,买卖期权 straight bill of lading直接提货单,记名提货单 straight bond单纯债券 straight commission单纯佣金 straight lease直线租赁 straight letter of credit直接信用证 straight-line method of amortization直线推销法 straight-line method of depreciation直线折旧法 straight loan单纯信用贷款 straight salary单纯薪金 strategic budget战略预算 strategic business department战略营业部门 strategic decision战略决策 strategic finance战略财务 strategic investment appraisal战略性投资评价 strategic management accounting战略管理会计 strategic material战略物资 strategic planning战略计划 stratified sampling分层抽样法 striking price预购价格 strip option剥离期权,三重交易期权 stripping剥离 strong currency强势货币 strong trademark强性商标 structural analysis结构分析 structural chart组织机构图表 structural inflation结构性通货膨胀 structural unemployment结构性失业 structural of accounting theory会计理论结构 structure of financial statement财务报表结构,会计报表结构 structure of interest rate利率结构 structure of tax rate税率结构 stub票根,存根 subchapter scorporation非纳税公司 sub-contract分包合同 subcontractor分包商 subcontractor’s audit分包合同审计 subdivision of shares分股 subjective goodwill主观商誉 subjective probabilities主观概率 subjective value主观价值 subject matter标的物 subject to有待审批,受限于某项条件 subject-to option附保留意见书 subject to ratification有待审批 sublease分租,转租 sublicensing许可证转让 submission提交,报送 submortgage二次抵押,转押 suboptimization次优化 subordinated bond次等债券 subordinated debt次等债务 subordinated interest次等权益 subrogation取代债权 subscribe签署,认购 subscribe capital stock已认购股本 subscriber认购人,认股人 subscription认购 subscription right认股权,认股权证 subsequent events期后会计事项 subsidiary account辅助帐户,明细帐户 subsidiary benefit从属效益 subsidiary coin辅币 subsidiary company附属公司,子公司 subsidiary company accounting子公司会计 subsidiary documents附属单据 subsidiary export company附属出口公司 subsidiary ledger辅助分类帐 subsidiary letter of credit从属信用证 subsidized export补贴出口 subsidized price补贴价格 subsidy补助金,补贴 subsistence expense维持生存必须费用 substantive test实质性抽查,真实性抽查 substantive test risk实质性抽查风险,真实性抽查风险 subsystem子系统 subtotal小计 subtraction减除数,减项 subunderwriter证券分包商 successful-efforts accounting成效会计 succession继承 succession tax遗产继承税 successor auditor后任审计师 sufficient disclosure充分披露 suit诉讼 sum合计,总计 summary account汇总帐户 summary entry汇总分录 summary financial statement简式财务报表,简式会计报表 summary of significant accounting policies重要会计政策的摘要 summary prospectus简式招股说明书 sum-of-the-years’-digits method of depreciation年限总额折旧法 sumptuary tax限制消费税 sum total合计,总计 sundry account杂项帐户 sunk capital沉没资本 sunk cost沉没成本 sunk cost method沉没成本法 sunrise industry朝阳产业 sunset industry夕阳产业 sunshine law阳光法,公听法 superannuation fund超龄退职基金 superannuation funds office超龄退休基金管理局 supercomputer超级电子计算机 supermajority provision 超多数股权条款 superprofit超额利润 supervision监督 supplementary appropriation追加拨款 supplementary budget追加预算 supplementary cost辅助成本 supplementary pension辅助退休金 supplementary statement辅助报表 supplementary unemployment benefit辅助失业补助金 supplementary wage辅助工资 supplier供应商 supplier credit卖方信贷 supplier’s monopoly卖主垄断 supplies 物料,辅料 supply price供应价格 supply risk供应风险 supply-side economics供应经济学派 support buying支持性采购 support price平价,维持价格 suppressed inflation抑止性通货膨胀 supra protest参加承兑,信用担保承兑 surcharge附加费,附加税 surety保证,担保;保证人; surety bond履行合同保证书 surety money保证金 surplus盈余 surplus reinsurance溢额责任分保 surplus reserve盈余准备金 surprise audit突击审计 surprise count突击盘点 surrender value退保金,低借价值 surtax附加税 survey report公证保告,鉴定报告 survey’s fee公正费,鉴定费 surviving company承替公司接办公司 surviving partner承替合伙人,接办合伙人 survivors benefit抚恤金 survivorship policy遗嘱保险单 suspense account暂记帐户 suspense credits暂记贷款 suspense debits暂记借项 swap外汇掉期,套汇;外汇掉换,换汇 swap arbitrage换汇套利 swap contract换汇合同 swap rate换汇汇率 swing loan过渡性贷款 switch trade转手贸易 SYD method年限总额折旧法 symbol符号 symbolization of account帐户代号化 syndicate辛迪加,银团 syndicate loan银团贷款 synergy增效作用,协同效应 system系统,制度 system analysis系统分析 system analyst系统分析师 systematic inspection系统检查 systematic sampling系统抽样法 system description系统描述 system