Snowcap website has been built with Symfony2, and contains the exact, up-to-date, unmodified code we use for our website Well, it will when we'll put it in production :)
Run the following commands:
git clone
All credentials has to be defined in your virtualhost configuration, like this:
SetEnv framework_secret somesecretvalue
SetEnv database_host your_host
SetEnv database_name your_db_name
SetEnv database_user your_user
SetEnv database_password your_passwrd
SetEnv mailer_transport smtp
SetEnv mailer_host your_host
SetEnv mailer_user your_user
SetEnv mailer_password your_password
If you want to change the path for the administration part, add the following:
SetEnv admin_path some_path
Look at the Symfony2 documentation for more information about handling cache refreshing, database updates ...