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update deployed URLs in Readme #107

update deployed URLs in Readme

update deployed URLs in Readme #107

# Adapted from
name: Truffle Tests Extended
branches: [ main ]
branches: [ main ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Setup NodeJS 16
uses: actions/setup-node@v2
node-version: '16'
- name: Show NodeJS version
run: npm --version
# - name: Create .env file
# run: echo "${{ secrets.DOT_ENV }}" > .env
- name: Install Truffle and ganache
run: npm install [email protected] ganache-cli -g # version needed because of bug
- name: Install Truffle Dependencies
run: npm install
- name: Run Truffle Test with CI=true for Codechecks
run: |
ganache-cli &
CI=true truffle test
# - name: Run Codechecks
# run: npx codechecks
# - name: Run Test Coverage
# run: truffle run coverage
# - name: Generate .coveralls.yml file
# run: echo "${{ secrets.DOT_COVERALLS_YML }}" > .coveralls.yml
# - name: Send Coverage Info to CoverAlls
# run: cat coverage/ | npx coveralls
# - name: Setup Python 3.8
# uses: actions/setup-python@v2
# with:
# python-version: 3.8 # Version range or exact version of a Python version to use, using SemVer's version range syntax
# architecture: 'x64' # optional x64 or x86. Defaults to x64 if not specified
# - name: Show Python version
# run: python --version
# - name: Clone SmartBugs Repo
# run: git clone
# - name: Remove SmartBugs Results and Install SmartBugs Dependencies
# run: cd smartbugs;rm -r results;pip install -r requirements.txt
# - name: Run SmartBugs Analysis
# run: |
# solidityFiles=($(ls -I Migrations.sol contracts))
# DIR=$(pwd);cd smartbugs
# for sol in "${solidityFiles[@]}"
# do
# echo "Analysing $sol..."
# python --tool all --file $DIR/contracts/$sol
# done
# - name: Move SmartBugs Results to Parent Directory
# run: |
# [[ -d results ]] && rm -r results
# cd smartbugs
# mv results ../
# - name: Commit SmartBugs Results
# uses: EndBug/add-and-commit@v7
# with:
# author_name: github-actions
# author_email: [email protected]
# message: 'chore: added smartbugs results'
# add: 'results'