design系统设计,制度设计 system flow chart系统流程图 system management系统管理 system software系统软件 system programmer系统程序师 system weakness系统薄弱环接,内部控制制度薄弱 systrust service信息系统安全信托服务 table表格 table A表格A,申报公司章程表格 T-account T型帐户 tactical decision战术决策,战略决策 tactical plan战术计划,策略计划 tag标签,标识符 take and pay contract收购付款合同 take a position抢头寸 take-home pay实发工资 takeout loan取代贷款 takeover盘购,购并 takeover bid购并出价 takeover panel购并监管委员会 take profits实现利润 taker期权合同买方 take stock盘货 take up赎回,付清 taking a bath注销一笔巨额损失 takings现金收入,进款 tally trade赊卖,分期付款交易 talon息票付券 tangible asset有形资产 tangible current asset有形流动资产 tangible fixed asset有形固定资产 tangible net worth有形资本净值 tangibles有形资产 tangible value有形资产价值 tap issue龙头发行,随时发行 tap stock龙头证券 target目标,指标 target capital structure 目标资本结构 target company购并目标公司 target cost目标成本 target income目标收益 target income sales目标收益销售额 target price目标价格 target rate of return目标收益率 tariff关税税则,关税说率;费率 tariff bargaining关税谈判 tariff barrier关税壁垒 tariff customs union关税同盟 tariff escalation关税税率级距 tariff level关税税率水平 tariff nomenclature关税商品分类表,关税税目表 tariff preference关税优惠,关税特惠 tariff quota关税配额 tariff rate关税税率,表定费率 tax税捐,税收 tax abatement减税 taxability纳税能力 taxable estate应纳税财产,应税财产 taxable income应税所得,应税收益 taxable loss应税损失,税损 taxable value应税价值 tax accountant税务会计师 tax accounting税务会计 tax administration税务管理 tax advantage纳税利益 tax advice line税务咨询热线 tax advise service税务咨询服务 tax adviser税务顾问,税务咨询师 tax allocation所得税分摊 tax allowance税额减免 tax analyst税务分析师 tax and accounting sites directory税收和会计网站目录 tax and price index税收和物价指数 tax anticipation bill待付税款国库券 tax anticipation note待付税款中期国库券 tax assessment税额查定 tax assessor估税员,税务稽核员 tax association税务协会 taxation capacity税收课征能力 taxation leverage税收杠杆作用 taxation office税务局 tax avoidance避税 tax base应税基础,计税基价 tax bracket税率等级,税级 tax burden税收负担,税负 tax certificate税务扣押证 tax court税务法院 tax credit税额减免,税额抵免 tax credit method税额抵免法 tax cuts减税 tax deduction应税收益减免额 tax deduction method应税收益额减免法 tax deed税收契据 tax deferred annuity递延税收年金,递延税收退休金 tax deposit certificate纳税存款单 tax difference税额差异 tax due到期应付税款 tax effect计税影响,j计税结果 tax environment税收环境 taxes withholding扣缴税款 tax evation逃税,偷税漏税 tax executives institute高级税务人员管理协会 tax exempt免税 tax exempt bond免税债券 tax exemption method免税法 tax exempt organization免税机构 tax exempt special savings account免税专用储蓄帐户 tax exile逃税者 tax filling填报税单 tax fraud税务欺诈,偷税漏税 tax-free bond免税债券 tax-free trade zone免税贸易区 tax harmonization税收协调 tax haven逃税天堂,避税国 tax holiday减税期 tax incentive税收鼓励作用 tax indexing税收指数化 tax invoice税收发货票 tax journal税务期刊 tax jurisdiction税收管辖权 tax liability纳税义务,应纳税额 tax lien征税扣押权 tax loophole税收漏洞 tax-loss carryback税损移前扣减,税损退算 tax-loss carryforward税损移后扣减,税损结转 tax-loss corporation税损公司 tax news network税务新闻网 tax-option corporation纳税选择公司 tax payable method应付税款法 tax payer纳税人 tax payer suit纳税人诉讼 tax penalty税收罚金 tax planning纳税计划 tax preference item优惠税目 tax-push inflation税收推动型通货膨胀 tax rate税率 tax rate schedule税率表 tax rate structure税率结构 tax rebate退税 tax reform act税收改革法案 tax relief税负减免 tax return纳税申报表,税单 tax sale抵税拍卖 tax saving省税,节税 tax service税务咨询服务 tax shelter避税项目 tax shifting 税收转嫁 tax software税务软件 tax software company税务软件公司 tax surcharge税收附加费 tax system税收制度 tax table纳税申报表 tax treaty税收协定 tax world税务世界网站 tax year税收年度 tax yield税收收益 T-bill国库券 T-bond国库债券,长期国库券 T curve T型曲线 technical adjustment技术性调整 technical aid技术援助 technical analysis技术分析 technical and economic feasibility技术经济可行性 technical efficiency技术效率 technical insolvency技术性无力偿付 technological auditing电子技术审计 technological auditor电子技术审计师 technological innovation科技革新 technological life科技寿命 technological life cycle科学技术寿命周期 technological monopoly科学技术垄断 technological obsolescene科学技术陈旧 technological risk科学技术风险 technological unemployment科技性失业 technology acquisition科学技术引进 technology advantage科技优势 technology cost科学技术费用 technology