A curated list of awesome Android MaterialDesign res and libraries. Feel free to contrubute.
##Other Awesome List
- awesome
- awesome-android
- awesome-android-ui
- awesome-java
- awesome-ios-ui
- awesome-swift
- awesome-svg
- awesome-resources
- awesome-awesomeness
- AppCompat v21 — Material Design for Pre-Lollipop Devices!
- Implementing material design in your Android app
- Material Design on Android Checklist
- How to upgrade your app’s design from Holo to Material Design — A case study
- My Journey to Lollipop Transitions: part 1
- Content Transitions In-Depth (part 2)
- Material design in the 2014 Google I/O app
- MaterialDesigh 学习笔记
- SwipeRefreshMultipleViews
- SwipeRefreshListFragment
- SwipeRefreshLayoutBasic
- RevealEffectBasic
- android-Interpolator
- FloatingActionButtonBasic
- ElevationBasic
- www.materialup.com
- www.materialpalette.com
- TextDrawable
- material-design-icons
- android-material-icons
- material-design-iconic-font
- material-design-icons-adt-template
- Design resources for Material Design
- Material design & implementation
- Google I/O 2014 - Material witness: How Android material applications work
Name | Demo |
MaterialDesignLibrary | |
material | |
material-design-library | |
MaterialWidget | |
Material Design In XAML Toolkit |
Name | Demo |
FloatingActionButton | |
android-floating-action-button | |
FloatingActionButton | |
tickplusdrawable | |
Android-Material-circular-button |
Name | Demo |
MaterialImageView | |
MaterialViewPager | |
Android-MaterialPreference |
Name | Demo |
materialish-progress | |
MaterialLoadingProgressBar | |
SwipyRefreshLayout | |
MaterialSettings | |
SwitchButton | |
discreteSeekBar | |
material-range-bar | |
material-calendarview | |
BetterSpinner |
Name | Demo |
MaterialEditText | |
MaterialTextField |
Name | Demo |
SnackBar | |
snackbar |
Name | Demo |
material-painter |
Name | Demo |
transitions-everywhere | |
PreLollipopTransition | |
Material-Animations |
Name | Demo |
RippleEffect | |
RippleView | |
android-ripple-background | |
material-ripple | |
PaperStyleWidgets | |
material-design-toolkit |
Name | Demo |
android-ui | |
CircularReveal | |
RevealLayout | |
CircularRevealFragment | |
ViewRevealAnimator |
Name | Demo |
Android-ObservableScrollView | |
ViewPagerHeaderScrollDemo | |
MaterialTextScaleToolbarDemo | |
Scrollable |
Name | Demo |
vector-compat | |
animated-vector-drawable | |
android-pathview | |
SVG-Loaders | SVG-Loaders-Previewed |
Name | Demo |
MaterialDialog | |
material-dialogs | |
PostOffice | |
L-Dialogs | |
MaterialStuffLibrary | |
AlertDialogPro |
Name | Demo |
philm | |
InstaMaterial | |
Material-Movies | |
WaniKani-for-Android | |
GitLabAndroid |
#Thanks to
#About Me
Weibo: light_sky
Twitter: lightSkyStreet
Blog: lightskystreet.com
Email: [email protected]