Disclaimer: the benchmarks shown here are not meant to exhaustively test Numba; rather they are examples of how Numba can speed up numerical operations on NumPy arrays.
It is
- a just-in-time (JIT) compiler for Python
- that keeps your code simple
- meant for numerical operations
- supports NumPy and multi-threading
It is not
- general-purpose
- use Cython for that
module load anaconda3
eval "$(conda shell.$(basename $SHELL) hook)"
conda create -n myenv numpy numba
conda activate myenv
compiles a Python function@njit
too, but disallows calling back into non-compiled Python code- Regular Python: don't write loops!
- If possible, use NumPy functions instead
- Numba: loops are OK
- They're compiled anyway
- In fact, Numba can parallelise them
- Some use cases:
- Data and/or operations not easily expressed in arrays
- Elementwise operations that slightly differ per element
Given a sequence of subsequences of various lengths, with elements
We could treat
and store it as a normal array (NumPy) or as a sparse array (SciPy). This makes for slightly convoluted expressions, but can be quite fast, still.
With Numba the expressions stay close to what is shown above, and it is even faster. To access the elements of
Each element of
import numba
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse
import sys
from mytimeit import mytimeit
# Prepare irregularly shaped "matrix";
# This is our sequence of subsequences.
Ntot = 2**27 # Total size [elem], 2^27 * 2^3 byte = 1 GB
Mmin = 100 # Minimum row length [elem]
Mavg = 10000 # Average row length [elem]
N = Ntot // Mavg # Number of rows
M = (Mmin + 2 * (Mavg - Mmin) * np.random.rand(N)).astype(int) # Number of columns per row
jind = np.insert(np.cumsum(M), 0, 0)
M = np.amax(M)
Ntot = jind[-1]
# Generate some data
X = np.random.rand(Ntot)
# Generate regular NumPy array as well.
Xnp = np.zeros((N, M))
for i in range(N): Xnp[i,:jind[i+1]-jind[i]] = X[jind[i]:jind[i+1]]
print(f'We have {N} rows')
def sum_python(X, jind):
N = jind.shape[0] - 1
s = 0
for i in range(N):
for j in range(jind[i], jind[i+1]):
s += np.arctan(X[j] * i * j)
return s
def sum_numpy(Xnp):
i = np.arange(Xnp.shape[0])[:,None]
j = np.arange(Xnp.shape[1])[None,:]
s = np.sum(np.arctan(Xnp * i * j))
return s
def sum_numpy2(X, jind):
N = jind.shape[0] - 1
s = 0
for i in range(N):
j = np.arange(jind[i+1] - jind[i])
s += np.sum(np.arctan(X[jind[i]:jind[i+1]] * i * j))
return s
def sum_numba(X, jind):
N = jind.shape[0] - 1
s = 0
for i in range(N):
for j in range(jind[i], jind[i+1]):
s += np.arctan(X[j] * i * j)
return s
def sum_parallel(X, jind):
N = jind.shape[0] - 1
s = 0
for i in numba.prange(N):
for j in range(jind[i], jind[i+1]):
s += np.arctan(X[j] * i * j)
return s
mytimeit('sum_python (X, jind[:100] )')
mytimeit('sum_numpy (Xnp [:4000])')
mytimeit('sum_numpy2 (X, jind )')
mytimeit('sum_numba (X, jind )')
mytimeit('sum_parallel(X, jind )')
We have 13421 rows
sum_python (X, jind[:100] ): quickest out of 5 took 2.220273009967059 s
sum_numpy (Xnp [:4000]): quickest out of 5 took 2.304305628989823 s
sum_numpy2 (X, jind ): quickest out of 5 took 3.0203089740825817 s
sum_numba (X, jind ): quickest out of 5 took 2.5618122160667554 s
sum_parallel(X, jind ): quickest out of 5 took 0.15291113802231848 s
Note that sum_python
and sum_numpy
did only about 1% and 25% of the total work, respectively.