intensive科学技术密集 technology leverage科技杠杆作用 technology trade科技贸易 technology transfer新科技转让 teeming and lading截留移用,挪用现金 tei education fund高级税务管理人员基金 TEI membership高级税务管理人员协会会员资格 telecommunication电子通信,电信 telecommuting通过电信办公 teleconference电信业务会议 telegraphic transfer电汇,电子回扣 telemarketing电信推销 telephone transfer system电话转帐制度 teleprocessing电信数据处理 telex电传 teller出纳员 teller proof出纳验证 temporal method时间度量法,时态法 temporary account暂记帐户 temporary advances临时预支,短期借款 temporary current asset临时性流动资产 temporary difference临时性差异 temporary investment临时性投资,短期投资 temporary loan临时贷款,短期贷款 temporary money临时资金 temporary proprietorship临时性业主产权,临时性资本 temporary receipt临时收据 tenancy租赁 tenant承租人 ten commandments of speculator投机十戒 tender投标,偿还,清偿,钱币 tender bond投标保证金 tenderer投标商 tender grarantee投标保证书 tender issue投标发行 tender offer投标收购股权 tender price投标价格 ten-K 10-k报表,上市公司年度报表 tenor票据期限,票期 ten-Q10-q报表,上市公司季度报表 tentative balance sheet暂编资产负债表 tentative budget暂编预算 tenure占用权,占用期 term定期期限,条件 term bill定期汇票 term bond定期债券 term credit远期信用证 term days支付日 term deposit定期存款 term draft定期汇票,远期汇票 terminable annuity有限期年金 terminable bond有期限公债 terminal account终结帐户 terminal equipment终端设备,终端机 terminal value终值 termination of business停止营业 termination of contract合同期满 termination pay解雇费 term insurance定期保险 term lease定期租赁 term loan定期贷款 term mortgage定期抵押 terms and conditions销售条件 terms of acceptance承兑条件 terms of delivery交货条件 terms of payment支付条件 terms of price价格条件 terms of sale销售条件 terms of trade贸易条件 terms of trade index贸易指数 term transfer掉期,转期 term structure of interest rates利率的期限结构 terotechnology设备综合管理学 test抽查 testamentary trust遗嘱信托 testator遗嘱人 test data测试数据 test of compliance符号性抽查 test marketing试销 test of internal control内部控制抽查 test of liquidity流动性抽查 test of profitability盈利能力抽查 test of transactions经济业务抽查 test risk抽查风险 theoretical depreciation理论折旧 theory of asset valuation资产计价理论 theory of capital structure资本结构理论 theory of comparative costs比较成本理论 theory of equilibrium平衡理论,均衡理论 theory of financial deepening金融深化理论 thin corporation虚弱公司 think program智谋程序 think tank智囊团,智谋中心 thin market交易清淡市场 third class commercial paper三等商业票据 third country trade三国间贸易 third market第三证券交易市场 third mortgage第三抵押权 third party第三方 third-party beneficiary 第三收益人 third-party transaction三方交易,三方经济业务 third statement第三报表 three-column accounts三栏帐薄 three-column cash book三栏现金薄 three C’s of credit信用的三个要素 three-name paper三名票据 three-point arbitrage三角套汇 three-way variance analysis三分法分析差异,三项差异分析法 threshold临界点,起征点 threshold agreement临界点协议 threshold price起征点价格 thrift节约,节俭 thrift account储蓄帐户 thrift institution储蓄机构 through bill of lading联运提货单 through freight联运运单 throughout accounting加工产量会计 tickler file到期备忘档案 tick mark代号,标记符号 tick point浮动点 tick loan限制用途贷款 tie-in sale搭配销售 tight market紧俏市场 tight money紧缩银根 tight standards严紧标准 till money备用现金,库存现金 time adjusted rate of return失效调整收益旅 time arbitrage时间套利 time bargain定期交易 time bill 定期汇票,远期汇票 time budget时间预算 time card计时卡 time deposit定期存款 time draft定期汇票,远期汇票 time is of the essence时间因素是合同要点 time lag时间滞差 time letter of credit远期信用证 timeliness及时性 time loan定期贷款 time of validity时效 time payment定期支付,定期付款 time rate计时工资率,计时费率 time series时间数列 time series analysis时间数列分析 time sheet计工单,计时单 time interest earned ratio收益对债务利息倍数比率 times ticket计工单,工票 time-value of money资金的时间价值 time value of money calculator资金时间价值计算器 time variance工时差异 time wage计时工资 timing difference计列时差,时间归属差异 tip小费 titanium card钛卡 title产权 title absolution绝对所有权,绝对产权 title deed契据 title insurance产权保险 title insurance company产权保险公司 t-note中期国库券 turnover of plant and equipment厂房和设备周转率 total asset turnover资产总周转率 times interest earned盈利对利息倍数比率 total asset turnover资产总额周转率 times interest earned ratio盈利对利息倍数比率 token coin代用硬币 token payment象征性付款 tolerance宽容度,公差 to let出租 toll通行税,通行费;租费 tonnage tax船舶吨位税 to order凭指示,凭指定 