Java + Maven + Junit5 project with healenium usage example
To setup Healenium see the tutorial:
cd infra
docker-compose up -d
To download this file into your project use this command:
$ curl -o docker-compose.yml
Create /db/sql folder on the same level in your project. Add init.sql file into ./db/sql/init.sql folder in your project via command:
$ curl -o init.sql
Verify that images healenium/hlm-backend:3.4.1
and postgres:11-alpine
and healenium/hlm-selector-imitator:1.2
are up and running
class select necessary driver: LOCAL, PROXY or REMOTE and browser to run: chrome, firefox or edge.
driver = new DriverContext(DriverType.LOCAL).getDriver(BrowserType.CHROME);
LOCAL - used for local run. It's been set by default in class. For this driver should be used docker-compose file from test example.
PROXY - used if you're running tests using healenium-proxy. For this driver you need to set docker-compose containers as in example by link:
REMOTE - used if you-re running test on remote machine. Do not forget to provide necessary host. In this test example it's been used remote machine with Selenoid.
class select necessary framework: SELENIUM or SELENIDE.
pages = new FrameworkContext(FrameworkType.SELENIDE, driver).setFramework();
If you want to execute all tests, please use the command: mvn clean test
Report contains only healed locators with old-new values and a button that tells if healing was successful for further algorithm corrections
Also you could take a screenshots for your com.epam.healenium.tests like it implements here: BaseTest.screenshot
public byte[] screenshot() {
return ((TakesScreenshot) driver.getDelegate()).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.BYTES);
If don't want to use Healenium in some methods just use @DisableHealing annotation.
The example of usage you can find here: MainPageWithFindBy.checkLocatorTestButtonDontHealing
For updating broken locators you could use Plugin "Healenium" for Intellij IDE (
With this plugin you can update your locators:
- on class level
- or on variable level