Maximise the log-likelihood function
with free variables
def ell(X, Nt, jind, I, I0):
X[0:Nt] -> mu_i
X[Nt:Nt+2] -> c0, c1
i -> 0..Nt-1
mu = X[0:Nt]
c0, c1 = X[Nt:Nt+2]
ell = 0
for i in nb.prange(Nt):
for j in range(jind[i], jind[i+1]):
n = I[j] - mu[i] * I0[j]
s = c0 * (mu[i] * I0[j])**c1
ell += np.log(s) + 0.5 * n**2 / s**2
return ell
The same strategy was applied to compute the gradient and Hessian of
Tip: when coding ugly derivatives, always compare them with numerical derivatives (e.g. finite differences) for small inputs.
- NumPy universal functions
- Operate on arrays
- Operate elementwise
- Examples:
- NumPy broadcasting for arrays of different sizes
- With Numba ...
- Write an elementwise function
- NumPy broadcasting still applies!
- Numba can run it in parallel as well
for some
import numba
import numpy as np
from mytimeit import mytimeit
N = 2**27 # 2^27 * 2^3 = 1 GB
A = np.random.rand(N)
def f_numpy(A, n):
B = np.zeros_like(A)
for j in range(n):
B += A**j
return B
def f_numpy2(A, n):
'''Avoid exponentiation; replace with telescoping sum-product.'''
B = np.zeros_like(A)
for j in range(n):
B = B * A + 1.0
return B
def f_numpy3(A, n):
'''Avoid memory allocation; reuse existing array.'''
B = np.zeros_like(A)
for j in range(n):
B *= A
B += 1.0
return B
def f_numba(A, n):
'''Avoid RAM access and let Numba vectorize this.'''
B = 0.0
for j in range(n):
B = B * A + 1.0
return B
@numba.vectorize(['float64(float64,uint64)'], target='parallel')
def f_parallel(A, n):
'''Let Numba parallelize this as well.'''
B = 0.0
for j in range(n):
B = B * A + 1.0
return B
mytimeit('f_numpy (A, 4)', n=1)
mytimeit('f_numpy2 (A, 4)')
mytimeit('f_numpy3 (A, 4)')
mytimeit('f_numba (A, 4)')
mytimeit('f_parallel(A, 4)')
f_numpy (A, 4): quickest out of 1 took 15.506015082006343 s
f_numpy2 (A, 4): quickest out of 5 took 5.065712174982764 s
f_numpy3 (A, 4): quickest out of 5 took 2.4017412570538 s
f_numba (A, 4): quickest out of 5 took 1.057333413977176 s
f_parallel(A, 4): quickest out of 5 took 0.21806608501356095 s
def log_normal_pdf(x, mu, sigma):
Returns ln(P(x|mu,sigma)). The factor 1/sqrt(2pi) is omitted.
return -0.5 * ((x - mu) / sigma)**2 - np.log(sigma)
This can be called with e.g. x
a rectangular array, mu
a row vector, and sigma
a column vector. NumPy's broadcasting rules will apply, which results in many fewer RAM accesses, which makes this run faster than the NumPy equivalent.
In short:
- Numba brings JIT to Python, aimed at numerical tasks
- Often, only minimal changes to your own code are needed
- Speed increase can be very large
Not discussed:
for applying kernels to arrays@cuda.jit
for GPU computing
This code should be stored in a file mytimeit.py
; it is used by the example codes, and assumes that they are called like python3 example1.py
(or similar filename), so that they correspond to the __main__
Note: import __main__
is not good programming, but is sufficient for small examples codes such as shown here.
import __main__
import timeit
def mytimeit(stmt, n=5):
min_elapsed = min([
timeit.timeit(stmt=stmt, number=1, globals=__main__.__dict__)
for i in range(n)])
print(f'{stmt}: quickest out of {n} took {min_elapsed} s')