top financial management高级财务管理人员 top-hat pension高级管理人员退休金 top-hat policy高级管理人员保险单 top out回稳 Toronto stock exchange多伦多股票交易所 tort侵权 total-absorption costing全额摊配成本计算法 total account总括帐户 total amount总计,总额 total assets资产总额 total assets turnover资产总额周转率 total breach全部违约 total capital turnover资本总额周转率 total cost总成本 total debt to total capital ratio负债总额对资本总额比率 total equity产权总额 total income收益总额 total information system综合信息系统 total investment投资总额 total investment risk总投资风险 total leverage全部杠杆作用 total loss损失总额,全损 total price总价 total equality control全面质量管理,全员质量管理 total revenue营业收入总额 total value总值 total working capital流动资本总额,流动资金总额 tour to office and plant办公室和厂房巡视 traceable cost可追溯成本 trace backward逆查,溯查 trace forward顺查 trade贸易,行业,产业 trade acceptance商业承兑汇票 trade accounts payable购销应付帐款 trade accounts receivable购销应收帐款 trade adjustment assistance产业调整援助 trade association同业公会,产业协会 trade balance国际贸易收支差额 trade barriers贸易壁垒 trade bill商业汇票 trade bloc贸易集团 trade credit商业信用 trade creditors购销债权人 trade cycle商业周期 trade debtors购销债务人 trade deficit贸易逆差,贸易赤字 trade discount商业折扣,购销折扣 trade financing贸易融资 trade-in以旧换新 trade-in value抵换价值 trade liability购销负债,赊购债务 trade liberalization贸易自由化 trademark商标 trade name牌号名称,商标名称 trade off抉择,物物交换 trade policy贸易政策 trade price批发价 trader 交易商 trade restrictions贸易管制 trade secret商业秘密 trade surplus贸易盈余,贸易顺差 trade terms贸易名词,贸易条件 trade usage行业惯例,产业惯例 trading account购销帐户,营业帐户 trading capital营业资本,营业资金 trading certificate营业执照 trading company贸易公司 trading currency贸易通货,贸易货币 trading on equity产权杠杆作用,举债经营 trading profit购销利润,营业利润 trading range成交价格幅度 trading stock待销存货 trading unit交易单位 trading-with-the-enemy act禁止与敌国贸易法 traditional accounting传统会计 traditional audit传统审计 traditional budget传统预算 traditional corporation传统公司 traditional costing传统成本计算法 traditional economy传统经济 traditional financial management传统财务管理 traditional industry传统产业 traditional payback method传统投资回收期法 traditional pricing传统计价法 traditional theory of capital structure传统资本结构理论]] transaction经济业务 transaction account交易帐户,经济业务往来帐户 transaction analysis经济业务分析 transaction approach经济业务法 transaction cost交易费用,业务费用 transaction cycle经济业务循环,经济业务周期 transaction exposure经济业务风险暴露,外汇业务风险暴露 transaction file经济业务档案,经济业务文件 transaction motive交易动机 transaction risk经济业务风险,外汇业务风险 transaction tax交易税 transaction test经济业务抽查 transcribe转录 transfer转让,过户;转帐 transferability可转让性,可转移性 transferable bond可转让债券 transferable currency可转移货币 transferable letter of credit可转让信用证 transfer agent过户代理人 transfer book过户登记薄 transfer check转帐支票 transfer day过户登记日 transfer deed 转让契据,过户契据 transferee受让人 transfer of mortgage抵押品转让 transfer of shares股份转让 transfer of technology技术转让 transfer of title财产所有权转让 transfer of value价值转让 transferor 出让人,转让人 transfer price转帐价格,划拨价格 transferred-in cost转入成本 transfer register过户登记薄 transfer risk外币转换风险 transfer tax交易税,转让税 transfer transaction转帐交易,转帐业务 transfer voucher转帐凭单 transformation of taxation税收消转 transshipment trade转运贸易 transit trade转口贸易 translation exposure外币折算风险暴露 translation gain or loss外币折算损益 translation of foreign currency外币折算 translation risk外币折算风险 transmission传输 transmit network传输风险 transnational corporation跨国公司 transportation cost运输成本 transportation-in运人运费 transportation-out运出运费 transport document运输凭证 transporsition换位,易位 traverler’s check旅行支票 traveling audit巡回审计 traveling auditor巡回审计师 traveling expense差旅费 treadway commission特雷德韦委员会 treadway commission’s sponsoring organizations特雷德韦委员会德发起机构 treasurer财务长,财务主任 treasurership财务长职责,财务主任职责 treasury金库,国库 treasury bill短期国库券 treasury bond库存债券,长期国库券 treasury corner com.