This Java Library Communicate With Vx520
If you want to try how that library work please, follow this link: to download a simple application, help you to communicate with Vx520.
- jssc-2.8.0.jar
- org.json.jar
- Credit_Card_Terminals.jar
- Settlement
- Transaction
- Status
1- Create a reference from class "Manage". Example: Manage MR = new Manage(); Manage Class contains these Attributes: - boolean status: return true or false. - String "errormessage": return an error message when the status was false. - Status statuslog: return all status happens in Vx520. - boolean settlementfound: return true when Vx520 return a settlement response. - Settlement settlement: Class has all attribute of settlement response. - boolean transactionfound: return true when Vx520 return a transaction response. - Transaction transaction: Class has all attribute of transaction response.
2- Create a reference from class "AreebaPOS". Example: AreebaPOS apos = new AreebaPOS(COM); COM is a string variable containing the name of the serial port. Example: "COM1"
Now you can create a reference from class "AreebaPOS" without parameter: the library will return the name of COM connected to serial port of Vx520.
3- We have three methods to use:
SendTestToPOS: to test the connectivity of Vx520.
SendTransactionToPOS(String TypeRequest, String Reference, String Amount, String Currency): Send a transaction to Vx520:
. TypeRequest: "Sale", "Refund" and "Void". . Reference: Should be 8 digits. . Amount: Should be 12 digits. . Currency: Should be ($/USD) or (LL/LBP).
This function return a class Manage.
SendSettlementToPOS: This function return a class Manage.
Thank you, best regards.