Home Assignment For Full-Stack Developer
Prepared By
Submission Deadline: Within 7 days of receiving.
Title: Poster Builder
There will be three parts of a poster. Heading Image Description
User is not fixed to use those three elements at a time. If user want, then he can only use heading & image, image & description or which combination he likes.
Poster building output will be live and downloadable as image.
Please see the below video to be clear about description. https://cdn.shopify.com/videos/c/o/v/e319e14c37fb4eed93f3718e43ab1958.mp4
Coding Guideline:
Technologies: PHP Javascript TailwindCSS Framework or external libraries are NOT allowed like Laravel, React, Vue, jQuery etc. No Custom css. Only Tailwind classes are allowed.
<script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/index.js"></script>N.B: All elements will be created using vanilla javascript.
Submission Guidline:
Create a public git repository Email us with subject ZeptoApps > Full Stack Developer to [email protected] with repository. Don’t be hesitate to submit if you can’t complete 100% of our assignment. N. B: If you face any problem, feel free to contact via our career email.