财务网址 treasury department美国财政部 treasury note中期国库券 treasury security国库证券 treasury stock库存股份,国库债券 trend analysis趋势分析 trend analysis method趋势分析法 trend balance sheet趋势资产负债表 trend income statement趋势损益表 trial and error method试误法,逐次测试法 trial balance试算表 trial balance of balances余额式试算表 trial balance of total总额式试算表 trial balance of totals and balances总额和余额式试算表 triangular arbitrage三角套汇 triangular trade三角贸易 trigger price触发价格 troubled debt restructuring困难债务重订 trough低潮,低谷 true and fair view真实和公正反映 trueblood committee report特鲁布拉德委员会报告 true discount实际贴现率 true interest rate实际利率 true investment真实投资 true lease真实租赁 true yield真实收益率 trust信托,托拉斯 trust account信托帐户 trust accounting信托会计 trust agreement信托协议 trust beneficiary信托受益人 trust company信托公司 trust deed信托契约,信托契据 trust department信托部门 trust deposit信托存款 trustee受托人 trustee in bankruptcy破产受托人 trustee investment受托人投资 trust for sale销售信托 trust fund信托基金 trust indenture信托契约 trust fund信托基金 trust for sale销售信托 trust indenture信托契据 trust indenture act信托契约法 trustor委托人,信托人 trust property信托财产 trust receipt信托收据 trust in lending act贷款实情法 turning point转折点 turnkey project成套包建投资项目,交钥匙投资项目 turnover周转率,周转次数;销售额 turnover of accounts receivable应收帐款周转率 turnover of inventory存货周转率 turnover of net worth资本净值周转率,产权资本周转率 turnover of plant and equipment厂房和设备周转率 turnover of total capital资本总额周转率 turnover of working capital流动资本周转率,流动资金周转率 turnover ratios周转率,资产周转率 turnover tax周转税 two-bin inventory control双料箱存货控制 two-column accounts两栏帐薄 two-digit inflation两位数通货膨胀 two-named paper双名票据 two-parts tariff两部分费率 two-point arbitrage两点套汇,两点套利 two-tier board双重董事会 two-tier foreign exchange rate双重汇率 two-tier tax system双重税制 two-to-one rati2对1比率 two-transaction method双项业务法 two-way variance analysis两分法差异分析,两项差分析法 tying contract搭配合同 type l decision第一种类型决策 type I error第一种审计误差风险 type II decision第二种类型决策 type II error第二种审计误差风险 U.K.Accounting Standards Board英国会计准则委员会 U.K.company law英国公司法 ultimate beneficiary最终收益人 ultimate holding company最终控股公司 ultimate risk最终风险 ultrafiche超缩微胶片 ultra vires越权 umbrella liability总括责任 umprie公断人,仲裁长 unadjusted rate of return未调整收益率 unadjusted trial balance调整前试算表,结帐前试算表 unadjusted asset不受保资产,不承保资产 unalloted appropriation未分配拨款,未划拨拨款 unamortized bond discount未推销债券折价 unamortized bond premium未摊销债券溢价 unamortized cost未摊销成本 unamortized expense未摊销费用 unapplied cash未支配现金,未指定用途现金 unappropriated retained earnings未指定用途留存收益 unasserted claim未确定索赔 unaudited financial statement未审核财务报表,未审核会计报表 unavoidable cost不可避免成本 unbalanced budget不平衡预算 unbalance economic growth不平衡经济增长 umbunding利润分流 uncalled capital未缴资本,未缴股本 uncertain cash flow不确定现金流量 uncertainty 不确定性 uncertainty analysis不确定性分析 UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules联合国国际贸易法规委员会仲裁规则 unclaimed dividend 未领股利 unclaimed wages未领工资 unclean bill of lading不洁提货单 uncollected funds未收资金 uncollectible accounts呆帐,坏帐 uncollectible note坏票 uncompleted construction未完成工程 uncommitted reserve未指定用途准备金 uncompleted transaction未完成经济业务,未完成会计事项 uncomplete records不完整会计记录 unconfirmed letter of credit不保兑信用证 unconscionable contract不公正合同,不正当合同 unconsolidated subsidiary未合并子公司,未列入合并报表的子公司 uncontrollable cost不可控成本 uncontrollable expenditure不可控支出 uncontrollable force不可抗力 uncontrollable profit不可控利润 unconvertible currency非自由兑换的货币 unconvertible security非自由兑换证券 uncovered goods未保险货物 uncovered position未补进头寸 uncrossed check非划线支票,普通支票 uncustomed goods未纳关税货物 undated securities无还本期证券 undepreciated value未折旧价值,折余价值 underapplied overhead少分摊间接费用 under bond保税 undercapitalization资本不足 underdepreciation折旧不足 under bond保税 undercapitalization资本不足 underdepreciation折旧不足 underdeveloped country经济不发达国家 underinsurance未足额保险 underinvoicing开低价发货票 underlying company附属公司 underlying security附属公司证券 underselling低价销售 understandability可理解性 understate低估,少计 understock存货不足 undersubscripiton认购额不足 undertaking承办,经营;企业,公用事业企业 undervaluation计价过低 undervaluation duty低估税 underwrite证券包销,承揽保险 underwrite证券包销商,承保商,保险商 underwriting agreement证券包销协议 underwriting syndicate证券包销集团 undigested securities未被市场吸收的证券 undischarged