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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

Raising A Voice

User database to host information about clients.

Tech Stack

Frontend: React.js/Node.js

Backend: MongoDB / SQL


npm materialUI

How to Run

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Run npm install to install/update
  3. Run npm dev for development mode with hot-code reloading, error reporting, and more.
  4. Open http://localhost:3000 with your web browser to see the result.

Note: Running npm build then npm start will start the application in production mode.

Tools Used

  • Jira for issue tracking
  • Figma for mockups
  • Confluence for formal documents

Code/PR Workflow

  • Create a new branch in the format [GITHUB_USERNAME]/RAV-[JIRA ISSUE NUMBER]-[SHORT_DESCRIPTION] by running git checkout -b [BRANCH NAME]
    • This way the issues are closed on Jira when we merge the PR with that branch name

Example Branch

  • Commit changes.
  • Then push your branch by running git push -u origin [BRANCH NAME]. This pushes your branch to remote.
  • Create a pull request (PR) on GitHub to merge your branch into develop. main will serve as production.
  • In your PR, briefly describe the changes, then tag Cole (colepjohn) and Z (zlim2) to the PR. Others are welcome to comment and give feedback as well.

Project Structure

  • Frontend/src/components: Contains most of our front-end code. This is where we put our React components.
  • Backend/: Contains files that are associated with a route based on its file name.
  • Frontend/public/: Stores static files like images, see Next.js' docs.
  • Frontend/src/styles/: Contains our SCSS files for global styling, variables, and mixins.