bankrupt未解除债务破产者 undisclosed principal未公开委托人 undistributable reserve不允许分配的公积金 undistributed profit tax未分配利润税 undistributed profit 未分配利润 undiversifiable risk不可分散风险 undivided right未划分权益 undue influence不正当压力 unearned discount未实现贴现息 unearned income预收收入,非劳动收入,非劳动所得 unearned increment非经营增值 unearned revenue预收收入 unemployment失业 unemployment compensation失业补助金 unemployment rate失业率 unemployment tax失业保税 unencumbered appropriation未使用拨款 unencumbered property未支配财产 unequal exchange不等价交换 unescapable cost不可避免的成本 uneven cash flow不均衡现金流量 unexpired cost未耗成本 unfair competitopn不公平竞争,不法竞争 unfair trade pratice不公平贸易行为 unfavorable balance of trade国际贸易逆差 unfavorable variance不利差异 unfilled order未发货订单 unfranked investment income非免税投资收益 unfunded pension plan不预提退休金基金办法 unified bond统一公债,统一债券 unified tax system统一税收制度 unified transfer tax统一转让税 uniform accounting system统一会计制度 uniform cash flow相等现金流量 uniform commercial code统一商法 uniform cost system统一成本制度 uniform CFE Examination注册舞弊检查师统一考试 uniform CPA examination注册公共会计师统一考试 uniform partnership act统一合伙法 unilateral contract单边合同 unilateral relief单方税额减免 unilateral transfer单边转让,单边转帐 unincorporated association非公司社团 uninsurable risk不承保风险 unissued capital stock未发行股本 unitary income tax单一所得税 unitary tax单一税 unit contribution margin单位贡献毛利,单位贡献毛益 unit cost单件成本,单位成本 unit depreciation单件折旧 united nations联合国 united nations commission on international trade law联合国国际贸易法规委员会 united nations commission on international trade law arbitration rules联合国国际贸易法仲裁规则 united nations conference on trade and development联合国贸易和发展会议 united nations convention on contracts for the international sale of goods联合国国际商品销售合同公约 united nations development program联合国发展计划 united nations food and agricultune organization联合国粮食和农业组织 united nations industrial development organization联合国工业发展组织 united states court of customs and patent appeals美国关税和专利上诉法院 united states customs service美国海关总署 united states internal revenue service美国国内税务署 unit of account记帐单位 unit of currency货币单位 unit of measurement计量单位 unit price单价 unit tax单件税额 unit trust单位信托,单位信托投资公司 universal accounting information system通用会计信息系统 universal copyright convention世界著作权公约 universal product code通用商品代码 unlevered company非举债经营公司 unlimited liability无限责任 unlimited liability company无限责任公司 unliquidated claims未偿债权 unlisted company未上市公司 unlisted securities未上市证券 Unlisted securities Market未上市证券交易市场 unpaid balance 未付差额,未付余额 unpaid dividend未付股利 unpaid expense未付费用 unpaid up capital未缴股本 unplanned investment非计划投资 unpostponable cost不可延缓成本 unproductive labor非生产人工 unproductive labor cost非生产人工成本 unqualified endorsement无条件背书 unqualified opinion不附保留意见 unquoted company非挂牌公司 unquoted securities非挂牌证券 unrealized appreciation未实现升值 unrealized holding gain or loss未实现资产置存损益 unrealized revenue未实现收入 unrecovered cost未弥补成本,未回收成本 unregistered bond不记名债券 unrestricted assets非限定用途资产 unrestricted fund非限定用途基金 unseasoned tock不稳定的股票 unsecured accounts无担保帐项 unsecured creditor无担保信用证 unsecured loan无担保贷款 unsecured promissory note无担保期票 unsubscribed capital stock未认购股本 unsystematic risk非系统风险 untied loan不附条件贷款 unusual transaction特殊性经济业务 unvalued policy不定值保险单 updating更新 upkeep维修,维修费 upset price开拍价格,拍卖底价 upvaluation升值 urgent issues task force应急会计准则工作组 usage 耗用 usage variance耗用差异 usance习惯支付期限 usance bill定期汇票 usance letter of credit定期信用证,远期汇票 US congressional budget office美国国会预算局 useful life使用年限 usefulness有用性 user charge使用费 user cost用户成本 user-friendly用户简单易学,用户便于操作 user-hostile用户复杂难学,用户难于操作 user group报表使用者集团 user needs报表使用者需要 user terminal用户终端机 US Cost Accounting Standard Board美国成本会计准则委员会 US Financial Accounting Standard Board美国财务会计准则委员会 US GAAP美国公认会计原则 US government securities美国政府证券 US internal revenue service美国国内税务署 US Office of management and budget美国行政管理和预算局 US securities and exchange commission美国证券交易管理委员会 US stock exchange美国股票交易所 usufruct用益权 usurer高利贷者 usury高利贷 usury law高利贷法 utility效用,公用事业,实用程序,例行程序 utility fund公用事业基金 utility theory of value效用价值理论 utilization rate利用率 utilization variance利用差异 vacancy rate闲置率 vacation pay假日工资,假日津贴 validation验证,生效 validity period有效期限 validity test验证性抽查,有效性检查 valuables贵重财产,高价财产 valuation估价,计价 valuation account计价帐户,估价帐户 valuation allowance计价备抵,估价备抵 valuation basis计价基础,计价基准 valuation of fixed asset固定资产计价 valuation of inventory存货计价 valuation reserve计价准备,估价准备 value价值,数值 value added增加值,增值 value-added ratio增值率 value-added service增值服务 value-added statement增值表 value-added tax增值税 value analysis价值分析,价值分析法 value date交割日期,动用日期,计息日期 valued policy定值保险单 value engineering价值工程学 value for money audit资金价值审计,资金效益审计 value in exchange交换价值 value in use使用价值 value judgement价值判断 value of money货币的价值 value of the firm企业的价值 value of the firm’s common stock企业普通股的价值 valuer估价师 value to the business资产对企业的价值 value variance价值差异 variability变动性 variable annuity可变年金 variable budget变动预算 variable charge method of depreciation变动费用折旧法 variable costing变动成本计算法 variable cost变动成本 variable cost ratio变动成本比率 variable interest rate变动利率 variable labor cost变动人工成本 variable overhead变动间接费用 variable-rate bond变动利率债券 variable-rate mortgage变动利率抵押 variables数量,变量 variables sampling变量抽样法 variance差异,方差 variance account差异帐户 variance analysis差异分析 variance report差异报表 vendee买主 vendor卖主 vendor rating评定卖主等级 vendor’s lien卖主留置权 venture短期投资,风险经营 venture capital风险资本 venture capital fund风险投降基金 venture management风险业务管理 verbal agreement口头协议 verifiability可验证性 verification验证,审核 verification of accounts帐目的验证 verification of assets资产的验证 vertical analysis纵向分析 vertical audit纵向审计 vertical axis纵轴 vertical check纵向核对 vertical combination纵向合并 vertical competition纵向竞争 vertical equity纵向公平 vertical form竖式 vertical integration纵向合并 vertical marketing system纵向推销系统 vested interest既得权益,法定权益 VFM audit资金价值审计,资金效益审计 viability生命力,活力 viable project可行投资项目 vicarious liability代理赔偿责任,待偿责任 vicious circles恶性循环 video conference视频会议 videotex视频通信系统 violation of agreement违反协议 violation of law违法 virtuous circles良性循环 virus病毒 visa签证 visa card维札信用卡 visible reserve有形准备金 visible trade有形贸易 vis major不可抗力 visual display屏幕显示 voice recognition system声音识别系统 void无效 void check无效支票 void contract无效合同 volatile market不稳定的市场 volatile memory易失性存储器 volatile securities价格波动证券 volatility波动性,波幅 volume check数量检查,大量检查 volume-cost-profit analysis销量-成本-利润分析,量-本-利分析 volume discount数量折扣 volume variance业务量差异 voluntary arbitration自愿仲裁 voluntary arrangement自愿偿债安排 voluntary audit自愿审计 voluntary bankruptcy自愿申请破产 voluntary checkoff自愿扣款 voluntary conveyance自愿转让 voluntary liquidation自愿清算 voluntary winding-up自愿清算 vostro account来帐 voting right 有投票权 voting trust委托股票权 voucher付款凭单,记帐凭单 voucher audit付款凭单审计 voucher check凭单支票 voucher register付款凭单登记薄 vouchers payable 应付凭单 voucher system凭单付款制度 vouching编制凭单,审核,审批 vulnerability脆弱性,易收损失 wage工资 wage and salary account工资和薪金帐户 wage and salary administration工资和薪金管理 wage bracket工资等级 wage cost工资成本 wage criteria工资确定基准 wage cut削减工资 wage deduction工资扣款 wage escalation工资自动调整 wage freeze工资冻结 wage garnishment工资扣发 wage rate工资率 wage rate variance工资率差异 wages sheet工资表 wages tax工资税 waiting line theory等候线论 walk-through test贯穿抽查 wall street华尔街 wall streeter华尔街人 wall street journal华尔街日报 wall street research net华尔街研究互联网 warehouse仓库,货栈 warehouseman’s certificate仓库收据,栈单 warehouse price货栈价格 warehouse receipt仓库收据,栈单 warehouse receipt loan栈单贷款 warehouse to warehouse clause仓至仓条款 warehouse warrant保税仓库栈单 warehousing仓库业务经营,股票积存 warning sign警惕信号 warrant栈单,保税栈单;购股权证;保函,保证信函 warrantee被保证人 warrantee被保证人 warranter保证人 warranty保单,保修单 warranty cost保修成本 wash sale虚抛,虚售 waste损耗,废料 waste disposal废物处理 wasting assets递耗资产 wasting assets corporation递耗资产公司 wasting trust递耗式信托 watered capital掺水资本 watered stock掺水股本 way bill或有单 weak currency疲软货币,弱势货币 weak market疲软市场 wealth财富 wealth maximization财富最大化 wealth tax财富税 wear and tear实物磨损 web万维网,互联网 web-based accounting互联网会计 web-based accounting software互联网会计软件 web-based auditing互联网审计 web-based courses互联网课程 web browser互联网浏览器 webmaster网页制作 web page网页 web site网站 web site design网站设计 web site design service网站设计服务 webtrust网络安全信托 weighted average contribution margin加权平均单位贡献毛利 weighted-average cost of capital加权平均资本成本 weighted-average exchange rate 加权平均汇率 weighted-average inventory method加权平均存货法 weighted index加权指数 weighted sampling加权抽样 welfare expense职工福利费 welfare fund福利基金 western hemisphere trade corporation西半球贸易公司 wharfinger receipt码头管理人收据 wharfage码头使用费 what-if analysis假设经营方案分析 what if scenarios未来经营状况预测 whispsawed遭受双重损失 white-collar crimes白领犯罪 white elephant白象 white knight白衣骑士 whole-dollar accounting整元会计 whole life insurance终身人寿保险 wholesale批发 wholesale banking批发银行业务 wholesale cost批发成本 wholesale price批发价格 wholesale price index批发价格指数 wholesaler批发商 wholly-owned subsidiary全部控股子公司 wide area network广阔地区网络,广域网络 wide area telephone service广域电话服务 widening investment广度投资 wider-range investment广范围投资 wildcat banking投机性银行业务 wiley company威利公司 windfall loss意外损失 windfall profit意外利润,暴利 windfall profit tax暴利税 winding up清算 window视窗 window dressing粉饰财务状况 window of opportunity机会窗口,机遇窗口 withdrawal提款,退股 withholding扣款,代扣税款 withholding tax扣缴税款 without dividend除股利 without engagement不受约束 without interest除利息 without prejudice不受损害 without recourse无追索权 word processing文字处理 words and figures differ支票金额与数字不符 worker’s compensation工人赔偿金 worker’s director职工董事 worker’s participation工人参与管理 working assets营运资产 working balance sheet资产负债表工作底稿 working capital 流动资本,流动资金 working capital adjustment流动资金调整 working capital cycle流动资金循环,流动资金周期 working capital management流动资金管理 working capital policy流动资金政策 working capital ratio流动资金比率 working capital requirement流动资金需要量 working capital turnover流动资金周转率 working fund周转金 working hours method工时折旧法 working income statement损益表工作底稿 working interest经营权益,开采权益 working paper工作底稿,审计工作底稿 working sheet结帐计算表,决算计算表;工作底稿,审计工作底稿 working trial balance试算表工作底稿 work in process在产品,在制品 work-in-process control在制品控制,在产品控制 work-in-process control account在制品控制帐户,在产品控制帐户 work-in-process inventory在制品存货,在产品存货 work in process percentage method施工百分率法 work-in-process turnover在制品周转率,在产品周转率 world accounting世界会计 world bank世界银行 work in progress在产品,在制品 work measurement工作计量,工作时间测定 work premium工作津贴 work sheet工作底稿 work ticket工作通知单,工票 world bank group世界银行集团 world-class company世界级公司 world congress of accountants会计师世界会议 world exposition世界博览会 world intellectual property organization世界知识产权组织 world market世界市场 world money世界货币 world trade世界贸易 world trade center世界贸易中心 world trade centers association世界贸易中心联合会 world trade organization世界贸易组织 worldwide information and trade system全球贸易信息系统 world wide web万维网 worth价值,净值 worth to debt ratio净值对债务比率 wraparound lease重叠租赁 wraparound loan重叠贷款 wraparound mortgage重叠抵押 writ书面命令 write dowm减记价值,减值 write off冲销,注销 writer期权合同卖方 write up增记价值,增值 writ of execution执行命令 writ of possession占有命令 written contract书面合同 written evidence书面证据 written law成文法 W-2 w2表格,所得税申报表格 x-axis x轴 xerography静电复印 yankee bnd杨基债券 ynkee certificate of deposit杨基存款单 yard 10亿 y-axis y轴 year-end audit年末审计 year-end bonus年末奖金 year-end dividend年末股利 year-end inventory年末盘存 yearling bond一年期债券 yield收益,收益率 yield curve收益率曲线 yield gap收益率差距 yield rate收益率 yield risk收益率风险 yield to call提前兑回收益率 yield to maturity到期收益率,全期收益率 your account来帐 yo-yo stocks悠荡股票 zero balance零数余额 zero base budgeting零基预算 zero bracket amount零税级金额,免税收益额 zero coupon bond无息票债券,无利息债券 zero-one programming0-1规划 zero proof零数验证 zero salvage value零残值,不计残值 Z score破产预测记分法 zero suppression消零 zero tax haven零税额避税港